Chat Cafe



  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,474 Member
    Linda, praying for you as you wait on the call about Jury Duty! Please let us know when you can. We like you have had forecasts on snow and we both seem to have temps across the board. I will be glad when our temps warm up. Hope you got to see your granddaughter in the play; always exciting seeing our grandkids in their plays and other activities. I agree with your statement as you met with your pastor discussing Church business and doing those things God’s Way, always peaceful with God!

    Susan, your friend Lynn is amazing with her health issues and Cancer she sure gets around and does so much! Tell her my prayers are with her and she encourages me in how she keeps going forward not letting anything stop her. I am so proud of all she does and continues to do. You made me Smile saying it was the boys turn looking after Jasper and Archie… They are such sweet puppies, I’d be glad to pet sit them and have cuddle times with them!

    Marilyn, loved your quote and yes one step and one day at a time. Keeping you in prayer as always. As I have shared our weather in my area, how is yours? Did you get snow and do you have minus temps like we do here? Praying for your safety! God Bless!

    I came here late Thursday night in hopes to finish up my posts from when I posted our Bible Reading and Devotions for you but my signing in was late. Posted in some threads. Will be back to post in Fridays later. I felt sad 😞 as my weight Thursday went down to 94.8 pounds after a few days of being 95 pounds! No worries, I will get back up there 1 step and 1 day at a time!

    It’s 12:27am Friday so off to bed 🛌 now! 😴🙏
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,498 Member
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,474 Member
    Afternoon Hello All,

    As I said earlier in the wee hours of Friday morning when replying to your recent posts I would come back and finish posting in all our Threads, happy to say I finished posting on all the threads.

    Marilyn, thank you for your recent Quote, and I say Amen Amen Miracles do happen everyday! Praise God!

    I will let you read my post from 12:30am Friday morning as nothing has changed since my last post. Have a Blessed Evening all! See you tomorrow. God Bless! 🙏🤗
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,614 Member
    Judith, glad you have been able to post so much. Sorry about the weight change but it could just be that you didn't drink as much or something hormonal. I hope you can regain that .2 of a lb easily and quickly. I will pass on your message to Lyn. She will love it. There are three dogs now as Lyn has Kayla, a Maltese female. Jasper loves her but Archie is jealous. We don't mind the 3 being together if a person is here with them, but would leave them in separate Caravans if no person could stay with them, just in case!

    Marilyn, praise the Lord that miracles happen thanks to Him!

    Linda, I feel for you being in limbo. I would dislike that too. I hope they call you earlier rather than later. Your Bible study sounded so good. Lyn and Greg are coming back to the Mainland on the same boat as us next week. We extended our stay to match theirs. They have seen much less than us but they are happy with that. We'll all go to South Australia together next.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,757 Member
    I spent the morning getting ready to leave for Denver tomorrow. Fortunately, I found out at 4:30pm that my juror number was excluded from the group that needed to come in on Monday so we will not be traveling at all. This is a relief since we were going to have to make such a quick trip to do it and then go to Texas next week for an Elders conference then back to Denver at Easter time. That was going to be a lot of traveling for us in a short time.

    Today I took my ring in to be soddered together so the band does not rub on my wedding ring. When it was cold, my fingers get smaller and it was frustrating to have one ring go one way and the other one go another way. The jewelery person that helped up said that in a matter of months, my ring could show wear by rubbing together and eventually the little diamonds could fall out. That is scary so I am glad we got it done. I also went to the Optical Store and picked out some new glasses. It is not what I would have picked out for myself but the optician and Glenn said it really looked good on me. The word "gorgeous" was mentioned but that is a little far fetched I think of a description. Glenn said it made my face have more color and my hair brighter. Who could ask for anything more than that so I got them. It will take a while to get used to them. They are bright blue with a purple wavy mark in them. I am used to very somber wire glasses so we will see how people react to seeing me so "bright".

    Judith - I am sorry you lost some weight but I am sure you can get it back up by increasing your intake a little more.

    Susan - I am glad you were able to extend your trip a little so your friends can spend some more time with you. I imagine that you will not be as nervous about the dogs being in crates in the bottom of the boat this time since they did not seem worse for the wear going to Tasmania on their first boat ride. How is Jasper's dew claw? They seem to heal very fast.

