Chat Cafe



  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,690 Member
    Linda, glad the jerky truck trip is over. There is dure a lot of work looking after family. Yesterday I ordered lots more fruit and vegetables as we will have granddaughters here for a week and I know I will be cooking more. We'll both collapse in a heap after they go home, hopefully with good family memories! About my hand, yes, it does affect my flute playing too. I stayed in the congregation rather than play at church this week. I'm hoping the pain and stiffness will settle down. I know some people arthritis affects them permanently and the De Quervain's has never gone completely away. I find I can only brush and bathe one dog per day now, too, or I have sore wrist/hand. The theme for the November concert is Storybook. I don't know much about it yet, but a very talented resident is directing/producing it so it is bound to be interesting!

    Judith, thank you for wishing my daughter a happy birthday for August. Our Optometrist appointments went well but both of us have new prescriptions so picked out new glasses frames. Archie just got a much needed bath and blow dry at my Doggy Day Spa (laundry!) Lol! It's Jasper's turn today. Thank you for praying about my hand. I'll keep praying about your treatments and appointments. ❤️

    Marilyn, I didn't know you got a chest cold. I hope you regain your strength quickly and get totally better. Bless you!

    I'm off to wash a dog...
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,578 Member
    Evening Hello All

    Linda, so glad you are over the mountain safely. Hope you have good weather while there. Sorry you were so tired on your trip. The motion of the vehicle sure has a way of jerking us awake with all the bumps on the road. I can understand that reading to Glenn might not of worked this time with you being so tired.

    It’s good to freeze things as it will make meal prep easier. I can understand all the work involved with getting there, all that you pack to take that you wonder if it’s worth it all. You sure answered the question: Seeing the look on your precious grandkids faces answers it all telling you YES it’s worth it all that you do in preparing to be there each year to spend time with the grandkids making lasting memories for years to come. What Joy Grandkids are! You asked when my next appointments were? Wednesday and Friday. I will update you once I have answers from my Specialist.

    Susan and Marilyn, my thoughts are with you and of course my prayers!

    Good Nite 😴 all! See you tomorrow! 🙏🤗
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,690 Member
    We must have cross posted yesterday, Judith. I will be thnking of you and praying about your appointments this week. They sure are seeing you regularly. God bless you!

    I washed Jasper yesterday so both dogs are sweet again. Archie has some stains on his face and feet that will have to grow out. Shampoo can only do so much! Nothing big planned today, just more cleaning and organising.

    Have a blessed day, everyone.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,836 Member
    Susan - it looks like you are here the same time I am here. We may cross each others posts on this one. I bet the dogs are looking sparkling clean once you are through with them. Light colored dogs do show dirt much quicker than dark colored ones. I had to consult Google to see what De Quervain's was. I am sorry that it still remains. Your November concert sounds deligthful. There are so many ways that this subject could go. My first thought was a Disney movie type story.

    Judith - praying for Wednesday and Friday for your appointments.

    I talked to the surgeon's office today and my surgery is set for September 24th with physical therapy two times a week for six weeks. This is different from my first hip when the surgeon said to just walk. It will be interesting to see if this makes a difference in my mobility compaired to the first one.

    I was planning on working on my Bing cherries I got from a friend but I forgot to go to my daughter's house to get the de-pitter. I have never used on but she says it is really fast to use. I will freeze some and keep some fresh to eat.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,578 Member
    Evening Hello Ladies

    Thank you Linda for your prayers regarding my appointments Wednesday and Friday. About your Bing Cherries, my Mom had a tool for removing the pits from cherries, she said it was so easy to use, however when I borrowed hers I couldn’t seem to get it to work, maybe my lack of hand coordination 😆 Cherries are so good, one fruit I haven’t used in a fruit smoothie.

    Susan, thanks for your prayers. Yes, I think we crossed posted yesterday! So nice both Archie and Jasper are all groomed and looking their best! You are right about the stains, shampoo can only take dirt but the stains will have to grow out. My Mom’s Dog, Missy was a Yorke-Zoo and the light fur on her face stained just like you are talking about. Wonder if there is a solution that has been discovered in the last few years that could help remove the stains. Maybe I will
    Google it!

