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  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Linda, I feel for you both! I do hope hubby is alright and just needs rest. Ugh about the sleep apnea machine. I'll be taking mine with me on our trip too but we have a 12v transformer so can run it on our stored energy from our solar panels and 2 lithium batteries. Much less noisy and smelly than a generator, but it's good you had that option. Remember when Colin fell out of our van on one of our trips? He rolled and fell on his side/back and did nodamagd but it sure shook us both up. He fell into thorns/prickles and we had to throw his shirt away. Please take care, both of you.

    Marilyn, the reminder is good. Thanks for that.

    Judith, I hope you get a chance to post soon.

    God bless all of you.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    edited June 2023
    Linda, Inam sorry to hear about your hubby’s fall, trust his shoulder is not injured severely. Please let me know when you can what urgent care has said. In meantime will keep him in prayer. Welcome back Linda. You have been missed. Sorry you had issues with the battery and had prob with using your CPAC but glad you have a generator which I’m sure helped you. I hear you about being happy you are back in civilization again. Sounded quite cold with you using blankets and wearing flannel pj’s. I sure can identify with you regarding warm pj’s as when we had the cold snap I sure was using warm blankets like you did. Hope you get unpacked and settled in at home. Take care my friend, Love and Hugs, Prayers too! ❤️🤗🙏

    Marilyn, good reminder j hi ou posted today, yes we sure need to be mindful what we eat!

    Susan, yes 2 sleeps now, excitement is escalating! 😊 Yes, Lightening Strikes are another issue with Wildfires, had’t thought of that but it has happened here too. Have a good night sleep, see you tomorrow.

    In closing I have some Good News to share:

    My Surgeon’s Office called today regarding my Surgery! Surgery is scheduled for Tuesday July 11th.

    They will call me on Monday July 10th to give me the time for Surgery and time to report to VGH where surgery is.

    They are anticipating the surgery to be in the early afternoon but will confirm on Monday when they call.

    I am so Thankful and Praise God for moving the mountains with opening up the doors for a date for the surgery.

    Thank you all for your support and your prayers, will keep you posted…

    Good Nite and God Bless you 😴🙏🤗
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    edited June 2023
    Strength is a funny thing, Marilyn. It's like Courage - feel the fear and do it anyway!

    Judith, yes, one more sleep! We have much to do today including getting the dogs washed and clippered, filling the van water tanks, chilling down the fridge in the van, packing some final things and washing our sheets and towels from the house. I am also doing an online craft session hosted by someone else so I can learn some new fun folds! I will sleep tonight.

    Judith, I am so glad to hear your good news! The Lord is good. Praying for a really good outcome with this surgery.
    🙏💕 Only nine more sleeps for you! The Lord's will be done. ❤️❤️❤️

    Linda, thinking of you and your husband. I hope you got good news from the Clinic. Shoulders can be such tricky things. 🙏💕
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Today is a little cooler than yesterday. We went out to lunch with another couple and sat on the restaurant patio and talked for 3 hours. It was a nice shady area with a wonderful breeze. We had a good lunch and a good talk.

    My husband has an appointment with the orthopedic surgeon on the 6th of next month to get an MRI done and eval for surgery. It would be really nice if he said all that my husband needs is physical therapy but with the pain he has with movement, I really doubt that therapy would be enough. The Urgent Care gave him a few exercises to do to keep movement in his joint so it will not freeze up until he can get evaluated but they are pretty painful.

    Susan - not sure when your "sleeps" are done since we are on a different time zone but I pray for a safe trip for you when you leave. Since you are going to be gone an extended period, you have a lot more to pack for than I do when we are gone for a few days. Since we travel a lot to Denver we just have ended up having duplicates in clothing at both houses which helps.

    Judith - I am so glad that your surgery is coming soon! Is this going to be the last one or are there more after this? Thanks for your wonderful example of steadfast faith in spite of circumstances.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    edited July 2023
    Oops hit wrong button so starting again
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Marilyn, great quote on Strength!