    Marilyn - I hope you had a good day and talking to Priscilla's doctor went well.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,498 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,757 Member
    Today was a day to work outside. It was chilly in the shade but in the sun it was pleasantly warm. I took all the old stalks of the flowers from last summer and got the pots ready for this year. Quite a few of my plants (parsley, mint, chives, and some flowers are coming up already. It is so fun to see the new green shoots coming up gettting ready for spring blooms. We sat on the swing on the patio for a while and just listened to the birds singing. There was a huge crow that was making a strange gurgling sound. I read that it was a communication between birds - especially affection for family members. I did not see any other crows around but they might be in listening distance.

    We also worked on the folding chairs we got for free from the Denver church. A lot of them did not have any rubber feet on them so today we put new feet on them and tried to clean them. They have cushions on the seat and back that will need to be cleaned with upholstery cleaner. It looks like they were used for potlucks and children spilled things on the seats. It is fun seeing the condition they were in and now to be able to use them for our events all nice and clean.

    It looks like Marilyn and I are the only ones one here today so I hope the rest of you are having a relaxing weekend.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,474 Member
    edited March 10
    Afternoon Hello Everyone,

    Yes it looked like it was just you and Marilyn on today!

    Linda, Hope you enjoyed your Sunday Services! I enjoyed my Live Stream Service and we partook of Communion today. A Beautiful and Powerful service today. Praise and Worship was powerful! The Presence of God was Mighty!
    Glad you were able to save some money by buying the used patio furniture! I am sure it will be lovely after you clean the cushions and the rest of the chairs and table!

    Marilyn, your quote gave us some Good Food for Thought; and yes “making mistakes is proof you are at least trying” Good One!

    Susan thinking of you, hope you are enjoying your Sunday!

    God Bless your day! 🙏❤️✝️📖
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,498 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,614 Member
    edited March 10
    Hello everyone. This will be short. We think the Starlink drained both lithium batteries last night so have no functionality on the van today. We're using the generator to recharge the two lithium batteries (both were completely drained) but only one is responding so far. I can't even recharge my phone so need to use it minimally. Will hopefully be on top of this tomorrow.

    Take care all.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,757 Member
    Susan - I hope you can get your batteries charged up. When traveling, it is so important to be able to have your batteries charged. Is Starlink your internet provider? It is odd that one battery is responding and the other one is not. Maybe it is hard to charge both and when one gets done, the other one will be ready to charge. That shows how much I do not know about batteries.

    Judith - I am glad you can still be involved with your church services via live stream. It is so good you can still keep in touch with your friends and church family. Is your church a large church? I know size does not matter when the Spirit is in your praise and worship but I was just wondering. Our Denver church is 3-4 times larger than our Grand Junction church and their music program is enhanced with other musical instruments. The message of the music is still the same but in a large group it sounds more majestic.

    Marilyn - your quote is so true. We have big plans but God's purpose will always prevail. I wish we could all learn that quickly. We would have so much less problems if we let God do what He wants in our lives.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,614 Member
    Quick update: the batteries installed by the seller of pur vanvwere badly wired in. Our friend Greg is an electrician. He found where there was a bad join AND a heating up fuse. Col and Greg rejoined the wires properly and replaced the heated fuse. So far so good! It wasn't our Starlink modem at all! We just got Starlink so I am really happy it can still be used. I am hoping Starlink will solve my data and connection problems 😀
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,498 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,757 Member
    Susan - I am so glad that your friend was able to help you with your batteries. We had a similar thing happen in our trailer when only some of the lights worked and the furnace would not come on. We took it to a repair shop and he said when we first set it up in the Spring, we put the cables on backwards. All Summer we were without electricity in some areas of the trailer and it was our fault we did not connect things right. The next year, we had all the electricity we needed because we took pictures of the correct way to connect things.

    We put up our birdfeeder this weekend and the birds seem very happy. Sometimes they are too happy and some of the seeds drop to the ground with their scratching with their beaks. The seeds sprout under it and start to grow like grass in our rocks. We need to figure out how to catch the seeds that fall and put them out to be fed again. I have heard about getting seeds that do not sprout but I don't know if they are as nutritional for the birds if they are treated.

    Marilyn - I agree with your quote except that I sometimes forget the script too and I wonder later "Why did I say that?"
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,614 Member
    Lyn and I went to Steamfest in Sheffield yesterday. The men went the other day so they were dog sitting when we went. It was quite a lovely day, a celebration of all kinds of steam and gasoline driven equipment, plus crafts, produce, animals and art. Here are a couple of pictures.



