Chat Cafe



  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,603 Member
    Good Afternoon Everyone,

    I will come back and reply to your posts from last night but wanted to share this Weather Alert 🚨 first that came to my phone!

    Today and Tomorrow

    Air Quality Advisory Outlook is on high Alert 🚨 Due to intense heat; Smog and other Pollutants are causing our Air Quality to be extremely poor!

    For Today and Tomorrow our Air Quality is pictured in Solid RED! High Alert! 🚨

    A Heat Warning remains in effect for the entire region. Hot and sunny weather will continue through this week with the highest temperatures forecasted for today and tomorrow.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    Judith - please be careful when the heat is so high. Stay safe and cool in your house. Did you loose your newsfeed in your phone?

    We are feeling sad today. Our dean of counseling for our school passed away this morning. He was on Hospice but it still leaves a big hole in our hearts. He has been such a good friend and fellow elder with us in the Denver church. He had the same surgery as I did for kidney cancer and we celebrated each year that we were cancer free. Last year they discovered that his cancer had come back and they gave him two years to live. He only made it to 1 year and a few months. We know he is in a better place with no burdens of life on earth any more but he will be missed. I don't remember if I told you that we also lost Glenn's great aunt this past week also. She was 99 and lived in assisted living because she had macular degeneration and could not care for herself. Please pray for the families as we grieve together.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,603 Member
    Marilyn, I didn’t realize your daughter had only 1 working kidney, so sorry to hear this and I am happy you didn’t let your daughter go with the group who were going to work all week with painting fences and walking 4 large dogs, looking after horses and donkeys in the intense heat wave not too mention the alert we got today with poor air quality due to pollutants and smog! And yes pretty much of BC in our areas are on high alert with temps of 97 degrees to 100++ degrees all this week they say. Please stay safe Marilyn and try and stay cool as you can and we’ll hydrated.

    Linda, your pictures of your curio cabinets are beautiful, love all the crystal, China and variety of lamps of all styles and shapes and sizes, love love the arrangements of everything. The mirrors in the back make such a nice reflection of your oil lamps. Appreciate you taking the pictures and posting them on here.I think I recognized a couple of Hummel figurines in the one cabinet, couldn’t tell from what series they were from, I have a pair, Apple tree girl and Apple tree boy. One day I may share what I have in my cabinets! You mentioned about your busy week of packing up everything and said your granddaughter had to be at the university where you went, sounds great how they have expanded their studies in the medical field, you said your hospital where you trained and worked in is still training Nurses. Most of our hospitals back east are still training Nurses but sadly my hospital is not. Sounds like you are having a heat wave like we are here, please stay safe and keep well hydrated. I read about I think it was your former Dean passing, can’t find the post now, but think he was the former Dean from the Bible College? Please correct me if I am wrong. I am so sorry to hear this, my sincere condolences and prayers to you and Glen and all his family and to all the Leaders who were close to him and
    apart of the ministry!

    Susan, you mentioned you were going to do some Craft Class preparation, hope you enjoyed getting everything ready. Are you planning a card class or arts and crafts? Look forward to hearing all about it.

    I am caught up and going to work on some of the threads now. Take care all, stay cool and well hydrated. God Bless, Hugs! 🙏🤗
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Hello everyone. It's a warmer day here today and the humidity is going up to 100%. It's raining off and on. I still love our wi ters as they are so mild. I really only feel cool at night! The summers are very hot and muggy so I will enjoy this season to rhe full.

    Judith, I will check the update on your health next. So sorry for your pain. Yes, take your time with replies, hon. We know your energy is precious. Hugs and prayers and I sure hope you are able to stay cool.

    Linda, what a busy time for you and it must bring back some wonderful memories to have your granddaughter at your old shcool. I love your curio cabinet! You have some lovely things in it. Mirrors always add so much, don't they - light is so much brighter with a mirrored cabinet. Thank you for sharing.

    Marilyn, sorry about the return of the Vertigo. Not nice to have to choose an upset stomach I stead but am guessing you don't need a fall, so can understand your choice. I agree, it is too hot to be doing outside activities especially if your daughter has health challenges. Good decision, Mom. I hope the hot weather doesn't get you down too much. Take care.

    Sandi, hope all is well. Florida must be hot, too.

