Chat Cafe



  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    We had an inspiring workshop today for church. My husband was talking about having real joy. Not the joy that is bubbly, exciting, and fun but real joy inspite of circumstances. It is shalom - the peace that passes understanding adn a calmness through and in the storm. We also talked about giving joy to others. It is the "I'm glad to be with you" type of joy. Inspite of situations, personalities, or problems, we can be glad to be with someone in their feelings. Grief is one that "glad to be with you" would be just sitting with them or letting they talk. It is not I am here to teach you, to inform you but to be heart -to-heart with you in your grief.

    The elm seed beetles are out in full force this weekend. They are little but get everywhere. It is anoying to have to rewash dishes because I find bugs in my glasses that are near the windows. We did have the screen door open for a little while when my son's dog was here so maybe it is my fault that they are inside. What ever the reason, I will be glad when they are gone. The question is how can I find joy in the presence of these bugs? I am glad that I have a house they can invade, I am g;ad they will be gone when the weather gets really hot, I am glad they are not poisonous, I am glad for the elm trees that we have to shade our patio, etc.

    My son and family are gone back to Denver today. It does not seem like they were here for a week but looking back, we did have a lot of fun. It is nice to make memories while the kids are young.

    Susan - the Stampin' Up time sounds like a fun time of sharing and learning. It is nicee things can be done online so traveling is not a problem. Thanks for the birthday greetings for my daughter.

    Judith - thanks for another delicious sounding recipe for roasted corn. I have had that in a restaurant but have never tried making it.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    True, Marilyn. It is always great to find that you can do something you thought you couldn't do.

    Linda, that was a great lesson that your husband preached about joy. Our Pastor preach today about focusing on the things of God. By doing that, every day will be a wonderful day. He also preached about Ephesians 6:15, having our feet shod with the gospel. Remembering that as we walk through life helps prioritise our way!

    Judith, sorry to hear you have not been feeling well but it is good to know you felt better today. Hoping and praying that you'll keep getting better. I also hope you found my reply to your birthday card on Facebook.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    We had a counseling appointment scheduled this afternoon but it got cancelled so I have a few minutes extra to jump on here to chat. Having church at 4pm does allow us time to do extra work inthe morning as well as watch the Denver church service via Utube so we see what our children are seeing in person.

    Last night we had a leaders meeting that was just for "fun". Usually we have an adjenda to talk about but since we were busy with the workshop all morning, we did not have any business to discuss. We had a healthy menu of grilled chicken, corn on the cob and salad and then just talked about life and things in general.

    Judith - I hope your discomfort in your lip and mouth are getting better. I am so sorry you are going through this! Prayers continue for your health issues.

    Susan - thanks for sharing your sermon notes. We all need to be aware that as we walk through life, we are affecting others with our actions and words.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    What are pretty poster you found today, Marilyn. I like that thought of striving but not expecting Perfection. After all, only Jesus was perfect.

    Linda, you're welcome for my thoughts on the sermon. It sounds like you had a very nice leaders meeting. And I like the sound of your lunch a lot.

    Thinking of you Judith. I also hope that you are feeling a little better. It is very wearying having constant pain. 💕🙏

    I went to ukulele this morning and played a couple of songs with my hand still in the brace. I didn't try to play for the full 2 hours. The singing was fun though. We have Starlight Singers this afternoon. I will miss them while we are away for the next month visiting our daughter's family.

    There is an offshoot of the church that we first attended where we are going, so I will be able to attend services while we are away for a month. I will also keep in touch with you all. We don't leave till the weekend so all is as usual until then.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Thank you Marilyn for last 2 posters with the quotes. Excellent! 😊

    Linda, your husbands sermon on joy was so good and so true in every area. I liked your analogy on finding joy with those testy beetles in the house, glad they don’t bite. But I’m sure it would be annoying finding them in glassware and other places, extra work for you but I’m “Glad” you are able to do the extra’s with catching and chasing them out of the house and still have the (Joy of the Lord) Thank you for your prayers and your kindness in asking after me regarding my lips and mouth, today things are better, Praise God!

