Chat Cafe



  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,588 Member
    We are in the airport waiting to fly back to Denver. We stopped to see the aircraft carrier Midway museum on the way but there was a long line to get in and there were a lot of stairs to walk up. We were tired and sore from walking on the sand yesterday so we decided we did not have the energy to do that. We now are waiting for two hours for our flight because we got here earlier that we thought. Our daughter and family will stay in California for a few more days to go see the Lego museum and let the kids build things from Lego's. It is a fun activity for kids who are their age (9 and 11).
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    edited July 2023
    How fun for the grandchildren, Linda. I can imagine mine loving a Lego Museum too. They are 8 and 10. Sounds like you have had a fun but exhausting time! Special memories no doubt were made 💖

    Sending hellos to Marilyn and Judith and a hope for blessings in your days

    We're off babysitting duties today so are doing the washing, having coffee in new cups Colin just bought, then will go explore Barron Gorge with the dogs.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Evening Hello,
    Susan thank you Susan, I am so rejoicing that my Surgeon got me booked as quickly as possible.

    I hope you had a nice Family BBQ day, I love Lamb but never Roasted Lamb in a BBQ before but it sounds so scrumptious! 😋 I can hardly wait until I can eat normally again. Lamb will be on my menu for sure. Glad you are filling in the areas of the fence so you won’t have any further Fur-babies escape. Enjoy your vacation and all your family time you are having.

    Linda, sounds like a nice Beach day but a little worrisome having all the sun exposure. Sorry, I am more sun cautious these days more than I used to be. Good to hear the grandkids were enjoying a nice clean pool to have fun in, you would be feeling safer having the kids close by. Safe travels back to “Norma” it’s nice you are helping out with laundry even though it’s not required, the B&B will love you for cleaning everything up to help make their lives easier. Enjoy your family and have a great week. In closing, how is your hubby doing? Has he seen the Surgeon yet?

    Thinking of you Marilyn, hope all is well!

    Good Night All, see you tomorrow. 😴💤🤗
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Good Morning All 🌅
    Not too often I post late night day before (See Above) and come back today and have come before any of you have started your posts. I saw JC when playing the games but that is all the members I crossed paths with.

    Today I have one appointment online and having a friend drop some things off and have a short visit. My week is quiet as no further appointments for me. Sunday is my Granddaughters 17th Birthday! 🥳🎂

    Have a blessed week Susan and Linda as you both are on vacation enjoying family times together. My thoughts and prayers are with you!

    Marilyn, my thoughts and prayers are with you. Hope you are well!

    Blessings to all the Members, have a great Week!
    Let’s Sparkle ❇️ and Shine 💖 On Together! 🤗
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,588 Member
    Susan - I hope you have a safe time exploring with the dogs. I hope Jasper does not take his own exploring and get away again. I assume that you have them on leashes to keep them safe. We got cups from the San Diego zoo as a souvenour but Glenn sat his down to call the Uber and forgot to take it home with us. It was not an expensive cup so he was not too concerned since I still had mine.

    Judith - you must be up a lot earlier than I was this morning to get on this thread twice before anyone else got here. Today I do not have much on the agenda other than unpacking and resting.

    We got in early this morning from the airport. I did not get to bed until 2AM. I am still pretty tired and do not have big plans for today. Our plane was delayed for an hour in San Diego because one of the stewardess was late coming from another plane that was late. It did give me time to read a book I had but my joints got tired sitting a lot.

    My husband is still waiting to hear from the surgeon about what is needed for the surgery. There were several options of what could be done. Once a decision is made we can schedule surgery. We need to work around the school graduation, our two anniversary parties and a conference he is supposed to attend next month. He will be wearing a sling for a while which does limit how much he can do for sure. He is doing passive range of motion on his shoulder to keep it mobile and will start PT when we get back to Grand Junction later this week.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    Linda, yes, we have harnesses, leads and collars for both dogs and use them all the time. Our daughter has a dog too who has been safe in their fenced back yard since March, but Jasper is skinnier and shorter and more energetic so he dug the holes and Archie must have helped. There has been lots of rain here and the ground was soft. We wanted them to have off lead time in a safe environment and didn't expect them to escape but they did. We always take precautions and trusted our daughter knew if the yard would be safe. We'll be more cautious of recommendations in future especially now we know Jasper is a digger. He never had the opportunity to dig before.

    Judith, glad you are still rejoicing! I hope your phone appointment and friend's visit go well. Happy birthday from us in Australia for your granddaughter.

    Marilyn, love the photo!

