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  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Judith - thanks for the update in the prayer thread. The surgeon was right about you being a "one tough cookie". Of course we know it is the Lord who is giving you strength and stamana.

    Thanks for the prayers for Addie. It is good that they did catch it early and that the hope is that she wil outgrow it. Her brother is doing well and is in Highschool and learning like the other students.

    I have been repotting plants lately. My orchid is looking pretty pitiful. It is blooming but the leaves are floppy and leathery. I read that it could be either too much water or not enough. I repotted it in fresh orchid bark and found the roots were dried up but there were several strong green ones. I think I did not water it enough when we were traveling so it is dehydrated. I am hoping that the new soil and being more careful with watering will bring it back to life. I also took a cutting off my geranium last Fall and rooted it in water then put it in a pot over the winter that I put outdoors yesterday. It was getting root bound so I hope a bigger pot and nice sunshine will make it flourish. It has bright red blossoms so it gives such nice color to the patio.

    We are going out to lunch with friends today. I am looking forward to it.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Linda, sorry to hear about your granddaughter having those seizures. My youngest daughter (age 33 and has Down Syndrome) has them. At first we thought it was a 'Downs thing' as she seemed to be looking at us but not paying attention. But she was 17+ when they started - she is so much better with the meds. She takes 2 pills, one in the morning and one before bed - this is because the med only lasts for about 8 hours. But when she has them she just stars, then blinks and says 'they are gone now' so she is aware they are happening. We have discovered they are stronger (having more of them) around the time of her monthly cycle. Doctor says there is no known case of it happening more then but says it makes sense because of the changes in the body. She does really well handling them

    Doing ok and will be happy when the operation on my arm is over with - I am feeling the anxiety. But right now am feeling a bit tired but don't really want to take a nap as yesterday it through me off somewhat. But will see as I just might need to stretch out - this cold flu thing plus the kidney function is really doing a number on me.

    Be blesssed
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Thank you Marilyn for sharing about your dear daughter, so sorry she has these type of seizures but happy she is on meds that seem to be helping her. I will keep your daughter in much prayer.

    I hear you my friend when you share about your anxiety regarding the surgery on your arm and then cold-flu issues and the kidney function. That’s a lot to take in. You are carrying such a heavy load my friend. Wish I lived closer to you as I’d love to help you. One thing for sure you are a strong woman Marilyn and a great witness, you shine for Jesus! And you are such a blessing here on the team. So glad you have come onboard our team and are such an encourager and a blessing to me and to all our members in
    which we all thank God! ✝️🙏❤️

    Linda, thank you for your kindness and your prayers. Please keep us posted on how your dear Addie is doing. My prayers continue for your sweet granddaughter! Your geranium sounds so lovely in its red blooms. I am sure it will come along and flourish with all your tender care. The same with your orchid, it will come along in no time. Both these plants are my favorite! You said you were going out for lunch with friends! Hope you have a nice outing and enjoy your lunch!

    Heading to bed now. 😴 God’s Blessings and Big Hugs! ❤️🙏🤗
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    edited May 2023
    Hello lovely friends. It's nice to find your posts. I was with my best friend and her husband today. Lyn may have a recurrence of breast cancer. This will be the third time if so. We will find out in a couple of weeks what has to be done. She is a Christian and is trusting the Lord for whatever is ahead. She is the kind of person who calms and reassures those who love her, even when she is the one with the illness! But she was glad of our company today.

    Judith, I have not read your prayer update yet but will do so next. Glad to see you here. I will keep praying for your strength and healing.

    Marilyn, thank you for telling us about your daughter and about how you are feeling with the upcoming surgery and treatments. I will keep you and your daughter in prayer also.

    Linda, I hope you enjoyed your lunch. Your gardening sounds fun. I sprouted some little capsicum seedlings last week and planted them out. I don't know if they will do well or not but am hopeful! My two orchids were looking sad too and a friend told me to change their location for awhile. It seems to be helping them. Glad to pray for Addie.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Good Morning All

    I texted late last night before bed so will come back later today to look for new posts and will reply.

    Have a Blessed day my Friends! 😊
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    It was so good to see all the posting this morning. It is encouraging to see what is going on and to have specific prayer requests.

    Marilyn - Caring for a Down syndrome family member can be hard but rewarding. I have a friend whose daughter has Down syndrome and is 35. She is such a sweetheart. She is so loving and her smile will light up a room. She does work at a supermarket bagging groceries so has a purpose in life working with the public. These special people are a huge example of God's unconditional love to us. I continue to pray for your surgery that is coming up soon. I pray for God's comfort and peace to overflow on you as you prepare.

