Chat Cafe



  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    Linda, that's interesting about the gnats and fish soil. I will store that idea away for future reference. Sometimes I get a gnat problem too.

    I think we get most of the plants you and Judith mentioned here. I have not seen the different coloured Lavender is all? We do have a couple of varieties of purple Lavender though.

    Marilyn, thank you for posting.

    Judith, yes, the injections hurt a lot. I had pain another day or so just from the injection. Now I just seem to have pain from my inflamed thumb tendons. We'll see how they go. Yes we are planning more travel. I will update you as it happens. We have a huge trip planned later in the year, staying in Tasmania for several months.

    We're going north coast by car today to visit our son's family. We will have lunch with them then come home. I am taking my DIL some succulent cuttings.

    We're going to tg
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Evening Hello, sorry I haven’t been on here a lot, not feeling well today or tonight! My face and mouth lips are extremely sore. Changed the dressings and took my meds and thought I’d feel better but I don’t. Would appreciate everyone’s prayers! I will be back in the morning! Good Night and God Bless! 😴🤗
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,588 Member
    Susan, I hope you had a good day trip visiting your son and family. It is nice to have family close by so it does not take a long time to get there like your last trip. Are the steriod shots helping? I know it can take a little while for them to work. My daughter says her knees are feeling better from her injections.

    Judith - I am so sorry that you are having so much pain and soreness with your face. Will the surgeon be removing/reconstructing this irritated skin area?

    We had a really nice graduation ceremony. One of the professors who was to have a part in the ceremony was admitted to the hospital last night so he was not able to attend. He is the dean of the college of pastoral counseling. He is struggling with kidney cancer and was hospitalized last month with an infection. This time he went into shock when they were doing a procedure so they are giving him large doses of cortisone to stabilize his body again. I am glad that the infection did not come back but sad he had to miss the ceremony.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    It's lovely when people are there for us, isn't it Marilyn. I hope you have friends like that

    Linda, the revving from the steroids has stopped, but the wrist is still sore. I am finding it a little less painful which is a good sign. I hope your daughter's knees respond well too. It seems I have another injection tomorrow, this time into my little finger. I am sorry to hear about the dean of the college. I hope the treatments they give him to help. Did someone record the ceremony for him to watch later?

    Judith, I am sorry to hear about your recent pain and discomfort. You are right to rest when you get like that. I hope it all settled down for you and you were able to have a good sleep and feel better now. Praying for you.

    We have church today and have been to the morning service. We had some extra visitors which was nice. It's a cool day again and overcast so we are having a quiet afternoon at home before evening service.

    Thinking of you all.

    I have a beautiful picture of poinsettias to show you. They are growing in a friend's garden and they look like they are made out of red velvet. I took it this morning when we dropped our friends back home from church.


  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I signed in at 11:30pm and did some games but now can’t do anymore, things are better than yesterday but just not there yet, you all are in my thoughts. Thank you for your prayers!

    Susan, my favorite flower to cheer me, love the poinsettia thank you for posting it for me…

    Love and God Bless you… ❤️🤗
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,588 Member
    Susan - The ceremony was live streamed as it occured and then recorded for those who could not be there when it happened. The dean and his wife sent a lovely note to us thanking us for letting them enjoy the ceremony from his bedside. They think he will only need to be in the hospital for a few days. Again thanks for the beautiful picture. It does look like velvet even in the picture but I am sure it is more gorgeous in person.

    Judith - we are glad to hear from you when you can but please do rest and recharge as much as you need. We continue to pray for you and your healing and comfort.

    Today feels dreary with overcast sky and occassional showers. Several people were wearing jackets in the church building. I wish I had brought my jacket too. The sermon was about how important it is for us to take Sabboths. It is not in a legalistic way like the Jews did but in a way to put aside our electronic devices or other distractions and do things that help us spend more time in reading and prayer and doing things that help us mentally. We need to learn to relax and "smell the roses" or what ever helps us calm down.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    Just a quick post as I am waiting at the radiologist's for an injection into my little finger. Might not feel up to posting much more today.

    Take care, all of you. God bless you.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Evening Hello All

    Linda as you were sharing about the temps being cooler and several wearing jackets inside Church today. Yes our temps are changing and certainly coming down, I feel it especially at night as temps are right down. During the day it’s still warm enough to wear summer clothes but in evening we can wear a light sweater or jacket! Thank you for your prayers. Today I am feeling that much better. Praise God! I actually worked in the garden for a longer period today. Tonight I took time and quieted myself in scripture and then came on here. Good to be back!

    Marilyn, thanks for the great quotes. Trust you are feeling good. My prayers continue for you. I enjoy seeing you playing some of the games. Great to see you and please come when you can!

    Susan, praying for you as you have a cortisone shot in your finger. Is this new? You were getting the shots in your wrist and hand but don’t remember your finger. Take care my friend!

