Chat Cafe



  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    That's great news about Glen's progress, Linda. Praying for you both. I appreciate your prayers too.

    Marilyn, great quote. Praying you are healing well.

    This weekend is unusually busy for us. We're driving to see our Kingaroy family today snd have a friend coming to stay for about a week from tonight. Church luncheon is tomorrow so I need to cook for that today. Hope it can all fit in!

    Judith is home. She is tired, weak and on 'mega meds'. But she is home. 🙏
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,663 Member
    Evening Hello Ladies,

    I have had a rough few days. Didn’t get discharged from hospital until Thursday afternoon! Have had some reactions from the anesthetic with Vertigo, dizziness, nausea, headache and in recovery they saw A-Fib on the Heart Monitor with my BP up and down so I was in recovery until supper hour Tuesday evening.

    Since coming home the dizziness is some better but I do have a ways to go yet! Thank you for your prayers.

    I hope to be back next week but only part time, Will sign in Monday thru to Wednesday. Thursday and Friday I am seeing Specialists for follow up from surgery at the Vancouver Hospital and the Vancouver Cancer Clinic.

    Thank you gals for keeping the Team running smoothly, so appreciate all that you are doing.

    See you Monday, Love and Prayer ❤️🙏🤗
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,595 Member
    Judith - thanks for the update. I pray God's healing power will work a mighty miracle in your body as you recover. Rest is necessary for healing. Please take as much time off as you need to give your body what it needs. We are cheering you on - YEA team Judith!

    Marilyn - that is an interesting quote. People live in the same world but have so different perspectives. I am sad for those who do not have God in their lives.

    Susan - I hope you have a wonderful time with your friend visiting this week. It sounds like you are having a busy time with a lot of activites.

    Lori - thanks for working hard to be healthy by exercising and eating wisely on our monthly team challenge. We need the support of each other.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    Nice to hear from you already, Judith
    Rest and recover. Take what time you need. Hugs and prayers.

    Marilyn, I will reread that quote...

    Thank you, Linda, we had a lovely family day and our friend has arrived. Today we had church Luncheon and service both before and after. It was a good day.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,595 Member
    This week our children's class is about Jesus being the bread of life. I made dinner rolls this morninng to use as an object lesson for them. The rolls just serve for a few hours and we are hungry again but Jesus - the bread of life - nourishes for eternity. He gives life, health, hope, and purpose in life. Without Him we could not survive and thrive as He wants us to do. Many people do not have Jesus and are living lives of futility thinking they are "happy" but material things will never fill the vaccuum that is in our hearts that only God can fill. After the lesson we will have a pot luck dinner of soup and salad. I made two salads, one a multiple bean salad and a carrot ambrosia salad, and will offer my dinner rolls that are left over to use with the meal.

    Other than spending the morning and part of the afternoon in the kitchen cleaning, creating and baking, not much is going on at our house. My husband is on a phone call with the other elders for a meeting. They do not have any electricity in their building or they would be doing zoom so everyone can see everyone. They did not say if they have a storm or someone had an accident that made the electricity go out. I need to go get ready for church so will sign off now. Praying for all of you to have a great weekend.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    Amen to that, Marilyn

    Oh Linda, I love your object lesson! Enjoy church today.

    Judith, glad you were able to log in and glad you ate taking a small break. May your healing be going well. I imagine this next week or so will be very tough. God bless your heart. ❤️ 🙏

    Our church luncheon went well yesterday and we celebrated a couple's sixty fourth wedding anniversary. It was very sweet. This week will be a very crafty for me with my house guest wanting to craft every day. Today we are travelling to the north coast for a craft event.

    God bless your day.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,663 Member
    Good Morning 🌅

    You are probably looking at the time and yes I am still up in the wee hours of Monday morning!

    Just not myself, still have a lot of fluid in the body and facial swelling and my BP is still high.

    I thought I’d sign in here and post the Devotionals and the Bible Reading and Commentary Thoughts. I also posted an update in our Prayer Request Thread.

    Also wanted to give you an update on how things are now.