    Susan - I will pray for your friend with a possible recurrence of her breast cancer. Having had treatment two other times and thinking it is all gone and yet it comes back could be very discouraging but it seems she has a faithful attitude. I will also pray that you can be a support and encouragement to her too. I will try to see if putting my orchid in more sun will help. I know it does not like direct sun so I will need to think where I can put it since I do not have a lot of windows that I can use. Thanks for that suggestion.

    Judith - You beat me on here this morning. I see you posted two time before I could. I am glad you are doing well on your weight and nutrition. The recipe you posted sounds like a great one to try when the corn is fresh out of the garden. I have not put corn and strawberries together but it would brighten up the dish with sweetness as well as color.

    We had a friend come over to help set up the swamp cooler this morning. Usually my husband and I do this but our children told us we had no business getting up on the roof and we should let the younger people help us. We did find that the pump was leaking and it is all corroded inside so my husband is going to the hardware store to get another pump. So far it has not been so hot that we need to run it anyway.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Linda, you are welcome about the orchids. I hope it works! Your family is right about getting up on ladders and if they want to help, why not go along with it 😊 I'm glad they care so much. And thank you for your prayers for Lyn and for Colin.

    I don't have much news today. I did make a Live for my craft friends and I puttered in my craft room. The day is beautiful and Colin is doing little things for the caravan.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Evening Hello Everyone, it’s almost my bedtime but wanted to see what had been posted from when I was on last!

    Susan glad you are enjoying your card class and crafts. And speaking of card making, my friend came by on Thursday and gave me a box filled with card stock that she didn’t need as she is not doing as much card making and then gave me 6 Embossing folders with themes for Thinking of you, Birthdays, flowers and so much more and a huge package of Dies, they were Layering Circles, 4 Different sizes, wow what a blessing! Continue my prayers for Colin!

    Linda, so happy you got someone to go on the roof to get the swamp cooler set up, sorry about it needing new pump but glad your husband stays safe and not having to go on the roof now. Continue to keep your sweet granddaughter in prayer!

    Marilyn I continue to keep you in prayer and your

    God’s Blessings all ❤️😊🤗
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    I started today going through my clothes and putting away my winter ones and getting out the summer ones. It is fun seeing "new" clothes to wear. I forget what I have when they are in storage for 6 months. I also am getting out summer sheets and putting away my flannel ones. I hope it is not to soon to be doing this but I do not see any more snow in the forecast so I think I am pretty safe right now.

    We are having our Bible Study group over tomorrow for "house church" and brunch. We will have about 10 people here and they all bring something so it helps me in preparation of things. I was thinking of cooking hash browns, sausage links and waffles but when I checked my syrup, it was turned to sugar. It has been a long time since we used it. It is used when he have the grandchildren over mostly. I have it in a pan of hot water trying to get the sugar granules to change back into thick syrup. If I leave it in the hot water too long, the plastic bottle will soften and the shape will change into something wavy and weird. I have done that when it warmed up too quckly in the microwave.

    My husband and a friend worked on the back patio this morning and it looks really nice now. There was a small strip of ground that did not grow anything well that used to be a flower bed. We needed more room on the patio for me to have a clothesline so they covered that area with pea gravel and extended the area by a foot which seems like quite a lot when I look at it now. We need to fill the raised garden part now so we can put in vegetables later this month.

    While my husband and friend worked really hard, I was off getting with friends for a time of
    faith and fellowship". There were only three of us that could come but we had a great time learning about each one's background and how we became Christians. We have very varried pasts and was so interesting to get to know each other better.

    I have a "Fiesta Party" to go to tonigh to celebrate Cinco de Mayo (a day late). Our pharmacist friend invited over the staff at his pharmacy at the VA hospital and invited my husband and I also since we are both in the medical field. He said he expects 76 people to show up for tacos and tamales. That includes lots of kids. It goes for 4 hours but we will not stay that long since I still have to get the house ready for tomorrows brunch. I tend to get a little nervous around lots of people I do not know also so shorter is better for me. My husband, on the other hand, thrives on getting to talk to new people. God puts opposites together for sure.

