Chat Cafe



  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    It is windy outside today and my wind chimes are really getting a workout. The birds are talking to each other in the trees in our backyard. All things are fine except there are also Elm Beetles in those same trees that have a focus on trying to get in the house. Two years ago when they were really bad, I woke up to find one crawling on my arm while I was sleeping. Once the trees are done blooming and the leaves are out, they seem to get less so the last half of Summer they are not so bothersom. Where I grew up, we had mainly maple trees because there was a disease that killed all the Elm trees but here in Colorado, the Elm are doing great and so are the beetles. Oh well, the trees give us nice shade also.

    The water from the Colorado River has been diverted and the canals are filling. Soon we will have water to water the yard and grass. It is nice that we can use river water since it does not have all the chemicals that our tap water does. When the river is muddy, the water we irrigate with also is muddy so my plants take on a brown hue. For them to grow, we have to spray them with regular water so their leaves can take in sunshine and they can breathe.

    My husband is feeling better. What the doctor prescribed is helping him but he has an appointment to see him when we get back to Denver next week. We have a marriange retreat this weekend halfway to Denver so we will go over there to set up their swamp cooler and aerate the yard for the summer. With the clay soil that we have, in order for the water to soak into the soil we need to soften it up and put drain holes in it.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    edited April 2023
    Amen Marilyn, your quote is what we all need to do always…And that is what I am doing, pushing forward with my eyes on Jesus. Thank you for sharing.

    Susan, I am so sorry Colin is having such issues with his lungs and coughing so much, sorry to hear you can’t get an appointment until Friday, hope you can get in to see a Doctor so he can listen to his lungs. It’s also concerning Colin is now losing weight. My prayers continue! ❤️🙏

    Linda, my humble apologies for missing your Birthday and not sending my greetings on your FaceBook page, so in keeping with the occasion: Happy Happy Birthday and God Bless you! 🥳🎂🎉 ❤️ Your day with hubby out for dinner and buying gifts the money your hubby gave you sounds like a lovely time together. The movie you saw I agree with you about being emotional on the story of Abraham and Isaac. I do love the story and it’s such a story on God’s Faithfulness! ✝️ So sorry to hear your hubby has the bleeding issues, he has had quite a year of health challenges. My prayers are with him. I like the idea of having a 1st Century Church service. We need to have more of those in all our churches. ❤️🙏

    Thank you for all your prayers. Had 2 medical calls yesterday regarding my present condition and surgery wait list. Such intense appointments and high pain level I didn’t get logged in to our team on Monday, sorry all. My Surgeon is confident I will get in for surgery in June, hoping early June. He gave instruction to OR Booking line that he needed me in for June as I needed the surgery then. His Booking Assistant told me they are pushing for June and are quite confident they will get a surgery date for me then. So I’m trusting God to move the mountains! 😊🙏
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Judith, so sorry for your pain. I am glad you might get more treatment in June though. Prayers continue. 💕🙏

    Marilyn, yes, we do well to keep our minds stayed in the Lord. 🤗

    Linda, thank you so much for posting. I am glad your husband is feeling better ❤️ It is such a concern when things don't go well. Congratulations on to him on his coming 70th birthday. Your services and studies are always good to read about. You are welcome for your birthday greetings. Glad you had such a lovely day.

    Colin is doing better and has started eating again. Just as well as he lost 5kgs since his surgery. He saw his surgeon today who is pleased with his shoulder and the antibiotics are now helping with his cough. He seems to be coughing less, too. Thank you all so much for praying.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Good morning everyone. Just a quick check in this morning to say that all is well. I have a very busy day ahead again so I will come back and spend more time tomorrow. Take care everyone.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Susan - I am so glad that Colin is doing better. I am sure that is a relief for you too. It will be exciting to see how much his mobility will change over time.

    Judith - you do not need to apologize for not mentioning my birthday. You had wished me happy birthday the week before when we celebrated with family during Easter. You have so much going on in your life and health that you are doing great just coming on here. I am sorry you are having so much pain. I do pray that you will get in to surgery the first part of June. Will this be a long surgery as the other major ones have been?