    Marilyn, thinking about you and praying for you! 🙏

    I shared a post on our Prayer Request thread for you to read. Will see you all tomorrow evening! Good Nite and God Bless 😴🙏🤗
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,836 Member
    I got the cherry pitter from my daughter this morning and will try to use it. She says it works well but I may need to google it also. It looks like it only does done cherry at a time but will be much faster than doing it by hand. The pits can stick inside them with just a knife.

    We are getting together with friends tonight for dinner. The husband is gluten free so I know what she makes will be healthy. Sometimes I think I should go gluten free because my joints can hurt after I eat regular bread. Other than the calories from the sourdough, it does not seem to cause as many aches and pains and it is better for blood sugars also. With the summer being so busy, I am thinking I will dry my starter and use it again in the Fall.

    We had a light tan cocker spaniel that would also get so stained on her face and ears. Sometimes we would put her ears in a "ponytail" above her head to they would not in her food. She especially liked to roll in new mown grass and would get green all over her. I like that smell but never had the urge to roll in it. LOL

    Susan - does all the space you have in your house seem a lot bigger since you have come back. I would think that as you got used to very cramped space for so long, your house would seem enormous. I like to spread out with my things and in our trailer, I feel very confined.

    Judith and Marilyn - prayers continue!
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,690 Member
    Good morning. Busy day ahead with meeting friends for coffee, getting Cin an X-ray of his knee, then renewing both pur Driver's licences. I want to cook for some visitors coming tomorrow as well.

    Linda, yes, the space seems luxurious in the house compated to tne van. I hope you can work out how to use the cherry pitter. Good idea to Google a video on how to use the machine. Thanks for letting us know your hip surgery date and after care plans. Will pray! I think you are onto something with going gluten free cutting down joint pain. I also find too much sugar adds to my stiffness.

    Judith, I will scoot on over to the prayer requests thread next. Praying for you. Yes, the dogs look a lot more respectable now. The red dirt stains on Archie's feet have been trimmed and are almost gone from his back feet. The front feet will take awhile to grow out. If you find anything about getting rid of stains on white dogs, I'd love the link!

    Have good days.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,836 Member
    I did try out the cherry pitter but it was a little hard to use. It would pit the cherry but it did not dislodge the cherry from the pitter so I had to reach inside of the machine and pull out the cherry. It also had a screw bottom to clamp on to the side of the table. It kept getting loose so I tightened it so much I cracked the machine. Now I have to buy one for my daughter to replace it. It was made of cheap plastic and was an old one that belonged to my mother-in-law.

    My older daughter had a surprise at work yesterday. She had had a lot of problems with finances and she finally got a job that was paying well and she had gotten a $5000 bonus at sign on which helped pay bills and gave her some money for savings. Yesterday Human Resources told that they had just gotten new softwear for the payroll and it had a "glitch" in it that paid new employees bonuses that they were not supposed to get. Now she had to pay back the $5000 that they gave her. She had spend part of it so they will be taking out $800 from each of her checks until she pays it back. She is pretty upset because she thought that her finances were finally getting better. She has had problems with finances for many years due to some decisions by her ex-husband.

    Susan - here is what I found about white dog fur. You probably already have looked at this.'

    Here are some ways to remove stains from white dog fur:
    Baking soda
    Mix two tablespoons of baking powder with water to make a paste, then apply it to the stain with an old toothbrush. Let it dry, then wipe it away with a damp cloth. Repeat if necessary.
    Hydrogen peroxide
    This mild, oxygen-based bleach can remove tough stains and kill mold. The oxygen in hydrogen peroxide can also help break down odor-causing compounds in urine stains.
    White vinegar
    Mix equal parts white vinegar and warm water to create a stain removal solution. Vinegar's acidity can cut through many types of stains, including grass, dog drool, coffee, and juice.
    Lemon juice
    Mix one part lemon juice with three parts water, then rub the mixture into your dog's fur and let it sit for five minutes. Rinse thoroughly with warm water. Lemon juice is a natural bleaching agent that can lighten your dog's fur.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,578 Member
    Evening Hello Everyone,

    Susan, I can imagine your house would feel enormous after being in a trailer for so long. Hope you enjoyed the rest of your day after you got Colin’s X-ray done and both your licenses renewed. Sounds like a full day.