    Colin is feeling a bit better today and his symptoms are gone except for fatigue so he is up and about. I don't seem to have caught his cold. Yay! It's all looking up!
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Good morning. I am going to groom dogs, prepare card kits and go out to dinner tonight. We're going to have a belated birthday celebration for Greg.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,603 Member
    Thank you Susan, so glad Colin is feeling better now. And I will pray about the fatigue. So glad you haven’t caught the cold. I see you checked the Thread on my update. Thank you for your care and love and many prayers.
    Hope you enjoy your evening celebrating Greg’s Birthday, even though it’s a belated dinner I am sure Greg and Lyn will appreciate it. How did Jasper and Archie enjoy getting groomed today? Hope you enjoyed prepared your card kits.

    Linda. Marilyn and Sandi, JC thinking of you all and my prayers are always with you.

    Yesterday I replied to your post Linda so will let you read that. And I did the same for you Marilyn and Sandi. JC appreciated your kind comments on the Prayer Request thread.

    Off to bed now. Have a good night and Wednesday tomorrow. God Bless! 🙏🤗
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • semsmith5408
    semsmith5408 Posts: 960 Member
    Hello everyone! Seems like all my hubby and I want to do is stay in the A/C! The humidity was especially high on Monday. We have been getting rain and sometimes it helps with the heat and other times it just makes the humidity worse! Oh well! 🙄

    Linda I love your curio cabinet. I have a small one that has items in it that I’ve either accumulated or been given. Sometimes I just like to look at everything and remember who gave it to me!

    Judith, praying you are feeling better.

    Hugs everyone!🩷🩷🩷
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Sandi, I thought Florida would be hot and humid. Glad you have air conditioning.

    Marilyn, that's so true. Goals are good.

    Judith, thank you for praying for us. Dinner last night was nice. The dogs feel so much better once they are brushed and combed, but they are about ready for a bath and clip. Archie always wants to avoid getting cleaned up but Jasper is pretty good about it! Archie does cooperate once I get him on the table. I got one lot of card kits almost assembled yesterday. I'll do the second one today.

    Linda, hope you are having a great day.
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Good evening
    My dh and I are going to a new church due to our pastor retiring and the church voted for a young man who has only a BS in Couseling. No seminary, Greek or Hebrew.
    So the church we like I am going to go to Prayer meeting. My dh has his long day/night as he'll get home at 5 AM Thursday having left the house at 2:30 PMon Wednesday. He is a pharm tech and placing medicine at a Veterans home 1 1/2 hours away.
    Hope all had a good day.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,603 Member
    Please pray

    I have a flood in my place, fire department came and left thinking it has stopped and the water has started up again from ceiling flooding my hallway dining room and parts of kitchen!
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Oh my Prayers for you Judith. I hope you don't lose anything due to water.
    Will insurance cover for you maybe?
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Judith, so sorry about the flooding! Praying!
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Judith I Hope you had a good day.
    It was nice here, we are going to get a heat wave and I'm not looking forward to it. It starts Sat- Tues. Oh well, at least short only 4 days.
    Prayers for all.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,603 Member
    Thank you Barb and Susan for holding the fort, while I was away dealing with the flood. I’m so sorry to hear about your heat wave coming, in my area Barb; we are just starting to come down out of the heat wave, Marilyn’s area is still hot like mine but in all of BC I think Vancouver is the coolest of all, Marilyn You could correct me but from some temps I saw that’s how I came to the conclusion!

    Thanks for your prayers.. Lord willing be back tomorrow! God Bless, Good Night! 😴🙏🤗
  • semsmith5408
    semsmith5408 Posts: 960 Member
    Oh Judith that flooding is horrible. Sure pray they get everything fixed and you have lots of help with the clean up.
    Yes Susan we are very thankful for air conditioning! Here in Florida we only have a few months that we don’t need to have it on.

    Have a blessed day everyone.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Re heat wave - yes where I live we are under a heat wave. The coming week we will be somewhere between 92 - 100 F = far to hot. The other day it was 104. Thankful that we have air conditioning.

    Other then dealing with the heat things seem to be ok. I have had a bad case of vertigo and nausea but think I might be pulling through it. My hernia is causing some discomfort so that means very bland food (eggs, oatmeal) for about 7 days should help it a lot.

    Praying for everyone - stay as cool as possible with all this heat
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    We start heat wave today thru Tuesday. Sunday the heat will feel like over 100*. I believe 104* . Oh well PTL for a/c
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    Well, I will join the "heat wave" group. We got back from the cabin this afternoon to 105F. I m so grateful for our swamp cooler. We are in a desert so swamp coolers work great because it puts humidity in the air to cool it down. They are also less expensive. At this point, I am sitting next to a fan writing this and remembering the cool temperatures we had at 8,000 feet at the cabin for the past week.