    Today was cold with fog and snow in the morning but by afternoon the day had started to warm up and the sun is shining. I was glad it cleared off and stopped snowing in the morning because I had to drive to the blood donation center to give blood and then get together with a friend for coffee in the afternoon. My friend just needed to have a listening ear about some things at home. Her brother moved in with her last month but her expectations are not his expectations regarding to cleanliness, mobility and diet. He is also a large man, wheelchair bound and a diabetic. When she agreed to have him move in with her, he had presented a word picture of himself as much more mobile than he is so she is also disappointed in this.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Marilyn, the baby with his chin up is so adorable, but at same time it is a message to us, keep up chin up and keep pushing ahead!

    Susan, you said you had a busy day ahead, hope it isn’t too much for you, so happy Colin is going so much better, I rejoice with you hearing this news. My prayers continue.

    Linda, hope you enjoyed coffee with your friend. My surgery is not supposed to be as long as my last ones. There isn’t as much to do this time. Trusting it will stay the same. The only thing I am concerned about are the treatment injections to the face and lips. Hope I will respond favourably to this treatment, good thing is Surgeon is doing this at same time as my surgery so at least won’t feel the injections as I will still be under the anesthetic! I read further down about the friend you were having coffee with, sounds like she is carrying a heavy load with her brother living in the household now. I am sure you just being there supporting her with your listening ear and kindness extended towards her! In closing how is your hubby today? Hope bleeding has stopped and he is feeling better.

    Take care all, I’m heading to bed now! 🛌😴🙏
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Quick post again. I am at the Optometrist with Colin who woke with bad pain behind his 'bad' eye (the one he had surgery on three times and has lost a lot of vision there). They are squeezing us in.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    I got a late start here because we went to a "Beacon Fest - a celebration of Age" celebration this morning. It was a huge group of companies and restaurants that gave away free things and also gave everyone a chance to ask questions about what they were offering for those above 55 years old. There were groups for assisted living, hositals, therapies, different insurances, banks, veteran's groups, etc. There was entertainment and big givaways too. We did not win anything but did get quite a lot of useful things for free like back scratchers, magnets, cloth grocery bags, lip balm, key chains, etc. Since we do longer can get groceries put in the store bags but have to bring our own bags or pay 10 cents/bag if we use the store ones, the cloth bags were a great blessing. After it was over I had one final birthday lunch which was fun. I am done now with celebrating my birthday.

    I am now doing laundry. changing sheets on the bed and packing to leave tomorrow morning to go to a marriage retreat up in the mountains. They are still having really cold weather since they are higher in altitude so it will not be above 45F any day we are there. The lows are below freezing each night. After we finish there on Sunday, we will go back to Denver for several days to get Spring things done at our house like setting up the swamp cooler, turning on the lawn sprinklers, etc.

    Susan - Prayers for Colin's eyes. Our vision is so important and needs immediate attention. He has had so much problems with his eyes in the past. I pray they will be able to get things fixed quickly.

    Judith - thanks for clarifying what will be involved in your surgery in June.

    Marilyn - I have not seen you posting anything about your health lately. I hope you did not get your husband's cold and he is getting better.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Evening Hello All,

    Marilyn, I so agree with your quote on kind words, indeed saying a Kind word to someone sure accomplishments much!

    Susan, so sorry to hear about Colin’s eye, hope you were able to get some answers at the Optometrist and they can treat the eye and fix what’s needs attention, please let us know how he is doing. My prayers are with Colin.

    Linda, you have had quite a full day. The Beacon Fest, Celebration of “Age” sounded like a fun day, you sure got heaps of neat things, all useful. We too have to bring our own bags to grocery store, some stores charged for the bags used, now alll stores here have stopped using plastic, it’s banned here now!

    Safe travels in the morning as you travel to the Marriage Retreat. Look forward to hear all about it. Enjoy your time there. Sounds that part of the area is really cold. You will have to take heaps of warm clothes.

