Chat Cafe



  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Susan, thank you for sharing your past travels, sounds so exciting exploring all the places. I loved travelling at one time, did a lot of sightseeing across Ontario when I lived there and of course the States (USA) when as a young girl visiting family in Toledo Ohio, Buffalo New York, Georgia, Alabama, Washington, Louisiana and Florida, North and South Carolina and many more States in between. I did a 3 day and night Train Trip across Canada parts of it from Vancouver to Toronto, beautiful trip! The Crucifix Orchid is Gorgeous, so vibrant in color, thank you for sharing.

    Linda, you were posting in the Weather feed that your temps were 99 degrees is so very hot 🥵 please be careful and stay well hydrated. So happy you tried the recipe I posted. If you get time I’d love to see what all you put in the recipe. I am sure it was delicious.

    Today was a big day for me, Had my family over to celebrate my Granddaughters 17th Birthday and my Daughter and her husband Wedding Anniversary, 23 years; August 6, 2000. With having all the family here we celebrated their anniversary as its only a week early. They loved their gifts. Because I am not cooking I sent out for their favorite Pizza and Crazy Bread from Little Cesar’s. And got speciality drinks for them from Starbucks. We had a lovely afternoon.

    Marilyn, good to see you playing the games with us. And thanks for another great quote!

    Will say Good Nite and God Bless, see you in the morning! ❤️🙏🤗
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Good Morning All

    Hard to believe but today is the last day of the Month of July! This month has gone by fast, as our Summer. With Vacation times and enjoying harvests from our Fruit and Vegetable gardens for most of us we don’t want it to end!

    I have enjoyed reading all about your vacations and Family Activities and Special Celebrations!

    August I am sure will be just as exciting. And speaking of August, first I want to congratulate you on a great Job you have done in Meeting your Daily Goals as you joined our Team Challenges for July. Well Done Everyone. Tonight I post new Team Daily Challenges for August 2023. Hope you will join me for a great and successful Month of August!

    Marilyn, thank you for joining us for the Games we play together. And May I officially invite you to join our Monthly Team Challenges (Goals) for August! We would love to have you join us.

    Susan, we would love for you to join us too. And thanks for joining us in the games we play.

    Have a great day everyone and week ahead! God Bless…🤗🙏
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,588 Member
    Today is a cleanig and packing day. We go over the mountain tomorrow and will be there for 2 weeks for the school's graduation, my doctor appointment for medication refills and our anniversary party. We come back to GJ for a week to celebrate a second anniversary party for our friends over here and to donate blood then back to Denver for 3 days to meet with someone from Africa who needs to talk to my husband and several others who will be in Denver at the same time about more students taking classes at the school. We come back to GJ in time for my husband to have his shoulder surgery then hopefully a quieter September. I plan to take one day at a time so I do not get overwhelmed - which is easy for me to do unless I depend on God for strength for all of this.

    Judith - I am so glad that you were able to have a fun time with your family for the birthday and anniversary party. Your choice of food sounds delicious although I try to stay away from this since my doctor's appointment is coming up soon and I do not want my lab work to have high colesterol.

    Susan - you are right I was not realizing that Australia is about the size of the states. A 15 hour ferry ride is longer than any plane ride I have taken. Do they have any rooms for you to sleep in as you are on your ferry ride? We rode a ferry to the Isle of Patmos when we were in Israel and it was very crowded and noisy. They had a lot of cars and huge semi trucks in the bottom of the ship. It was amazing that they could carry such big loads without sinking but the boats are built to do this and it was fine. Of course when we ride an airplane, they have big loads in the cargo holds. I am glad that there are very intelligent people around who can figure out the dynamics of weights and can keep us safe.

    Marilyn - praying for your safety as well as those nearby from the fires. Are they getting them under control?
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,588 Member
    edited August 2023
    Today is National Girlfriend Day. It is a day to celebrate the support of our female friends. I really do appreciate you all so much. You make me laugh and entertained with all your adventures. I also appreciate your prayers and I pray for you too.

    We made it over the mountain to Denver but it took us an extra hour to do it. There was a lot of construction and it rained about 1/2 of the time. There was a lot of splashback expecially from big trucks. When we left Grand Jucntion, the temperaure was in the high 80'sF but it got down to 55F asw we were going through the rain. I will try to chat more tomorrow but I need to get things unpacked and get to bed. See you in the morning.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    edited August 2023
    Happy National Girlfriend Day, everyone! 💕💐💕

    Linda, glad to know you are home safe. I really understand about your need to rest after all that travel and you'll have more happening in coming days. It is so wise to take rest when you can and as you need it. Yes, our little group is very important and I so appreciate all of your friendship and prayers. 🙏💕

    Marilyn, I have never thought about patience like that before. There's a lot of wisdom in that quote.