    I am sorry that I did not post much this week. I tried multiple times to post on my phone but MFP seemed to not like what I wrote and it would disappear and I would try again only to disappear again. It was frustrating so I gave up. The week was quieter than the first week mainly because we had different family members with us. Our 17 year old granddaughter usually has lots of fun things to do but she was not feeling well because she had injured her ankle and she had to limit her walking. The younger ones said several times that they were bored because we did not do exciting things like the first week when my grandson was there and was the life of the party. Our spring stopped working that provides water to the cattle tanks and to our trailer where we slept at night and then joined the group during the day at the cabin. There was a trek up to the spring and they discovered that the pipe was clogged by some animals breaking into the enclosure around the spring. (It comes out of a crack in the rock for Sandi and Barb that have not heard details on our mountain property.) As they looked at the rest of the pipe that comes down from the spring, they discovered multiple sharp teeth bites in the pipe. The water was coming out of the holes as well as being blocked at the source so that explained why we did not get water at our trailer. They tried to unclog the pipe but someone else will need to go up the replace the bitten pipe before the cattle come back from the higher pasture and need the water. We think it may have been a bear or mountain lion.

    One night as we came back to the trailer from the cabin for the night we saw a huge herd of elk really close to our trailer eating grass. We estimated at least 60 of different ages. When we stopped on the road to take a picture, they ran away. We had been hearing elk "bulging" earlier. We also heard coyotes yapping and a stray bat came to visit us. A hummingbird pecked my granddaughter's hat because it was covered with flowered material. She did not appreciate that!

    Yesterday we went to the beach so the kids could swim. It is not very far from our cabin and is a man made reservoir that has sandy beaches on the edges. I thought it was a good idea to sit out in the sun reading to get a "little color" on my very white legs. I got involved in the book I was reading and I got more that a little pink. I look like a cooked lobster today. Fortunately it does not hurt very bad but it is sore enough I can not wear my support hoes or my knee brace. Hopefully it will calm down in a day or two. I do not tan well so it will probably just be a dark white instead of a beautiful bronze color. Just as we were getting ready to leave, our 10 year old granddaughter said that something sharp had hit her leg in the water. She investigated it and it was a strong plant stem and attached to it was some fishing line with a 18 inch brown trout that someone had caught and evidently lost. It was very lively and took a while to bring it to the beach. This is the first time we caught a fish without a fishing pole. My husband cooked it this morning for breakfast and there was plenty for 4 people to eat. The rest of us 3 declined to eat it because we are not necessarily fond of fish. The ones who did eat said it was delicious. The meat was a light pink when it was cooked.

    Judith I hope that you are getting your apartment dried out and there was not too much damage. Did they decide what caused the flood in the first place?

    Marilyn - I am sorry that you are having hernia problems. Bland foods may not be delicious but that is a good way to help your hernia not hurt. I pray that your vertigo and nausea also calm down.

    Barb and Sandi it has been good to hear what is going on in your lives.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Hello all. Judith sent me some information about the flood and some pictures to post.

    "Sadly it wasn’t a pipe burst it was a man on 3rd floor looking after his girlfriends cats and decided to run a bath, not sure what he did whether he went out forgetting about bath I don’t know but it had to of been running for a very LONG time fire department found the bath water running as it destroyed the apartment with water under plank floors baseboards and in between floors of 2nd and 1st floors filled their bedroom which caused water to pour out and under the floor by window so water rushed down outer wall of building so water is now under siding. The manager and association are beside themselves as now the building insurance and man’s insurance have mega $ to pay for building damage and 3 condo units! "

    Where there is blue tape, there is water damage. A lot of Judith's ceiling looks like this:



    There are also puddles on the carpets
    This is one of the big blowers they gave her to help dry things out.


    There are more pictures but I think these show you some of the damage. Water does a LOT of damage, unfortunately. Judith has friends helping her but on top of her significant health challenges, it's still exhausting and so difficult for her. I feel for all the residents and owners. I hope and pray insurance will quickly cover the damage but I think they are probably going to have to replace some of the ceiling, walls, and maybe carpet/tiles depending on how much water got in. I wouldn't be looking forward to that at all. Judith sure would appreciate our prayers, lovely ladies.