    I am calling it a night, really tired! So it’s Good Night and God Bless your evening, see you tomorrow. 😴🙏
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Just letting you all know Colin is alright. His eyes were both alright. The Dr thinks he may have a sinus infection so our GP gave him more antibiotics. Thank you so much for praying. 💕
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Good Morning Everyone 🌅

    Marilyn, thinking of you today and wondering how things are doing? You were beginning treatment a while back and haven’t heard how it’s going? Trusting all is well my friend. Please know my prayers are with you always! 🤗🙏

    Linda, I know today you are travelling to the Marriage Retreat, safe travels my friend. When you can please let us know how it was. I am sure you will enjoy meeting up with other couples and having great fellowship with one another as you share the things you are learning. God’s Blessings on your weekend my friend! 🙏❤️

    Susan, I am rejoicing with you for answers to prayer for Colin! So happy the specialist said both eyes were good but said he thought it was infection that was causing the problem, so happy there wasn’t anything serious. Praying the antibiotics work quickly and bring healing and complete recovery to his eye. Take care and May
    your weekend be blessed! 🙏 ❤️

    Take Good Care All! Wishing you a Fantastic Weekend filled with God’s Abundant Blessings. 🙏❤️✝️
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    We made it safely to the retreat venue. It is 25F and snowing. I'm glad that we brought our winter clothes with us!

    I am so glad to hear Colin's eye is OK. A sinus infection can cause swelling so that makes sense that he might have eye pain.

    I will try to keep my day streak going but may only be on here for short periods through the weekend. Have a great weekend everyone. 🥰
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Linda, have a good time and am glad you can stay warm!

    Judith, I saw you are feeling exhausted a lot since your last medical appointments. I do hope you can get enough good quality rest to feel stronger again. Praying for you to get that surgical appointment you need in June.

    Marilyn, thinking of you and hoping things are going well for you.

    Thank you all for praying. Colin is up and at 'em today so the antibiotics must be targetting the infection. He also got some different pain killers which also helps.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Just a quick Sunday morning check in. We're about to go to church. It's a bit windy today! Yesterday was too.

    Have lovely days, my friends.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    edited April 2023
    It snowed most of the night and during the day. Some of the people who came to the conference this morning had problems driving on the interstate and were late. Fortunately they had a car for us older people to ride in to the place where the sessions were given. We really appreciated that! We had pizza with friends for dinner and now are thinking about what we heard today.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Evening Hello Everyone,

    You are right Susan, I have had a lot of fatigue lately, really tired most of the time. Today has been some better. I am going to bed earlier some nights so hope this will help me.

    The Surgeon is confidant they will get me into surgery for June. Will keep you posted.

    Today I went down to the mail room and got a nice surprise, I don’t usually check my mail box on a Saturday but I didn’t check it yesterday and felt I should today, inside my box was a rolled up what I thought was a magazine but when I got back in my suite it was a new catalogue from Stampin’Up from a Distributor who had left a while back, she missed it and came back. So now I have someone to buy from. It’s the May 2023 to April 2024 Brochure! So many awesome card products! Guess you know where my money is going now! 😊

    Susan I’m so glad to hear Colin is doing better and has energy back. Prayer, Pain meds and antibiotics are doing their work. Praise God! Keep us informed how he is doing and we here will continue to pray. Hope you enjoy your Sunday services.

    Linda, so glad you got to the retreat safely. Wow, hard to believe it’s snowing there, it’s good you brought winter clothing. Nice you are being provided with a car to take you to the sessions. Glad you can meet up with those at the retreat and have fellowship and someone to discuss what you learn from the sessions. Your pizza
    dinner sounded so yummy, can hardly wait
    when I can eat food like that, yum yum! 😋 Be safe with all that snow, stay warm and enjoy your
    time there.

