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  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,758 Member

    Today we had clouds most of the day and lots of wind. The sun came out about 1pm for an hour then the clouds got a lot darker and it got colder. It did rain a little bit in the evening but we could use a lot more rain at this time. Tonight we will have a low of 35F and it will warm up to 53F tomorrow. Today I went to Joann's close out sale to see if I could get some bargains. Their prices are high normally so getting 20-30%still is high. They expect to continue the sale until everything is sold around May. I will check back with them to see if the prices will go lower although I also have to remember that the things I want to buy may be gone by that time.

    I am praying for safety of your brother who is limited by the places he can go since the ferry is not working. Also prayers for everyone who is in the path of the cyclone and those who will have damage from the winds and flooding afterwards. Congratulations on the birth of twins in your family. Are these their first babies?

    Barb - More excitement with a new baby in your family. I am glad it sounds like the snow and ice melted quickly for you.

    Judith - praying for all of your appointments.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 10,094 Member
    edited March 7

    Evening Hello All

    Susan, Thank you for sharing the maps of the Cyclone and where the location is now. It so scary. My prayers are with you and Colin for your safety. Praying your community, house and where you store your travel camper, trusting all will be safe from the Gusts of Wind and rain. Trusting no loss of power where you are. Love Hugs and Prayers! ♥️🙏

    BC had another Earthquake yesterday, 3.9 this time, it’s 3 now in a very short time. It was near Victoria BC 

    it was felt in many areas, what we are experiencing here in my area and other nearby communities are more rain, cooler temps and very cloudy almost dark. 

    Barb, I’m praying for your Sister and her family who live in Victoria for their safety. 

    Tomorrow afternoon I am at the Cancer Clinic. I believe my Oncologist will review past treatments and possible prescribe a new one. Will keep you updated as I learn more.

    Good thing I can sleep in as it’s an afternoon appointment for a change. Hoping for good weather. Thank you for praying.

    Linda, missed you tonight, probably due to time zone differences. Praying for you as always.

    Good Night All.. See you all tomorrow. 😴🙏

  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 1,102 Member

    Susan. Many prayers. Seems that the weather channel is covering it for us too. Many prayers for your brother prayers you don’t lose power.

    So my hearing did not show improvement from last year when I had a cold

    Prayers for ENT & Colin with lung cancer maybe just finding out what he had be so good!

    Believe I had a cold & coughed up phlegm but now I’m not so I stopped taking meds. Plus the inhaler. So guess I’m back to doing that. I sent a my chart question asking my dr as I’m watching our grandsons as Jean, daughter has some test to do due to her pregnancy So I hope I hear from the nurse 3/16 we leave for Alabama & Texas we hope to see some azaleas

    Judith praying for you & all that you are going through

    Linda I hope you having a good weekend I heard our west may get snow Will you get that?? Stay warm & safe

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 6,600 Member

    I'm fine, everyone! The storm is still off shore but is now a tropical low. Caboolture is clearly marked here. I live in Caboolture South.

    There's still lots of rain and wind expected. It is flooding around us but we are safe. The number who lost power keeps climbing. We're nearly at 300,000 properties around Brisbane without power now but we are OK. Falling trees did most of the structural damage. My brother is OK but has not had power for 2 days already and his phonenis running down. Kids broke into his car and stole his charger and he never replaced it, or he could recharge it in his car. At least he has canned soup snd a gas stove.

    The power company has a whopping job ahead of them. I think everyone has water but some have been told to boil it. Shops are mostly closed and traffic is way down. We're expecting 800mm (31.5") of rain in the next two days. This will cause more flooding and hamper recovery efforts.

    Northern NSW has also been hit hard and flooding is disaterous there.

    Our caravan is OK. We only had mud and leaves on one house wall. That's an easy clean.

  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 1,102 Member

    in talking to my drs nurse. She feels it is allergies. With the wind who knows but grass & ragweed which I know I have allergies of, are moderate. I may need to take Zyrtec more often Maybe all year long? Time will tell.
    I’m on a sinus pill, over the counter for 3 days time

    Help clear the congestion in my ears.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 6,600 Member

    Barb, I hope you feel better soon. Having g all that going on would be tiring and uncomfortable. Thank you for praying for us. Stay warm and safe.

