Chat Cafe



  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Since I posted late last night not much has happened since then except I was sleeping. We are having a pot luck at church that is Mexican themed. I am taking Chicken Azteca with rice. I have it cooking in the crock pot now. The Denver church is having an outdoor service with a baseball game after it. We were nervous about what the weather/air condition would be with the smoke in the air but my daughter says the air is clear now. Our air is also clean and fresh smelling in GJ. I am surprised that it passed so quickly. I hope it means the fires are beginning to lessen but it might just be we had lots of wind blowing East and those states now have the smoke.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Thank you all for your concerns and all your prayers. Sorry I wasn’t here yesterday as I just wasn’t up to par. Today it a bit better. Praise God! I see my Surgeon on Thursday May 15th and hope to know more about delays and possible time frames of next surgery. Will keep you posted.

    Marilyn, so glad to hear your surgery went well, Praise God for answers to prayer. My prayers are for a speedy recovery and for a good report when you are Clinic for follow up and dressing change. Take care my friend, Much Love and Prayers! ❤️

    Linda, so glad you are getting ready for your summer and getting help with the set up of your trailer. That’s great! It’s good there isn’t pooling or puddling of the water where your trailer is going. So sorry about the smoke that you are having from our Canadian wildfires that are ongoing right now. I am safe as it’s not near me. We do get hazy skies and some smoke at times when the wind is blowing our way. Please wish your husband a very Happy 70th Birthday 🥳 May his special day be blessed with family and friend’s.

    Susan, thank you for update on your caravan. So glad have worked out.I’m sure you will enjoy your upcoming holidays in this new caravan. So sorry your wrist is so sore and sensitive but hope with the brace on next few weeks it will bring you healing. My prayers are with you. That’s so nice you finished your study in Philippians. We are done too. We started a new series today studying about Christ’s Ascension getting ready for Pentecost which is next week, (Pentecost Sunday) we will study Acts 2:1-13. I see you were in the Book of Acts like us. Look forward to sharing notes on our study. Today we read from Acts 1:1 to verse 14.

    God Bless you all, have a blessed day and week ahead. 🤗 see you tomorrow!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Linda, I'd love to see a picture of your trailer sometime. I think you must get the same feeling I get when we go away and our van. It's a feeling of peace and relaxation that is hard to get anywhere else. Funny, we actually checked to see if some sheets we found in storage would fit the van this week. They did and I washed and ready to go now. They were brand new and I had never taken them out of their plastic packet before. I recognise that hip ache you mentioned. I get so many different aches but the wrist is the worst one right now. The occupational therapist actually suggested I check and see if I have a form of inflammatory arthritis. Happy Birthday to your husband. He is one year older than me.

    Marilyn and Judith I hope your day's are going well. 🙏🤗

    I decided to rest rather than keep my usual commitments today. The pain is wearing me down a little. It seems to ache no matter if I have the brace on or off. Everything takes a lot longer to do. I just had to wash my hair today and a shower and that took an hour instead of the 20 minutes it usually does. I'm not complaining because I'm sure it will help me get better. I'm just trying to pay the picture of my little reality right now. I'm still praising God for the help I've been getting. I have physio in an hour or so.

    God bless your days.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Susan - once we get the trailer up to the property, I will try to get a picture of it and the surrounding mountainside. We will probably move it in a week if the ground is dry enough to support the weight. I am glad that you can take time to rest your wrist to see if the pain lessens. A person does not realize how much we use our limbs until one or more is not available to use. At least you have shorter hair so you do not need to spend extra time with washing and combing it.

    My "to do" list is getting long so I have quite a few things I want to get done today. One of the biggest things is that I need to get the house ready for my two daughters and kids to come here on Friday. There will be three adults, two kids and a dog to try to fit into our small house. We will need to repurpose our study for one family to take over. That means my husband will need to do his studying out in the living room or the dining room table because they are pretty late risers in the morning. He says he does not mind but will have to remember to take the books that he needs the night before to use in the morning. The joy we will have with them being here outweighs any inconvenience!

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Amen Marilyn, very good quote you shared thank you for all these inspiring words you share, they are encouraging and help us to focus on the positive blessings of God upon our lives! Praise God! Marilyn my prayers continue for you for a speedy recovery!

