Chat Cafe



  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,660 Member
    Linda, your party in Denver sounded so awesome, that would of been scary have the balloon explode in the high altitude as you were travelling back to Grand Junction. So kind of you to donate the left over cake for those in need. The gal at your church who is offering to bake a replica cake from your wedding pictures 50 years ago is such a kind gesture to make the cake and not take any money for it. What a blessing and the provision of the Lord! Hope you have a wonderful celebration at your church in Denver! It’s so nice your daughter is staying to be a part of this 2nd party! Happy 50th Wedding Anniversary
    my friend!

    Marilyn, a wonderful quote today, thank you! My prayers are with you my friend.

    Susan, yes you are well prepared for all 3 classes! Good Job! I think with being a teacher it helps you to do all the prep work ahead of time. I too have always enjoyed doing crafts of all kinds. I love working with wicker and at one time so enjoyed rug hooking. It’s hard on the hands so I don’t do it much now. I am so excited about your caravan trip in October. My prayers continue for you!

    Have a good night all! Good Night and God Bless! 😴🤗
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,593 Member
    Wow Marilyn that is one talented kitten on the rope! LOL That saying is so true. The hardest part is taking the first step.

    We had a good Bible study with my zoom group from Denver. They were such a great help in serving at the party. I feel like I could trust themwith my life. We support one another through hard times as well as good times and pray for each other. They are my group I see occassionally in person. I feel the same about you all too. I can be honest and not fear rejection. We had said we would get together this Summer on zoom sometimes so we can see each other "face to face". Are you still interested in doing that? We would have to find a time with all of us are awake. Marilyn , Judith and I are just one hour different but Susan we have almost opposite times.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    edited August 2023
    Linda, how wonderful to hear about the two anniversary parties and also about your Bible study group! I am so glad about the great people in your lives. The Lord blesses us all the time doesn't He. I would love to see a picture of your replica wedding cake. It would have been so special to recreate that. Sorry to hear the altitude had something to say about your balloon plans! Lol! That would have indeed been scary. About us getting together on Zoom, thst would be fine for me till mid October. I will then be off grid from October to maybe March or April. Not only will there be a time difference, I will also not have reliable internet. I will not mind if you three girls want to meet without me. Once you are happy with the way things are working on Zoom, maybe I can join in after we return home and am back on Wifi? Streaming gets pretty expensive when you don't have Wi-fi over here.

    Marilyn, that quote today was encouraging.

    Judith, without a doubt my teacher experience helps me in preparing for craft classes. I love that I no longer have to do the administration, exams or marking. I am no longer in a system that is not of my own making. I get to do the teaching which is what I love, without all the other burdens. It's a win for me. I too love other crafts and in the past have done sewing, quilting, knitting, crocheting, embroidery, gold work, cross stitch etc. I have tried my hand at silversmithing, beading, candlemaking and lots of other bits and pieces, but not rug hooking or wicker work. I tried many crafts when living in remote areas without radio or tv. Even as kids, my sister and I both loved trying new crafts. I remember us making marionettes out of cardboard pieces, fabric, old coat hangers and fishing line. Then we would rehearse a story and put on shows for our brothers and parents. Fun times.

    It's a domestic chores day here so I had better go get busy. Have good days, everyone.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,660 Member
    Susan, you have brought memories back to me. We made up plays and acted them out. When I was a little girl my cousins and I made up plays and acted them out. We had a lot of fun. We would play Ambulance, one of us would be the Nurse & or Doctor and we used an old baby buggy to transport the patient to hospital, I was the one who always sat in the buggy to be pushed to the hospital, my cousin was a crazy driver as I got dumped out on the “road” many of times. 😂 Yes, those were the days, we let our imaginations give us ideas to have fun, we didn’t need someone to entertain us. Hope you enjoy your card classes you will teach. Look forward to seeing the cards everyone makes.

    Linda, sounds like a wonderful Bible Study Group who bring so much support and pray for everyone like you all do, it’s awesome to see how God brings others a long our path. I too feel so loved and supported here, it’s wonderful to have a group like we have here. I so appreciate you all. I would like a Zoom meeting but I need to be finished with my surgery in September. While I am healing and undergoing treatment I wouldn’t feel comfortable being on camera with out a mask on or a partial one. Thank you for understanding.

    Marilyn, your quote was excellent, yes taking that first step is the hardest but it’s important we take even a small one!