    I enjoyed the Team Threads reading all that you have shared.

    Have a good day and enjoy your week ahead!

    God’s Blessings…❤️🙏🤗

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Praying for you Judith

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,595 Member
    Judith - I'm sorry you are having trouble sleeping. I was still awake with you but I was reading a book and did not want to put it down. I pray the edema will subside and your blood pressure with normalize. Thanks for the update on your health.

    Somewhere there is a lightening storm but all I can hear is the thunder right now. The sky is gray and it is dreary looking day. It is a good day to read a book but unfortunately, I read too long this morning when I was up late so I need to get busy doing my regular routine.

    I got some books from the library on playing chords. This are not the books I was reading last night but books to help me expand my musical talents. I have always had sheet music or books to play from but a lot of the songs the church sing are the new songs that are just chording. I have not learned to play this way and there isn't sheet music other than chording that I can find for these new songs. I am a bit overwhelmed at trying to learn all these chords but I did not learn to play with sheet music in just a short time so I should not expect to learn chords in a short time either. At least I have musical training that I know how to read music so I have the basics. Susan - do you have any words of wisdom as to how to play chords since you probably play them with your ukelele.

    The object lesson with rolls was good but the teacher had a game for them to play throwing the rolls in a basket. I used a different type of milk in the rolls because I did not have regular milk and the texture came out very "fluffy". As the children threw the rolls, parts of the rolls would break off when they hit the basket so there were crumbs all over the floor. I will not use reconstituted evaporated milk in my rolls again. The taste was good but the crumbs were not! At least the children had fun and we did have a vacuum cleaner to pick up the crumbs.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,663 Member
    Afternoon Hello Friends,

    I am 6 days post op.

    My weight is going back down 94/95 pounds probably as some fluid is starting to release but as consequence less weight. The edema is throughout the whole body.

    I’m still dealing with dizziness and weakness. As a result I am focusing on Nutrition and for Fitness I can only manage Mild Stretching.

    Thankfully it rained a little last night enough to water garden but need way more for our BC Fires. With the bit of rain I don’t need to get someone to water the garden for me now.

    I tried couple days ago and it caused bleeding and more dizziness so not exerting myself until dizziness has passed. Appreciate your prayers.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,595 Member
    Judith - I am glad you are getting some edema off but sad that it is affecting your weight. I pray for more edema to resolve as well as your blood pressure issues and for your weight to come back to your "normal" or more. We are cheering you on in this battle for health. I'm glad you had some rain but more would have been better. The whole area is in our prayers for safety and that the fires get put out quickly.

    My husband went to physical therapy today and they were saying how proud they are of him for working so hard and being more relaxed with his surgery. I see that also in that he is not as concerned with an ache or pain and is really working on exercises at home for more flexibility in spite of the fact it can be painful. His healing scar is barely visible now. I am praying that the internal healing is also doing well. He is driving more but only in town. It was nice to be able to sleep a little longer this morning instead of getting up early to take him to therapy. I don't feel so responsible for his safety now driving. When we go back to Denver in early October, he will be able to drive the big truck which is a relief for me. I hate driving in the Denver traffic.

    With the cooler weather, I need to be thinking about getting some branches from my geranium to root so I can keep it alive during the winter. It is expensive to buy new plants for the outside each year so if I can root some over the winter, it saves me money for next year. My mother used to pull up her geraniums and hang them with bare roots upside down in the cellar all winter. They would stay dormant then she would plant them the next year. I do not have a cellar in this house so that is not an option. He plants were beautiful each year.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    Hello friends. Just swinging by yo say hi. My friend Sharon is still with us and next week two granddaughters cone to stay, so forgive my brevity.

    Judith, it is so good to see you posting. I am remembering to pray for you. The edema will hopefully go away. Your weight is a concern. I know you probably don't feel like eating much but hope you are getting regular nourishment. Hugs, hugs, hugs.

    Linda, yes, we do use chords for playing Ukelele. I want to learn picking though. I know what you Jean about not being able to fins sheet music. If you know theory, you could write out the melody then work out the left hand? It would take time but would be so good to have when you actually play in church...glad your husband is healing so well.

