Chat Cafe



  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Amen Marilyn: I so agree, we are responsible for everything we do and more important to remember, we are accountable to God! Appreciate all the inspirational quotes you share with us. You are a blessing to us all here on our Team. Glad you are a part of our Group! My prayers continue for you as you see your surgeon tomorrow. Please let us know how the appointment was for you and what the treatment plans are. God Bless you. 🙏❤️

    Susan please let us know as soon as you get the results and reports back regarding your wrist. As you said, besides following what your Doctor instructs, you mentioned reading, that’s a good plan, I love reading, right now I’m reading a Book by Andrew Murray entitled The Practice of God’s Presence. Such an inspiring book. I see my Surgeon on April 6th and will hopefully know more about the plan regarding surgery!

    Linda, missing you here but it’s likely due to time difference on when we are posting. I shared my reply to your last post above and will let you read that. But one thing I saw reading on your weather post, you had snow showers twice of late, hope it isn’t too snowy or too cold. Prayers are with you!

    Hope everyone has a blessed evening! Be back tomorrow. Hope you all enjoy the Devotion I posted earlier and the Bible Reading and Commentary Thoughts! God Bless you all! 🙏❤️
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    We had some excitement outside our house this morning. We put a dresser out for the Spring cleanup and an older gentleman stopped to put it in his truck. It was too heavy and he lost his footing. He fell and we had to call 911. He had a little dog in the truck so he asked my husband to take the truck and the dog home as he went to the emergency room. We had never met him before but he lives down our street a ways. We were able to go to the ER later in the day to check on him. They were able to contact his daughters and we got to meet them and tell them what we saw. I was glad they will be taking care of his little dog.

    We are leaving to go to Denver tomorrow to go to an Elder's conference. I also have a three year check up for my hip replacement.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Wow, Linda! Glad you were able to show that poor man dome kindness. If it had to happen, he couldn't have picked nicer people to help him. I hope your hip checkup goes well.

    Judith, my Dr is booked out till April 18th do that is when I will probably get information about my wrist. In the meantime, I am learning to live with it. If I don't twist it too much, it's practically painless, so I played Uke and groomed both dogs this morning. It's hard to do nothing, especially when I don't officially know what to do with it. But I am not taxing it too much. I need to get card kits ready this afternoon.

    Marilyn, I used to teach about taking responsibility for our choices, so that quote gets an amen from me too.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Thought this was funny - and right now need lots of laughs - hope you found it funny too

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    We made it over the mountain with a small stop at the ortho office for my three year checkup/. The weather was beautiful and the traffic light. The doctor said that my hip replacement looks "perfect". My knee that is looking deformed to the point people ask what is wrong with it, he says is fine unless it hurts so badly I can not walk. I was hoping for some sympathy but all he said was that I was becomming "knock kneed". He seemed to think it was normal progression of my arthritis. I am to go back to see him for another check up in two years unless I need to come sooner.

    Susan - I hope your wrist gets to feeling better. I am sorry that it takes so long to get an appointment. It is a good idea to let your wrist rest to see if that helps.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Thank you, Linda. I hope the wrist improves over time and it will just be a formality to find out what was wrong with it. But at the moment it doesn't feel like that will happen. So sorry your Dr didn't offer you any solutions for your knee. I would think a knee replacement would be an answer and would straighten it out too.

    Oh dear, Marilyn! That would be so embarrassing!!

    We're off to the Dog groomers soon and I need to make a batch of apple cider vinegar. I also need to cut card kits for tomorrow's class. We have YouTube Bible study tonight.

    Enjoy your days, everyone. God bless you and keep you.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Linda, so glad you made it over the mountain safely. I also read above comments about the dear man who fell trying to put dresser in the truck, so glad you were there to get help for him; so nice you and your husband were able to get the truck and his dog safely home, it’s wonderful that you met his daughter and were able to show the kindness to everyone before you left over the mountain. Glad you appointment went well regarding your hip. Sorry about all the arthritis in your knee, the term you shared about the Doctor saying you were becoming knock-kneed, it has been years since I heard that term! 😀 I hope you enjoy your time in Denver at the Elders Conference and catching up with family activities.

