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  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Judith - I am so sorry that your kitty has been sick. I know it takes a lot of emotional energy and physical work when this happens. I pray God gives you strength to minister to the kitty's needs. Maybe it is just a passing virus or something she ate and the vomiting and tachycardia will be gone soon.

    I had my first shingles shot a day ago and am feeling pretty tired. My arm is swollen, hot and itchy. I hope that means a good thing! I will watch it closely to see if it develops into something that I need to see the doctor for. The pharmacist said there are more side effects from the second one of the series so I am not looking forward to that. I am glad that we do have ways to prevent shingles because I have heard that it is very painful nerve pain. A mother of my granddaughter's friend asked if she could come over for a play date and stay for several hours. this gives me time to re-group, get some more energy and get ready for her when we come home. My 16 year old granddaughter who was helping entertain the younger one, work up with a sore throat and generalized aching. She went to the doctor this afternoon so I hope they come home with news that she is OK. She has asthma so we have to watch her closely so she does not have a flare up or get bronchitis or pneumonia.

    My husband brought me a peony blossom this morning and put it on my bedside stand so I could wake up to the gorgeous blossom and the wonderful fragrance. Our plant here in Denver is very old and covered with dark red blooms. The plant I have in Grand Junction is younger and has not done well. It did not have any blooms this year. I have other outside plants that are stunted in their growth which I think is caused by the muddy water that we use to irrigate the lawn and plants with. I think I have told you that it is taken out of the Colorado River which is experiencing flooding with all the snow runoff. We still see snow under the trees that has not melted as we drive along in the high mountains but most of it has melted so I hope the river water with clear and be better for the plants. I do try to spray them off with house water when they get really muddy spots on them if I am at home.

    It is cloudy today and I am hearing thunder in the distance. It is good my husband was able to cut the grass early before the rain begins.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Marilyn, I think Thomas Edison had 2000 failed lightbulbs till he got one that worked. Too true.

    Judith, your poor kitty! Do you think she was bitten by something or ate a bait? Has she done this before? It sure sounds like her body was in shock. Eating a dead baited mouse might do that too. Ugh about the extra stress and cleaning. Glad she seems calmer now and hope she recovers well.

    Linda, hoping you have a good day.

    We are going to a Caravan and Camping Show with friends so I must hustle to get ready.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Some Thomas Edison quotes:

    "Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.”

    "There's a better way to do - Find it."

    “Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”

    “If we all did the things we are really capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves"
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Evening Hello everyone

    Thank you Marilyn for todays quote, another great one to share.

    As you know my Kitty has been sick, she settled down last night when I texted which lasted 20 minutes then was sick all last night and all of today! She still has a heart rate out of control, vomiting uncontrollably and trembling head to toe and crying and not eating. I got some meds from Vet for her and tonight I crushed a tablet and put it in her wet food, I was amazed as she ate the food and keeping it down and is sleeping on the couch and is quiet now. I so hope she is over the worst and is on the mend now. As for me I am so wiped with 2 days and nights of my Kitty being sick I will need to go to bed early tonight! Thanks
    to those who prayed. I will work on some of my threads and post today’s Devotion and then will retire early!

    I replied to your post Susan and Linda, think our time difference is why I don’t see you here yet so will let you read what I’ e posted last two days.

    Know my thoughts and prayers are with you all. Love you and God Bless! ❤️🤗🙏
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    I just walked home from the bank and shopping with my granddaughter. It was a mile walk and I did not have any sunscreen so I look very red in the face. 🥵 I am sitting under a ceiling fan with a cold cloth on my back trying to cool down. I don't think I have enough of a sunburn to be sore but it sure feels warm on my arms and cheeks. My irritated shingles shot feels better today. It is less red and sore but still noticible. I go from a red arm to red cheeks. At least I have variety in my red areas. LOL

    I am praying for your "Kitty", Judith. Our fur family members are very important to all of us too. I hope you can get some rest from caring for her and her symptoms.

