Chat Cafe



  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Hi Linda. You posted the second time at 3:24am, while I was sleeping 😌 It's now 9:15am and I still have house guests for another hour, so this will be a quick update we hope they are packing. The back pain I suspect is a small kidney stone. I am finding I can manage the pain with painkillers, so that's why I think it is small. When I had one too big to pass, nothing touched the pain. If it doesn't settle down when I see my doctor next I will get it checked out more.

    How lovely to be looking forward to a family party this weekend! Enjoy and may your dear husband have a very happy birthday.

    Marilyn, I hope you are feeling better each day

    Judith I will also keep an eye on the prayer update thread...
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    My family arrived last night at 7:30pm and we have been busy since then. We had a birthday party for my Sister-in-law and husband for lunch. My neice and her three girls were with her so we had a full house. She is pregnant with a little boy and is doing well. This was a surprise but I am so glad that they are having a boy this time. Tonight the leaders group from church are having a dinner that was scheduled earlier and since it falls on my husband;s birthday, they will also have something special for him too so he is celebrating a lot today. Because of the family here, I will be in and out at irregular intervals for this week. Just know I am thinking and praying for all of you even if I do not post.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Hello all I have managed to log my fitness and food and sign in but been away from my normal activity here. Been struggling with various challenges related to my ongoing situation. I saw my Surgeon on Thursday past, I have infection on bottom lip and there is pooling and bubbling of skin along suture lines graphs and flaps from last surgery 11 months ago, surgeon is concerned as I should of bounced back by now, that is why I need further surgery to remove disease and clear up what’s causing this present situation. Surgeon will follow up with me next month, still on wait list for further surgery. There is a delay for surgery as there are staffing issues for the OR and surgical beds. My surgeon is hoping for July for surgery! Will keep you posted when I know the date. Thank you all for praying for me! 😊
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Oh, Judith, I am so very sorry you have to wait for surgery once again. I know you have faith and trust in the Lord no matter what situation you are in. I am grateful for your faith. Will continue to pray for you of course, my friend. I wish so many good things for you. Hugs.

    Linda, enjoy the celebration and family time. We do understand when you are so busy. Take care.

    Marilyn, you need a strong personality to get through your challenges!

    Our Pastor reminded us that the Lord doesn't always take us out of trials and adversity as He wants us to gain strength and trust in Him....
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Susan - your pastor was so correct. The only way we get stronger muscles is to exercise them. The way to get stronger faith is to exercise it. At the time, it may not seem pleasant but it is for our good.

    Judith - thanks for the update. I'm sorry it looks like your surgery will be delayed but I am glad that your surgeon has a plan and we have a mighty God who is protecting you and has a plan greater than we can imagine.

    Marilyn - Thanks for the laugh!
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Linda, you are so right.

    Judith and Marilyn, I hope you have had good days.

    I sang with two groups today and cooked some homemade cheese biscuits. It's a chilly day so it was good to have the oven warming the house.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Good thoughts, Marilyn.

    It's a quiet day here with me prepping for card classes. I hope everyone is having a good day.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Thank you Marilyn for the thoughts today.

    Linda, thank you for your prayers and words of encouragement! Looks like you were busy since your arrival with Family birthdays. And an exciting announcement with your niece expecting her 4th child, wow, 3 girls they have an now a little boy, such a blessing they now are having a boy.

    Susan, thank you for your encouragement and your prayers. I like what your Pastor reminded the congregation that the Lord doesn't always take us out of trials and adversity as He wants us to gain strength and trust in Him....Amen and Amen, I totally agree. Great you sang with two groups and the cheese biscuits you made sound so yummy! Glad you had a quiet day as you were prepping cards for your next class.

    Thanks again for your prayers and kind words. You are so appreciated. Off to bed now, be back tomorrow! 😴💤
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    It was a long 10 hour day but we were able to get our trailer out of storage, hook it up to the truck and get it to our property yesterday. It was so good to have the extra help of our daughters! The water is still pooling on the ground so we were not able to get it totally hooked up but at least we did get it to the property which was a major goal. We now have big ruts where the truck was slipping and sliding trying to pull the heavy trailer through the soggy land. We will wait a few weeks to go back up there to hook it up to the spring and put it where we usually have it for the Summer. We can also take a shovel and put the dirt back in the ruts when it dries out a bit.

    Hope all is well with your all!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Amen Marilyn, love this quote you shared and I so agree! Continue to pray for you that you are recovering well! 🙏

    Linda, you sure had quite a day, wow, a 10 hour drive to get your trailer out of storage and get to the property with the help of your daughters, it did sound like a treacherous drive through all the water that was pooling on the ground. Sorry you couldn’t get the trailer hooked up but you were wise leaving the trailer and waiting for a few weeks for things to dry up. You can always fill in the ruts the tires left on the ground; it’s far more important that you both stayed safe! Summer will be here before you know it and you will be back on the property enjoying your trailer and all the activities you do with your family.

