Chat Cafe



  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,623 Member
    Susan - lichen are very strong and can grow most anywhere. We also have light green and yellow ones on our mountain rocks. They must be dormant during the really cold weather.

    Marilyn - I hope the injections will help your bone density. Do you have any balance problems that could cause you to have frequent falls? I hope that people are careful when they give you big hugs or strong handshakes. I have a woman in the church that is "famous" for her strong bear hugs. Glenn stayed away from her while he was healing with his shoulder. Having that kind of pressure would have been very painful for him.

    I saw my first robin of the spring today. It is a little early for them so I hope his feet do not get cold and he can find a good place to rest when we have more snow. We did not go to Denver today because there was too much snow on the roads in the mountains. It is really nice to have an extra day to clean for our guests. They will come tomorrow evening. We need to be out of the house by noon to get to Denver so we will not get to see them. Of course, they were not coming to see us but for their daughter and her friend to see the University in town. She would like to come here next year for her education if she likes it.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,516 Member
    Oh, Linda, I forgot you weren't going to see your visitors! You did tell us that. I hope you and Glen have a nice time away. How is your daughter doing now?

    Marilyn, how awful to find out about your bones. I want to give you some hope. Colin has 3% bone density and was diagnosed 27 years ago. I can hug him, he shakes hands etc. We just do it all a bit more gently. I fo have to stop him lifting heavy things at times because he forgets his bones! He has been having Prolia injections every 6 months for the last few years (they treated him with tablets before this) and has been maintaining that 3% bone density for all this time. Doing weight training, under specialist supervision, to maintain muscle strength helps a lot in bracing the bones. Soda pop pulls calcium out of the bones so he gave that up. He lives a full life. I hope you can, too. Gentle hugs! 🫂

    I want to share a couple of the highlights from yesterday when we explored more of the Bay of Fires.

    Interesting boulder at The Gardens, north end of Bay of Fires:


    Mrs Pacific Gull at Swimcart Beach:


    White fault line splitting the granite for as far as we could see. I think it's white quartz?


    A beach we stopped at with white quartz sand...I did go wading here.


    My favourite photo from yesterday. Swimcart Beach again.


  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,469 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,516 Member
    That's so true, Marilyn. Bless you.

    We're getting ready to move on tomorrow. We're headed for Bicheno, another spot along the east coast. We've been free camping here in Bay of Fires but in Bicheno we will have power, water, a dump point and grey water disposal. We can do laundry there. We will stay a few days so we can look around too. I'll see if I can find something to show you.

    Meanwhile, Bay of Fires has been my favourite spot so far. It's hard to take a bad photo when surrounded by so much natural beauty!

    Enjoy your days.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,623 Member
    Susan - is quartz sand different from other sand? It looks very fine and white from the picture. Free camping is much better (in my opinion) than paying for the spot but the power, sewer and water are very nice too.

    Marilyn - It is so nice when God's love and word are spoken in a loving and gentle way. I have had it spoken to me in a rough way and that is not a blessing!

    Judith - I pray you are having a blessed and restful weekend.

    I do plan to show you some pictures of our trip but I keep forgetting to download the pictures so I can put them on here. Our trip to Denver was uneventful. There was a lot of snow and road closures yesterday with the snow storm but by the time we were at the mountin peaks, the sun had melted the snow and ice off so it was just wet. I got up early and did the washing and mopping that I needed to wait until today to do so everything would be clean. I told my husband that I was sad that I do not keep the house as clean as it is now every day. Now that everything is in it'splace, maybe we can keep it like that. I still have two more small pieces of furniture that we will be bringing over plus the new couch that we bought that makes into a bed so we have more room for people to sleep. It gets a little crowded when we have our whole family over for overnights.

    It is only 8pm and my husband is already in bed. He was really tired from driving and having 2 1/2 hours of zoom meeting this morning before we left. I am tired but going to bed this early is hard to imagine for me. Of course he got up 2 hours earlier than I did too so that makes a difference.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,354 Member
    Thank you all for the Valentine wishes. It was quiet here but I enjoyed my quiet day, my friend dropped by to visit and my Pastor came go pray for me before my appointment on Thursday. It was a rough appointment, will bring a detailed update and Prayer request on our Prayer Feed App.

    Susan, thanks for sharing about fishing and making mention of the memories I have of my fun times I had with my Grandpa fishing. Yes I love all the pictures you have posted her Susan.

    Marilyn, so sorry about your Bone Scan results with having osteoporosis, my prayers are with you, let us know if they will do the injections every 6 months. It was nice that you were able to visit with your sister who doesn’t live near you. I am sure it was a special time for you.

    Linda, glad you had a wonderful time celebrating Valentines Day but it did sound very cold where you were but nice you saw those places, if you can share some pictures it would be so nice. Yes as Susan said it does sound interesting about the Orange Lichen growing on icy hills.

