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  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,603 Member
    Thank you Susan for posting the pictures and bringing the report I sent you, so appreciated.

    I have blue tape in bathroom Kitchen Hallway Bedroom Dining room on all the walls & floors including carpets in dining room bedroom and hallway that have water damage. All ceilings walls floors carpets and baseboards in bathroom had water seeping and in bathroom it was seeping out from the baseboards.

    I have 6 large blowers & dehumidifiers blowing 24/7 and they will be running until Tuesday and Wednesday of next week, then there is the assessment and then work will begin, the association told me it could be well into the Fall
    before the work gets completely done.

    I won’t have Susan post any further pictures as it gives you enough of an idea of what I am dealing with here. Thanks again Susan.

    Linda, that’s quite a story about the trout you caught without a fishing rod. I join you, Sandi Barb and Marilyn in heat wave. Yesterday afternoon my temps were 100 degrees outside, if I didn’t have AC and Fans it would be unbearable. Today I checked my forecast and today temps were between 87 degrees starting in morning and temps in the 90’s+ so down from
    100+ temps last few days.

    Marilyn, sorry about your vertigo you have been dealing with, and your hernia issues, my heart goes out to you, keeping you in prayer!

    Thank you everyone for your care and support to me regarding the flood!

    Take care everyone! Hope to be back earlier tomorrow. So it’s Good Night and God Bless! 😴🙏🤗
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    edited July 13
    Oh wow. Thank you for the pictures. What a mess. Prayers the insurance can figure it out quickly.
    Prayers for Judith’s health too.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,603 Member
    Thank you Barb for your kindness and your prayers!

    Hope everyone is having a good day! I came on here earlier as the temps are rising with the sunny ☀️ heat hitting my place, pushing 95 degrees!

    Will be back tomorrow!

    Tracked my Nutrition and Fitness. My exercise these days is hand watering and tending to the garden!

    Let’s Keep the Sparkle ❇️ and Shine On 💖
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Good morning all. I'll be late f I r church if I don’t get ready now. It's Sunday here. Glad to have helped, Judith. ❤️🙏
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Prayers for you Judith continue and for your plants with heat and the flooding from your apartment/condo, Prayers normal can come soon with your apartment/condo.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    Our car thermometer said it was 102F today. I did put some laundry out on the line today and it dried beautifully. We went to exercise at the fitness center which was air conditioned and to the store but tried to stay inside most of the time. Humidity is 5% today so in this heat, it is easy to become dehydrated quickly.

    I spent most of the day doing laundry. folding it and organizing it into bins for the next time we need it. I have a pretty extensive list of what is needed when we go to the cabin. It certainly does help us not forget something that can not be replaced by just going to the store. There are no stores close by so we just have to do without if we forget something. We do need to replace our ice blocks mid week for the cooler and there is a place we can get this but not a big grocery store.

    We have been watching the news off and on most of the afternoon about the attempt to shoot Donald Trump at his campaign stop. It makes me sad of the evil that is in the world. It sounds like the shooter was killed so they may never find out what was the motive and who was involved.

    Judith - praying for your strength during your hot temperatures. Also for quick remediation for the flood. Do you rent or own your apartment? I was thinking that if you rent, your landlord should be able to help with some things. Which ever is the case, God will provide for you in all the ways you need Him to do.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Good morning. We are driving north for an hour to meet family at the Ginger Factory for lunch today so I am getting ready for that. Our 2yo granddaughter will have 4 adults to play with. She should love that.

    Linda, glad you are so organised about the cabin. It reminds me of my caravan list. Most of the things we need are now already the caravan but there are things we don't want two of so I have a list. We had the news about Donald Trump here too. I am sad for the lives that were lost and the injuries inflicted. There is much evil in the world. We fight a spiritual battle against it every day and thd Lord who knows the end from the beginning is on our side. That's what keeps me going!

    Good idea for Judith if she rents her apartment, but also insurance will help with contents at any rate.

