Chat Cafe



  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Good thoughts, Marilyn.

    Judith, glad you enjoyed Palm Sunday. We had sermons on Philippians 3 (having confidence in the Lord) and in the evening, Psalm 119 (receiving comfort from the Lord and His word) . We don't do the palm waving but had wonderful sermons. Next week it will be Easter Sunday and we are bringing morning tea for the church.

    Linda, thinking of you.

    Music and dog training today.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Judith - your church service sounds like a great idea. Palm Sunday was a joyful time for those who expected Jesus to come save them. The next week on Friday, they were devistated that He did not fulfil what they thought was important but on Sunday their Savior was raised to do what he came to do - to provide us forgiveness of our sins and and a way to get to heaven.

    We went to see our grandkids in the musical "Carousel" -ages 9 and 11. Our S-I-L also was part of the show and our daughter was assistanct stage director. It was so much fun to see them having such a good time acting. Some of the songs that were sung, I had sung when I was in choir in high school. It brought back such good memories of those long ago times.

    The weather is much better now with calm winds and in the 60's but a cold front is predicted to come soon again.

    Marilyn - thanks for accepting me as your friend on Facebook. I now know what you look like. It is nice to have a face to go with a name here.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Things are getting back to "normal" here with no classes and I can get my laundry and some cleaning done. It seems like a whirlwind weekend. They had predicted heavy wind today but it is quiet here. I think it is more in the mountains where they were to get 8-10 inches of snow. We may get some snow showers tomorrow.

    We took our grandson shopping today for his late birthday. We game him a price limit and he was so very careful to not go over the limit. He was $2.05 under what we said he could spend. He does not like math but was able to think through the prices and did a great job. He turned 11 in March. We took him out to lunch afterwards and unfortunately, I ate too much salt but there were not very many choices for low sodium food where he picked to eat. We will be taking my granddaughter shopping on Friday. She is more excitable about what she sees and therefore wants to buy so we may have to keep a close eye on her that she does not overespend. She will be 9 on the 18th of the month.

    My husband has been having a lot of pain in his knee/leg and leg and feet so I offered him my cane that I am not using. What he did was to go buy some new supportive shoes (he has bad bunions) and now his feet are feeling so much better. It is amazine what a good pair of shoes can do for hurting feet! We have an appointment with the same ortho clinic I go to for my hip for next Monday. We will be driving through Vail where the clinic is located on our way back to Grand Junction.

    I hope you Susan and Judith are doing OK. I miss seeing your posts.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Linda, I posted yesterday? Maybe MFP is glitchy again. It's nice to hear about your grandchildren. One of my granddaughters turns 8 on Good Friday. I sent her clothes, books and paints. She loves painting and colour so I found her some neon water paints. She also loves doll houses so the book is about them. I would be with her to celebrate if we didn't live so far away and Colin wasn't having surgery next week.

    Marilyn, I also liked seeing your picture on FB. Thank you for adding me as a friend there too.

    Judith, thinking of you.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    edited April 2023
    Linda, I think sometimes you post before I have come here as I see you did read my post on Palm Sunday, think I came here at either same time or with us being on different time zones we finally caught up with each other. Just glad you did get to read both Susan and my post. Your shopping trips with your grandkids for their birthdays sounds like such a special time for you to have. The Carousel play sounds so nice for you to see all your family taking part. So sorry about your husbands pain in his knee and legs which affected his feet, so glad he bought a new pair of shoes and he is feeling so much better. I rejoice with you. My prayers will continue!

    Susan, you mentioned about your husband having surgery next week. What surgery is he
    having? Please wish your Granddaughter a Happy Birthday from me, nice gifts you sent. I hear you, as with Colin have surgery you need to stay close to home. For sure my prayers will be with Colin as he undergoes surgery!

    Marilyn, thank you for accepting my friend request and for replying to my message. It’s great that Linda Susan and myself can keep in contact on FaceBook. Love your picture. Nice we all can see how we look and more important we have a picture that we can keep close to our heart as we pray for you and each other.

    Have a good evening. See you tomorrow. 🤗🙏
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    edited April 2023
    It is snowing here this morning. We have about an inch so far. Since we have had warmer weather, the roads are warm so it will not stay long on them. Our dog is loving the snow. She runs circles in it and throws snow up in the air. I am satisfied with just watching her from the door in the warm house.

    Susan - I have put your husband's surgery on my prayer list.

    Judith- it does seem like we do overlap sometimes in our postings. I try to do it in the morning but my schedule is very flexible and it might be midnight when I actually get on here. If I time it right to start posting at 11:45 and continue to after midnight I get credit for two days for my streak. 😁
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    edited April 2023
    Hi everyone. Colin is having left shoulder surgery on Tuesday. It isn't keyhole - it will be a big surgery. He will be in hospital at least two days then come home for physio.

    I need physio on my wrist too. I have Tenosynovitis, osteoarthritis and an ossification (bone spur). The hand can curl into a claw without physio so I am getting that organised to start in a few weeks.