    Blessings on your evening all! 😊🤗🙏
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,593 Member
    Judith - I am fine with waiting for the zoom meeting to be later. I totally understand that you want to wait until after this next surgery. We had just not talked about it for a while and I was checking.

    Our daughter is up at the cabin and waiting for us to join her today. We will be staying at our trailer which is down the mountain just a little ways where we have a nice bed and do not need to sleep in sleeping bags. We used to do that but we have gotten "soft" and doing things like camping is harder for us to do. She and the kids are having a great time so far. They bleached out the spring yesterday so we can use the water for dishes and cleaning. The spring fills a rock lined deep cistern and each year we need to bleach it to get the germs out of it that may have collected during the seasons prior. There is moss on the rocks that is really pretty. Our daughter said there was a little frog on a rock too. I may not be available for a few days again. I will check in to keep up my numbers but may not be able to do more than that.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,660 Member
    edited August 2023
    Amen Marilyn, that is an excellent quote that we all need to apply…thank you for sharing. It is great having you play some of our games, you have a knack to place just the right word that keeps a good story line. It’s fun to play these games! 😊

    Linda, thank you for understanding until I have my next surgery and get over the hard few days of healing!

    I love hearing about your family camping experience. The spring sounds so peaceful to be near and watch the frogs on the nearby rock. A pretty setting for you all.It’s nice you can bleach the water so you can wash dishes and cleaning. A better plan than carrying water from filling pails via the hose. It’s nice you have a lovely place for your trailer, and actually having a real comfy bed to sleep in. Have a great few days at your trailer enjoying your family time.

    Susan, hope your day was all good, my prayers are with you.

    I am here early this evening, with the heat I wanted to be here with you before call it an early night and head to bed! Sweet Dreams all..

    So it’s Good night and God Bless! 😴❤️🙏
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,593 Member
    It rained, hailed, and thundered for several hours last night. We got up to a cold temperature of 47 here in the mountains but beautiful blue sky this morning. Have a great day!
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,660 Member
    Wow, you are getting such a contrast Linda on your weather patterns with rain thunder claps and hail colder temps, from temps in the 90’s to now 47 degrees. Blue skies are always welcomed. Hope your day was blessed. We are in a heat wave, 98 degrees today, hot 🥵 and sunny ☀️

    Here is an update about me as I wait for surgery. It’s been a busy week with phone appointments today I heard from the cancer clinic that my melanoma oncologist wants to see me for a follow up 3 weeks after surgery on September 22nd at 10:30aM to see how I am doing.

    Pathology will have a phone appointment end of August discussing upcoming surgery and condition of my mouth palate lips and jaw then are having me back first week of October as an in person appointment after surgery to check inside of mouth jaw palate and lips. And check mouth opening. Will set up a treatment plan.

    Been having a lot of issues with my mouth lips and jaw. Appreciate everyone’s prayers, thank you!

    I am also waiting on a call to get in to see my Surgeon the end of August so he can have a look at things before Zi have surgery! Yes, it’s a lot to . take in but I trust God and leave it in God’s Hands!

    Marilyn, such a cheery quote you have shared. The birds are so cute, I can almost hear them singing with a smile on their faces song in their heart and joy in their souls! Yes that’s how we all should begin our day!

    Susan, hope all is well with you, seem to be missing you here.

    My prayers are with you all! 🤗☀️🎶🙏
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    Sorry to be here later than normal. I taught yesterday and today so have been pretty busy. I spent 10 hours teaching in the past 2 days not counting set up and clean up. 🙃

    Judith, praying for you and the next steps in your treatment and healing. Thank you for your update. I loved hearing how you and your cousin used to play. It's great to remember those fun times.

    Linda, enjoy your time away! We leave for four days in our van tomorrow.

    Marilyn, great quotes and pictures!
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    edited August 2023
    Examples of the cards we made over the past two days at my classes:






    The last picture shows how you can put a gift card/tickets etc in with the greeting.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    Yours too, Marilyn! ❤️

    We're waiting in our van for our friends to join us at the agreed meeting point. We have about a two hour drive ahead of us to our camping spot. The dogs are excited to be in the van again. We seem to have time to make a coffee so we'll do that now. I will check in tomorrow once we get set up out there.