  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Our heat index today was 104*. We have another heat day, and then the heat wave will break as the sun goes down. I told our dh to wait with the heat to mow as the grass will only burn. So Tuesday I hope he mows and we should get rain and cooler temps. Looking forward to that.
    Prayers for Judith.
    I pray not too much of her belongings were ruined by water.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    Barb - if you don't mind me asking, where do you live? It seems the heat wave is covering a huge area of North America. Our temperature is a bit lower today. It is only 100F. The clouds are beginning to gather in our area but I really doubt that there will be any moisture from them. If there is, it will probably dry up before it hits the ground. The wind that is accompanying the darker clouds does make it feel a bit cooler so that is good.

    Susan - What kind of restaurant is the Ginger Factory? I love ginger but it is used in a lot of Asan dishes that I am allergic to and can not eat. My dad had ginger candies he would eat that seemed to help his digestion.

    Judith - I pray that the fans are doing their job at drying out your house. Having hot weather can help too but I am sure that you do not want to open your doors and let the hot inside! When we had a flood at our facility where I worked, they were really concerned with mold and I remember the huge machines they had to dry out the floors and the walls. That was several years ago but it did take a lot of time to get done. My dad was living in assisted living at my facility and he had to be moved out of his room into another facility. I hope you do not have as much damage as they did. The water was about 2 foot tall surrounding the facility for a short time.

    Marilyn - I pray your hernia is acting better.

    Sandi - hope your weekend was restful.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,603 Member
    Evening Hello,

    I am thankful that I have Insurance and have had House Insurance for many years. My husband and I owned 2 Houses and when I lost my husband the houses were sold and I bought a 3 bedroom 3 story townhouse Co-Op and lived there for a few years until I moved West! I rented and had planned to take over my Mothers Condo but then I had my Work accident attacked by one my patients. That plan fell thru as I ended up in a wheelchair so when Mom passed the Condo was sold. I found a lovely condo to Rent and have been here for several years. Due to the Flood being caused by another unit 3 rd floor that owner and my unit and Building association pays the damages, new carpets and floors and whatever else needs replacing.

    However I’m responsible for my own personal things and will have to pay for moving costs.

    My deductible for my Insurance is $1,000 plus! It covers the move to be relocated and the Insurance pays the rent until this place is ready
    for me.

    I don’t know the extent of damage yet, they come back Tues-Wednesday and hope I know then.

    Hope you all had a Blessed Lords Day!

    I read all your posts but I can’t reply now as it’s late and I am heading to bed. God Bless you all!

  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Well it is in the upper 9o.s today. Maybe not 100*. Our daughter who lives in Wichita area is over 100*. They are to get to 105* & us 100*. Not sure if we will hit that.
    I live in Kansas near KC, KS. I was born in PA & have a Philadelphia accent.
    Where are you from Healthyme?
    Still praying for you Judith. Prayers not too much of your belongings are not ruined.
    Prayers if you have to move you get free help! God knows.prayers for your health too. 🙏🏻
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    Barb - My name is Linda and I live on the Western slope of Colorado in a college town that is called Grand Junction. We have a small house here that we will eventually retire in and a much larger house in the Denver area that our oldest daughter lives. When her daughter graduates this next Summer, they will move here to be closer to us and for my granddaughter to go to college here. At that time we will sell our house in Denver. We have two other children who live in the Denver area and we will not get to see them as often as we do now when we travel "over the mountain" to do things that are needed for our house and to see the grandkids. We are still involved in the Denver church and are helping a little church here in Grand Junction that Denver started. Our son-in-law was born in Kansas and lived in Hutchinson for many years then graduated from Kansas state so we have some things in common.

    We just had a brief shower which did make it a little cooler but only by a few degrees. It was a high of 101F today. When my husband talked to one of his students from our school from Kuwait this morning, he said it was 126F in his country. They do not go outside of their homes until it cools down in the late evening.

    Judith - I did not realize that they might have to relocate you for the repair work. I guess I was just not thinking well. It does make sense that they would need you out of the house. That sounds like it is going to be difficult for you and the other people in the condo. I assume that the second floor occupant also had water damage. I pray that your beautiful furnishings will not be ruined and that they will be able to be used by your for a long time.