    Susan, I will continue to keep you in prayer regarding your wrist, trusting there will be less
    pain as you rest your hand and wrist in the brace. I am so happy you found brand new sheets that fit the beds in your caravan. Such a great blessing for you. Hope you have a great time away when you leave for your trip. It’s great the caravan is getting all ready especially with the insurance approving the work and supplies that were needed for the repairs. Keep us posted. Stay safe my friend, praying for complete recovery and healing of your wrist.

    Linda, it’s exciting having your daughter and family coming to stay in your house. It will be nice to visit with them before you leave on your trip. I hope you can get some pictures as it would be nice where you place your trailer. It does sound lovely with the mountains nearby and no doubt the greenery of trees and the wildlife that will be near. I remember how camping was always peaceful and refreshed your spirit! I may not go camping but where I live I can see the mountains nearby and have such beautiful trees and greenery all around me and my yard has azalea bushes, 2 pots of Dahlia plants, flowering day lilies, Hosta Evergreen trees and all my blooms of flowers from my hanging baskets which is so calming and peaceful which refreshes me in Mind Body and in Spirit!

    I see my Surgeon on Thursday, still on wait list, there are delays. I will post a detailed report I receive from my oral surgeons at Dental Oncology, my Pathologist that is looking after the treatment of mouth, palate and jaw and my facial crania surgeon who is doing next surgery, combo of tissue removal and reconstruction of left upper face, lips and mouth. Will share more next weekend in our Prayer Request Forum! God Bless talk tomorrow!
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Judith, glad you felt able to post today. I will look forward to hearing about your surgeon's appointment. Praying there will be some good news for you. Thank you for praying for my wrist to heal. I enjoyed reading about your lovely garden too.

    Marilyn, glad you felt able to post too and hope and pray you are feeling stronger.

    Linda, I will look forward to your photos of the van one day. I am excited for you with the upcoming family visit! Your husband is lovely to be flexible too.

    I felt able to have three new ladies here for an introductory card class this afternoon. I got muscle fatigue by late afternoon but we all had a good time. Two were Christians which was lovely too. Here are the cards we made:


  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Marilyn - great quote. I get that mixed up sometimes and expect perfection from myself. Jesus promised the Holy Spirit would be with us helping us and guiding us in the way we should go. We just need to listen and show up.

    Susan - beautiful cards! I'm sorry that you had muscle fatigue but the results were wonderful and I am sure your friends had a good time. Sending cards in the mail seems to be a forgotten way to communicate. I do appreciate one friend who still sends them - I feel very special that she was taking the time to think of me and send me greetings.

    Judith - I am praying for your appointment on Thursday. You have a lot of specialists involved in your care which means you have the cream of the crop of knowledge. I look forward to hearing more about what is planned.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Good quote Marilyn.

    Thank you Linda, about the cards weafe.

    I am not feeling great today so just a quick check in before my nap....
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Big Hugs Susan, hope you feel better after resting. Is the muscle fatigue still bothering you from your day of making cards? The cards are lovely! Great Job. Always nice when you can get together with fellow Christian’s and make cards. Be careful my friend, rest your hand and wrist, trusting that tomorrow is a better day for you! 🙏

    Linda, I agree that I have a wonderful group of specialists who are caring for me. God is good. I look forward to seeing pictures of your camper when you take them. I agree with your comment about us listening as it is the Holy Spirit who helps us and takes us every step of the way. And yes as you said Linda it’s up to us to listen and show up ready to follow thru with what the Spirit is leading and guiding us to do.

    Marilyn, great quote. My prayers are with you always.

    Thursday I see my Surgeon so hopefully I will have some news for you. God Bless your night!
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    My husband got a big load of compost to put in our patio garden beds so we can start planting our tomatoes and other vegetables. A lot of this is ground up wood so we still need to get some good potting soil to put in with this. It is cheaper to buy a truck load than to buy sacks of it so we have plenty to use for us and to give away to all our neighbors if they need any. 😊

    Susan - I hope you feel better quickly. A rejunivating nap is good medicine. How is Colin doing?

    Judith - I'm looking forward to hearing what your surgeon says tomorrow. Prayers coming you way as always.