    Susan, I am so glad and am Praising God that you were able to play your Ukulele with your brace on, wow this is awesome, and it was so nice that you enjoyed the singing and enjoyed the Starlight singers who were with you this
    afternoon. Yes I can imagine you will miss your Church and the singers but it’s great you can attend the Church that was an off shoot of your church, great to catch up with friends while you are there. Enjoy your travelling, Happy Camping; it’s great you have your new Caravan. Enjoy the Camp Fires in the evening! Maybe some Roasted Marshmallows? Oops, sorry Susan, not
    sure if you can eat those?

    Have a great evening and week ahead! 🤗
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Today I donated blood but unlike usuall, I am feeling tired after the proceedure. I usally feel energetic knowing I am giving health to others so I dont know what is different other than the snacks they had had some sugar in them. I usually take the nuts for protein but this time they had yogurt balls in there and I should not have eaten them.

    I am working on my homework for tonight's class on hearing God in our lives. One quote that I found interesting was "Unbelief is not a lack of belief; it is belief in the wrong things. Belief in the wrong things leads us to failure. That is why the whole area of belief and unbelief is such a major theme in Scripure, and why it is so closely tied to the issues of truth and deception." I have not thought of it this way.

    Judith - it is good to see you posting again. I hope you are feeling better.

    Susan - I am glad that you were able to play your ukulele for a littled while. Your wrist must be getting stonger. I also am glad you did not overwork it and choose to only play a portion of the time. I pray that you have a wonderful trip visiting family for a month.

    Marilyn - another excellent thought. Our focus is so inportant in our journey.

    Tomorrow we will be going up to our mountain property to move the trailer into it's proper position and then staying for two nights. I am hoping that the internet works well and will try to at least say Hi! while we are there. II do't want to loose my day count after I have worked so hard to keep it going.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    edited June 2023
    Susan, hope you are enjoying your camping and being with family. Keep you in my prayers as always. Safe travels and safe camping! ❤️

    Marilyn, yes I agree with your quote, to stay focused on our destination even if is stormy! We’ve all been there with rough and stormy situations in our lives but one thing for sure, God brings us through to His Glory. ✝️

    Linda, thank you for your encouragement and kindness, I enjoyed you sharing your lesson on belief and unbelief. That is so awesome that you can give blood, but sorry you had such tiredness after, you said it was likely due to the snack of yogurt balls, I hope you feel better soon. It’s such a good feeling to donate blood knowing that you are helping someone, maybe even saving a life. I gave blood years ago when I lived in the States as a teen, it felt good even as you felt good to donate life giving blood and plasma to someone who needed transfusions. I have never needed one but my daughter and my dear mom were both recipients of someone’s blood. Such a Blessing Linda that you are donating your Blood regularly! ❤️ Safe travels as you go to your Mountain property to place your trailer in permanent spot and stay two nights. I too hope you can drop by to say hi. Your logging in total is awesome, hope your internet is good to continue! 😊

    Blessings all, have a wonderful week ahead! Sparkle ❇️ and Shine 💖 my Friend’s! 🤗
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Judith, thank you for your good wishes. I will save them up for when we leave this coming Sunday. I think I can eat marshmallows but I usually don't! I find sugar makes me hungry and tired. Not sure if we'll be able to have open fires. We usually use the gas BBQ or our full gas oven inside the van for our cooking. We'll see! I was glad to see you are feeling a bit better. I do hope that continues for you.

    Marilyn, good analogy. Today we had glorious skies which helped our mood a lot!


    Linda, sorry you felt so drained of energy after your blood donation. You are so wonderful to do that. I hope tomorrow is a better day for you. The study on belief and wrong beliefs sounds like a good one. Enjoy your time setting up the trailer for the season. I will try to remember to show you our setup once we get to where we are going. It will take us about a week to get there.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Yes, I feel more energy today. We will be needing my energy as we set up the trailer. I am almost packed but need to get the food ready for the trip. Since it is just today, tomorrow and Thursday, it is not too much to do. It is when the whole family (8 of us) goes to the property for a week that it take a lot of planning of menus and preparing the food. We try to freeze as much as we can to things stay cold.