    Susan - I hope you had fun at the caravan and camping show. It is allways interesting to see new things and get ideas of different ways to do things. I did take a picture of our trailer and will try to attach it on here. We will be going back to Grand Junction next Thursday we will stop by and see if the ground has dried up any and if we can move it to it's usual location. We plan to build a house for the family on our property so we do not want to invest a lot of money on fixing up this trailer. We will just do with what we have for now. It is very old as you will see in the picture. Thanks for the quotes of Benjamin Franklin. He was an amazing man.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Linda, thank you so much for the picture of the van! The area looks nice. No wonder you want to build there. I like the idea of having a van already so you can go enjoy the location now. Yes, the Caravan and Camping Show yesterday was fun. The show logvwa huge and I don't think we got to see everything before our arthritis stopped us, but it was a beautiful day and we did get plenty of ideas. We also bought an HD quality reversing camera, a privacy screen for the awning, and a 12 volt hairdryer for me and the dogs. It was also good to spend time with our friends who went with us.

    Marilyn, that's right. Most people the end result of success, not the effort it took to get there.

    Judith, I'm not sure if your replies to Linda and I got posted? I was very glad to read that your cat is feeling better. Hopefully it means that you were both get some sleep now. And that she will make a full recovery! I know how stressful it is to have a sick pet. 💕

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Susan - the picture is at the storage area not at where we will put it for the summer. I forgot to mention that fact. The area we put it in has a lot more mountains around it and covered with trees. We will be going there probably the end of next week to check the water levels and I will try to take a picture of the actual area. I'm sorry for confusing you. I am glad you had a good day at the camping show. It sounds like you found some good bargins.

    Judith - I am really concerned about you and/or your kitty. We have not heard from you about how things are going. Maybe you are just busy and things are fine. God knows what is happening so I will trust He is with you and meeting your needs. I will be glad to get an update when you are able. I don't mean to stress you out by having to keep us in the loop when you are gone. I just care about you and your fur family.

    My daughter and grandson came back from camp today so my granddaughter that I have been taking care of is now back at her home. We did have fun but I am enjoying the quiet also. It was nice to have my older granddaughter here to help entertain for the last few days. We are getting ready for a garage sale tomorrow. There are so many things in this house that we do not need and when my daughter moves to GJ she will not be able to take it all with her. We took things out of the storage and she did not realize how much excess material she had. When she was making masks, she would pick up material on clearance and some how it seems to have multiplied itself into a huge amount. It is a garage sale for the whole neighborhood so I am not sure how much we will sell. With a large group, people can be picky about buying things because there are so many houses competing for their money. All that we do not sell will go to l a thrift store because we do not want to have it back in the house! We are not asking for much so hopefully it will sell quickly. My granddaughter has big plans of making lots of money but I doubt she will get as much as she wants. She is a lot like my brother who said "what is the use of having money if you don't spend it." I on the other hand was a saver and when he needed money, he thought I should share my money with him. LOL He is 76 now and has a much better idea of finances.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Linda, thanks for explaining a bit more about the caravan you have. I was sure I was looking at your block of land! Lol! I understand a bit better now. Funny, we spent the day with friends who are having a garage sale. I hope yours goes as well as theirs did. They were amazed at how much people bought. They plan to have two more days of selling as they want to then sell the house and move elsewhere. Garage sales are great for getting your space back.

    Judith, I saw your update on the newsfeed this morning and replied to you there. It sounds like you are exhausted after looking after Kitty and also being on the wrong medication. I do hope you start to feel better very soon and regain some energy. Thinking of you and praying for you.