    Will close now, have night meds to take and going to read my Bible then call it a night. So it’s Good Night and God Bless! 😴
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    So it is time for a short update.
    Hubby is doing better re his cold - still not quite over it but much much better. And so thankful our daughter did not get it - at least not yet.

    For me - I got his cold - he stayed away from me but guess because it was in the house and my immune system is low I came down with it. It has now been 1 week and today is the 1st day of feeling somewhat human but still a long way from being completely over it.

    I have had 3 iron infusion treatments - last one was last Monday - not sure if it helped but this coming week I will have more blood work done and am praying that the iron levels have gone up - need to call the kidney doctor to see about restarting the iron pillls - praying I don't need them any more as the bung me up so need extra help there - all things what are are on the kidneys.

    Got a call on Wednesday from the surgeon - will be going to the hospital on May 18 to have my arm prepped for dialysis - apparently the operation takes about 1 1/2 hours and should be in and out on the same day though the surgeon has ordered a bed for me for the night in case. I really don't want to stay as I don't do beds but sleep on my lazy boy - so need to talk to them about making the necessary accomodations for me sleeping in one of the fancy chairs rather than a bed - last time they were not pleased that I asked for such a thing but I believe now they have purchased a few more special chairs that look like a lazy boy and will lower the back and bring the feet up. Pray that they will be able to do this for me because being on a bed even with it bein raised causes a lot of pain in my back.

    Also going to the eye doctor tomorrow - long past the annual exam but this is a special one because after the last iron infusion my one eye started to act up - it is better now and I think it might be because of my cold but need them to have a look at it - then I will be making an appointment for a complete eye exam for sometime at the end of May.

    I am happy, anxious, nervous about the operation I will be having on my arm re dialysis - just makes it so final that I am really in this stage of my disease - they won't give me dialysis until it is really needed, and they say that as long as I am feeling ok they can postpone it but this operation needs to be done as it takes 3 weeks before the stitches can come out and then 3 - 4 months for what they do to the arm to mature so they can use it for treatment. The surgeon has said that with the state of my kidneys most people need dialyasis within a year and some go on for a few years - that if I hold on to the kidney number or for it to get higher then they can postpone the treatmen but they want me to be ready for the treatment when it is needed. I am grateful that I have such a caring team looking after me.

    Didn't go to church this morning because of my cold but hubby went and took our daughter. Said a number of people asked how I was doing and that they have put me on the top of their prayer list - feels so good to know people are praying - miracles do happen


  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Marilyn it is so good to hear from you. I have been praying that you were OK and would come back soon. I am sad that you were not feeling well but also glad to hear that it was a cold and not worsening kidney issues. A cold is bad but at least you are getting over it and did not need hospitalization. I will be praying for a successful surgery for the shunt. I hope that it will not be needed for a very long time but it is wise to be ready in case it is needed. I am anxious to hear how your lab work looks after all your iron infusions. I am glad that your eyes were good at your exam. A cold can affect so many areas like eyes, sinuses, throat, etc.

    Judith - I hope you are getting some more rest. At the retreat I went to bed really early the first night and slept for 9 hours. I felt so much better that morning. I was not getting the rest that I needed evidently earlier in the week. I love to get catalogues in the mail. I do not buy many things for I like to see what is new. I especially like to see the seed catalogues and dream of a verdant garden in the summer.

    Susan - I am glad that Colin is feeling so much better. I pray for complete healing of his shoulder and that his sinus infection is gone soon.

    We got back from the retreat this afternoon and the weather is so much warm,er here in Denver. We will only be here for a few days but having it be 55F is much nicer than the snow and cold that we just came from. The hotel was not as nice as I had expected but they explained that between the time that the staff had made arrangements to use it many months ago, it was sold and is to be gutted and refurbished by another hotel. They already had closed some spaces and were working on it but left the section of our rooms available since we already had an agreement with the prior owners. They gave us a really good price due to the inconvenience of having construction going on. Since it was the weekend, it was not noisy which was good. I have a lot of notes to go through from todays sermon as well as our classes. It is good to be back! 😍