    I will come back and post a detailed update about my appointment and pathology report that came back.

    Blessings on your evening and your Sunday Morning! Love and God Bless you! ❤️🙏🤗😇
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,623 Member
    Judith - thanks for the update although it was difficult to hear. I do know that having a "rare" disease means they are probably doing experiments on it to understand it better so you will have the newest and best treatments. Your positive attitude is also "rare" and is so encouraging to hear. Jesus and we are walking with you every step of the way. Of course, I do not put us on the same level as Jesus. We are looking to him for the ultimate healing.

    It is a beautiful sunny day today. In Denver we have church at 10:30 am rather then 4pm that I am used to in Grand Junction. I like the later time but also like to see my friends here when ever they meet. We have an elder's and staff meeting after church that is expected to go from 1:30 to 5:30 then a birthday/valentines day family event. This is the family event that my son is doing. My DIL said she is having spaghetti, garlic bread and chocolate fondue. I have a doctor's appointment this week and that is a lot of carbs in one meal that could affect my bloodwork as well as my weight! She will be using gluten free items but I do not know if they will have less carbs than the wheat pasta. I will eat enough to be polite but will be careful not to eat too much. I am allergic to chocolate so the fondue will not be a problem.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,469 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,516 Member
    Hello everyone. We arrived in Bicheno and are set up in a tight spot, and now in the process of doing laundry at a laundromat while shopping for a few items we needed.

    I have read all updates on this thread and will check the prayer request thread for your news, Judith.

    Blessings to you all.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,354 Member
    Amen Marilyn, one of many favourite Scriptures that always blesses me. God’s Word is Mighty and is so Precious!

    Linda, thank you for your kindness and for always encouraging me along my journey. I wasn’t expecting the report that came or the possibility of having a deeper biopsy so they could determine what type of rare cancer it is. Hoping that after seeing this next specialist they will have a better understanding and can treat it! It was nice you have had sunny ☀️ weather there in Denver. And the menu your DIL is providing sounds so delicious, but I do understand that you would be concerned with carbs and other things with seeing your doctor, thinking about your blood work and weight. Your family day and valentines combined with your dinner sounds so nice. Our Church always did those celebrations and I always enjoyed attending. Those times I miss.

    Thinking of you Susan, probably missed you with time change and I am here earlier tonight.

    Have a great evening, see you all tomorrow. For us here in BC it’s Family Day, a stat holiday for most! 🤗 Sunday Blessings! ✝️📖🙏
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,469 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,623 Member
    Next month Grand Junction will have a "spring cleanup" week where we can put out anything we want to get rid of that is too big to fit into the trash can. I have gotten rid of furnature that was broken like dressers, chairs, etc. People come around and look at what is out and take what they want before the city comes around and picks up what is left. It is really nice for people who like to refinish things or fix things because it is all free. We have an old couch here in Denver that we need to get rid of but the problem is that they do not Grand Junction will not take anything longer than 6 feet long and our couch is 7 foot long and is a heavy sleeper couch. Today I took the bed frame out of the couch and Glenn and I cut it appart so it is not too long or too heavy for them to lift. I feel very accomplished today! This cut up couch will go back to Grand Junction for the cleanup, the couch we have in Grand Junction now will come here to Denver to replace the one we cut up and then the new couch we bought will need to be in Grand Junction so we have some sleeping area for people who visit. I hope that was clear. I almost got confused reading it myself. There is a lot of moving of furniture between our two houses.

    Glenn had a follow-up cardiology appointment today and they said his heart is doing well. He still has some irregular heart beats when he gets too tired or stressed. He tries to catch these early and takes some hours off to rest and his pulse goes back to normal. Our exercise today did not seem to bother him so that is good.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,516 Member
    That's good news about Glenn's heart, Linda. He is wise to also pace himself. Wow, you sure are moving furniture between houses! It will all work out, I'm sure.

    Marilyn, what a wonderful prayer.

    Judith, we did cross post yesterday. I'm glad you remain hopeful and will work with the Drs to overcome this new diagnosis. Your strength and faith is inspiring, my friend.

    Bicheno is a pretty place. We're all about to explore it, so maybe I will have photos for you tomorrow
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,354 Member
    Marilyn, thank you for todays prayer quote, and I say Amen, Praise Hod!

    Linda, no worries I understood, you sure are moving furniture from one place to the other. You sharing about Spring clean up reminded me about few years back our community had an annual pick up and clean up of the community, people plants spring flowers on street lined flower beds and around trees helping the city workers cleaning and beautifying the neighborhood. The city picked up furniture garden stuff it looked so nice when it was done. So happy to hear of Glen’s cardiology appointment. Glad he is doing better and he is learning to pace himself.