    Marilyn, I am also hoping you are doing well. You are still in my prayers too.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Evening Hello

    Thursday was an extremely difficult day, I had cardiologist appointment and my BP is way too high and blood work is out of whack and he ordered more Lab work and an ECG: he said with better meds he has started me on I should do better. My cat has been really sick, she was put on meds, it looked like she was bouncing back but she is just not there. Will be taking her to the Vet again. I appreciate you all and thank you for your prayers, I hope to be back in the morning. Sleep well, Good Nite! God Bless. 😴🤗
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Judith - I hope today is a better day for you. I am sorry you have had so many days in a row that have been difficult. I hope you had a good sleep to give you more energy.

    Our garage sale went well. Several people bought multiples of things so we sold things quickly. We sold over 100 videos at one time which was helpful. We still have 2 hours left but the crowd has thinned out a bit.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Linda that's great about the garage sale. My friends also sold all their DVDs at once to a fellow who runs a market stall. Nice to have such a great result.

    Judith, so sorry to hear you had such a bad day. I do hope and pray the new medication gives you good results. I am also hoping kitty will make a full recovery. Please take care and rest when you need to.

    It is Sunday evening here and we had lovely church services and a quiet afternoon.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    I am feeling very compassionate today for my S-I-L. He has asked to stay at the rehab place for a few more days since he does not feel he is ready to do outpatient therapy yet. At first, I was angry for all the grief that was being caused to our family. I have really prayed about it because I donot want to feel this and today I feel that God delivered me from this anger. It seems all the songs we sang at church really spoke to me reminding me of how compassionate God has been to me when I have made the wrong choices. Here are some of the lyrics of one of the songs-

    Anchor for the soul
    Shelter from the storm
    Thunder and the lightning
    Can be very fright'ning
    But God is in control.
    On my way I learn
    Through each path I take
    Every day I'm growing
    On my way I'm knowing
    Heaven's worth the wait.
    When the day is gone
    When my journey ends
    Won't be nothing better
    Then to be together
    With all my faithful friends.

    This was written by a man who is recovering from surgery for a malignant brain tumor. He still is very positive and is still sharing his gift of music to the world. I was thinking/praying about my ex S-I-L and how things that are happening to him can be frightning but He needs to feel that God is in control. There are treasures stored up yonder for him and that he can learn and grow through his choices and will learn that heaven is worth the wait for him. Thanks for listening to my wandering thoughts. Your prayers are so appreciated for all of us.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Thank you all for your kind comments and all your prayers. Today is better but admit I am still some feeling the affects of high BP but less exhausted as I am catching up on lost sleep with getting rest when I know I need it. Kitty is still not recovered, some better but still a ways to go. She is going back to Vets and I am following Vet instructions on meds and caring for her.

    Linda, thank you for sharing in last 2 posts, so glad the garage sale went well, it’s great when that happens. Appreciate you sharing about being compassionate, the words to the hymn you shared and how you were able to give your feelings over to God. I will continue to keep your ex-SIL in prayer and he will continue to be restored and be well again. Praying for the whole family.

    Susan, hope you continue to enjoy your quiet evening. Glad you enjoyed your Sunday Services.

    God’s Blessings all… 🤗🙏
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Judith, glad you are taking things easy. Poor kitty must have been so sick for her not to have recovered yet. I think it is good that you can both rest and recuperate together.

    Linda, thank you for your compassionate Post. I am keeping you or son-in-law in prayer. At least he is in a place where he is getting some comfort and help. You are so right about heaven being with the wait.

    Marilyn, hope and pray you are alright.

    I have a busy day here, singing with the uke group and the choir, seeing some friends this afternoon and also preparing for tomorrow's card class, so I will stop here for today. Bless you all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    edited June 2023
    Listening to the rain during the night was peaceful to sleep with and it has continued to rain on and off today. We have so much water soaking our lawn that we have mushrooms growing in many places. They are not the ones that you can eat but interesting lawn decorations. I think they like to grow near rotting wood because they are near where we cut down a big tree and the roots are probably decaying. When I grew up we picked Morel mushrooms in the woods to eat. My Mom felt safe picking them since a person could not confuse them with the poisonous ones. I remember her putting them in flour then frying them in butter. Yum!

