Chat Cafe



  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,439 Member
    edited July 4
    Sandi, nice to see you. I don't think we met on Spark, but it's good to know we were there together. Happy 4th of Nuly to you and Linda.

    Judith, so sorry about the painful treatment you just had. Praying for you. Oh my, Australian history is a big topic. The English brought convicts here and treated Australia as a penal colony. They didn't make treaties with the Indigenous folk, treating them as a higher form of fauna instead of as people. They were therefore not treated as a conquered population who were given the rights given to north American conquered people. They were not included in Australia's consituation. They still aren't. They were not given the right to vote till 1967. Their children were stolen and given to white families to be assimilated into white culture. Their cultures and languages were ignored. Many were killed/masacered or rounded up and shipped off to islands along the coasts where they were forced to live according to missionary rules. Men, women and children were housed in separate dormitories with no access to freedoms like the right to handle their own money, work in society, have their own families and so much more. (I get a bit heated about this history). There is still a lot of racism here today, and loads of social problems in indigenous communities....that should give you some idea about why they name it Invasion day. It's an appalling history.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,566 Member
    There is a lot of noise around our house today. There was a wedding just down the street that has loud music and people are shooting off their own fireworks. The people that live in the house down the street just moved in a few weeks ago so we have not met them but they have several big motorcycles. They invited several of their motorcycle friends to the wedding and they let the neighborhood know they were here with their loud roars. I am glad we do not have this much noise on a regular basis!

    Our daughter is about 5 minutes from our home so I will be short writing here. She came over from Denver to help me get ready for our second trip to our mountain property. She and I are so alike it is fun to have here around because we think alike. She is a counselor also so I get free therapy when I see her. She is the one who is renting our Denver house. I'll be back tomorrow.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Happy Independence Day 🇺🇸 to all my American Friends! My brother lives in Boston!

    Sandi, Thank you for sharing your Spark Name, I remember the name now. Couldn’t remember where you lived, thanks for telling me about Tallahassee being almost to the Georgia State Line.

    It’s wonderful that your daughter homeschooled your grandkids. Thank you for your prayers.

    I will post an update from my appointment I had on Wednesday. On the 18th I am at the Surgeon follow up for further procedures. Will keep you posted.

    Marilyn, Linda and Susan, thinking of you ladies. Take care and God Bless! See you tomorrow! 😊
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,566 Member
    Marilyn - yes miracles happen every day but we need to be looking for them. There are so many things to be grateful for!

    Today it is much quieter than yesterday. My daughter got here safely with my granddaughter and granddog. The granddog was so scared with all the noises. I felt so sorry for her. It seemed that there were more fireworks this year than it was in past year but she is a very sensitive dog when it comes to noises. She was born during Covid and was not accustomed to being around lots of people or busyness.

    Today I went to Urgent Care for ear pain. It started after I was at the mountains and want to have it checked before we go to the mountains again.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,566 Member
    I just got back from Urgent care. I did not intend to post what I had said earlier but to put the chat in draft so I could come back to update on the same message. Well, anyway, I do not have an inner ear infection. it has to do with my TMJ muscle being tense. She told me to put ice on it and put my arthritis pain medication the doctor prescribed for my arthritis pain. If that does not work, I will need to go to a specialist who works on TMJ problems. I hope it does not come to that. She said it was caused by overworking the muscle. I did chew gum while I was at the cabin but I did not think I had worked it that hard. I will not be chewing gum for a while now.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,439 Member
    Karen, glad you don't have an ear infection but sorry for the pain you are experiencing. I hope the medication helps. Wow, who would have thought chewing gum could cause that. 🤔 I don't blame you for taking a break from it. Your daughter sounds wonderful. Glad she could help you.

    Marilyn, so glad for the Lord's miracles and timing.

    Judith, will go to the Prayer request thread to see what is happening. I hope you rest today. Praying for you.

    Cin had a Telehealth appointment as he has a chest infection and was prescribed antibiotics. He is taking it easy. We were supposed to take Charley home yesterday but her Dad came and got her instead so we didn't have to drive. It's sure quiet without her. I am tired too so today we're having a very quiet day.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Marilyn, Amen for your quote on Miracles, God is Good and I believe we all can agree we have experienced Miracle in our lives over the years. Thank you for sharing, good to remember, we serve a Miracle giving God!