    Marilyn - Which arm did they put your shunt in? Praying the swelling and brusing go away soon as the healing progresses.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    They put the fisqula in my right arm just above the elbow. What this is is that they went in and with a graft joined a vein and a large blood vessel - and as it matures it grows large and looks like a bulge. If you were to look at a body builder (especially men) they have large veins in the upper part of their arms - I will have one very large one when it matures in about 3 - 5 months - and when it is mature should my body fail to where it needs dialysis it is from that blood vessel that they will remove the blood, filter it cleaning it up and return it by my body. This is what the kidneys do but since mine have decided not to work there will be a time when I will need the machine to do it for me. Takes about 5 hours 3x a week to do this. But at present I don't require dialysis but because it takes so long to get the body (my arm) ready for it they do the surgery now so when I get a low kidney number (below 10) then I would be ready. My prayers are that I will not have to rely on dialysis for another year or two but due to the kidneys failing as they have they say it COULD happen by Christmas - but with Christ on my side I am feeling confident that I will be able to avoid it for at least one more year.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Amen Marilyn, I so agree with todays quote as “Life is a treasure chest of possibilities”

    And I am believing you will not need dialysis for a long time, better yet I am believing for total healing of your kidneys to the Glory of God!

    Linda, so nice to get ready for planting. Yes, I can see it would be more economical to buy a Big load of compost than buying bags full of compost, very wise in planning your budget! It’s exciting getting ready to plant, I have a lot planed here but still have tomato plants to put in yet. Hopefully within next week!

    Susan as I said in my previous post I hope your nap helped the fatigue in your wrist and hand after making your cards with the ladies. I continue my prayers for is Colin doing these days, trust he is doing well.

    Tomorrow I see my surgeon. Will update you tomorrow after I get back! God Bless your evening! ❤️🙏
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Good to read of all your news. I am in early today as we have a busy day ahead.

    Judith, I know you get some information from your medical team today as it is Friday here so must be Thursday there. 🙏 Praying there will be a clear way forward. My wrist is pretty good in the brace but not when I take the brace off to shower. My back is also very sore this week. I am taking painkillers to help but the pain is only dulled down a bit.

    Colin is improving a lot and seems to have far less pain. He still needs to be careful and is finding that harder to do!

    Marilyn, thank you for explaining more about your surgery and why it was important to do that now. Was it a painful op? I hope you are healing well from it. Praying for you about your kidneys too. 🙏

    Linda, sounds like there will be a lot of gardening in your future. That's something we no longer have to do much of. I get a bag of potting mix now and then to freshen up my pot plant garden. One of my Zygocactuses (Christmas Cactus) is blooming this week.


    There's no open soil in our little yard. It is all artificial turf, concrete and wooden planks.

    May the Lord bless your days.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Today is a busy day with our Bible talk group this afternoon and getting ready for that and for our kids tomorrow. I had a bunch of blueberries that were getting old so I make whole wheat honey sweetened blueberry muffins this afternoon. I am waiting for them to cool then will be able to enjoy them for a snack. It is windy here today but oy a little hazy clouds for right now. When the wind comes it usually means some change of weather so we will see. The weather report on my phone says a low of 32F tonight but I find that hard to believe. I think it is a typo and they meant 52F. That sounds more like it.

    Susan - I am so glad that Colin is doing better. I am sorry that your back is bothering you and that the pain pills only dull the pain. Did you do something different to strain it? Your Christmas cactus is beautiful. I love to surround myself with plants but our outside flowers are not doing as well as I had hoped. Our sprinkler system is irrigation water from the river and it has been very muddy. The muddy water gets on the leaves and leaves spots. I don't think they can get enough sun so I have to rinse off the leaves after the sprinkler goes off. I do not always remember so the plants are suffering.

    Marilyn - I agree that having like minded people around certainly does help a person reach a successful goal.

    Judith - praying for your appointment today. I will watch the prayer request thread for an update when you are able.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Marilyn - I am glad you take this to heart as you heal from your surgery. Taking a nap when you are tired helps the body to repair it's self and get more energy. Power naps are the best!

    I don't see anything new on this thread to respond to today. I pray you are all just busy with fun things. Tomorrow is my husband's birthday and his sister's birthday is on Sunday so we are having a birthday lunch for them. Our neice is also coming with her 3 kids so we will have lots of children with my grandkids too. We will be cooking out brats and hot dogs and sides with an ice cream cake for dessert. We will be putting out flowers on the graves also for family members.