    Sorry, am out and about today. More chatting tomorrow. Xx
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Marilyn, thank you for the reminder, and yes let’s keep in touch here and on FaceBook, sorry I didn’t get there today but keep you in my thoughts and prayers! ❤️

    Linda, hope the snow settled down and you didn’t get too much. I’m sure it’s such fun watching your dog running around playing in the snow, my dogs did the same and like you I was quite happy to stay indoors and watch from my warm house. Yes it does seem we overlap in our times of being on here, not a prob just happy you get on and post. You made me smile with you sharing the benefit you get by posting just before midnight and finishing up with another post after midnight next day! Good thinking! Yay Linda! 😁

    Susan, continue to keep Colin in prayer, it’s now almost 11:30pm on Tuesday night, hope the surgery went well and Colin is resting and recovering well. Sorry to hear about your wrist, hope the physio goes well for you. Take care ❤️

    Blessings all on your Tuesday evening and Wednesday, see you tomorrow! ❤️🙏🤗
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Susan - I am hoping that the physio with help with your wrist. With all you do with your hands, you certainly need to have flexibility. I am so glad that you are not needing surgery for it. Did Colin have surgery yesterday or is it Tuesday next week? Either way, I will continue to pray for relief of pain. Joints are complicated so I understand how they can not do it "keyhole". All of my two abdominal surgeries were keyhole and it is so nice to not have a large scar like I have from my hip replacement.

    The snow has gone away for now and we have bright sunshine today. The snow amount was not large since it melted quickly. In the month of April we may have snow but it is usually wet and soggy (not snowman snow) and is gone within 24 hours.

    Judith - just .4 pounds and you will be up to 98! Keep up the good work. 🤟 (I (we) love you in sign language)
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Linda, thank you for teaching me a new language; sign language, years ago we had a member who was deaf and I tried to learn some sign language, learned some of the alphabet but that was almost 40 years ago, forgotten it all now, wish I kept it up but I didn’t! Big Sigh 😔 Now I know (I (We) Love You in (sign) language 🤟
    Our snow at this time of the year is like yours, however, in the higher elevations and in the Mountain areas it is packing snow still. Yes Linda, I am getting there, clocking in at 97 pounds daily right now which is so much better. I have to keep up the calories and keep adjusting how much I consume so my weight doesn’t go down!

    Susan, I continue to keep Colin in prayer, realizing today is post-op Day 1. Trust his pain levels are being kept under control. And praying for a full and speedy recovery! Let me know how your physio comes along for your wrist, trust things are improving for you my friend.

    Marilyn, I left a message in reply to what you left for me on FaceBook Messenger. My prayers are with my friend. I say a hearty Amen to the quote above you posted, indeed let’s all continue to stay completely Hopeful no matter what we face! Amen, Praise the Lord! ❤️✝️🙏
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Judith, thank you for your advance prayers. Linda is right, Colin's surgery is next week (Tuesday 11th). Prayers never go astray! Thank you both for your prayers for my wrist. Physio starts in a couple of weeks. Meanwhile I am stretching the fingers and wrist and trying to close my hand. I really do need to have function in my right hand as I am not ambidextrous. Changing dominant hands now would be hard but if that happens, I will do what I can.

    Marilyn, trust in the Lord with all your heart. He will be with us no matter what happens in the world. Christians can be such witnesses during the challenging times.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Judith - praying for your visit with the surgeon today. I hope you do not get too worn out from your busy day. I will give you another sign language "lesson". Holding your hand with your palm toward the person 🤟is the "I love you" sign but if you hold your fingers the same way put make your index finger point at the person it means "airplane". I took sign language in college and my husband and I led a deaf bible study but it was many years ago so I have lost some of the ability to do signing.

    I visited with a friend for an hour this morning. I misunderstood her instructions so I parked further away then I could have. In fact I got lost and started walking up and down the street to see what the numbers were. She is in a huge apartment complex so there was a lot of walking to do. I got my exercise in today and still was able to spend time with her. She is a little forgetful and told me the same story several times over an hour period. Another friend of mine is worried that mu friend may not be safe alone in her apartment but I did not see anything that made me concerned about her safety. She has her cat "Willow" to keep her company and she does not go out much.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    edited April 2023
    We always have the Lord, Marilyn, even if we have no recognition in this world, but those things are nice to have 🤗

    Linda, glad you checked on your friend and got your exercise in for the day too. Interesting about the sign language. I learned Auslan at one stage but never got too fluent in it. I had clients and students who were deaf. I use my own form of sign language with my dogs! They read it better than my verbal commands.

    Judith, thinking of you as you visit your medical team today. 🙏💕

    It is Good Friday here already. I am thinking of what Jesus did for us all...

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Thank you Linda for another lesson in signing, I am sure it was a wonderful Bible Study you lead for the deaf members who attended! So glad you visited your friend, I sure could identify with you hearing the same story over and over in the hour you were with your friend. I have a friend that has early stage dementia. We experience the same thing. That’s tough but with we friends and her family she does well as can be expected.

    Susan, thank you for the heads up regarding Colin’s surgery. I have made a note and with continue to pray. I am praying for your wrist. As you said it was Good Friday in your part of the world. It is now Good Friday here as it is 12:05pm I started after 11:00pm.

    Thank you all for your prayers today. I posted an update in our Prayer Forum.

    Marilyn thank you for sharing the quote!

    God Bless you all, May your Good Friday Services be a rich blessings!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Judith, I will go read your prayer update next. Thank you for praying for us.

    Marilyn, our attitude really is so very important, I agree.

    I need to cook mini cupcakes for church today.