Chat Cafe



  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,595 Member
    HAHA Marilyn - that is me somedays. I start to go somewhere then when I get there, I have forgotten what I needed to get. I also get distracted and start several projects but do not get any of them done for the day.

    Susan - I hope your big workshop was well attended and the people were pleased with what they learned. Getting ready for a workshop takes a lot longer than the meeting does sometimes.

    Judith - I am praying for your appointments for today and tomorrow. I am anxious to hear what they tell you.

    This morning was spent cleaning the house for the Bible study we had this afternoon. For just two of us in the house, we sure do get the floors dirty! I really enjoy the wood floors we have now compared to the light carpet we had before that was so hard to clean. We did have a good Bible study group and they even stayed for an extra hour talking after it was over. We were talking about Jesus' plans for the earth and how we can be his hands and feet carrying on his plan.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    Your meeting topic sounded wonderful, Linda. And I agree with you about the floor coverings. Yes, both workshops went well! My card class ladies are all fun to be with. I had 9 of them to teach over the past two days. Next week I have one more class to run, then will start getting ready for our big trip. I will miss our craft days, and our church, and being home, but we will no doubt have some good times.

    Lol Marilyn! I can relate.

    Judith, am following your healing journey and praying all goes well for you. I just can't get over how much you have gone through...

    I'm prettty tired this evening. We have one day to rest as my friend left this evening, then two of our granddaughters arrive to stay for 5 - 6 days. 🤗
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,595 Member
    Amen Marilyn! We may have problems in our life but we can also have great victories with our life changes.

    Susan - I hope you rest well on this one day to recooperate. Having the grandchildren there is a blessing but I also remember how tiring it can be. It sounds like you had some great classes and talented women to work with. I can't imagine what it would be like to pack for the long trip you are planning. I would need to take my whole wardrobe with me which would take a lot of room.

    Judith you said that you had treatment on your face by the surgeon yesterday. I hope it was not too painful. I pray for the oncology appointment that you are going to today that it goes well and after all you have gone through will result in a long cancer free life.

    We are having our shrubbery trimed today. They were getting really shaggy! Some of our bushes in the front of our house are taller than the roof so we can not reach them. They have special tools and ladders to use so they can reach the top of them. We need to have our apple tree pruned also. It is very narrow and tall. I want it to branch out sidewise so when it grows up we can have some shade. It is two years old and is growing so tall. Last year we had one apple from it but his year it did not have any apples. Maybe it put all it's strength into growing branches. I know our tree in Denver has a huge crop of apples one year then the next year it does not have as many. Thisyear is the huge crop year and some of our branches have broken under the load of the apples. When we go back to Denver, we will need to process lots of sliced apples as well as applesauce.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    Amen, Marilyn.

    Linda, I usually take as many clothes as I can fit in my small cupboards. I try to take clothes I am not attached to so I can donate them and get second hand or cheap new ones as needed along the way! That way I don't have to pack for all seasons. We're mostly going to be camping, so I don't need more than one good outfit for church.

    Yes, today is restful so far.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,595 Member
    Happy Fall to all of us who are in my part of the world. It was a cold 49F (9.4C) this morning when I got up. I am still wearing a sweater as I sit at my desk although I know that it has warmed up to the 70's by now.

    Susan - that is a great idea about clothing. Our closet in our trailer is really small so I would not be able to take much with us either. Have fun with the granddaughters!

    We had a lovely Women's Day celebration today. I took my next door neighbor and she seemed to really enjoy it. Her husband told my husband that they used to go to church but got "hurt" and have not been going. We are trying to show them Jesus' love without expectation of pursuading them to come to church. We would love to have them come but we need to build a relationship with them first. The lesson was on Mary Magdalene. She was a woman with 7 demons and probably a poor reputation before she met Jesus but was the first one to see the resurrected Jesus. Jesus takes the forgotten, invisible, people and makes them feel special. He did not come into a room with a "here am I" attitude but a "you are here" attitude that was so humble and loving. They had a purse exchange also and I am an owner of two blue purses. I do not usually have more than one purse for each season but now I have a variety. One is not really a purse but a leather bag that will be nice to take when traveling. It has nice sturdy handles and a magnent at the top to keep it closed.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    Linda, so sorry people left church because they were hurt. What you said about Jesus is so true. All of us humans are sinners. Only Jesus is perfect, and we have to expect things will not run smoothly on Earth. It can be hard to overcome hurts. But the Lord wants us to be willing to forgive when people repent.

    Glad the caravan tips may help. I like the sound of your bag.

    Marilyn, love your to do list.

    Judith, praying for you.

    The granddaughters are here and came to church with us this evening.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,595 Member
    It was so cold today we turned on the furnace to warm up the house a little. We were watching the Denver service and I was covered with a blanket and almost fell asleep. Not that it was boring but I was warm and cozy in my blanket. Our daughter and SIL were both singing so it was good to see them up on the stage. We have our church at 4pm so it is nice to have two services to see. I was with the kids today. We do it for a month at a time so today was my last day. The other teacher had her 2 y/o son (his Dad is the minister so he could not watch him) in the class so I spent quite a bit of time with him since his activites were distracting to the older kids in the class. We are thinking of starting a class for the younger children. There are 4 boys that are about the same age that would fit into the age group but I don't think I will be volunteering for duty there. They are all so busy they need someone in there with flexibility of getting on the floor to play with them and has more energy to play with them. They are between 1 and 2 years old.