    Susan, glad you are enjoying Bicheno and that it is such a pretty place. Safe travels, look forward to the pictures you post!

    Blessings on your night! See you tomorrow!
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,623 Member
    I had to get up early this morning to go to the doctor's office to have a blood draw for my appointment on Friday. It is just a routine visit to check to see if my medications are correct and to get refills if it is OK. I do have pre-diabetes so I always dread seeing my blood sugars in case they get worse and I become diabetic. I have diabetes in my family so it is a possibility. Because Glenn has hypo-glycemia (the opposite of diabetes) we try to not have sweets in the house which helps but the carbs (which I like) can affect blood sugars. I walked to the office this morning which is a mile away but is an easier walk going because it is down hill. I had been fasting for quite a while so I was pretty tired but I took an orange and some string cheese to eat on the way home to give me some energy to walk uphill. My legs were really tired with walking the second mile so I did take a few minutes to stop part way home on a bench next to the lake to rest. I may lay down to give my legs a rest in a few minutes.

    Here are the mountains that we saw in Ouray for Valentines's Day. The peaks are 13,000 feet and are called the San Juan mountain range.

    They run water over sheer cliffs to make artificial waterfalls for people to climb.

    Here is a close up of someone climbing the "waterfalls". She is using hooks that are shaped like fish hooks to hold on the ice surface above her head then has special shoes that have "crampons" (which are like sharp metal claws) that they put in the ice to be able to keep their balance with their feet. I'm sorry it is blurry.


  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,469 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,516 Member
    Marilyn, getting out the magnifying glass to see your quote was definitely worth it today. The wonders of God's love are amazing and bring me joy.

    Linda, what amazing photos! 👏 That place looks beautiful and how creative to make artificial waterfalls for people to climb! Oh, I do hope your blood tests reveal only good things. I didn't know you were pre-Diabetic. May it never develop fully in you.

    Judith, I have some photos for you and Linda and Marilyn 😃

    I'm getting to post here late today. I spent this morning sweeping, vacuuming and mopping the van. It's a small area but there was sand in everything. I needed to pick up everything we have on the floor - shoes, a footstool, dog bowls, food containers & toys, mats etc. I used a new mop that didn't fit in the bucket we have so had to use the oval shaped bathroom sink.

    Colin visited Greg and Lyn while I was busy and the dogs had to stay on the seats.

    Then I dried the floor with fans and dry cloths so the dogs could get down before putting everything back where it belongs. By then I needed a shower myself!

    Then it was lunch time and after lunch, we all went to town for supplies and a coffee. It was fun exploring the little town.

    Here's the Log Cabin store which has an eclectic mix of hardware, fishing gear, camping equipment, paint, gifts, food items, toys, clothing and plenty of other surprises :


    Here's a little church with a small bell in a box near the roof apex just down from the Log Cabin store:


    There is a great blowhole here. Colin took this photo at low tide:


    Bicheno is situated on it's own bay:


    And here we are set up next to each other in the caravan park:


    The spaces for manoeuvring the van in are tight, but once we were settled it turned into a nice place to stay.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,354 Member
    edited February 21
    What Spectacular pictures Linda of the artificial waterfalls and the picture of the person climbing up the ice covered rock face. I enjoyed your pictures from your walk to your Doctors appointment! Hope your Blood work comes back as a good report.

    Susan, thank you for sharing the pictures of your Caravans parked side by side, the surroundings where you are look so peaceful and relaxing. Loved the pictures you took of the Church and Log Cabin Store, Bicheno on its own Bay is such a lovely setting for you to be staying, Colin’s Blowhole picture on the lake was so striking, thank Colin for me for taking it and you posting here. Enjoy your time in Bicheno!

    Marilyn, thanks again for posting the Scripture quote. Yes, it was small so I Zoomed in; indeed, “The Wonders of God’s Love”,
    God’s Amazing Love!

    I am up during wee hours of Wednesday morning, was very sleepy earlier Tuesday night and wasn’t my best Tuesday afternoon so missed posting so came this early morning as I was up and feeling much better. I will come back later.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,469 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,623 Member
    Marilyn - Love the verse. We all need peace in this uncertain world we live in. Only God can give that peace.

    Susan - loved the pictures expecially the church and scenery ones. Your caravans look like twins. Does the black part on the front open to give you more light?

    Judith - I am sorry you had hard morning but glad you were able to feel better and post later.

    We have dental appointments today so I have to remember to take my antibiotics an hour before we go. The doctor that did my hip replacement said to do this every time I have a dental appointment or any invasive procedure because my hip does not have a blood supply and can easily get infected. I have two friends who have had infections in their knee replacements. One had to have his replacement removed, had IV antibiotics for a month then a new knee put back in. I do not want that to happen to my hip!