    Judith, looks like I beat you in here today. Thinking of you. I have another flower picture from my garden for you today.


    This is one of my bromeliads that is blooming. It gets red like that in the centre when it blooms but it is usually a paler shade of red anyway.

    It has been a domestic chores day here, washing, cleaning, grooming the dogs, baking a cake for a friend's birthday. I need to start cutting up some card kits for my upcoming classes. Tomorrow I have steroids injected into my right wrist and little finger so I want to get the kits cut out before I have to wrap up my hand. The Occupational Therapist said they would probably require me to brace my hand for another two weeks after the injections.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Thank you Susan for the beautiful flower you shared here.

    I am sorry I didn’t get on our group page yesterday. I am dealing with 2 heavy situations. Very difficult. One of the situations was a very personal one that happened recently but does affect me as I ministered with the person. What I have found out about person has so upset me. No words to describe.

    I will be back later today it’s now Midnight so going to bed. God Bless 🙏😴
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,588 Member
    Marilyn - this is so true but I don't think I could get my body to work that way. I could if I were younger for sure. Mentally I try to be flexible to understand where people are coming from before I try to help them. Speaking without thinking can cause so much hurt.

    Judith - I am praying for your situtation. May God wrap his loving arms around you and give you peace in this difficult time. You love and care so deeply for so many people.

    Susan - yes a rest day is usually needed after a long day traveling. Your picture is gorgeous. Here in the states, we have very small plants like this that needs to stay in the house. They are not able to take our severe winter weather. I pray that your steroid shots are successful for you. Have you had them before. My husband had them in his knee and had great results. I'm sorry you might have to go back into a brace but at least it will not be for a prolonged time.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Evening Hello All

    Marilyn, your quote was so fitting for me today especially! I agree with Linda I would not be able to get my body in those positions, probable years ago when I was Yound and Limber! 😃

    Linda, thank you for your prayers, I am fine today, it’s hard when a friend and minister falls from grace and one has to keep us safe and free from the public eyes it’s hard, but today I feel so much stronger and all I can do is pray for the person for restoration and healing for my friend and minister!

    Susan, I had another look at the gorgeous flower you posted, it is such a striking colour and the flower is so pretty, only God can design a Flower like that. God’s creation is so Beautiful! I hope your Cortisone injections go well and you get some relief in your hand and wrist; so sorry you have to go back in the brace but hope it’s just for a short time! Praying for you my friend!

    Take care all, have a good evening and rest tonight! God Bless… 🙏🤗
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    edited August 2023
    Hello everyone. I got a cortisone injection in my wrist this morning and had to rest it completely till this afternoon. They will look at my finger another day. Let's just say the procedure was short but quite painful. Thank you for praying.

    Judith, glad you liked my Bromeliad. Here's another flower from my garden that is in bloom right now, this time an orchid.


    Linda, Marilyn, more tomorrow. Hugs.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,588 Member
    edited August 2023
    Marilyn - this is so true!

    Susan - another beautiful flower. Do you have blooming flowers all year long? I don't remember how cold it gets in your winter.

    Judith - I hope you are doing well. Your upcomming surgery will be here soon.

    My daughter went to the orthopedic doctor today and he says both of her knees need to be replaced. On one knee, the knee cap has pressed so long on the bone underneath it that it has worn a groove in it basically keeping it from moving. They gave her cortisone shots in both knees and said to wait as long as she can before getting surgery since they only last around 20 years or so and she is still in her late 40's. She would need them replaced again when she is in her 60's. I spent some time in the garden today pulling/cutting foxtail weeds. They are so hard to keep out of the garden and when they get ripe, they stick to our clothes and our dog. I had a tablecloth on my clothes line one time and we had a big wind that blew it off the line (the clothes pins were old and not strong evidently) and into the garden. I finally had to cut off some of the material where the seeds were clinging because I could not get them out. The material had stuck together like it was glued. Tomorrow night we are taking the students who are graduating out to dinner at the Yak and Yeti restaurant. It is Indian food and really delicious. We will have a few spouses attending also. Saturday will be the graduation ceremony and then we can get some rest. It might just be that afternoon because then the next week we have last minutes planning for our party. We are trying to delegate as much as we can which does help.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    Aww, Marilyn, that sure is a strength.