    I hope everyone is having a good weekend. Talk to you later. ☺😍❣
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Evening Hello All

    Linda, I hear you, I would be doing the same thing if we had the weather you are having. We have temps in the 40’s sometimes in the 30’s and hardly above the 50’s so I am quite happy to wear my warmer clothes at least for now. We are in May and I expect the weather to suddenly change into very warm days then I will be glad to put away all winter clothes, I’m so done with these chilly 🥶 days!
    Hope you enjoyed your Fiesta party, sounds like a fun time and getting together with those who attended. I am sure you will enjoy your back patio. Reading about the work your hubby was doing makes me want to get outside and do more gardening and get my plants put in. Going to do Tomatoes again, beef steak tomatoes which are my favorite, unfortunately I can’t eat them yet but will freeze them for making sauces and using in casseroles, the flavour is much nicer than other tomatoes. I am going to plant some Herbs in pots and try planting potatoes in a couple of pots this season. Hope they turn out. I have Spring flowers I am tending and watering all my Spring plants. My tuber Dahlia’s are still under the surface of the ground but so looking forward to them to sprout through the earth. They are such beautiful flowers and make beautiful bouquets through the summer months. My Hosta plant is so beautiful growing in leaps and bounds, my azalea bushes are ready to bloom soon, everything is late this year due to the colder weather. But soon that will all change!

    Marilyn, great quote today, thank you. 😊

    Susan, thinking of you and keeping you and Colin in prayer! 🙏

    Hope you all have a great evening and the Lord’s Day is Blessed abundantly! 😊
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    We're just back from evening church and I had to cook dinner. We eat later on Sunday nights. It wound up being a busy day as we had church this morning and I needed to make scripture memory cards for everyone in the afternoon.

    Thank you for praying, Judith. It's nice to think your weather is getting warmer for you all. You had such a long, cold winter. I'm noticing the cool down here! I remember Beefsteak tomatoes. My parents loved them. They don't seem to grow over here.

    Linda, it sounds like you have some great events to look forward to. I am not good at unstructured socialising either. Groups with a purpose are more my style. Unless it's my best friend. We can talk for hours.

    Marilyn, actions are important alright. Thinking of you.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    The Fiesta party was fun last night. There were 67 people but they were not all there at the same time. We stayed for 2 hours but had to leave to get ready for the church brunch this morning. I came home to do last minute cleaning and prep for today. I got up 2 hours ahead of time but at the last minute one of the people who was bringing a main dish could not come. I had to come up with an egg dish very quickly. Actually we had bought some eggs really cheap because they were about to expire and we needed to use them so my husband just scrambled them. I worked on the waffles, sausages hashbrowns and drinks. A friend came over early and gave me a hand so that helped. It seems all at once things need to be done immediately before people arrive or they will be cold. After the service two other women did the dishes so when they were done, the kitchen was spotless. We had a leaders meeting to go to so it was nice for them to do the dishes. Tonight a friend is taking me to Red Lobster for dinner. She says it is a late birthday present. I think tomorrow will be a rest day since the weekend has been so busy.

    Judith - our lilacs are just now blooming and they smell so good. Your flowers sound beautiful. I have never planted Dalhia's but I have seen pictures of them. What color are they? So far our apple tree has not bloomed but I expect it to soon. It is three years old so it is very tall but not very wide yet. I hope we can get some apples off of it this year. In Denver, our apple tree did not have very man apples on it so this year should be a bumper crop. It takes a rest every other year it seems.

    Marilyn - I am praying for your surgery tomorrow and your peace about it. Hopefully it will be along time before you need to use it.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Good morning. Glad all went well with the fiesta party, Linda. How lovely to have the kitchen nice and clean at the end.

    I am singing in a Cancer Council fundraiser today. My friend and her husband were coming (she is the one with breast cancer) but she feels too ill to come out today. 😢
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Evening Hello All,

    Marilyn will be praying for you tomorrow for your surgery; I join with Linda and pray you won’t need to use it my friend, praying for God’s Healing touch upon your body my dear friend. Thanks for the great quote! 🙏🤗

    Susan, it’s nice to see your Church promoting Memorizing Scripture with you making the Memory Cards. Our Kids ministry encourages Scripture Memorizing! Not a lot of People these days take the time to memorize scripture. I’d love to see a picture the cards you make. You mentioned you were singing in a Cancer Council Fundraiser, let me know how it went. So sorry your friend was not feeling well and couldn’t go!
    Hope she feels better soon! 🙏

    Linda, so happy the Fiesta Party went well, it sure was well attended. Nice that you enjoyed your time. You mentioned a friend taking you to Red Lobster for a belated birthday dinner, I have great memories of Red Lobster as when I first moved to my area in BC they had Red Lobster and it was my family’s favorite to eat at! We celebrated special occasions there and sure had a good fill of food each time we ate there. And you mentioning your lilac trees in bloom and the beautiful scent brings such sweet memories of my grandparents house where I was raised as a toddler at 2/1/2 years old to aged 7, then we moved back to Hamilton I spend a lot of time at the house enjoying the lilacs! You asked about the Dahlias my friend gave me, she didn’t know what her daughter planted for me so it will be a nice surprise when grow and bloom. They are such gorgeous flowers. Look forward having some lovely blooms for my dining-room table this summer!

