Chat Cafe



  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Marlyn - great thoughts. I have been sending some of your scriptures and thoughts to a friend who is on vacation so she can have encouragement as she is moving her brother out of a bad situation to come live with her.

    We have an old mattress that we need to get rid of that I thought would be OK for the Spring Cleanup to pick up but found out that it is too long for their requirements. I am taking it apart to gradually put into the trash. It is a much bigger job than I expected. I thought it would have a thin foam layer over springs but it is all foam. My hands are sore trying to cut it apart the cover with a pair of scissors. Last night I researched it on Google and they said to cut it with a bread knife or electric knife. I tried it this morning and it works great. I am trying to cut the foam into large pieces so we can use it to protect our curio cabinents when we bring them over to this house. I have a minature lamp collection that fits into mine and my husband has antique books and Bibles in his. They are mainly glass so we need something that will protect them in the back of the truck. I am glad I can recycle this instead of throwing it away.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    What an undertaking, Linda. I had never thought about cutting a mattress up! Glad you found a solution and what a good idea to use some of it as packing..

    Marilyn, it's all about perspective and attitude isn't it. An attitude of gratitude gets us a long way towards contentment.

    Judith, thinking of you and hoping you are recuperating well from your strenuous appointments.

    It's a muggy, hot, wet day so I am looking forward to spending some time in the air conditioning at the Club House for Uke and singing.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,648 Member
    Marilyn. So True on your above quote, a good reminder! Thank you for sharing! 🤗

    Linda, thank you, I really won’t know the extent of the next surgery until I am back in 4 weeks with OR pre-admitting paper work, he is going over the procedure with me then, what he did mention he was removing some tissue and also will give the injections to the face while I am under sedation. At least I won’t feel the meds going in; not sure if there is any reconstruction after the tissue removal but kinda think there will be. Will keep you posted. So sorry about your friend dealing with depression, yes, I will cover him in prayer.

    Susan, sorry you have a family member you are concerned about regarding depression, and yes will keep your family member in much prayer. Thank you for your prayers regarding my upcoming surgery! Today I am less tired. I rested a lot Friday Night and all day Saturday which has helped.

    Hope you all enjoyed your Sunday services, blessings on your coming week. As always standing with you cheering you on your journey!Keep up the Great Work in Meeting your Daily Goals! 👍👏🤗❤️🙏
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    thank you for the prayers for my friend with depression. He has gotten together with people and they have made a safety plan to prevent him from spiraling downward into further depression. It is so good he has good friends who care about him and his life. He had a plan on Thursday to take his life but one person spoke to him kindly and encouraged him to get help and that made all the difference. It is amazing how just a few words of encouragement can make such a difference. I need to be more aware of giving words of encouragement to others who may not seem on the outside to be suffering but inside there is turmoil and pain. It can make a difference between life and death.

    I said there was no rain forecast but yesterday afternoon we had a heavy downpour that really surprised us. It did not last long and then the sky cleared up as if nothing had happened. Weather can be so unpredictable.

    Today is my grandson's 11th birthday. The whole family is involved in the production of "Carousel" (the musical) and this week is the last week of rehersals so they do not have time to have a party for him this week. Both grandchildren are in the musical with my granddaughter (age 8) has a small speaking part. They are all excited to be working in this musical as a family. My SIL built the set and helps choreograph/direct the dances and my daughter is the stage manager.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,648 Member
    edited March 2023
    Thank you Marilyn for such a beautiful quote, the flowers are so cheery and bright, thank you for sharing.

    Linda, thank you for sharing about your friend with depression, Prayer moves the mountains and makes all the difference in the world, between prayer and coming along side someone with an encouraging word a word of kindness does change a situation. So glad the person took the time to speak kind words of encouragement that changed the course of what your friend had planned on Thursday. So thankful he is getting some help now. I will continue to pray for your friend! 🙏

    This is so exciting to have your whole family participating in a Musical “Carousal” especially exciting to have your grandchildren have a part in the musical too, so special, this is something they will always remember! Please wish your Grandson a Happy Birthday 🥳🎂

    Hope you all have a great day and week ahead. 🤗🙏
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Marilyn - this quote is so true. I have seen this so often when people are young and want to get somewhere fast. They can miss out on so much such as their kids growing up, friendshps, little memories, etc.

    I am going for a walk in a few minutes. The weather is so wonderful with hardly any wind. If we could keep this weather all year long (minus the dead trees) I would be very happy. That is until I got tired of the monotony for the same all the time. I actually like the changes of the seasons and the types of plants that grow with each one and the changing of the tree colors so I will need to retract the above sentence of wanting it like this all the time. :D

    We had a good ladies Bible study this morning. We read scripture, read a book we are using as a study guide, share praise and prayer requests. We then take time to pray for the person who shared after we shared. We all take notes on what they said then pray really specific prayers. It is so encouraging to heal each person's heart are they lay their requests at Jesus' feet on each of our behalfs.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Linda, I love the sound of your Bible study group. How wonderful to have caring fellow believers who lift each other up to the Lord. My heart was also cheered when I read about the safety plan for your friend and how much difference kindness makes. I hope your friend over ones the darkness and reaches for the light. Happy birthday to your grandson. How exciting about everyone's role In Carousel!