    Judith said she has been on MFP but not posting. She will be able to post here on Monday. She had a very busy last few days and will update us on Monday about her doctor visits.

    Susan - the fun has begun with your granddaughters! How long are they staying?

    I am late posting and need to get dinner ready. My husband has a zoom session with his Spiritual Formation class in a little while. The students are from Ireland, Kenya, Nigeria, New York and the Philippines. Not all can get on on Sunday night so he repeats the zoom at 10am tomorrow so all the time zones do not have to get up in the middle of the night to get on. It is aninteractive class and they seem to really enjoy it.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    That class sounds amazing, Linda. I am with you about taking care of 2 year olds. Lol! I think I would have fallen asleep too, in those circumstances! The granddaughters stay till Thursday.

    Thank you for those thoughts, Marilyn.

    Judith, we know you are needing to rest and heal. Take care.

    I have appointments at the Podiatrist and Dietician today. The girls will go shopping with their Poppy while I do that.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,595 Member
    Today is my 800th day of checking in. MissLori is 15 days ahead of me. Can we make it to 1000??

    Susan - What do the girls call you? Poppy is a good name for Colin. We just go by Grandpa and Grandma.

    Judith - I am anxious to hear more details of what the doctors said. I am sure it is a lot for you to process. How is your blood pressure and edema? Someday when you are healed, we can look back on these days and see how God worked powerfully in your life - both physically, sprititually and with those who have been involved in your care during your surgeries.

    Marilyn - great thought. What ever we do, we will reap the consequences.

    My husband went outside to get warm in the sunshine but I am sitting at my desk with a blanket wrapped around me to keep warm. I need to get up and start exercising so I will get warmer. Have a great day everyone - prayers persist for everyone.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    Linda, I am Granny or Grandma to the grandchildren. Two families call me Granny, another family calls me Grandma.

    Marilyn, that's true.

    Judith, hoping the oedema is beginning to lessen and you are feeling tiny bits better, day by day.

    Another busy day with the granddaughters. We took them to a strawberry farm for lunch, then they went swimming. This afternoon they are going to learn pickle ball thanks to a neighbour.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Went to my TOPS meeting today - lost another 1 pound so am pleased with that. The weight loss is adding up which is nice to see and it is looking like I could / will be close to be out of the 200 mark by the end of the year - but just taking it one day, one meal at a time.

    Had blood work done last week - kidney number is down to 11 from 16 which is not good. They called when I was out this morning so have returned the call - the said they wanted to discuss the results and also have a new perscription for me- always something

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    Oh Marilyn , the good and the bad is happening for you all at once. I knoq you would be disappointed with the kidney reaults. The weight loss is wonderful! 🙏💕

    Just a quick visit today as we are driving to the coast with the girls to visit their uncle, aunt and cousin.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,595 Member
    Marilyn - Congratulations on your continued weight loss.

    Susan - sounds like a fun time with the girls.

    Judith - we miss you but know you are taking the rest that you need. I pray that you have a restful night's sleep and have more energy tomorrow.

    We had a good Ladies Daytime Bible study today talking about Joshua. When he started to lead the people after Moses died, it sounds like he was a little nervous. God told him to take courage several times and promised to be with him all the way. This is true for us today also. God will give us what we need if we ask for His help. He wants the best for us. We went grocery shopping after the study. We did not know how we were going to get the 5 gallon water bottles out of the store and into the truck because they are pretty heavy. God blessed us with two different men who saw us and my husband's sling and helped us get the bottles into the cart and into the truck. When we got home, we were able to put one of them on the dispenser with only a small amount of water getting on the floor. God is good!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,663 Member
    Thank you Linda, I just finished posting in all the threads and enjoyed the games.appreciate your kindness. I am trying to gain weight back but it seems not getting past the 94/95 pound range, mostly 94 pounds. 3 pounds doesn’t seem like much to gain to get back up to 97 pounds but with issues with face and dizziness it doesn’t help me! Anyway, I will get there. I am 2 weeks post up and see my Surgeon every 2 weeks as they have to treat the area every 2 to 3 weeks for the next few months until at least Christmas. I have appointments at Cancer Clinic via phone and in person but the main appointments are at the hospital where I am being closely watched.
    So glad your husbands arm is coming along and less swelling, this is good news.please wish your Son a Happy 41st Birthday and your granddaughter her Birthday the first week of October.Happy times in your household!

    Susan, so glad you are enjoying having your friend visiting. Your card making I’m sure is heaps of fun, but realize it can be tiring too. Hope you have a great Workshop and have a good turn out!

    Marilyn, my thoughts and prayers are with you, take care and Get Well Soon. I believe you are recovering from your surgery at the same time as your surgery I think was same time as mine was.

    Take care all, be back tomorrow! ❤️🙏🤗