    Today we're back on granddaughter babysitting duties and are doing things around the house to help the family. Ty hr patents work so hard. It is good to be able to take some small stresses away.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Marilyn, I love this latest quote, thank you for sharing.. Yes Let’s be Happy, even Silly 😆

    Linda, yes to answer you question, I posted night before around 11:00pm and went to bed but ended up sleeping until 5:00am had Devotions and Prayer time and was on here at 8:00am. Was amazed that no one was on here other than JC. So yes, I missed you. Hope you here from your husbands Surgeon soon so plans can be made around Grad and Anniversary parties. Glad he is doing some passive range of motion exercises. You certainly got in late from the airport with going to bed at 2 am. Hope you got a good rest.

    Susan, my phone appointment lasted 1 hour but it was a good appointment. Thank you for wishing my Granddaughter a Happy 17th Birthday for Sunday July 23rd. Hope you had a good day looking after your Granddaughter, nice you can help out. I saw the cute pictures of Archie and Jasper on Messenger sitting on the Seats in their seat belts looking so happy to go for a car ride with you. So adorable. Hope you can share those same pictures here. I know everyone would love them as much as I did.

    Have a great day all. Be back tomorrow!
    God Bless..🤗
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,588 Member
    Today is a really hot day - in the 90's and we are not able to get our swamp cooler to work so we are really feeling the heat! They will come look at it tomorrow morning. We went to exercise and to several stores today and it was delightful to have airconditioning in those places. I did not want to come home but we ahd frozen food so staying there until tomorrow was not an option. 😄

    My husband talked to the surgeons office and they are booked up until the 30th of August to do his shoulder. They start surgeries at 6am and continue to do them until noon so we will need to go up to Vail the day before to stay in a motel since it takes 2 hours to get there. We will not know the time until the day before. I hope the surgeon is an early riser and will be wide awake at 6am if we are first on the list. He will not need to stay overnight so that also gives us time to make it back to Grand Junction before it gets dark. I will be the driver for 6 weeks until he can move his shoulder better. He thinks he can drive but when the time comes, I think he will agree he needs to rest his surgical area.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    edited July 2023
    Lovely quote today, Marilyn.

    Judith, your wish is my command:
    I am hurrying to post because we are about to start babysitting again and I will not be on Wi-Fi until Friday. If I ever don't post before getting home, it is because we have very patchy coverage in this huge country called Australia once you're outside of major city centres.

    Linda, sorry your husband has to wait until the end of August for something to be done for his shoulder. I have just been booked in to have hand injections the first week in August. And ugh about the heat.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,588 Member
    Susan - your fur babies are so cute. Their seats are all enough that they can see out of the windows but still be safe. We were on a trip many years ago in a RV and our dog was standing on the seat sniffing the air. We took a sharp corner and she fell out. She was pretty scared and did not go near any windows for quite a while. Some safety harnesses would have helped keep her safe!

    We have a cool house today! This is embarressing but the repair guy came to look at the swanp cooler and said it is very old and had tripped the circut breaker. All he had to do was reset it and it works now. I did not even think to check that. He said he does not know how long this one will last and suggested we invest in a new one. That is an expensive investment so we will need to think about it. We plan to sell this house in two years though and the new owners would appreciate a new swamp cooler. He also said our furnace was installed in the 1970's and could quit anytime as well as our water heater which is 15 years old. Being retired and being on a fixed income does limit how much we can do for this old house.

    Judith and Marilyn I hope you are getting the rest you need. Prayers continue for all of you.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Marilyn, love this latest Quote, entitled Look Back.. with a few other scenarios but most important to be grateful for it all. Yes we have much to be grateful fo. God is Good! My prayers are with you my friend.

    Susan, Thank you, these are the same pictures you shared with me on FaceBook Messenger and I wanted everyone else here to see these precious Fur Babies of yours. Now they all can see how Archie and Jasper travel in style and in safety with their “Mommy and Daddy” in the Caravan. Hope you enjoy your time with the family and babysitting your grandkids. Yes Precious Memories you are making with your Grand Babies! ❤️ Not too worry I understand about WIFI and being out of the Main City area. Look forward to seeing you back when you can. Sorry you having injections on your hand in August, hope the injections help and you get the results you are hoping for. I will be praying for you and have made a note that the first week of August you are starting those injections. Please keep us posted. Blessings on your day and safe travels my Friend! 🙏

    Linda, so sorry to hear about your dear husband having to wait until August 30th to have his surgery on his shoulder. My prayers 🙏 will be with him for successful surgery and a speedy
    recovery! That is sure a scary experience you had Linda with your Dog being thrown out the window when the sharp turn was made, glad she wasn’t hurt but can understand she wouldn’t want to be near windows for a while. Happy to hear that you got the swamp cooler back working now but sorry that you found out it would need to be replaced due to the age. And then to be told your hot water tank and furnace needed to be replaced, I feel for you as having three big expenses to replace an expensive water heater , furnace and swamp cooler, 3 huge pricey ticketed items. I am so sorry 😞 That is a tough one especially on Seniors Pensions, that’s not easy.