    Linda, sorry to hear about breaking the Cherry pitter. Hope you can find one that is not too costly. I feel so sorry for your daughter being told she has to pay the money back after they gave it to her. Doesn’t seem fair as it was their system’s error! I am at a loss of words to say. My prayers are with your dear daughter.

    I am totally exhausted so leaving this short. I left a reply to you both on the prayer thread.

    God Bless, bye for now. 🙏❤️🤗
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,690 Member
    Judith, I hope you are getting some quality rest time after your big day of medical appointments. Glad you are pacing yourself. Yes, yesterday was a big day for us but we got everything done and I baked cupcakes for my afternoon tea today when we got home. 😋

    Linda, so sorry about the cherry pitter but especially sorry about the injustice to your daughter. The company should take some responsibility for their own error. That's a lot of money to take out of someone's cheque! I wish she had recourse to make it less hard on her, through a union or industrial relations commission or a Fair Work policy/legislation or something. You must have concerns for her and will be praying, I know. Hugs. Thank you for all the wonderful suggestions for Archie. I did know some of those things but not all. I'll try some out!

    Today Colin woke me with coffee, a gf brownie and delicate boulder opal earrings. I've had cards, messages, flowers and chocolates from friends and family and a silver bracelet from my sister. I'm looking forward to afternoon tea with friends and going out to dinner with Colin. Tomorrow family arrives, some will stay overnight, some for a week. You only turn 70 once and I am blessed to have nafe it this far!
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,836 Member
    Susan - it sounds like a wonderful birthday for you. I pray that this new year will be full of blessings and good health. Every new year is full of possibilities. I wonder what this year will bring for you?

    Judith - take care of yourself during these busy times. Rest is good for the soul but especially for you as your body is working hard trying to heal. I look forward to hearing what the doctors said this week when you feel like sharing.

    Yesterday was our first day of Summer in this part of the world. We have already had a lot of hot weather. I hope we can have a enjoyable Summer weather this year. Last year was very hot and it is starting out the same way this year. Last night we had a huge rain storm with hail but nothing was damaged. I was afraid the garden with it's tender new plants would be hurt but they seems to be fine.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,690 Member
    Yes, Linda, I have learned to be flexible and move with the changes. We all make plans but often those plans get changed and shift! What will be will be and I will look for the Lord's rich blessings each day 😊

    Summer does sound hot there this year, and the hottest months are still coming. I hope you can stay comfortable and the plants aren't scorched or beaten by storms. It's amazing what plants can weather.

    Thinking of you all and remembering you in prayer.

    Family is arriving within the hour so I must scoot and comment on a few more threads. Have good days, everyone.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,690 Member
    Good morning! The family are still here and we need to feed them breakfast then go to church. Hugs all around!
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,836 Member
    We made it back to Grand Junction but it was a long 12 hours. We took several breaks but I am exhausted and will come back tomorrow to catch you up. Good - night!
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,578 Member
    Linda so sorry it took 12 hours to get back to Grand Junction, was it due to hot weather, storms, something else? Linda you triggered my mind and realized it was first day of summer for us here in Canada. With our Spring being more like Fall with cold temps then Wednesday the Temps just came upon us so sudden going from temps in the 40 and 50’s then 83 and 85 degrees with hot shining sun ☀️ what a shock to the system. Hope our Forest fires don’t happen as bad as it did last summer, and we have to think about water restrictions and try and stay cool. Hope you can stay cool as your temps have been already very hot. Will be praying for you. 🙏

    Susan, Happy 70th Birthday my friend, sounds like a lovely Celebration your Family and Friends have given you. I love the gift of Opal earrings Colin gave you. They will be so beautiful to wear! Such a sweet touch with waking you in the morning with a Birthday gf brownie and a coffee. You can surely see the Love Colin has for you with all the sweet touches he gave you. All your gifts are so special, I can see in my minds eye each gift that was chosen with great care and thinking about what you would like. So nice your family are staying with you for a while. It’s especially nice for you after being away for all that time. You are having both a reunion and a special Birthday Celebration with all your Family and Friend’s! 🥳🎂💐❤️🤗 hope you enjoy your Church Services!