    Susan, thanks for sharing the date you have regarding the results from your ultrasound and x-rays for your wrist. I hear you, yes it is hard when you are so active and trying to limit how much activity you do. This is great your wrist was feeling good and you were able to groom the dogs and play the Ukulele without straining the wrist too much. Good News! Thankful you said your wrist is practically painless. My prayers continue that your wrist will get better quickly and will completely heal! 🙏

    Hope you all have a great evening. God Bless!
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Good morning to everyone! We have a repair man here this morning working on the fireplace insert. We bought a new remote thinking that would help but he needs to program it. There is also a problem with the insert as well that he is repairing. Yes, we just got our insert fixed in Grand Junction so it feels like "déjà vu". The insert in Grand Junction was fixed one way but the switch is still not working well so they will come out and fix it when we go back. I am beginning to wonder if an insert is a good idea after all. It is so nice when it does work though on a cold morning. There is not smoke like a regular fireplace but the nice warmth on my back when I cuddle up to it when it is snowing outside.

    I have a sewing project I need to do this morning then repacking our suitcase for the conference. Not everything I brought over needs to travel to the hotel downtown. I am looking forward to getting some good teachings from the sessions. I will try to get on here as I can.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Doing ok - thing the iron infusions (had one so far and next one will be on Monday) but it will take 2 more to really see if it has helped.

    Had a virus on the computer - got help getting it out but one they they told me to do was to delete everything from the history in order to make sure it was gone - that mean all passwords for all things done was lost so had to go back and remember them all. It has taken me 3 days to do this as I needed to reset my emails and facebook also. With facebook - just got back onto it and it deleted all my friends and pictures - so will need to get working on adding back the friends. Should anyone be on facebook and want to be 'friends' send me a request letting me know you are from this group

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Marilyn, how frustrating about the computer! What is your Facebook name? Mine is Susan Luke. Glad you are feeling ok otherwise and sure hope the iron infusions work. The cartoon I'd funny bug true! 😂

    Linda, who would have guessed that BOTH inserts would play up?? I wondered if you had them installed at the same time from the same supplier? Glad they are getting fixed. Have a great meeting and let us know the gems of wisdom you find a f you can. Hope the sewing goes well

    Judith, thank you for praying about my wrist. I can go see the Dr on Wednesday next week, earlier than originally! Yes, it is practically painless as long as I don't twist it. Holding it flat and rigid still gives me a bit of leeway to get things done. I am slower but still accomplish things. It took me an hour to peel and core 10 as mall apples yesterday! I was making Apple Cider Vinegar and wanted it gone before the apples went bad.

    Today I am teaching a card class so better go get things set up. ..take care, my friends. God bless you all.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    I lost what I posted two times so I will try to write fast this time. The conference is going well but my head is swimming with thoughts. We talked about trauma which brought back some memories of childhood.

    Marilyn my name on Facebook is Linda Giles. I will look for you when you tell us your name.

    Susan - our inserts were bought quite a few years ago but is the same brand. The one here in Denver just needed some insulation and a new remote and it is
    working great.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Marilyn, I am so sorry about you losing all your data on your computer, that is so frustrating to start over again. You asked about my name on FaceBook: my name is Judith Mays Scott. When I know you name on FaceBook I can send you a Friend Invite. Hope your Infusions and all your Treaments go well for you. My prayers continue for you. Keep us posted.Love and Hugs ❤️🤗

    Susan, you are so welcome, Inam glad I can pray for you and will glad you got an earlier appointment! Trusting with you for a good report and for some suggestions on how to manage the pain and maybe even some good exercises you get you can try to help your wrist. Hope the card class you were teaching went well.

    Linda, sorry about the inserts of both fireplaces are being looked after, glad the Denver insert is now working well. Will be so cozy for those chilly mornings to keep you snuggly warm. Knowing my Kitty, she would be cuddling up close to me to get warm. Glad you are enjoying the Elders
    Conference but I can understand and feel for you as you had all those thoughts to process after listening to the seminar on Trauma, I am so sorry it brought back memories that were difficult. My heart goes out to you and for sure I’m praying.

