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  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Marilyn, I so agree with this last quote, yes, being consistent does work especially with exercise we get the results we are hoping for so we gain success as we stay consistent. Thanks for sharing the quote.

    Susan, welcome back from your trip, so glad you enjoyed your time with your family, so sorry you ended up by forgetting to take your freshly baked gingerbread cake with you. Did you leave it on the counter or in the fridge? Not sure how long you were gone, wondering if it went bad? The good thing at least the cake your family had you were able to eat it. How is your hand and wrist? Is the brace helping you with less pain? My prayers continue for you.

    Linda, you are getting some really hot weather. Glad you had a lovely Fathers Day service and a Luncheon after. It sounded so nice for you all. Great the Church supplied the meat for the BBQ and you all did the sides. Thanks for sharing about the decision to build on the land. It will be nice if you can find a builder with good prices. It will be nice if your family can help with the finishes inside which would really help bring costs down. Will be praying for you as you get guidance from your financial advisor. Keep us posted on how it goes. The quilt sounds like it will be lovely when it’s done. They are so pretty when they are put together.

    It’s late, so this gal is heading to bed. Have a great rest, see you all tomorrow! God Bless 🤗
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Sleep well, Judith. Thank you for welcoming us back home. I had cut the cake into slices and frozen it but then didn't transfer it to the caravan freezer. All was well!

    Marilyn, consistency is so important.

    Linda the church event sounded great. I love the sound of the quilt too. Enjoy your family visit. I am with you on the fish.

    I sang today and had friends over for afternoon tea. It's turned cooler so we're trying to keep warm tonight!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    I am continuing to work on my quilt but am finding that a lot of my material is not usable because it has stretch fibers. I did not realize that so many of my pants do not have a strong grain in it. I am going to have to figure out what other projects I can do with the stretchy fabric or maybe I will just have to not use it for anything. Most of it is from worn out clothes and I had hoped to cut out the old material and use the good parts of it. My son and family are coming to visit this week so I have some cleaning to do to get ready for them. It looks like good weather for them to do a lot of fishing this week.

    My computer tells me that today is "World Sauntering Day". It is a day to take attention off of jogging and running and to encourage slow walking to take in the sights and fun things we miss when we are in a hurry. I feel like most of my days are spent sauntering, but I am looking for things I have lost or trying to figure out what I was planning to do/get when I got up. LOL

    I hope your week is going well. We are about to go outside and exercise our muscles.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Linda, a friend of mine made a nice strong quilt with old jeans fabric. I think some of it was stretchy so it had an interesting text you at the end, but she said it was the strongest and warmest quilt she have ever made. One of my great grandmothers use to make quilts for us out of our old clothes. We had to be careful washing them as the fabrics would disintegrate at times. They were pretty special quilts though. I hope you can figure out how to make it work for your fabrics. Enjoy your relatives' visit. It sure is a lot of work to get ready for home visitors but it is so worth it right?

    Marilyn, it is always great when we can do something we thought we couldn't do. I hope you are proving that one with your health. Hugs.

    Judith, thinking of you and hoping that things are going alright. I see posted on the main page of MFP so hope that means good things.

    I must go and get ready for church ladies luncheon. We are going to a hamburger place. I should have a few options.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Marilyn, yes a great quote, these past 2 years of fighting cancer and going through surgery one after another God has shown me I could persevere through staying focused on Him trusting Him to do the impossible, yes I found out I could push through in God’s Strength as I kept my eyes on God and pressed forward in Jesus Name!

    Susan, so glad you put your cake in the freezer and now can enjoy it now that you are back home. We’re you able to share it with your friends that came over for afternoon tea after you came home from singing? So glad you are continuing on with the choir. I am sure you will be happy to get your brace off and be able to play your ukulele. As for me I take it step by step, one day at a time, my face mouth and lips have caused issues lately but know this will come to pass. I see Surgeon in 10 days, still on wait list for surgery.

    Linda, it’s so nice you are making the quilt your MIL didn’t finish, she would be so proud of you; one thing for sure the quilts are so pretty when they are finished. And they are cozy and warm. Sorry you are having some issues with some of the material. Hope you can find a way to make it
    work. Hope you have a nice time with your son and his family. I hear you about fishing, actually the fishing part I didn’t mind sitting in the boat enjoying the ripples of the water, very peaceful, I couldn’t handle worms so my grandfather put the worm on the hook, he cleaned out the fish and I enjoyed the fish we caught, Pike, and another white fish I can’t of the name. My favourite fish is Salmon and Halibut! Yummy 😋 hope you enjoyed your Sauntering Day and your exercise time when you went outside.

    Blessings all, enjoy your evening, see you tomorrow! ❤️🙏🤗
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    We just finished our ladies Bible study this morning so I am a little late coming here. We are studying Abraham and his faith to take all he owned and go to a place God was sending him to. We were talking about how much faith he had to have with only a promise of being the father of a great nation. He never lived to see it happen but we many generations later can see it. There are times in our lives that we have to take God's direction only on faith and may never see the outcome i our lifetimes but we know it will happen.