    Linda, winter is our best time for flowers and vegetables. We get foliage mainly in summer those things like cacti will Bloom. We never reach freezing point where I am in winter and the summers are so harsh that the flowers appreciate winter rain and coolness. That sticky weird you describe your sounds like a pain. Remember when Colin fell out of the van in Central Queensland and got birds in his shirt and pants? We could get them out of the pants as they were a stiff material but we could not get them out of his shirt and had to ditch it. I am glad I don't get sticky weed in this yard. I do have something that looks a bit like long stemmed clover and has yellow flowers which is a bit of a creeping Vine and it is a pain. If get him even empty pot plants. I think the birds drop seeds when they fly

    Judith, that's true, your surgery is coming up very soon. How are you feeling about it? I hope everything is going well. I am so sorry about the heavy day that you had yesterday. Praying for you and hoping that today your good day will last. I know that emotional stress can be extremely tiring and difficult to deal with. I hope you got a rest in the Lord today.

    My wrist is sore today but variable. It is a bit swollen. I wore my brace overnight and that seemed to keep it in good order. I have it up today and am doing things like grooming the dogs, washing towels car and later I will go into the craft room and see if I can prepare for my class is. Colin is a full stalling a diesel heater in the caravan today with a friend who knows about such things. I am glad I didn't have to go and be the tool passer. Lol!

    Have a good day is, girlfriends. Blessings on you all.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    I have a blooming succulent at the moment that I forgot to show you. Do you have anything like this where you live? I don't know the name of the plant, sorry. If you put it in open garden, it spreads crazily. The Blooms remind me of elongated Bells.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Susan, the flowers you have shared in last two posts are so beautiful. Thank you for posting.

    We have lovely flowers and plants like the orchid you shared but not some of the others. We have flowering shrubbery like azalea and mine have both lavender and flame red and orange colour, so striking. We have so many flowering plants in the summer and spring. My favorite spring flower is my Easter Lily and at Christmas our winter we have our Christmas Cactus and Poinsettia Holly, Amaryllis which are all so pretty.

    My prayers are with you as you have started your cortisone injections. Yes I agree, the injection doesn’t take long to give but oh are they painful. I do hope the cortisone helps your wrist and hand.

    Glad your husband has the help to install the Diesel heater in the caravan. Does that mean you are preparing for more travelling?

    Linda, that prickly foxtail weed sounds like it is a terrible weed to get rid of. Sounds like quite a task to pull them all out of your garden.

    Sorry to hear about your daughters knees both need replacing, and she is so young being in her 40’s. I hope the cortisone helps her and she can go as long as possible before having the surgery.

    It’s exciting getting ready to celebrate your anniversary, glad you are letting the others do most of the preparations and planning for the party. I look forward to seeing all the pictures that will be taken and shared.

    You asked about how I felt about surgery, I am ok with it, just want to get it over with so I can heal and recover so I can do the things God is preparing me for. God is Good, I just need to remind myself that God’s timing is best, and that God has a plan and it will be worked out at just the right time.

    Marilyn, your post about our mouths, yes so true, I always pray that God would put a “Watch” over my mouth, that I would speak things that would glorify the Lord and think before I open my mouth so I don’t regret the things I have said, and yes. Sometimes it’s hard.

    It’s late so I will say good night and God Bless! 😴🙏❤️
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,588 Member
    Marilyn - another great thought. Sometimes we fight against things we do not like but it is so true that even if things may not be pleasant, it can form and mold us into more patient, loving, caring people as we lean on Jesus' strength.

    We had a little rain yesterday but the storm was mostly thunder grumbling in the sky. Further south of us I heard they did have heavy rain. I need to go back into the garden today and get the rest of the foxtail out. There were some areas that I could not reach over the fence and I was getting sunburned andhot yesterday so I had to quit before I was finished.

    Susan - I have not seen this plant you took a picture of. It is definately not a native here. I do like succulents because by touching them you know if you need to water them. Sometimes I water my other plants too much and then I get fungus gnats. I have put fish gravel on the tops of the plants becauses I was told that the gnats like moist soil and by putting the gravel on it, they can not get to the soil to lay their eggs.

    Judith - your azalea sounds beautiful.