    It’s getting later so going to call it a night. Take care my friends, Love and Hugs ❤️🤗🙏
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    I have had to come back to this thread three times as it kept defaulting to the Community page. Maybe MFP is glitchy today.

    Judith, the Lord is always good, and I am glad He answers prayer! Thank you for praying about my wrist. I will keep you updated about what the Dr says on Wednesday. Yes, the card class went well.

    Linda, I hope the trauma section of your conference did not prove to be too painful for you. We never really forget our trauma, do we hon. I know you don't 'live' there anymore. Me neither. Take care.

    Marilyn, good idea to keep good company.

    Have had a tiring day so will be back tomorrow, His willing.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    I just found out that facebook has opened my account - but the one I had I can't get onto on the laptop but on the phone.

    What I have done is I made up a new account under the name Louise McComber - that is my middle name but I go by Marilyn. So look for it then send me a friend request and I will add you - starting over with getting the 'friends' back on it.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    For those that want to be 'friends' on facebook - as I mentioned I have a new account under the name of Louise McComber (my middle name) and it has a profile picture of me - so for those that want to be friends there - thinking of Judith, Susan and Lynn but could be more - please come add me as a friend. Thanks ladies
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Yesterday was a day of big winds. My daughter sent me pictures of things that had been blown in our yard. We had an old swiming pool we had for the dog to cool off in the summer that was picked up and blown over our 6 foot high wooden fence. There were power outages in some areas but our house was OK. Windows in cars in parking lots were broken by rocks that were being blown in the wind and driving was almost impossible. There were two grass fires that were caused by broken power lines. Today is much quieter and it was wonderful to be outside walking with some friends from the conference to go to lunch together.

    Marilyn - thanks for giving us your name for Facebook. My first roomate's name in college was Louise.

    The speaker said yesterday that trauma caused when you are a child is kept in your body. It is not logical but believes that it is still going on. As an adult, we can tell our inner child that it is over and that it does not apply any more. I prayed last night thanking God that I was no longer a scared child with no control over what happened. I also mentioned everything that I dream about that is frightening but not true any more like being a new nurse afraid of hurting someone, being unprepared for taking tests in college, etc. I felt more relaxed when I turned out my bedside light and had only pleasant dreams which is unusual. I work up rested earlier than I usually do. I will do this again last night and expect the same results.

    We had dinner at the Colorado Historical Museum today. It was really interesting to see pioneer homes, stores, schools, farms, etc.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Marilyn, I found you on Facebook and sent you a friend request. My picture is of me in a green top. My mother's name was Louise and it's a favoured family name. 💗

    Linda, glad they gave you a way to deal with the old traumatic memories and that you took of to the Lord! Thank you for explaining how to do that. I'm also glad you had a good sleep afterwards. 💗 Also thankful the storm damage was not worse.

    Judith, thinking of you and hoping you are also getting some good sleeps.

    We're off to evening church in a few minutes so will come back to visit again tomorrow.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Palm Sunday Blessings to you and your Families
    Hosanna, Blessed be the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ!

    Marilyn, I will look for you on FaceBook and send you a Friend Request. My name there is Judith Mays Scott, the Name (Mays is my Maiden Name)

    Linda, hope your winds have calmed down. That was quite a storm you had, hope there wasn’t any further damage done that you already had to deal with. So happy you are now having pleasant rest and good dreams now, the conference sounds like you are getting so much out of it, thanks for sharing the highlights with us. Thank you for sharing your wonderful night you had over your dinner at the Colorado Historical Museum. I am sure you enjoyed seeing the Pioneer homes, Farms, Stores and so much more. May your Palm Sunday be Blessed with your family and those you meet with today.

    Susan, hope you enjoyed your evening Church, Blessings on your Palm Sunday Services.

    Today our Live Stream Services will be focused on Palm Sunday. The members are greeted as they come thru the doors today with being handed a Palm Branch. During the service as we sing praises unto the Lord we Wave our Palm Branches as a Wave Offering unto the Lord! A Special and Blessed time in the Presence of the Lord Jesus Christ!

    God’s Blessings All… ✝️🙏❤️
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member