    I was looking at my potatoes in my cupboard and discovered that some were starting to sprout and get really old. I cut out the sprout and put it in a pot on the patio to see if we can grow some more potatoes. We have done it with the grandkids in the past but it ususally only makes a nice green plant with potatoes about the size of an egg or smaller.

    My allergies are acting up this week with the big bush that is outside my window. It has a wonderful sweet smell to the flowers but when the wind blows, the pollen comes right in my window. In the past I have not had allergies to plants but as I have gotten older I seem to be more sensitive. I love the smell so I will just have to keep a kleenex close for my sneezes this year.

    This afternoon we need to talk to the banker to see if we can invest some money I have in a savings account into something that will get us more interest. We are trying to maximize our income any way we can. A certificate of deposit has a lot more interest but the problem with that is you have to leave it in for a certain period of time to get it. If an emergency comes up, that money is not available.

    Susan - I am glad you made it home safely. Your ladies luncheon sounds fun although finding healthy food at our "hamburger place" is hard to do here in the states. Maybe you found a healthy one.

    Judith and Marilyn - prayers for your health.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    edited June 2023
    Marilyn, what a lovely list.

    Linda, I think you might have liked the hamburger place. They bill themselves as a healthy burger place. I was able to choose a low carb gluten-free bun, grilled chicken and Caesar salad dressing. They had sweet potato fries as well. I tried to eat keto as much as I can so this was a low carb meal made up of things that I can eat for the keto way of life. I drank water. Everyone else was happy with their choices too and many of those ladies are very health conscious though not on keto.

    Judith, yes, I did offer my gingerbread cake to my friends but no one was in a cake mood! Colin and I ate it over the last day or so. It was a low carb keto cake anyway so there was no worries about having some. Yes, I believe one day you will get back to the things that you love to do. I am hoping and praying that your lips improve and all those skin grafts do too

    It was my birthday today so I had a nice time. They sang Happy Birthday to me at the ukulele group. Colin got me a very nice card and has promised to take me on a mystery date tomorrow. My sister sent me a warm scarf and a beautiful oil burner. I received so many gorgeous hand made cards I made a reel of them for Facebook. I got lots of texts, video chats, messages and old pictures from Friends. It was really nice of them all to spoil me.

    My scarf and oil burner:


  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    That's true, Marilyn, and confidence in the Lord too.

    We're off on a trip 900 metres above sea level to a nice little town called Montville. We're having lunch there so I am getting dressed in warmer clothes.

    Have a good day, everyone.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    I am so sorry that I missed your birthday Susan!🎉🎈Happy belated greetings to you.🎈🎉 I am so glad that you recieved such beautiful gifts and you are able to go on a mystery date with Colin. Let us know all about it next time you post.

    We spent the day with my son and his family. My husband went fishing with them earlier in the day as I was getting dinner ready. They said the fish were really small probably because the lake was recently stocked for the summer. My grandson said he caught about 30 sunfish but they are catch and release due to their size. My husband caught a trout and some sun fish too. They came to the house so my husband and my son could work on the study. They put in a ceiling fan and light attached. It will be much cooler in that room this summer. We had brats, beef burgers and chicken burgers on the grill with fruit, fresh vegetables, chips, hummus and corn on the cob. After eating we took a walk to work off the calories we ate. tomorrow we will go out to dinner with them then to the ranch where my husband grew up and his sister still lives to see all or the animals (baby goats and baby pigs, cows, horses, sheep. etc) then fishing at another lake.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    What a great thought, Marilyn. Talk about getting your priorities right!

    Thank you for your birthday wishes, Linda. It sounds like you had a very nice time with your son. I like the sound of the renovations for your study as well. And it must have been nice to go out to dinner after a long day!

    I did enjoy going out yesterday. We went up to Montville but the tourist prices of the food up there were off-putting. They wanted $40 for a hamburger. So we went back down to sea level to a place called Landsborough and found a nice place they're that did breakfast all day. I had bacon and eggs. Oh and a cup of green tea. The others had what they wanted! Lol! It was good being out with friends for the day. My friend Eileen gave me a throw rug because it looked the same colour as Jasper! She was right!


    Talking about animals, here's a picture of a wild black and white Magpie Lark who was taking advantage of a water feature in an outdoor plant store yesterday at Landsborough. When he was still he looked like one of the ornaments!


    Have a blessed day.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Susan, I sent you a Birthday card on FaceBook but think it was late arriving, so sorry, and I didn’t get back here to check in with you, so it’s Happy Happy Belated Birthday to you here, 🥳🎉🎂😁
    Your gifts were so lovely, the oil burner scarf and rug throw, so cute with both your “Puppies” enjoying it too! Your Mystery Gift from your Colin sounds interesting, let us know where you went. The hamburger you said was $40 that is shocking, can’t blame you going somewhere else, bacon and eggs is my kind of food! Loved the picture of all your hand made cards friends gave you. And the decorations with the Magpie Lark sitting and looking so “handsome” as he took advantage of the water feature, he did almost look like the other birds in the other decoration!