    Off to bed now; Good Night & God Bless! 😴🙏
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    Judith, I have De Quervain's which is inflammation of the thumb tendons. I had one shot in the wrist and they wouldn't do any more the same day. I have a trigger finger on the same hand which they gave me a shot in today. That's all for now. If it works I won't need more treatment. If it doesn't I will let you know the next steps. Thank you for praying. So glad you feel well enough to come on here. Your weather sounds lovely right now. 🙏💕
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,588 Member
    Judith - I am so happy you are feeling better and can spend time in your garden. Being around nature always helps my mood to enjoy the flowers and trees.

    Susan - I pray that the cortisone will help your trigger finger. I though I was developing that a few months ago but it seems to have gotten better on it's own. Did it bother you when you were playing your ukulele or flute?

    I walked a total of 2 1/2 miles today to and from my doctor's office. It was in the 70'sF then but I really got hot coming back. I was fasting to have some bloodwork done for my Wednesday appointment so I was pretty tired when I got there. I had a snack in my purse to eat after the bloodwork done so I would have some energy to walk home. I came home and laid down for a little while because my legs were pretty tired from the walk. There were nice shady trees along the sidewalk so I did stop a few times under their shade to cool off some which did help.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Susan, that you for filling me in. I do hope the cortisone shots help. Will continue to keep you in much prayer!

    Yes I am happy to be on here. I so enjoy meeting up with you gals and everyone else.

    Today I went out in my yard for a short time and watered my garden. My tomato vines are growing in leaps and bounds, Have some that are turning red, It sure looks like I will have a good harvest this year. Will post some pictures on my FaceBook page when I start picking my tomatoes
    off the vines!

    Linda, wow walking 2 1/2 miles that’s awesome, well done, so nice you had the shady trees along the street to help you stay cooler and out of the sunshine. Hope you enjoyed the rest of your day. Hope the results of your blood work you had done come back as a good report for your Wednesday appointment! My prayers are with you.

    Have a good evening; it’s late so I’m off to bed! Good Night and God Bless! 😴🙏🤗
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,588 Member
    Today I got my labwork for my doctor's visit tomorrow. I am so glad that my fasting blood sugar and A1C are down to normal but my liver enzymes are higher than before. I will talk to my doctor about it tomorrow but google says it could be caused by my cholesterol medication. If this is not the case, I may have to do some dietary changes. It also said that loosing weight might help so I will see if I can do that too.

    I have a big "to do" list for today but unfortunately none of it is really exciting so I have nothing to tell you all. I need to get this list done so I will "see" you later. 🥰
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Big Hugs Linda, hope your Doctor will figure out what is happening with you regarding your liver enzymes being up. Hopefully it is just a dietary change and some weight loss. I will be praying for you Linda; good thing is your Fasting Blood sugars and AIC are back down to normal; Praise God! And I’m trusting your liver enzymes will come down to normal levels! Sounds like you have quite a to do list to get done. Don’t overdo things my friend!

    Marilyn, thank you for todays quote, yes I agree, we need to look after ourselves so we can help the ones that come along our path!

    Susan, thinking of you and praying for you as you under for the cortisone shots on the trigger finger and your hand and wrist!

    Off to bed I go now. Take care and have a good Nite rest; see you all tomorrow!

    Let Keep the Spark ❇️ And Shine 💖 On Together! 🙏😴🤗
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    Hello everyone! Marilyn I feel like I am finally looking after myself. The injections have lessened the pain in my wrist and finger. Yes, Linda, it really hurt to try to play Ukelele or flute. I stopped playing week's ago. Now I am hopeful of taking it up again one day. I can still sing, but not play! You're welcome for the update, Judith. The hand issues have gone on and on, but maybe I am coming through yo the other side now.

    Yesterday I had a dental appointment too, so now I am up to date on health maintenance. Lol.

    Linda I hope the tests show what is wrong and you will be feeling better soon. Judith I saw you were very tired yesterday so hope you got a good sleep and feel better today.

    It's a domestic chore day for me today so I had best keep going. Am thinking of you all!

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    Good way to make progress, Marilyn.

    I have a busy day ahead so am just checking in to say all is well.

    Have a good day, everyone.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,588 Member
    I had my doctor's appointment today. It was just for refills on my medication so it did not take long. We did discuss my bloodwork and he said that he is not concerned with the high liver tests. It is probably caused by my cholesterol medication but he does not want to change anything since that medication is working well. He said if the number was double what it is now, that is when he would start worrying and making changes so I feel much better about that. He was pleased that several of my tests were improving so that is good. I still need to loose a little more weight so I will work on that for next time. I did loose 9# but he wants a little more. One thing that I have done differently this past 6 months is to take a tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar in water each morning. It is supposed to help with blood sugar levels so maybe that is why I now have a normal fasting blood sugar instead of pre-diabetic.

    I had a busy day with the doctor's appointment, exercising, and shopping for food for Saturday. It is 7:45 and we still have not had dinner. I try not to eat so late but it happens sometimes. Good to read all your interesting news. Have a great night.