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  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,660 Member
    Good news Linda, happy your Doctor gave you such good news regarding the liver enzyme results, great your blood sugar levels are down too, I rejoice with you Linda.

    I had my Doctors appointment today and have my meds prescription renewal done today. Some changes and have the mobile lab ordered to come in for a follow up of all my blood work. Hope my results will be all good!

    Susan my prayers continue for you. Sorry you can’t play the ukulele but happy the injections have lessened the pain for you. Here’s hoping you can get back to playing again.

    Marilyn, great quote… thanks for sharing.

    Have a good night all, see you tomorrow! 💤👍🙏😇
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,593 Member
    Yea! Judith for maintaining your weight at 97 all week. Prayers that this continues or even increases.

    Great quote Marilyn!

    Very busy for the next several days. I got my workout sitting up tables and cleaning for the party. I am doing well but you may not hear from me as often as the party approaches.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    Linda, enjoy the party. Glad your health reports were good!

    Marilyn, I agree, that's a lovely quote.

    Judith, glad you are maintaining your weight. The time for your surgery is almost here! It's OK about me having to reduce my fun activities for now. I want to get my hand healed so will do what it takes.

    Had to buy a new phone today so am 'moving in' to it. We got the dogs clippered too. They look sweet. Tonight we're going out to dinner with friends.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,660 Member
    edited August 2023
    Linda, exciting days coming for your anniversary party! Can hardly wait for the pictures of all the awesome festivities celebrating your Anniversary! Thank you for encouraging comments about maintaining my 97 pounds, today I clocked in at 97.4 pounds, wonder what Friday will bring!

    Marilyn thank you for that quote, really spoke to me as I was sent a Obituary notice of someone I knew way back had passed recently, had a wave of sadness then I remembered some happy memories! Yes silence makes me strong as I focus on this dear soul who brought happy memories as I know she has passed.

    Susan, thank you for your encouraging words; my prayers continue for your hand finger and wrist for complete healing. I would love to see your sweet puppies pictures of their new “hair cut” New Phone, how awesome, so happy for you but agree it does take some navigating in a new system but I’m sure you will do just fine!

    God Bless you all, it’s late, off to bed I go! 😴🙏
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,593 Member
    I went to bed at 2am but could not get to sleep. My mind was so busy thinking about what I needed to get done so I finally got up and did some of the work since I was not sleepy. I got to bed at 4am so I am still a little sleep deprived but I did get a lot done last night. I feel better prepared now. This afternoon I am getting together with two friends I worked with before I retired. The building complex we worked at has added a new unit of apartments for the independent living as well as a new auditorium, dining room and a lot more I do not even know. My friend who still works there is going to take us for a tour of all the new things. At 5pm we are going to the church to do the final work to get the room set up and I am taking all the rest of the punch ingredients so it will be there for the kitchen crew tomorrow. I am putting all the juice and water ingredients together in one bottle then all they have to do is add the ginger ale to it in the punch bowl. I am trying to simplify the work for all of them. We will also be setting up the tables, working on the arch for pictures, ironing table cloths, etc. I am sure it will all fall into place when the party actually happens. I will not be doing games today to give myself some time to get my many chores done today. "Talk" to you later. 🥰
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    Linda, it all sounds very organised! I am glad you got things done instead of tossing and turning last night. That's a good thing, to reduce stress. May everything go super well!

    Live that meme, Marilyn.

    Judith, so glad you had a little weight gain. I hope the next weigh in is even better. Thank you for praying about my hand/wrist. It is helping! I continue to pray for you also. 🙏 🤲 ❤️

    Colin is working on the caravan and I am working in the craftroom today. I have two classes to teach this week.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    I got a good photo of Archie just now. I will get Jasper later. He is in a restless mood and won't sit still! LOL!

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,593 Member
    edited August 2023
    Just a few minutes break between activites so I will stop by and say "Hi" and maybe do a few games.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    Great you can drop in, Linda, though I know you must be crazy busy.

    Marilyn, sending hugs.

    Judith. I see you had a rough day yesterday. Sending you hugs too. Prayers also.

    It's church day today so I will just leave you all with prayers and blessings.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,660 Member
    Thank you Susan for your prayers, really sensed your prayers. So happy to be able to pray even if I’m having a rough day! Yesterday just wasn’t going to happen! Love Love the picture of Archie, such a cute picture, he looks so cool! Seeing the picture makes me want to wrap my arms around him and give him a Big Hugs 🤗 you said Colin was working in the Caravan, are you preparing for another trip? And you said you were in the craft room, are planning for a new card or going to make something else?

    Linda, it’s exciting seeing and hearing all about your preparations for the anniversary party. You are so organized but seeing you up at 2 am and 4 AM is a little surprising and concerning, hope you are getting enough sleep my friend! You mentioned you were going to play some of the games here, some of the adventures we have been on of late sure brings a chuckle 🤭 as I read the story line! Thanks for keeping up the momentum even with all your Anniversary

    Marilyn, last two quotes were exactly what I needed to read, thank you! I was on FaceBook briefly as someone sent me a text and saw your latest new FaceBook page so quickly sent you a Friend request, hope you received. I continue to keep you in prayer!