    Judith, glad the weather is finally seeming to take a turn for the better. Enjoy every moment. Thank you for further updates about your surgery. I was relieved to hear they will do the facial injections while you are under anaesthetic. Glad you feel less tired today. Hugs.

    Thank you all for praying for my family member. I don't have an update yet, but hopefully will in coming weeks. Things are still rather critical...

    Marilyn, thank you for your reminder to be in the moment. Paying attention to our lives is a knack many have forgotten. It's so easy to be distracted and not focus on what I'd happening a d how precious it can be.

    Take care and God bless, everyone.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,648 Member
    Marilyn, so true I agree, we need to focus on the hear and now, I agree with Linda and Susan as so much can be lost if we don’t stop take a break and see the beautiful thing that is taking place before our eyes, just like Marilyn’s quote once it’s past it’s gone, you can’t take back what is gone.

    Linda, sounds like a great day for you, a great Bible Study you had, such precious times studying God’s Word and praying for one another, there is something precious lifting a friend up to the throne room of grace coming along side supporting each other in prayer. Would love to be a part of this study! Hope you enjoyed your walk.

    Susan, you are welcome, glad I could pray for your friend, hope we here a good report soon! You said things are quite critical right now. Will keep the prayers going. Thanks Susan as I too am glad the injections to my face will be done in the OR while I’m still under the anesthetic! Have had treatment while awake before and any injection done to the face is painful. Appreciate your prayers.

    I just looked outside and got a huge but nice and welcome surprise: we have had grey cloudy skies all day and just now we have been given a burst of Beautiful Sunshine ☀️ ☀️☀️Yay for us…

    Have a wonderful day all. God’s Blessings…
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Marilyn - I love the quote. Sometimes in dark times, it might take a little time to think of things to be thankful for but there is always something. Many years ago we were making the trip from Wisconsin to Colorado with no place to live or jobs only faith that God would provide. Each night we would get the kids together and talk about the day and how God had smiled on us as we drove. Each of us came up with something even if it was how many green lights we had when we went through a town. It did cheer us on and built our faith when we were able to find housing in less than 24 hours and I had three job offers in the first week.

    Judith - are your injections steroids or something else? Either way, I am also glad they can be done while you are getting your surgery done.

    My husband just reminded me we have an appointment in a few minutes so I must go. Have a great day.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,648 Member
    Marilyn, great quote, thanks and yes there is always something to be thankful for.

    Linda, I love the story you shared about when travelling to Wisconsin with no place to live and not even a job to go to, it’s wonderful even in that situation you could gather the children around you and talk about the good things that happened, wonderful lesson you taught your children on trusting Jesus! Praise God!

    Hope your appointment went well.. you asked about my injections, he talked about that when he was hoping to get the skin and tissue to respond better to the graphs and flaps but now with so many areas that are not responding and areas that are now suspicious now they have to go in remove tissue and then build the area up from what they removed. Not sure if it is Targeted drug therapy, But for sure it’s not immunotherapy as they said last time they were not doing it. And they don’t usually use chemo but later it could be radiation if the targeted and steroid therapy along with surgery isn’t successful. Will keep you posted.

    It’s been a challenging day so going to bed now.
    Take care, love you all, Good Night Blessings! 😴
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Judith, praying for a restful sleep for you. The therapy you will have sounds painful and it also sounds like they haven't made up their minds about what to do yet. Holding you up to the Lord for patience, faith and trust in this whole process.

    Linda, hope your appointment went well. I loved the stories about your gratitude to God too.

    Marilyn, you are so right. Thanks be to God!

    Just checking in. We had a nice lunch with friends and the rest of the day was quiet.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Marilyn - so true! Grandchildren are such a blessing. It's our chance to change what we may have not done right with our children and do it correctly with their children.

    It is a chilly 40F outside but I have my window open to feel the breeze and listen to the birds sing outside. I saw my first robin this week so I am hoping that it is an indication that Spring is on the way. The window is open although it is cold outside because I just finished mopping my floor in anticipation of our GJ Bible study group today. I got hot with the exertion so I am cooling down. **My husband just came in the room (I had the door closed to keep the cold out of the rest of the house) and thought I was a little "confused" to have the window open so I have closed it because I am feeling cooler.

    I went out to eat with a friend who needed to talk about how she is feeling. She is single and her best friend and former roomate, who was also single, moved away and she is feeling lonesome. She just needed to have a listening ear. I did not give her any brilliant answers but listened and atuned to what she was feeling and pointed her to God. She is leaving to see her roomate today and spend the weekend so hopefully she can get some good support and fellowship.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    How lovely, Linda, to be able to help a friend like that 💗

    Marilyn ,love the grandchildren quote 💜

    We're off in the van the next two days so don't worry if I can't post too much!

    Happy St Patrick's Day

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,648 Member
    It’s 12:00 Midnight, logged in but just couldn’t share I wanted. Body is very painful today.

    One thing I want you all to know; You are all such a blessing in how you touch lives including mine.

    I logged in to show support but just couldn’t do all I wanted so now going to bed! Blessings All..

    See you all later this morning! 🤗🥰
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member