    I am doing some deep cleaning this week to get ready for our guests that come in on Friday. They are the parents of our minister who want to spend time enjoying their first granddaughter. (Clarification for Barb and Sandi - when we are gone to Denver, relatives of the people in the church sometimes stay in our house while they are visiting Grand Junction. It saves them money and we like to have people in our house while we are gone. It does not happen too often but we are glad to help out.)

    Stay cool and hydrated everyone who is in the hot areas.

    Susan - I hope you are enjoying your cooler Winter weather. (●'◡'●)
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member

    Linda So nice! We were in the SW Co just last month. We stayed in a town Cortez, CO. Got to see many canyons and such, plus 4 corners.
    I thnk we have been to Grand Junction. That is neat that your kids live or will live close to you. We had a ds living in Wyoming, but now lives in Branson, MO, which is 4 hours away. Our dd lives 2.5-3 hours away. The other 2 live closer and I help watch them at times.
    We are looking for a new church as our pastor of 30 years retired and the replacement has no seminary and only a BS in Counseling.
    My father in law grew up in Hutchinson, KS
    Prayers Judith if relocate but that makes sense, God knows and prayerfully it will all turn out well.
    We did not get to 100* but close, and it's to be cooler tomorrow and rain. Yeah!!
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    edited July 16
    Hello everyone. Sounds like your summers are all hot. Meanwhile parts of Australia are getting snow! Not where I live in SE Queensland though. We wear light sweaters for our mild winters and add a blanket to our
    beds at night.

    Linda, the Ginger Factory is a Ginger plantation. It caters to tourists with a train ride through the fields and around the factories, it has quirky stores, a plant nursery and a storybook forest walk as well as eateries. They make Ginger gelato, chocolate, scones, tea, gingerbread men, pickled Ginger slices, crystallised Ginger, etc etc. They also have a lovely gift shop with beautiful crockery depicting native birds and plants. It's a place you can spend hours, and it was a favourite place for our kids when they were growing up. Now our grandchildren enjoy it. Our 2yo granddaughter loves the train ride....


    Here's our granddaughter meeting the Gruffalo (storybook character) in the Forest Walk.


    It's more of a rainforest than a North American forest.

    Judith, I am glad your insurance company will move you away while your repairs are being done. Do they pick the place you move to or do you? I hope you find somewhere nice. It's likely to be awhile that you are there. Ouch on the $1000 excess fee.

    Barbara, nice to know more about you. The only tie I had to Kansas was that one of my grandmothers came from there.

    Have good days, everyone.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,603 Member
    Evening Hello Everyone,

    Barb it has been great learning more about you as you share here. I have connections to different parts of the USA with family in Buffalo New York, Toledo Ohio, Miami and Boston. Growing up as a child I visited those States to be with family. I had planned a trip to Boston but with my health I can’t travel now. I often saw my Brother in the Toronto area as he was in town to see Dad where he lived. I lived in Daytona Beach Florida and Lafayette Louisiana many years ago but have not
    travelled to Wyoming or Branson!

    Linda, I didn’t realize you would be selling your Denver home once your daughter and family move to Grand Junction when your granddaughter attends the University. It does make sense with already having a cabin and your camper trailer in Denver you wouldn’t need that home. Glad you had a shower and hopefully it helped cool things down for you.

    Susan, thank you for sharing the pictures and telling us all about the Ginger Plantation. The Gift Shop sounds lovely. I enjoyed you telling us about the Train going through the Forrest. Your Granddaughter looks so sweet as she meets Guffalo, the Forrest Character during her walk. The Train reminds me of the Stanley Park Train we have in Vancouver, every Christmas time the Park has an area the Fire Department decorates in Lights and Festive Buildings for people to being their children to see the lights and meet Santa for picture taking, families also go on the Train for a ride through Forrest area all decorated in Colourful Lights. The Firemen put this show on to help support the Burn Unit at VGH in the work that is being done to help Burn Patients. They accept a Donation at the Gate Entrance to the Park from those who come to the Park over the Christmas and New Years.