    Take care All, be back tomorrow. 🤗🙏
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    Judith, you're welcome for the photos. You can see why our dogs love to travel! They get to see and smell so many new places. Thank you for praying about my hand/wrist. There is a date for the injections - August 3rd. It should be a relatively quick appointment. They already have my X-rays so should be able to find the two spots where the injections are needed. I had an injection years ago when one of my fingers on the other hand needed it. It's a painful thing, but hopefully it will help this hand to heal.

    Linda, glad you enjoyed the dog pictures. The harnesses allow the boys some movement and Jasper even gets out of his box to sit in the middle at times, but neither can get out the windows! After hearing about your dog, I am relieved that they can't get out. Glad your dog was Ok! Oh, so sorry to hear about the possible household expenses. You also have surgical expenses, I know. That's not easy.

    Marilyn, that's a cheerful quote for today. Thank you.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,588 Member
    We are traveling back to Grand Junction today after we have our dental appointments. I am afraid that I have a cavity which is frustrating. They have been watching a spot for over a year and the tooth has become very sentitive now so I may need to make an appointment for a filling. The weather is so nice here but when we get back to Grand Junction, it will be over 100F every day for the next week. We will be staying inside with our swamp cooler running during the hottest parts of the day.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    edited July 2023

    Thought I should update a bit.

    Am doing better - still tired a lot but they tell me that is to be expected due to low funtion of the kidneys.

    Am holdidng my own at 16 for the function - would rejoice greatly if it would increase but am praising the Lord that it has not gotten to the state of diaylis yet - though my arm is now ready. In September it will be one year since I started this health journey and am so grateful still to be alive and not on diaylsis yet. Have great doctors.

    Needing to take better care re the amount of water - and need to relook at the food as I have fallen somewhat off the plan they have given me - the closer I stay to eating as they tell me the better everything goes

    Hubby is turning 79 on the 31st of this month - he says all he wants is a nice meal - he has a chicken dish that he loves so think that will be what we will have. Am still looking at seeing if at least one couple would come for dinner that night.

    I have been having trouble with facebook - have a few accounts but have just been able to fix one up that I think will work. It has a picture of me and the name on it is Marilyn McComber - so if you are on facebook click onto that and see if you can find me - so far no friends yet on it but hopefully a few will come. I have the account really to keep in contact with our sons ex (she has raised our granddaugther alone and done a great job)

    I used to keep a journal (pretty much daily) of what I was eating, any exercise, readings from the Bible but stopped doing this about 6 weeks ago. So am looking at doing this again - only this time I think I might put it up here onf myfitness pal - if I do I think I will be calling it 'My Journal to Health' - will let you know if I put it up and if anyone wants to keep up with it or even join me.

    Anyway, thinking of all of you - may you be blessed over and over while you stand firm in the Lord.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,462 Member
    Marilyn, thank you so much for your update. You bless us too every day. Sending lots of encouragement and some birthday wishes for your hubby.

    Linda, safe travels. Sorry about your tooth!

    Judith, you are on my mind.

    Last day with family today and we start our home journey tomorrow so please don't worry if entries from me are short/I miss a day. Will be home by the last day in July, Lord willing.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Evening Hello,

    My entry will be little as it is hot in my place even with AC and Fans on. Inside temp is 78 degrees down from 80 + degrees. It’s been up in the 90’s with high humidity which makes it feel hotter I’m running on slow if you know what I mean! 🙃

    Marilyn, thank you for your update, so glad your function tests are maintaining, and you don’t need dialysis, Praise God! My prayers continue!

    You mentioned about new FaceBook Profile, I will look you up my friend! Thank you for all your cheery quotes you post, you are a blessing my friend! Please wish your hubby a great Happy 79th Birthday 🎂 Enjoy your Chicken dinner together. God Bless.

    Susan, yes I love those pictures. Happy you liked my Miss Sunshine basking in the sunshine on the couch. Thank you for letting us know about your hand injections on August 3rd. Will be praying for you. And safe journey back home. Happy you enjoyed being with your family.

    Linda, sorry about your tooth, hope you can get it fixed quickly. Safe travels back to Grand Junction. You mentioned how hot 🥵 it will be there at 100 degrees, that’s hot, guess you will be using your swamp cooler. Hope it helps.

    Sorry all I need my meds and am heading to bed. Good Nite and God Bless, be back tomorrow 😴
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member