    Susan, you certainly are having a full and busy day with preparing for your trip away. You said you were doing an online craft session hosted by someone else. You said you wanted to learn new folds. You dill have to show us how to make new folds. Safe travels Susan. Yes I am so happy to finally get the news go get this surgery done!

    Linda, sorry to hear that your Hubby has been referred to a Surgeon. Hope he doesn’t need surgery! Sounds like his shoulder is really painful. My prayers continue, thank you for your kind comments, the Lord gives me what I need, everyday I try and keep my eyes on Jesus and be the woman He would have me to be, I daily work on things and ask God to change me and fill me with His Holy Spirit that the things I do would please Him. This is my desire. You asked if this was last surgery. I hope it is, this will be 6 surgeries for me when this one has been done!

    I am working on our Team Challenges for July, will go now and finish it up and be back to post!

    God’s Blessings my friends! 😊🤗
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Susan - I hope you slept well last night after so busy a day getting ready. The day before a trip can be pretty chaotic if it is like my packing/cleaning/preparing, etc that I do. Safe travels for you and Colin!

    My husband says he is feeling less pain but he is having more swelling in his upper arm with lots of brusing. It took a while for the bruises to show up. It must have been a very deep injury. He is using Ibuprophen to help sleep and keeps a pillow under his arm for support. We have 5 sleeps before he can see the doctor to get the final decision. We will leave a day early since his appointment is early on the 6th and stay in a motel overnight so we donot have to leave really early in the morning. Vail is about half way in our trip so we will drive for 2 1/2 hours then sleep then go to the clinic then go on to Denver. We are still planning to go to our family vacation in San Diego the next week because it will take a little time to get the surgery scheduled if that is what is necessary.

    Judith - thanks for all the research you do for us on the monthly team challenges. I am proud of you for maintaining you 97 pounds all week. Keep up the good work!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    I can just see that you posted a Snoopy pic, Marilyn. I love Snoopy and Charles Schultz 's wisdom.

    Linda, your poor husband. I hope his pain eases soon and the diagnostics show just what is wrong. Asking the Lord for His will to be done. You are right, yesterday was quite hectic and this morning is too, but we shall be on our way in a matter of two hours.

    Judith, it was such a disruptive day yesterday I didn't get to finish any cards. Fortunately I paid for access to their streamed videos so can watch them when I come back home to wifi and hopefully understand how to make up the kits they sent me. Some of the folds look complicated, too much for our little forum! If I can get the names of the folds that might help with finding free videos of them? I will put it aside for a future project. I hope all things are working together for good for you. Not too long to go now.

    I'm off to finalise the house and van for our trip today. Take care everyone.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Marilyn, thank you for this sweet quote; and yes like Susan I too love Snoopy and Charles Schultz, all their thoughts for the day and quotes were always so delightful!

    Susan, so sorry your WIFI to gain access for the meeting didn’t work out for you. Glad you can watch the video’s when back home. I am sure you will be able to sort it out and be able to learn how to do those folds and make the cards you were hoping for. Hope you get all the last things done so you can be on your way for your trip. Happy Camping and safe travels my friend!

    Linda, thank you for your kind words regarding the info I have posted for our July Team Goals for July. And thanks for cheering me on for maintaining my weight. So sorry that your hubby is I so much pain. It’s good he has an appointment on July 6th to see Surgeon, hope you get some answers to know what is going on with his shoulder, hope it’s not too serious. Please keep us informed on what you learn. Safe travels to the City where the Surgeon is located and onto to Denver. You mentioned about your trip to Sam Diego. Hope you have a wonderful Family Vacation there.

    It’s now late so I need to head to bed! Good Nite All, God Bless! ❤️🤗🙏😴
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Today is a better day for my husband. We are beginning to see swelling and bruising just below the injury level but he says his range of motion seems to be getter better. He is not asking for help with dressing anymore. Maybe once the swelling is gone, the joint will be much better and he will not need any surgery.