    Have a great evening and May your week be blessed my friend’s! Be back tomorrow!

    So it’s Good Night and God Bless.. 😴🙏🤗
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    It was a long busy weekend and today I am taking a rest day. I will still be doing my regular duties but not adding anything extra to my plate. God rested after he created the whole universe and although I did not do that much work I am taking his example to get my energy back.

    Marilyn - I am so sorry that I jumped ahead a week and said you were having surgery today. I had the "8" right but forgot to put a "1" ahead of it to make it the "18th" as your surgical day. I am sure that God appreciates the extra prayers we prayed for you and will continue to uphold you as you prepare for your surgery next week.

    Susan - I am praying for your friend with cancer. I am sorry she was not feeling well enough to attend the Cancer fundraiser. I know she probably has good days and bad days so I hope that this was just one bad day and she is feeling better today.

    Judith - as always we are praying that you are having more good days than better days also. Great job maintaining you weight for a week now. May this week be a repeat of last week.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    I think I might have mislead all of you - my surgery is for May 18 so still have a few days to go. But was at the hospital today for blood work and and ekg - I am anxious about the surgery and need to stay healthy ( no cold/flu) so that I can get it done. Will feel better once it is over - just the waiting and thinking about it gets me feeling strange - but my God is an awesome God and is giving me a lot of comfort while waiting for the surgery

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Marilyn, thank you for letting us know when the surgery is going to be. I am praying it all goes well and is not complicated by anything. Lol about the relatives coming.

    Linda, my friend has a few difficult health issues. Her asthma is severe and she only has one lung. That was the problem yesterday. She's still having trouble breathing today.

    Judith, the Fundraiser went well. It was a morning of music, musical trivia games and good food. We raised a nice donation. I was thinking of you as well as of my friend here during the event. My scripture memory cards are not too fancy but I do have photos of the May ones:



    I had Physio today. The shoulder problems stem from the neck. My Physio can help me there. The wrist problems require a specialist to make me a brace to wear for 6+ weeks. That needs to be organised and will take a little more time. I am glad to finally be having some treatment that will hopefully eventually resolve the pain and mobility issues. Typing might be more of a problem while that happens but I will still check in with you all.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Thank you Marilyn for letting us know when Surgery will be. My prayers are with you for God’s Peace and Strength! ❤️🙏

    Thank Susan for sharing the pictures of the memory cards you made. I love them and the Scriptures you chose really were great to start my afternoon off. 📖😊 sorry about your wrist issues and the pain you have, hope the brace that is made for you will help you. And hope your physio helps your shoulder and your neck. I hear you as way back when I thought pain in my hip was the problems I was having it turned out it was referred pain from my scoliosis! It’s amazing how one area can cause pain in other places! Trusting both your brace for your wrist and physio for your shoulder will bring about favourable results!

    Blessings all, thinking of you Linda, you will likely be here later, guess I signed in earlier from when I usually do! 😊 Be back tomorrow! ❤️🙏
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Judith -My schedule being here is not very steady. I have things that I need to do at all times of the day so I try to fit this in. Yesterday I posted on a thread then went to another one then needed to go back to the first one and you had already posted after me. We must have been following each other.

    Yesterday was my spirthday. I was thinking about all the things I have learned since that day. I know my life has changed dramatically with my marriage. I now let my husband lead the family rather than I trying to lead it and frustrating him. Life issues can humble a person or make them beligerant. I try to choose the humble route because it is so much better.

    Susan - I hope the physio is going to help your neck/back. Is it the same person who is also working with Colin's shoulder? A brace can be difficult when trying to type but I pray that the healing it will bring about will be worth it. Do what every you can and the rest of us will still be here appreciating what you can do. That is true for all of us. We can only do so much and let some things go sometimes.

    Marilyn - thanks for the surgery clarification. It sounds like they are really makinig sure you are healthy enough for the surgery. They are taking good care of you. I can sure tell weather changes in my knee. That is a funny quote today.