    Marilyn, awesome quotes you shared, about less stress with the great list and preparing for eternity! Amen Praise God.

    Linda, glad you enjoyed your visit with your son and his family. I’m sure your grandson enjoyed catching all those Sun Fish. Happy your hubby caught a Trout and Sun Fish too. When you said Trout you reminded me that was the fish I was trying to remember when replying in one of your posts on fishing, my grandfather caught a lot of Trout at their cottage. I so enjoyed Trout, Pike and my other fish I love are Salmon and Halibut. Your Dinner with family sounded so delicious, when I used my grill, I did corn on the cob and all the meat you grilled, almost making me hungry thing about all that yummy food. Hope you enjoyed your walk after dinner.

    Hope you all have a great evening and a good night rest! God Bless…❤️🤗🙏
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Susan - thanks for sharing pictures of you doggies. They are so cute and Jasper does match the rug perfectly. I am shocked that the burgers cost $40 in the restaurant you looked at. What is a normal cost of a burger in restaurants near you? Some of ours can cost $7 for just the burger but then the sides are more so it could get to be around $15. Bacon and eggs sounds like a great meal any time of day.

    It is 10pm and we are just getting home from a busy day with family. We had dinner with them at a Mexican restaurant then went to spend time at the ranch with the animals. The kids were able to bottle feed some baby goats which was fun. The goats are so curious and will come up close to check out what is going on. The young ones want to chew on your clothes and if you bend down, they will jump up on your back like goat yoga classes do. We also saw some 1/2 grown lambs and some very small piglets. After that, we went sunset fishing but did not stay long since the misquitoes were getting bad. Here is a picture of the sunset. 9stxwupn4089.jpg It does not show the colors as well as in real life but it was very beautiful.

    Marilyn - that is a wonderful and very true quote today! I hope you are feeling better and your lab work was better earlier in the week.

    Judith - I hope you have a restful night and wake up refreshed.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    edited June 2023
    Thanks for another great quote Marilyn.

    We had a day of appointments so did not get to see our son and family yet but may try to go there later today. They have had a lot of fun fishing close to their trailer today. They will leave tomorrow to go back to Denver. This week has really gone fast!

    I was talking to a friend today on the phone and she said the southern part of Denver had a tornado that touched down and caused some damage to houses. No one was injured but lots of tree limbs are down. One of our college girls said that their house was damaged only on the porch area and a tree fell on top of her car but all are safe. We have had lots of wind today but we do not get tornados here on this side of the mountains.

    Today is my middle daughter's 44th birthday. We are not in Denver to celebrate with her but I sent her a message and will be in Denver in 1 1/2 weeks so maybe we can celebrate then.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Happy birthday to your daughter, Linda. 🎂🎈🎉 That storm sure sounded bad. I loved your sunset picture! How wonderful you have had such a great family time, fishing and relaxing together. I 😘 bed hearing about the goats, too! Hamburgers here are normally around $10 like yours ,(more with extras) so yes, that restaurant was charging way too much.

    Marilyn, nice reminder from Winnie the Pooh 🤗

    Judith, yes, I received your nice Facebook card. Think you! I remember replying to you there. Our trip to the expensive cafe was my surprise from Colin. He was disappointed that it didn't turn out to be the day he wanted for me. It was also a surprise to have our octagenarian friends come along. So I have been birthdayed. Glad you enjoyed pictures of my dogs and the Magpie Lark.

    I have been crafting online at a Stampin' Up! Event today. It was a fun time.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Marilyn, I too enjoyed the quote with Winnie the Pooh picture, yes memories are sweet to cherish!
    My prayers continue for you!

    Susan, the Stampin-up event online sounded so much fun to be together, did you make any cards or did you just share ideas or maybe did all of the above! 😊 I am still in shock the restaurant was charging $40 for a hamburger. Wow, just to think they were getting away with it! 😳 your prices are like ours here, but a single hamburger is under $10 with a meal of Hamburg fries and salad would be around $18.00 or so. And your choice of bacon and eggs was great, would of been my choice too. So glad you received my card on FaceBook, I will go and check and see what you said, as you said you had replied, thanks Susan.

    Linda, the storms sound so scary, we have had tornadoes here but not too many thankfully, last time we had a tornado hydro lines were brought down, and some tree trunks were rooted out of the ground. I’m glad you said you don’t get the tornado’s on your side of the mountain. Loved you sharing about the goats and your granddaughter having the experience of bottle
    feeding baby goats. The lambs are always sweet to see, I’m sure you all enjoyed being at the ranch. Mexican food has always been a choice I would pick over many other food choices, My daughter and I would go to our favorite restaurant for a variety of spicy yummy food! Loved the sunset picture, so beautiful, God’s handiwork! Please say Happy 44th birthday to your daughter! Sorry your not there to celebrate but when back home hope you can all get together for a special birthday dinner! Hope all your appointments went well.

    Thank you all for your prayers, I missed being here as my face mouth and lips were causing me a lot of discomfort. Today is much better and was able to catch up on some of the threads!

    Have a Blessed weekend! God Bless you all!