    Linda, so sorry about your TMJ pain, I hope the med and rest helps and using ice, for my TMJ I have used both heat and cold! Glad you daughter arrived safely along with your granddaughter and grand-dog! It’s sad when you see dogs react to the noise of the fireworks and other noise, I can understand she would be more frightened with being born during Covid and not being around the noise and busyness of everyday life. Hope as she gets older your grand-dog will settle better.

    Susan, so sorry that Colin has a chest infection. Hope the antibiotics help. Glad you son came to get Charley so you didn’t have to drive her home, especially with Colin not feeling up to par.and yes, your place would be quiet after your dear granddaughter leaving for home. I didn’t put update on the Prayer request Thread as I was trying to be quiet with our heat that has come upon us. I will try to put out an update over the weekend.

    Sandi thinking of you! Hope to see you back soon, you are missed.

    Blessings all, it’s Good Night 😴 for me! Be back tomorrow! 🤗🙏
  • semsmith5408
    semsmith5408 Posts: 966 Member
    We were over at some friend’s house for a cookout on the 4th and they had fireworks but they were just pretty ones and not to loud. Once we got home though we had some neighbors who like those loud ones that sounds like bombs. My dogs were always so afraid of that loud noise. I feel bad for the animals and veterans on the 4th.

    Stay cool everyone, it is sure hot here!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,566 Member
    I finally got my things for the curio cabinet unpacked and put in the cabinet. I still need to re-arrange them since I had help doing it and they were just putting things on the correct shelf but not in pairs or anything. I will send you a picture when it is done. As I was looking at things and remembering who it was from and the memories attached I was thinking how sad it will be when I am gone that the memories will not be there for the ones who inherit it. Maybe I should make notes to let my children know who they came from.

    My daughter and granddaughter are out visiting friends today. Their poor dog is stuck with us and she looks very lonely. She thinks each sound she hears is them coming back. At least she knows who we are from all out visits we have going to Denver but she is not used to our house and just being with us.

    Sandi - It is hot here in Colorado too - almost 100F today. We are not expecting much of a cooldown either but since we will be at the cabin again Monday through Friday we will get some relief. It is usually 20 degrees cooler at 8000ft altitude where the cabin is located.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,439 Member
    Yes, Marilyn, getting up after being knocked down shows strength!

    Sandi, nice to hear you had a good day yesterday. Fireworks are banned for private use here. We only hear them from a distance when we have Show days or New Year's celebrations. I know you are all having summer there but I am snuggling under my blankets especially at night as we're in winter here.

    Judith, Colin IS slightly better but I am sneezing now. Will stay home from church today so we don't spread germs. I hope you feel cool enough. Take care and rest.

    Linda, thinking of you.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Linda, as you were speaking of the Hot temps we are under a Heat Alert from Health Canada and Environmental Canada who have sent out a Heat Warning Alert, right now at almost 5:00pm in evening we are 90++ in my area. Beginning Sunday into next week temps are soaring into high 90’s with Sunday starting in morning at 95 degrees 🥵 and the rest of week the temps will soar higher and beyond in my area. So in all likelihood we will soar at 100 degrees Fahrenheit or more. Please stay safe Linda and drink plenty of fluids.

    Environment Canada and local Medical Health Officers expect an increase in health and safety risks from heat and are advising the public to take

    I am staying safe, indoors with my AC and Fans running to keep my place cool!

    Susan, I realize you are in winter season, maybe you can send some of your cooler temps. Sorry to hear you have the sniffles, hope you don’t pick up the virus Colin has. Stay warm and stay safe my friend. Good to hear Colin is slightly better as you say, will keep him and you in much prayer. Good idea for you both to stay home and hopefully you can listen to your service via Zoom!

    Marilyn, thinking of you in this heat wave, please stay cool as you can and stay hydrated my friend. Thank you for sharing your quote today, yes when we fall the great thing to do is we rise up, God is right there with us and picks us up, Praise God! God is Good!

    Have a blessed evening all. Take care and God Bless! I will put together my update for you all and hope to post it in our Prayer Request Thread sometime tomorrow. See you all tomorrow!

    God Bless your Sunday Services and time with Family and Friend’s! 🤗🙏✝️📖
  • semsmith5408
    semsmith5408 Posts: 966 Member
    Susan, I wish the really loud fireworks were banned here but no such luck! It’s hard to believe you are having cold weather when we are so hot! Stay warm!
    We use to have a cabin in the north Georgia mountains and loved being able to escape there in the hot weather but we had to sell it several years ago. Now we just have to stay in the a/c!