    We took the clothes to the donation center and I have most of the things taken care of that we kept. My daughter still needs to put her things away but the house is less cluttered today. I even found my lost electric toothbrush. I thought I forgot to bring it so was using a regular toothbrush I had gotten from the dentist which takes so much longer to use. My toothbrush was in a zipper pocket of my suitcase and we had missed it when unpacking. I take pleasure in the little things in life like finding lost toothbrushes.

    Judith - I am glad that you are getting more rest. Did the inappropriate medication the doctor took you off of cause the high blood pressure while you were on it or is it from another source? I am glad the vet can help your kitty but I am sorry that she is not recovering very fast. That was a scary situation for me to hear about so I am sure it was more scary for you to be involved in her tachycardia, shaking and vomiting. How old is she?

    Susan - it sounds like you are having a busy day with singing and playing the "uke". It sounds like so much fun to be in a musical group. I did that lot when I was younger but not so much now. I hope your care making group goes well too.

    Marilyn - I am glad you are getting more rest and your arm is healing well. Thanks for the chuckle with the dog cartoon. If dogs can think like we can , this one would be true for our dog.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Marilyn, I laughed with the Dog cartoon as not only for Dogs but for Cats too, especially mine! Sometimes I have woke up and Miss Sunshine is standing over me staring at me, dear me, our fur babies! 😁 Marilyn I continue to keep you in prayer, glad your arm is healing.

    Linda, yes it was scary with all the symptoms with Sunshine, with her getting sick from the baby mouse she caught the vet said even though the mouse didn’t look sick, she had a round tummy no sores on the body but Vet feels she got parasites and possibly some worms, never saw any but with the meds it has calmed her heart but still is crying a lot and vomiting and trembling. She is going to o do Blood work as it could be something unrelated to the mouse incident. My male older cat had diabetes and I gave him insulin 2x a day for 5 years. The Vet is wondering about Diabetes and maybe Thyroid disease! I will keep you posted.

    About me, my high BP is not caused my meds I was on but I wasn’t given proper meds to control it. They think with my cancer surgeries it is a mix of making my BP go up. I have other chronic illnesses that have likely contributed to everything. If you remember way back when I had an ECG which came back abnormal and the test said it looked like I had a silent heart attack. That is why I was sent to Cardiologist and was followed up with meds. I have never had heart disease, again they think with me not responding well to my cancer treatment it has caused high BP and other things related to my heart. Appreciate your prayers and all your kindness!

    Susan, so glad you are enjoying your choirs and singing and playing the Ukulele! How is your card making classes? Are you making any more cards. I always enjoy seeing the pictures.

    Have a blessed evening! See you all tomorrow 🤗🙏❤️
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    edited June 2023
    Good evening all.

    Judith, I'm so sorry that kitty has more wrong with her then we originally thought. Did the vet think she might have eaten a mouse that had eaten a poison bait, I had a cat once that got diabetes and I injected him for about a year before he passed. He was 18 when he died. It was like losing a child! Well, not really, but it sure hurt. I'm sorry to hear about your other health conditions affecting the cancer treatments. It must be such a delicate balance for your doctors to keep track of. I do hope they find a good solution for you so that you can at least be more comfortable. I know it takes a long time for treatments to work. I'll keep praying.

    Linda, the musical groups I am in are fun. Many are in their 80s and 90s. I am not able to play ukulele with my arm in a brace, but they want me to sing so I
    go along and sing. The brace has to stay on till the end of June and possibly beyond.

    Good to see you posting again, Marilyn. I laughed at the joke.

    Today's card class was small but mighty. We had fun. They wanted to make the same cards I had prepared for other classes but they turned out differently. That is the beauty of one of the techniques I was teaching. The cards with the sun rays on them all turn out differently depending on the colours people choose. The Bird cards look more like everyone else's though.



    God bless you all.