    Saw mill


    Pipe Organ


    Linda, when we bought the van we asked for a second battery and solar panel to be installed. They installed it and we trusted it was OK. There was sloppy work evident with the wiring. Oh, I am glad your van was OK and easily fixed! You're right, it is a complicated system and pictures are very helpful when setting up again. We're still learning which light switch works which!

    Marilyn, I will get out my magnifying glass to read your post in a minute. I can see a Minion. Thank you for posting!
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,474 Member
    Evening Hello Everyone,

    Susan, so glad you have your batteries charged, too bad the work was not done properly but great your friend Greg and Colin were able to rewrite and get everything working again. Sounds like a great day for you and Lyn to attend the Steamfest in Sheffield. The pictures are awesome, I really liked the Tractor, Sawmill and Pipe Organ, a great experience seeing how the various equipment operated back in the day!

    Linda, love Bird Feeders, it’s fun watching the birds come to feed. Hi ou asked if my Church was a large one, we at one time were a large thriving church but when Covid shut the Churches down the people who came never came back. We had a large Children's and Youth ministries, every special holiday like Christmas Easter we had Kids Choirs and Youth Drama teams and a Dance group that Danced in Praise before the Lord, we had an orchestra at one time complete with Bass, Trumpets, Violin & Organ, we always have Drums Guitar Key Board and Piano. We have 2 Great Worship Leaders that alternate each Sunday, some Sundays one of our Worship Leaders leads while playing his Guitar and we always have 2 Guitars as back up on our Worship Team! So we all make a Joyful Noise unto the Lord. So happy every week we have Live Stream so I can be a part of the service. God is Good!

    Marilyn, thank you for the Quote you shared, indeed, we have big plans but it’s God who completes the work He has planned for His Children.

    Hope you all have a great evening. Be back tomorrow and hopefully in the morning as my mind is sharper especially for our game threads we have on the go. So it’s Good Night all! 🙏🤗
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,498 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,757 Member
    It is a cloudy day but tomorrow there should be a big change in temperature. In Denver they are supppsed to have a foot of snow. My mood is a little dreary also. I went to give blood but they rejected me. This is the first time I have had this happen. They said my hemaglobin was too low. I am not anemic but they want it to be high enough that when I do give blood I do not bec ome anemic. I am frustrated but she told me to eat a lot of red meat, spinach, broccoli and oatmeal and come back in a few days. I will look at my schedule to see when I can work it in again.

    Not much exciting happening here. I want to take a walk soon before the temperature starts going down. It helps to lubricate my joints to walk although when I start out I am not excited but it gets easier as I keep going.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,614 Member
    Linda, you are good to give blood and how good to know they take care not to allow you to be anaemic because of your generosity. Enjoy your walk and the beautiful day. Getting cold again won't happen too much longer, right?

    Marilyn thank you for today's thought.

    Judith, you are welcome for the pictures. Glad you have such a beautiful church community even if it is smaller. I know they look out for you. I agree, it's good to have a sharp mind for our games! Have a beautiful day.

    Today we say farewell to Tasmania. We take the Spirit of Tasmania back to the Mainland tonight. We're cleaning, packing, and generally preparing the van and car to be shipped. I washed the dogs yesterday and we washed our bedding, towels, clothes too. It will be sad to leave but we still have more to look forward to. We'll spend 10 days in Geelong getting the cars and vans serviced. Then it's off to South Australia.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,474 Member
    Evening Hello

    Susan, I feel for you, you have had such wonderful travels and seen such beautiful scenery, have toured many places and shared with us here who have felt we have been in the same places as you and Colin. Tasmania is a beautiful place, you will carry with you a lot of precious memories and pictures to put in your photo albums or photo scrapbooks. It will be a lot of work cleaning and packing getting the van and cars serviced for being shipped back to South
    Australia. Glad you will have 10 days in Geelong before you are back to South Australia. Safe travels Susan and Colin!

    Linda, I feel for joy having more snow, I am sure you will be happy when warmer weather arrives. So sorry to hear about you not able to give blood, it’s so wonderful you are able to give blood like you do, I know it’s hard to be told you can’t give but happy they are looking after you so you don’t get anemic, I’m sure in a few days you will be
    able to give blood the next time. Hope the walk helped and the rest of your day was good!

    Marilyn, good advice on the quote you shared, yes of the plan doesn’t work we change it but never the goal!

    Have a good rest tonight, be back in the morning!