    Thank you for all your prayers! A lot happened in my appointments. I will bring you an update in our Prayer Request Thread on Monday. Right now I am trying to process everything and also get rest in between my time here. I enjoyed being back catching up in our Threads.

    Marilyn, thinking about you and hope you are
    feeling better. My prayers are with you. 🙏

    Will say Goodnight and God Bless! 😴🙏❤️
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,690 Member
    Thank you, Judith. It has been sweet to catch up with family and friends and to have two granddaughters come to church with us last night. That was a good feeling. I'm so sorry about your medical procedures and will go to the prayer thread when you post. Hugs.

    Linda, it sounds like you had a long and trying day. I hope everyone is OK. Rest and recover!

    More activities with granddaughters here today - ten pin bowling and cooking is planned.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,836 Member
    I did get more sleep last night so I have more energy today. We had a long trip because in the morning we had to travel to Nederland to celebrate my daughter's 45th birthday and lunch then we left for Grand junction. We stopped at Costco on our way to get some groceries for our trip to the cabin this week then stopped near Aspen to buy groceries for our friend who broke her foot and can not get out for 6 weeks. We delivered the groceries and had a nice visit with her and gave her communtion since she can not come to church then came home.

    Today is as busy as yesterday was with church, a meeting after church then grocery shopping again for the rest of the food for the cabin. Our daughter (who had the birthday celebration yesterday) is on her way right now to our house with her 2 kids, and two more of my grandkids (ages 15 and 17). I have to make up two more beds for them to sleep tonight then it is packing of the food and the 1 1/2 hour trip up the mountain for most of the week. We will be back on Friday with a week to rest and then to the cabin with my middle daughter and kids and older daughter (she will turn 47 while we are at the cabin) at the cabin again. I do not know how much I will be on here but I will at least read the threads as I can to keep up my streak. Have a great week everyone! I look forward to your update Judith as well as hearing from Marilyn to see how she is feeling.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,578 Member
    Good Morning All

    I started early this morning with some threads and then came tonight and finished the rest of threads so now it is Monday 12:04am and I am here on chat!

    Linda, I knew you were going to the cabin and celebrating your daughters birthdays but was thinking we had few more days before you left, lost track of time, guess with all my appointments I sure got behind, so sorry. Now I understand why you said you filled in the week for one of the threads and as I came and read what you said here I totally understand why you did a weeks worth of work on one of the threads. Thank you so much. Glad you slept better and had more energy Sunday. You were busy with getting extra beds made up and grocery shopping for yourselves and your friend who broke her foot and can’t get out, I am sure she enjoyed you doing communion for her. Enjoy your week at the cabin and celebrating your daughters birthdays. Safe travels my friend! 🙏

    Susan, glad you are still enjoying your time with your family and grandkids. Nice you were able to take them to church with you. I won’t be able to post an update until tomorrow. It’s just after midnight and I need to head to bed. My lower lip has been bleeding a lot and lower face. The excess skin that comes off it leaving my skin raw and bleeding. I will put a full update on the Prayer thread for you and Linda and others to read.

    Marilyn, hope things are better for you. My prayers are with you my friend. 🙏

    Will say Good Nite and God Bless! Be back later today! 😴🙏🤗
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,690 Member
    That's understandable, Judith. You had the weekend before you could attend your next appointment. I will just stay alert to when you post an update. Yes, lots of activity happening here with our 16yo and 11yo granddaughters. Yesterday I stayed home with the dogs while Colin drove them to various activities. The 16yo had a short driving lesson with Colin, but they also went swimming ten pin bowling, trampolining and played board games with friends their age. They cooked tacos and burritos for dinner and today we are all going out to lunch. They want to bake cookies too.

    Linda, sounds like a very active time for you with all the travel and celebrations and have to dos. Enjoy and come chat when you can.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,836 Member
    We finally made it to the cabin. Now the fun part to clean up after uninvited guests (chipmunks, ground hogs and mice). It was 102F in Grand junction and 81F here at 8000 feet. We are doing well but will try to talk more tomorrow.