    God Bless you all, will say Good Night and God Bless! 😴💤 off to Bed 🛌 now!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,593 Member
    edited August 2023
    We had a wonderful time at our anniversary party. We had a lttle over 100 people there. It was very encouraging to hear people share about how our marriage has had an effect on their own. It is possible to work through problems and to thrive and not give up. We are very tired today and well be traveling to Grand Junction tomorrow and we will do another party. At least I have the plans for this one and lots of food left over so it will not be as hard a job as this first one. I will catch you up on more details later. I love and pray for you all!
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    LOL Marilyn! That happens for me, too!

    Judith, so glad you could feel you were being prayed for. If I wake up at 2am or so, I pray. I know you are probably up while I am supposed to be sleeping so it seems right to do it then. Glad you liked Archie's picture. Yes, we are planning a big caravan trip starting in mid October, for around six months. I will keep you posted about it. This week I am teaching two card classes and next week I will teach another card class so I am preparing card kits for those three classes. I needed some photos of examples for my website as well so I worked on some cards for that.

    Linda, thinking about you and hoping all your plans are working out well.

    I better go do some more work!
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,660 Member
    Marilyn, that was quite the quote, yes we need to be careful that what thoughts that are in our mind doesn’t wander out through our mouths! Yes, never a good idea, that’s for sure.

    Linda, so happy you had a wonderful Anniversary celebration. That’s a wonderful gathering with having 100+ People come. I am sure it blessed you hearing your friends share how your marriage has encouraged them. Safe travels as you head to Grand Junction. Hope it’s another wonderful gathering with those who join you at this next party. Love and Hugs… Happy Anniversary God Bless! ❤️🙏

    Susan, exciting to be planning ahead for your Caravan trip. Sounds awesome a 6 month trip. You will see a lot of scenery and likely meet up with so many people in your travels. Look forward to hear all about this upcoming trip in October. I hope your two card classes you will be teaching all work out well, yes I can see you would have heaps of planning and preparation getting supplies ready. Look forward to see some pictures. Thinking about your card making wondering how your wrist and hand is doing? Trust the treatment is keeping your hand wrist and finger mobile and free from pain!

    Take care all, it’s late so this gal is heading to bed soon! Love and God Bless you all! 😴🙏🤗
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    Marilyn, sending hugs. ❤️

    Judith, I actually have three classes to prepare for. There is another one happening next week. Yesterday I took breaks but managed to get all 3 class kits. Cut out and packed in envelopes. The ladies will follow my lead and make my example cards. There are two cards per class, so that is a total of six desi need to make invariing numbers. Each class is at a slightly different level so I choose projects. When I was a teacher, the preparation was much more intense, so I do usually enjoy the craft prep. 😉 My hand ✋️ has improved but is still slowing me down a little. I just allow a lot more time to do things like this so I am not stressed by it. That way I can also do things that Colin thinks of at the last minute. For example, he wanted to go to the new shopping centre on Sunday afternoon. I was able to go with him on the spirit of the moment without worrying. It's just better to be prepared where you can be, isn't it. Yes, the caravan trip will be amazing. We are going with long time friends and some new people. All of us have different health problems, being around the 70s mark, but we''ll look after each other. How are you this week? I hope you ate getting the rest you need and are able to drink health sustaining smoothies with no problem. Hugs.

    Happy anniversary, Linda! I hope everything went perfectly for your party. I can't wait to hear something of how it all went. You must be exhausted though, so come back when you are able.

    God bless you all today. I am going to go get ready to go out to lunch with the ladies from the church. 😀
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,593 Member
    We made it home back to Grand Junction. The temperature was 97F (36.1C) when we got here which was so different than the weather in Denver.

    At our party, a friend had bought several balloons to put on the backs of the chairs and at the cake table. The children took most of them home but the number 5 and number 0 were still there to spell out 50. We thought it might be a good thing to take over here for our second party. As we got at the highest altitude we heard a loud popping sound. I thought we had a blowout on one of our tires but it was actually the number 5 exploding because at the higher altitude, the helium expanded and broke open the balloon. After we realized what the noise was, we laughed but it was scary when it happened for a few seconds. After that we popped the number 0 because it was useless to us now without the 5 and also we did not want it to explode either. I could feel that it was very tight and about to burst anyway.

    There was a lot of food left over so we will not need to do as much preparing as we did the first time. We have 20# of brisket, enough punch for 4 punch bowls full, 72 extra buns and a 1/2 sheet of cake. We did not have room for the cake with all the other things we had to bring over so we will maybe donate the cake to the group of people that take food to feed the homeless once a month. Different churches take different weeks to do this. We have a friend in the church that is just starting her business of baking macaroons, cookies and cakes. She does a beautiful job and has offered to do our cake free for us. We will have her make a replica of our original cake. Our pictures are pretty old and yellowed but I hope she can get the idea from what we have.

    Our daughter is going to our mountain place tomorrow and we will join her on Wednesday to get away for a few days. We will stay until Friday then come bac k to Grand Junction to get ready for the Sunday party. Since we are a small church here, we will expect to have about 1/2 what we had in Denver where we have gone to church for 30 years and had made lots of friends in that time. Our daughter and kids will go back to Denver on Monday so they will celebrate again with us on Sunday.

    Susan - I am glad that you are taking it easy with your hand. I am sure the women will have a wonderful time at your card party.

    Marilyn - When I wrote up my re-newal vows, I used one of your quotes about what love really is. It refers to how hard it can be but it is worth every minute to do it for someone you love.

    Judith - I hope you are having a good week with more good days where you have energy to do the things you love.