    Sandi and Marilyn, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Tomorrow I have the Restoration people coming in to access the damage and what needs to be done. Here’s hoping I won’t have to relocate while it’s being repaired! Blessings on your evening.
    🙏🤗😇 See you tomorrow evening!
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Judith prayers as the Restoration people come today. I’m 2 hours ahead of you. Plus your health Judith. Linda neat hearing about you. Prayers as you can’t travel. My mom lives in Lancaster,PA where signs n sound is. It’s also in Branson, MO. I got to see Esther there my first sign n sound show. Amazing. My ds gave me 4 shows to watch on Tv. I’ve watched 2 so far.
    I hope to learn more about Sandi who I have a sister with that name & Marilyn. My dh & I took a the train ride from Durango.CO to Silverton, Co. this summer it was fun. We didn’t make it t, CO as rock slide.
    The light show reminded us on the train ride in CO by the royal gorge. They have a train ride for kids in December like the polar express. Neat how several places do that for kids
    Prayers for all.
    We are getting rain & cooler temps coming! PTL.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,603 Member
    Good Morning All

    Just an update about the flood here to keep you in the loop.

    I just got a call from Canstar the restoration company, they just called and the Team are coming at 10:00am this morning to access the unit to see if water has dried up, Hopefully the machines can come out and the other Team can come in and tell me what work needs done! I will keep you up-dated as I know more. Thanks for your prayers! 🙏

    I will be back after the Team leave and bring you todays Devotions and Bible Reading with working on our other Threads! God Bless you all!

    Let’s Keep the Sparkle ❇️ and Shine On 💖
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    Judith - Thanks for the update. We are living vicariously through your notes of how things are going. By now the restoration people have been there and I hope they had good news that the repair work will not take too long and will not require a relocation. How is your nerve pain in your neck down to your hand? I pray that the injections will ease some of the pain for you.

    Susan - thanks for the information on the Ginger Factory. I can see how your kids enjoyed comming here for the treats and entertainment. Your little granddaughter is so cute. I love her braids (I think that is what they are.) We used to call them "pig tails" but I don't know if the current generation calls them that.

    Barb - We have been on the Durango to Silverton, Co. train ride. It is really beautuiful during the Fall season when the trees are changing colors. They are not nearly as pretty as the colors in the East where I grew up (red, orange, yellow, etc) but the yellow aspen leaves agains the blue sky can be gorgeous.

    Marilyn - I was glad to see in the other group that you are improving. I wish it were faster but our bodies respond differently to each virus, disease, etc. I have two families nearby that are just now recovering from Covid. I had hoped we were done with that but it seems this time, people are not as sick as the first time it came around.

    Sandi - I hope you are doing well.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    edited July 17
    Hello everyone. It's a cold winter day here and parts of Queensland had heavy frost overnight. My hands won't warm up today. I'm thinking of putting on the heater.

    Linda, you're welcome for the Ginger Factory info. Our little granddaughter did have pigtails! Her mother and father were pleased they could give her that hairstyle on the day as their daughter is not patient with her hair. I hope you are having a good day.

    Judith, that's progress of the assessors are coming out today. I hope they can give you a report right away too. I'll look forward to hearing about the next steps in them handling the flood damage. Glad you enjoyed hearing about the Ginger Factory. The Stanley Park train sounds wonderful and what a good cause.

    Barb, thank you for your prayers. My life in the US centred on the West Coast, in California and Washington state, but I also lived in the North West Territory in Canada awhile. I have relatives all over the States - Arkansas, Texas, Ca. Or, and some I haven't met in Moch8gan, Tenessee, Kansas, etc etc. I've been in Australia much longer though, always living in Queensland. My Aussie husband and I enjoy being travellers and recently spent 9
    months seeing lots more of Australia by road in a caravan.

    Sandi, hope all is well.

    Marilyn, good to hear you are feeling better.