    Have great days, all of you. The Lord bless and keep you all!
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,660 Member
    edited August 2023
    Susan, your cards are beautiful, thank you for sharing. Hope you enjoy your camping with your families. Safe travelling for you all. You have done a lot of teaching the past 2 days, and all the set up and take down you sure deserve a good rest.

    Marilyn, praying for you as we both are living under the State Of Emergency declared over our Province! Thanks for the great quote you shared.

    Linda, thinking of you as you celebrate your Wedding Anniversary with friends, church family and your family! Take care safe travels, enjoy your camping with your family!

    Attention My Friend’s, Please read below regarding the conditions here in BC Canada!

    It’s very hot here… we here are dealing with a lot of out of control wildfires. Here is what we are living under right now.

    The B.C. government has declared a province-wide state of emergency due to the growing number of aggressive wildfires threatening communities. Premier David Eby announced the declaration at a news conference Friday afternoon, following a challenging 24 hours that saw fast-spreading wildfires trigger thousands of new evacuation orders and alerts across the province.

    We need prayer… thank you…
    Will keep you posted as I know more

    God Bless
    Your Friend
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,593 Member
    We came back from the montain last night then went to Olive Garden for dinner. Our daughter bought us dinner and the restaurant gave us a free dessert. While we were at the restaurant, there was another big thunder and lightning storm. Some of our friends lost their power for a while but our house was OK. The trailer is safe in storage for the rest of the year. It was a lot of work to get it all cleaned up and ready. We could not have done it without my daughter for sure. If my husband was not haing surgery in two weeks we could have left it in the mountains until October but with his rehab, we will not be able to use it until next Summer. It is so nice to get away and smell the clean mountain air and sagebrush/pine smells.

    I am making sugarless cheese cake today for us to eat at the celebration tomorrow. My friend is making a replica of our wedding cake for those who can have sugar to eat. Actually I will be glad when all this celebrating is over. I have really enjoyed it but I am very tired of getting everything ready. I am an introvert so celebrations are tiring for me.

    I am praying for everyone's safety for the wildfires that are happening in Canada. I know when we had wildfires around our house it was very concerning.

    Have fun on your travels Susan. The cards are beautiful. Although it takes a long time to prepare, I am sure your students enjoyed themselves a lot.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    We did have fun, Linda. I call most of my 'students' friends now, which is a lovely thing for us all. One of my ladies was quite lonely till she discovered our group! Glad you got the trailer squared away. Your husband's surgery must be quite close.

    Marilyn, interesting thoughts for today. Only the Lord knows us completely, even better than we know ourselves. He knows our end from the beginning. But we do make connections with people through our common interests and feelings, right?

    Judith, I have been reading about your fires and hoping and praying you all stay safe. It must be so concerning to have the thick smoke blowing over you. Glad you are staying alert and ready. Fires can be so unpredictable. 😔 🙏 ❤️

    We're safely at the Showgrounds with our friends and their dog. The three dogs get along really well. We have separate caravans so have our own space till we want to spend time together, which is a win win.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,660 Member
    Linda, you are making my mouth water with the Olive Garden, was my favorite place in a Mall I went too, my daughter and I ate their often. Then construction happened and Olive Garden was taken out. 😕 hope I can find one in my area when I can eat food like they have again. Then my mouth watered again when you said you were making sugarless cheese cake! I am almost crying thinking about the scrumptious food! Hope you enjoy your celebration tomorrow! And thank you for praying about the wildfires, they are so devastating! The smoke here is not good so appreciate your prayers! 🙏🤗

    Marilyn, I so agree with your post, I have seen this a lot over the years. Thanks for sharing it. And so true Susan, the God who made us and knew us in our Mothers Womb knows everything about us inside out! Hope this day finds you well and safe Marilyn from the fires and smoke, my prayers are with you for your safety my friend! 🙏

    Susan, your camp site sounds so nice, great all 3 dogs get along so well, so glad your friends are close by but it’s nice when we can have our private time too. Thank you for your prayers, yes these wildfires are so unpredictable. We are getting a lot of smoke drifting in from the fires. All today the sky was grey. Our Province has called in help from other areas and many fire departments have come in to provide assistance in trying to get the fires under control. Thousands of families have been evacuated and others on high alert. There is a ban on open fires and the use of all outdoor watering. There is water shortage in some places.

    I am safe but being alert and taking all the precautions I need to stay safe!

    Calling it a night all! So tired… Take care all; Good Nite, Sweet Dreams and God Bless! 😴🤗