    Marilyn, lived today's wrote.

    Hugs to you all. 🤗 🙏
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,663 Member
    Thank you Linda, I hope you don’t mind but I played the two games I said I wasn’t going to, my story line was extremely brief but there was something there. 😂

    Glad to hear Glen is doing better in his Physio and can drive the vehicle now. Good News about how well the suture scars are healing and fading so well and I agree that I too hope the inside is doing as well as the outside is.

    Hope your geranium does well over the winter and roots like you are hoping for. It rained today, an all day rain which makes me so happy for the help of putting out the Fires, Parched Dry Ground covering and Our Gardens. They have been so dry as we haven’t had rain all summer.

    My edema is still releasing and so is my weight, today 94 pounds. I am keeping up with nutrition but for whatever reason my body is not responding.

    Susan, hope you are enjoying your time with your friend Sharon and when your two granddaughters come, you will so enjoy! Thanks for your concerns, I know the weight will come back on!

    Marilyn, great Quote you shared and thanks for your prayers!

    God Bless you all… ❤️😇🤗🙏
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,663 Member
    Good Morning All

    Great Quote Marilyn, it initially made me chuckle 🤭 but reading it again made me think how we all think about foods we love and don’t want to admit are bad for us! Yup most of the time we are in denial and refusing to make the right choices!

    And the following is what I wrote last night and replied to all your posts Marilyn Linda and Susan.
    Nothing has changed!

    Judith wrote: Last Evening…

    “Thank you Linda, I hope you don’t mind but I played the two games I said I wasn’t going to, my story line was extremely brief but there was something there. 😂

    Glad to hear Glen is doing better in his Physio and can drive the vehicle now. Good News about how well the suture scars are healing and fading so well and I agree that I too hope the inside is doing as well as the outside is.

    Hope your geranium does well over the winter and roots like you are hoping for. It rained today, an all day rain which makes me so happy for the help of putting out the Fires, Parched Dry Ground covering and Our Gardens. They have been so dry as we haven’t had rain all summer.

    My edema is still releasing and so is my weight, today 94 pounds. I am keeping up with nutrition but for whatever reason my body is not responding.

    Susan, hope you are enjoying your time with your friend Sharon and when your two granddaughters come, you will so enjoy! Thanks for your concerns, I know the weight will come back on!

    Marilyn, great Quote you shared and thanks for your prayers!”

    God Bless you all… ❤️😇🤗🙏
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,595 Member
    edited September 2023
    Judith - we are excited to have you join our games. I was feeling lonely without your input. 😊I assume you are eating as much protein and calories as you can to get your weight up. My granddaughter used to eat the butter off the butter plate when we were not watching. Maybe that would work for you. Butter has a lot of calories. (I am joking of course!) My husband says he did not realize how much edema he had in his arm until this week. His sling is very loose now where it was tight when he was post op. Praying for your healing, blood pressure, weight loss, stamana, dizziness and overall wellness!

    We went out to eat with friends today and had a really good talk about how to help our group be more devoted to God. I think the younger ones have not been through all we oldies have been that has built our faith over the years. They have a tendency to give up easily or take the easy road. This is not true of everyone but it is concerning when we see it.

    Today is my son's 41st birthday. Since we are not in Denver, we will be celebrating with him and his wife at a later time. His daughter turns 3 the first week in October so we have her birthday to celebrate also.

    Susan - I am so glad you are having a good time with your friend. I know next week will be fun with the grandkids also. That is what keeps us young.

    Marilyn - It is embarrassing to think of how many times I have said what your quote says. It is as if I think things will magically change when I eat bread and I gain weight and have aching joints. I am a slow learner.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    edited September 2023
    Hello all you beautiful people. I am just swinging by to tell you hello and let you know I am thinking about you. I have a very busy day ahead with Sharon and card class ladies. Tomorrow I am running a big workshop too.

    All is well, just time poor!

    Love, hugs and prayera.