    Susan, hope you enjoyed your class, look forward to seeing the cards you made. How is your wrist doing these days? Has the brace helped alleviate some of the pain? My prayers continue for you and for Colin. Hope he is doing well? Last thought I have, did you get the parts back to finish with the repair of your caravan? Hope things are coming along and you can get back to enjoying your trips in your caravan!

    Blessings all, enjoy your evening, see you all tomorrow! 😊🤗❤️
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Judith, the parts for the van have not yet arrived, no. Colin is doing much better though. The brace does alleviate the pain, most of the time, in my wrist. My class is tomorrow so I will take photos of class cards then. You are welcome for my prayers and encouragement. I am glad it makes a difference for you. You keep looking after yourself, ok?

    Marilyn, I agree gratitude is a key to everlasting joy.

    Linda, you sure had a lot of work to get your van out of storage and on the road again. Glad you had some extra family help.

    I knew I would have a busy day today with more singing, meetings, hair appointment and house cleaning. Also we had groceries delivered. Tonight we have YouTube church.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    One of my daughters went home today so we have two less people and one less dog who was stealing our shoes and anything else that was on the floor just to get us to chase her. She is funny and we know she is just playing but it gets old after a while! I guess I need more sleep and more patience. LOL

    We got our gas cylinder back today that was leaking from the trailer. They said the person who was filling the tank filled it too full and broke the valve which will need to be replaced later. They were able to take some of the propane out of the cylinder so it is no longer too full and safe to use. They did not charge us anything so I am very grateful. As soon as we use all the gas out of the tank, we take it back to them and they will repair the valve.

    Thinking and prayig for you all!
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Thank you Marilyn for the latest quote you shared

    Linda, sorry to hear about the cylinder having a broken valve, at least you know why it was leaking, glad the people were able to take some of the gas out of the tank and it’s safe to use for now. That was a nice bonus that there was no charge. The dog sounds like he is quite the character grabbing shoes things just to get you running after him. He’s smart too, I’m sure while he was there you all got your exercise, you got a head start on your cardiovascular fitness that we are starting for June’s Fitness theme! Hehe 😂 just couldn’t resist!

    Susan, sorry to hear the parts haven’t come for the caravan, here’s hoping it’s soon. Glad Colin is doing well, and the brace is helping your wrist. Hope your card class is good tomorrow and you all enjoy your time in the class. Look forward to seeing your cards.

    Have a good night. See you all tomorrow.. 😊 praying for you all.. 🙏
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Hello everyone. It was a full day of prepping and teaching for me. The ladies I had here loved their cards. All three of my class ladies have chosen the same cards to make! But each one always looks different so when my other two June classes happen you might notice some similarities in designs!!



    Judith, the caravan has given us more trouble. The water pump seized. Col was able to replace it and free up the old one, but it took him all day to do that. At least he had something to do while I was teaching though! I hope you are alright. 🙏🌹

    Marilyn, I always appreciate your posts.

    Linda, loved reading your account of family time. The fog does found smart and funny! They are like toddlers. Jasper wants us to play kick the toy all day long. He steals Colin's slippers as often as he can. Lol!

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Susan, thanks for asking after me, I am ok, taking each day as it comes, yes, there are challenges with the issues regarding pooling bubbling and skin shedding over graphs and flaps and incision lines, Good News, the infection on lower lip has really improved, I expect it to be gone in next few days! Sorry to hear about more Caravan problems but glad Colin was able to replace the water pump. Here’s hoping this is last of the problems. Your cards are beautiful. Thank you for sharing the pictures.

    Linda, I left a reply to your last post so will let you read it. It’s above Susan’s last post regarding her card making and pictures and Caravan problems. Hope you are enjoying your time with family.

    Marilyn, thank you for todays quote, about Life is an echo, indeed, what you give out it comes back to us just like an echo. Yes, it’s good to give out good so we get good back!

    Blessings all, prayers are with you all! 🙏❤️
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    I just saw we're on page 100 for this thread. That's a bit of a milestone!

    Judith, glad to hear of the improvement to one lip! That's a hopeful development. I know you have a lot going on with your health so love it when you get some encouragement like that. Glad you enjoyed our cards. Yes, Colin is pretty handy and is feeling much better. He is about to go back to lawn bowling! The Physio thinks he will be OK so his team are really happy about him returning.

    Marilyn, that was a lovely idea about life being an echo.

    Linda, hope your day is going well

    I am going to the Hand Clinic this afternoon to get my brace adjusted. It has started to dig into the top of my hand. I am sure it can be more comfortable than it is right now.

    Have good days everyone.