    It is another hot day here in Grand Jucntion - in the 90's but it will be cooler in the mountains. We usually keep flannel sheets on the beds and take our winter pajamas. It can get cold at night but does warm up to the 70's in the daytime.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    edited June 2023
    Marilyn, this last quote is so good, good reminder for us to take that extra pause, and Breathe, as it will all work out in the end, my Grandma always said don’t worry it will all come out in the wash… hehe, always made me chuckle 🤭 when she said that!

    Thank you Susan, some days my pain meds work better than other days, thanks for sharing about your upcoming trip, hadn’t thought about you having “Ban’s” on open fires, and yes we get them here in BC. Glad you have the gas BBQ in your van, will you try some roasted marshmallows on your gas BBQ, would be interesting how they would turn out. Love your picture of the beautiful Blue sky! Safe travels Susan! Enjoy your time with your family.

    Linda, so happy your are feeling better today especially with you leaving for your trip to take your trailer to the land you are placing it in. Indeed, you are sure getting some very hot temps with being at 90. Please stay safe and well hydrated. It sounds like such a contrast of where you are going with the temps up there, I can identify with you with the cooler temps especially overnight, it’s good you are taking flannel sheets and warm pj’s as you might find you will need them. Hope you have a wonderful 2 days on the land. It should be a nice break for you.

    God Bless you all, be back tomorrow! 🤗🙏
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Judith yes, we do have high fire risk here, just as you all do. Not sure if we'll go with the marshmallows! Will think about it if the granddaughters come over to us. Glad you enjoyed our blue sky. Only three more sleeps till we're on the road.

    Marilyn, that was a very timely reminder. I feel stressed when I have too much to do and that's true, you don't have to do everything at once.

    Linda, glad you feel better today. I hope your prep goes smoothly and you have a really nice time away.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Marilyn, I say a hearty Amen to this last poster quote, yes We have God’s Strength for today who gives us abBright Hope for Tomorrow, Praise God, He is so Good, all the time.

    Susan, yes I guess we all have high fire risk with the Dry Seasons we get which causes Wildfires, they are so destructive; which brings me to this comment, our news the other day I heard that in spite of dry conditions of fires starting people are being careless with throwing smouldering cigarettes out on the ground. And even with bans on open fires it’s amazing to see so many disregarding the orders. Right now we have a number of active fires in our Province.

    I am sure you are excited in just 3 more “sleeps” then you are on the road. You made me smile as that last comment I could see the Mom and Grandma coming out! I am sure you will enjoy your grandchildren and family time.

    Thinking of you Linda as you are enjoying your trailer the past 2 days. Have a great time.

    God Bless you all, see you tomorrow! 🤗❤️🙏
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Judith, we have similar careless smokers over here too but it is often lightning that causes our fires to start. Stay safe. Yes, we're down to two sleeps now!

    Marilyn, a lovely reminder you found today.

    Linda hope you are alright.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    I tried to get on yesterday but I could not get past the "community" page. Things did not go as smoothy as we had wanted. My battery would not work for my CPAP so we had to go back to what we did years ago and use the generator with a converter so I could use the battery from the trailer. While we were there my husband either missed the step going out of the trailer or stepped on his shoelaces but fell really hard on his left shoulder. The road in front of the trailer is closed overnight for construction so we could not take him to the ER so we put ice on it and gave him Advil for pain for the night. He got up in the morning and was feeling better as long as he did not move his arm. It was hard for him to get things done with only one hand so I helped hin as much as I could. He has an appointment with Urgent Care this afternoon. We are hoping that nothing is broken just really strained. A good thing about being in the mountians was that it was much cooler for sure. It was in the 70's and really cold at night. We needed a blanket and a comforter plus the flannel sheets and our flannel pajamas to stay warm.

    I have laundry to get done, unpacking, and a graduation party to go to if my husband feels like it so I will not be staying on here long. It is good to be back in "civilization"again. LOL