    Linda, the babies are child 2 & 3 for my nephew. They have been trying to have more children for years. Their oldest girl is 14 now. The twins will probably complete their family. Both nephew and niece are nearing 40!

    Judith, thinking of you with the earthquakes and medical appointments to come. Glad you can at least have an easy morning.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,758 Member

    I had eight inches cut off my hair today. I had gotten tired of just pulling it back in a pony tail or put in a clasp all the time. I looked like I had short hair so I decided to make it true. My hair is getting used to this new cut so maybe when it learns what it wants to do I will send a picture. My hair has a natural wave in it and sometimes it has a mind of it's own. My hair was cut so the ends turn under but one side is already turning up. I also have side bangs to cover up my high forehead. I let my bangs grow out during COVID since I got tired to cutting them myself and not getting them very straight. Today was cooler with less wind. When we went to exercise, we did wear light jackets to keep warm.

    Barb - we only had rain but our children in Denver did get some snow. Most of the snow was in the mountains where the people who ski were really loving the nice powder snow. Praying for your family and the earthquakes also. My husband has allergies all year round and take medication for it so he can breathe easier. I think that with having warmer weather, some of the plants and molds are becoming active again. I hope the sinus pill will help you.

    Susan - I am so glad that the cyclone was downgraded but it sounds like there still is a lot of damage from the winds and water flooding. I am glad that your caravan is safe. I can not imagine what having 31.5 inches of rain in two days. Fourteen years between the oldest and the twin babies is a long space for your nephew and niece. If is almost like having a second family. I am sure the 14 year old can be a big help in taking care of the twins. My grandson was 12 when his sister was born and he loved being the big brother.

    Judith - I am surprised that there have been so many earthquakes in Canada. I am praying for the earthquakes to not cause major damage to those nearby. I also prayed for your appointment this afternoon. I am glad that you could sleep in a little later this morning before going. Starting on Sunday, we will have our schedules rudely interrupted with the time change to daylight savings time. I wish we could just stay in one time zone. Colorado has has voted to do it but they will not do it until all states agree. I had heard that if they do stay with one they will stay with daylight savings which would cause problems if the people in the time zones around us decide to go with standard time. That would make Pacific and Mountain or Central and Mountain the same time.

  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 1,102 Member

    Susan. So has the cyclone hit gone north or south of you? So glad downgraded. I heard cars were floating with all the rain.
    Prayers for you and hope you have a blessed Sunday which it is already there.

    Linda. I’ve been letting my hair grow & have natural wavy hair too. I have a very small forehead & I finally am letting my hair grow. Did you donate your hair? I know they like getting 8” to make wigs for cancer patients.

    Judith prayers for you & hope no more earthquakes there. Minister has sent daffidils blooming & some trees. Very nice. We may be in the 70’s next week so that may make some things pop open. Too early. Of course it will get cold again. Oh well it’s still winter till 3/21.

    I wish we just keep one tone I prefer the daylight savings as I like those daylight hours in the summer in the evening.

    I hope all have a blessed Lords day

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 10,094 Member

    Enjoy your Special Day all the Special Ladies here…💗

  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 1,102 Member

    prayers for Judith with the pain she’s been having.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 10,094 Member

    Thank you Barb for your prayers. I shared an update from my Appointment with my Oncologist on Friday. I started my Chemotherapy type ointment on the diseased tissues and lower lips today. On this treatment everyday for 4 weeks then back for an evaluation to see how treatment worked. I continue with seeing my surgeon every 2 weeks for removal.

    will be back later this evening to reply to everyone’s post. It’s still early and Barb was only one who posted.

    Love and Hugs All ♥️🤗🙏

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,758 Member
    edited 4:08AM

    Barb - On my walk today I saw some tulips and daffodils coming up through the ground. It does seem a little early for them although we have had daffodils on my grandson's birthday March 13th before. Seeing the little green sprouts did give me a joy boost today. I have in the past donated my hair for cancer patients but she said she needed 12 inches to do a donation. Maybe I misunderstood how much she said she cut off.