    Today is very cloudy with some grayness in the clouds. I do not see any rain in the forecast but we were plesantly surprised Friday evening to have some rain that was not expected.

    Susan - by now you will have left on your adventure. I pray for safe travels and that the van will be in good working condition. I am sure your family are looking forward to this trip as well as you are.

    We watched the Denver church service this morning online. It was about Acts 9, how God ask Ananias to go to Saul, who was persecuting the Christians, to tell him the way of truth. He could have let fear rule his life but he did as he was told and we can see how Paul effected the world for God. How many times have I let fear get in my way of doing something good in God's name? Do I use my talents for God or for myself? Good things to ponder for me.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    edited July 2023
    Marilyn, I say a hearty Amen for that last quote as it brought back memories of a message the Lord brought one Sunday morning in our service, I knew God was telling me to “Stay just where I was” it was an answer to prayer I was seeking for on something I wanted God’s Direction for in my life. Praise God!

    Susan, my prayers are with you for safe travels and a wonderful time with family.

    Linda, so happy we are seeing improvements to your husbands shoulder, I rejoice with you that prayer is being answered. I too hope surgery won’t be necessary. Thank you for sharing your Denver church service on the message on Acts chapter 9.

    Blessings to everyone today! Have a Jesus filled day! God Bless you!
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Day 1 of travel was good. On the road again in the rain and on a bouncy road. Not able to type much! All is well.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Good Morning All

    Marilyn, thinking of you today, trust you are doing well, my thoughts and prayers are with you; thanks again for all the great Quotes you share and bring to us. Keep them coming as we sure enjoy! 😊

    Linda, trust your hubby is still doing well, was so happy to hear his shoulder was less painful as you reported yesterday. My prayers continue that all will be well and surgery won’t be necessary. Realize you are probably on the road travelling to your Trailer grounds and getting ready for your hubby’s appointment with the surgeon. Keep us posted as you can. Safe travels.

    Susan, good hearing from you. Good to hear Day 1 Travel is all good. Sorry about bouncy road and rain. Hope the roads improve and rain ceases and sunny weather comes your way. Take care my friend. Safe Travels!

    I am getting ready and trying to be organized for my upcoming surgery on the 11th of July. Still need to get my Kitty organized with seeing if my friend here in building can come in to see how she is doing and make sure her dry food is topped up and enough water. She will need her wet food at night but other than that I have 2 travel feeders that hold mega water and kibble- her dry food, usually enough for a week. I won’t be in hospital that long but at least the containers hold enough to keep my Kitty well fed!

    Have a great day and week ahead! Be back tomorrow! God Bless you all. 🙏❤️🤗
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Judith - how is your kitty feeling now? I have not heard an update lately so I assume that she got well from all her vomiting. We have not left yet. We will be going over the mountin on Wednesday and staying overnight for an early appointment for my husband's shoulder on Thursday then on to Denver. Our San Diego trip starts next Monday with the whole family.

    Susan - I'm glad you had a safe first day but sorry for the rain and rough roads. When we have rough roads, I am glad we have several safety items on the trailer hitch that keeps the trailer hooked securely. I would hate to have it come unhooked from the motion of the bumps. I am sure you have the same safety items also.

    Two years ago we cut down a large Elm tree that had died next to our back fence. There were several saplings that were near it that really started to grow in the extra space that appeared with the big tree being cut down. These trees have grown a lot and have been expanding and are now pushing against the fence almost to break it. We had someone come over this morning to fix the fence. It looks much better now except that they had to partially cut down a shrub bush to get to the fence. It now looks pretty pitiful with all they had to cut away but I am sure it will survive and regrow. Right now there is a big hole in the middle of it as well as shaggy ends. I am glad it is in the back yard and not the front. LOL

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Day 2 was good, more jouncy roads and rain. Today the rain has really set in. It is going to last awhile. All is well but we are with friends so this is just a quick check in so you know we are safe and well. .
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member