    Sunday blessings everyone!
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,439 Member
    Sandi, yes, we are always in opposite seasons. I'm glad to have a break from our summer heat and humidity. We had an unusual summer as we went travelling south towards Antarctica. It stayed much cooler in summer down there. Normally where I live it is really hot and muggy in summer. You must really miss your cabin.

    Judith, sorry you are having such heat but glad you know what to do to stay cool. Summer heat in July and August can be uncomfortable. I think my sneezes yesterday must have been allergies as I am OK today. Colin is still unwell though and I have been exposed to his germs so it is good not to go out and spread them. Thank you for praying for him.

    Hello to you both, Marilyn and Linda.

    I think I'll do some craft class preparation today.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Having a good day - thought the veritgo was gone but it came back this morning so am back on meds for it for a few days - the meds take the veritog away but give me an upset stomach

    Heat wave - I am inland from where Judith lives. Today (5:15) it is 38 C outside which in F. is 100.4 and that is a cool day for this week. The next few days we are to get up to 104 F which is far to hot - my daughter was to go daily (Monday through Friday) on workbee with a number of special needs = they would be brushing down the horses and donkeys, painting the fences and walking 4 large dogs. But due to the weather I am not letting her go as I think to be outside even in the share for 8 hours each day is to much - she only has one working kidney and also deals with seizures so the extra heat is not so good - so we are all staying at home where we can control the comfort in the house.

    Even with the air conditioning going it is 'sticky' and truthfully I don't like it. Prefer the summer over the winter but when it gets this hot for any lenfth of time (they say it will be this way for at least 3 weeks) well to much is just to much

    Church was great - we are on a couple of weeks of studying The Apostles Creed and it is very enlightening. If interested you can go to and look for sermons and listen to them- todays was especially good. We have 2 services - 9 am and 11 am = the 11 am is recorded live and from what I have been told there are people around the world listening to our preacher. He is a young man (40) but from listening to him preach you would think he was well aged due to all his knowlege. He is working on getting his Master degree and really knows what he is talking - explains things very well.

    Anyway have a great evening and try to stay cool

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,566 Member
    I am late getting on here today but feel like we accomplished a lot yesterday and today. I got up early this morning (early for me) to get ready to take the 2 hours trip down to Basalt where our friend lives. The traffic was good and we had a lovely lunch but I was a bit distracted since we needed to get home and clean up the house for Glenn's class at 4. We had 9 people join with us for lunch and we had singing and Glenn talked about I John 1. We had a lively discussion about where to find joy when the circumstances are not to our liking. The Bible says "for the joy set before him, Jesus endured the cross". How could He be joyful when He knew what was ahead? He saw the future and what his death would mean to all the world and joining with us all in heaven. I get stuck in the present and forget that this life is only temporary and a much better life is waiting for me soon.

    What a busy week it has been and all that is left to do is charge all our electric things (batteries for my CPAP, toothbrushes, jump starter for our car if needed, etc) and packing our clothes and the cooler. My granddaughter needs to be at Mesa State University for an orientation for people who are interested in attending the university here in Grand junction. We attended this school when it was a junior college many years ago. We actually met at the college and our 50 year romance started. It has grown lot since that time. They have expanded the medical school classes from just nursing to multiple medical degrees including Physician's Assistant. They still train at the hospital where I trained and worked after my graduation.

    I agree with the majority of you that we would be glad to share our hot weather with you Susan! You were having hot weather when we were in the freezing temperatures though a few months ago,

    Praying for all of you. I will do my best as before to keep you updated on our adventures at the cabin.

    Here are some pictures of my curio cabinet. The pictures are not very good but there is a mirror in the back and it makes a reflection. m1c35gd9ob1z.jpg
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Evening Hello Everyone

    It got really hot here Just under 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

    I posted my update on Prayer Request thread. My spine neck arm hand bothering me now so will come and reply to Marilyn’s post, praying about your vertigo Marilyn, so sorry to hear this.

    We I’ll reply on your awesome Curio cabinet Linda and reply to you Susan

    Love you all and be back early tomorrow to reply to you all!

    Good Night God Bless! 😴🙏
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member