    Susan - I am also having problems with MFP loosing things. This is the third time I have tried to post. I am glad that you did not have any damage to your house but not having electricity for fans and your CPAP machine is concerning. Flooding can cause so much damage. I remember when I was still working, we had a flood that damaged all the cars in the underground parking and the entire first floor of our building. My dad was moved from the assisted living part of the building to another facility for almost a year. The flood came so quickly and it was amazing how much damage it did,

    Judith - I am praying that your chemotherapy ointment will work quickly and be more effective that the other ointment you had

    Daylight savings time starts tonight so I will try to get to bed earlier. I may be a bit groggy at church trying to get used to the different time

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 6,600 Member

    Judith, MFP is playing up again. Linda and I both posted as well. It's OK. MFP is a pain. It lost several of the posts I was working on today already. Hitting 'save draft' now. I will read your update about your health after this. I was praying for everyone last night as I couldn't sleep. I hope you had a Happy Women's Day.

    Barb, the Cyclone eye went over Brisbane so we were technically to the North of it but not by far. The storm was 700kms across. Heavy rains and strong winds continued all last night. We lost power from 8:30 pm to 3am. We had all the windows closed against the wind and rain and the house stood strong. That made it hot and still inside with no power for ceiling fans or my Cpap machine. I just stayed awake. Around midnight I did rescue a hanging basket Colin hung by the fence. It was banging on the fence. I got pretty wet but it was refreshing. Lol! Yes, floods are happening, roads are closed, bridges have gone under, property has been damaged. We're staying home out of the way of clean up and rescue crews today. Church services are cancelled as the school gym where we meet was damaged and Pastor was unable to get here due to flooding between his place and church

    Linda, I'd love to see your new hairdo. It sounds really nice. I've let mine grow since cutting it so short about 2 years ago. Yes, the twins have come along much later than my nephew and niece wanted. They have been trying to have more children for 9 years with IVF. Their oldest has Autism so I am not sure the babies interest her or not. She is highly intelligent, just not highly emotionally intelligent. We'll see. I think they have very busy days ahead. The little boy had stopped growing so they took the babies a couple of weeks early by C section. They have all gone home from the hospital now according to my sister.

    My brother still has no power or phone charger but has checked in with me today. He is doing OK. The island was really hammered by the storms last night but his house withstood it all. We've had rain all day and more heavy falls are expected overnight. Flooding will get worse. I stress that we are fine, even if the flooding keeps getting higher.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 10,094 Member

    Susan, I so understand about MFP, I got timed out few times yesterday and today but since I have come back it’s been better. Thank you for praying for all of us last night but so sorry the storm kept you awake. So sorry the you lost power especially not having your CPAC on during the night. The floods and property damage is so concerning. But am thanking God your home and property are all safe. Thank you for sharing the radar pictures as it helps us to get a better picture of what’s going on there. Glad you heard from your Brother and he is safe and his house held up. I am glad you say in spite of the flood waters rising you are safe. I Continue with my prayers for your safety & protection Susan.

    Linda. Your walk sounds so nice to see tulips and daffodils, I can hardly wait for my crocuses daffodils and tulips to come up. Last year they didn’t. Hope it doesn’t have anything to do with the flood we had here last summer Fall that caused me to be out of my place for 2.5 weeks while repaired my home. Spring is just around the corner, with our Clocks moving forward tonight. You did make me smile as I remember a few members in our congregation forgot to change their clocks. So with you saying you should get to bed and you might be groggy at church while you get used to time change. Your hair cut and style sounds lovely. I get my hair cut and layered this coming week.

    Barb, my prayers continue for you. Praying for your Sister in Victoria with all the weather changes here in BC. I am not sure about Victor but we are under a Heavy Rainfall Warning and latest forecast sai it would continue until Sunday morning.

    Be safe all! Prayers are with you all.
    Good Night and God Bless! 😴🛌♥️🙏🤗