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  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Amen Marilyn, another great quote you have shared.

    We are having such bitterly cold weather with high gusty winds.

    We are under a weather alert! Freezing temps minus 3 degrees right now but by 2 am thru to 7 am it’s minus 7 degrees for remainder of the day.

    We are supposed to get major snow starting Saturday night right thru to next week! All week we have had freezing temps strong winds and heavy hail storms and now snow is coming.

    Coming home from my appointment on Tuesday we had heavy hail! The winds were strong too!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Lol! Yes, Marilyn, I am doing OK. And you??

    Linda, your trip sure did sound scary. And I would have been puzzled by that complement from the Uber driver too. I'm sure he meant it kindly.

    Judith, I am glad you wisely decided to rest after your medical ordeal. I know rest is when the body heals the most. We all understand if you need to take breaks and you are the best one to know when that is necessary and helpful. Love and hugs and prayers.

    I have had a busy couple of days. My card class yesterday went from just after lunch to just before. The ladies enjoyed making their cards and then I got caught up in the routine of the evening. I was tired as well so I went to bed early. Today I woke up to the realisation that I had a singing workshop to attend. It finished after lunch at 2:30 p.m. and was extremely good. The man who taught us is a great singer himself and very patient at teaching. For a group that usually seems in unison, we were very surprised that he could get us to sing in three part harmony by the end of the workshop. I do hope the group decides to take part singing a bit further. I really enjoy it. This afternoon I will prepare music for church tomorrow as I will be playing my flute.

    Here is one of the cards I created for the ladies to make in the card class yesterday:


  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Too cute and funny 😁 thank you Marilyn!

    Susan, love the cards you posted. Thank you for sharing your creativity! 🤗

    Had another medical appointment today that was less than ideal. I have a lot to process from both appointments this past week. I will update you when I can get my head around on what all was said! Would appreciate your prayers! Be back in the morning! Thank you all! 🙏🤗
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Just a quick break between sessions so I wanted to stop and say Hi! I am learning a lot about Gen Z and hope to be able to relate to my older grandkids better. I had no idea what trauma they are going through. I feel so sad for them now instead of totally confused.

    Thanks Marilyn for checking in on us.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Thank you, Marilyn. You are good enough too.

    Linda, maybe you can summarise your learning highlights for us one day soon. It sounds like an interesting and useful conference.

    Judith, thinking of you and praying for you. That medical appointment sounded too challenging. Sending hugs too.

    It's Sunday here and we're getting ready for church. It's a beautiful day and I can hear birds singing. The dogs are still sleeping but Colin is up. He has a lot of pain today so I better go suggest a few things that might take the edge off for him. Blessings to all of you.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    edited February 2023
    Thank you Linda for sharing, it’s good to see you dropping by to say hi and share a little about Gen Z. When you come back please post all that you have learned at the conference. As I would really like to learn as much about this generation so I too can help my grandkids and other Gen Z who come along my path. God Bless you 🤗

    Marilyn: thank you for todays quote and yes just as Susan said, you are good enough too 🤗

    Susan, even though it’s Sunday over there it’s not long before we will have our Sunday too. So sorry Colin is having much pain, my prayers are with him and hope what you helped him with helped. Enjoy your Sunday Service… God Bless 🤗

    When I was logging my Monthly Team Goals for February I was thinking about how much I was missing Linda posting her daily goals accomplished and I come here and was so pleased to see Linda’s post here, reminded me that the Conference Linda is attending is still proceeding ahead.

    And before I forget, when I logged my day’s goal for Feb 25th I see Lori’s post and beside the 25th is the Birthday 🥳 icon! So from me and the Team we wish Lori a Happy Birthday 🥳🎂 Hope you had a Great Day Celebrating your Birthday Lori! 🎂🥳🎉
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Thank you Marilyn, your Hug came at a good time. Yes, I needed one, sending you a Hug back!

    Hope everyone is doing well. Missing you Susan and Linda today, trust all is well with you and your families! As for me I am processing the info I received from both appointments from my Neurologist and Family Doctor!

    Saw Neurologist last Tuesday and she was concerned the way the face mouth and lips are responding to the graphs and flaps from last surgery. She also questioned whether there was infection along the suture line on one side. A report was being sent to my Surgeon, Pathology and Family Doctor.

    Pathology sent report to my Family Doctor concerning what medication was needed when treatment is started for the jaw and mouth that will support what they give and do. However, Pathology said in report they were unsure how much they could turn the damage around that was done to jaw and mouth in the surgeries to remove the cancerous mass. This is some alarming and disappointing, I do need to remember that my God is the ultimate Healer! Family Doctor is concerned in how everything looked and was sending her report to Surgeon.

    I see Surgeon beginning March, he will likely be discussing the possible and when next surgery is and the injections following.

    Sorry for long update, this is all I know for now! Love you all, my prayers are with you and thank
    you for yours! 🤗🥰🙏
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Thanks Marilyn for the hug. I also need one after the past 24 hours. On Saturday, our plane to Denver was late due to mechanical problems making us miss our final flight so we stayed in Denver overnight and got another flight which was delayed 4 times for mechanical problems. We finally got a different plane and arrived at our destination 2 hours late missing the church service my husband was supposed to preach for. We did find a last minute substitute for that. We still have an hour ride home in our truck to our house. I am grateful that things did work out for us.

    Thanks for the update Judith. You have a lot to consider for sure. Gentle hugs and prayers for you.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    I'll take one of those hugs, too, Marilyn. Sending a hug back for you.

    Judith, all is fine here. Sometimes I have commitments in the morning so I post later, like today. This morning I was singing with Uke Jam. Yes, the things we did for Col's pain took the edge off it. He is just back from having acupuncture and massage for the pain so hopefully he will feel better for a little bit. I am so sorry about all the extra challenges to your healing progress, my friend. I do hope the medical team is able to help you and make things better than they are. You have certainly had battles with infections. Praying the antibiotics will vanquish them all. Sending you gentle hugs too.

    Linda, those travel difficulties would have been a concern! So glad you could find a substitute preacher but I know your husband would rather have done that himself had it been possible. I am glad you are both safe. Hugs for you, also.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Good afternoon to my Canadian friends and early morning greetings to you Susan. I am feeling so much better this morning after 7 hours sleep in my flannel sheets and comfortable bed and pillow. I am sorry that I was such a negative person yesterday. Yes, it was frustrating but I did not have any gratitude to add to that which I should have done. We did have a wonderful time at the conference. We learned things that I will share with you at some time but I am trying to get caught up on things at the house right now. I have 18 things on my to do list and I hope to get most of them done. Our night spent in Denver was nice because my daughter picked us up and we were able to see family and sleep at our Denver house for the night. If we had known we were going to have the delays, we could have slept in some more and gone to church to see friends but we were not aware of what was happening at the time. When we were in Montrose we were able to check our trailer that is in storage to make sure it was OK so we accomplished that too. The airline gave us EACH a $150 voucher for our next flight and $15 for a meal at the airport for our trouble. With all the mechanical problems we had with two of the planes, right now I am a little afraid to try flying with them if we have a tight schedule. My mind will change as time goes by. There was another aircraft at a gate accross from us that was also making announcements that another plane was ready and they had to get back on it to go to their location so we were not the only ones who were having mechanical issues. I am really glad that they were careful that we had a safe plane. I also realize that God may have been protecting us from some danger that may have happened while we were in flight so I am grateful for that.

    I am praying that Col is getting some pain relief from the massage and accupuncture. I know it is hard to watch a spouse in pain and not to be able to help so prayers for you too Susan.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Marilyn, l love that idea.

    Linda, it's ok when you have an occasional day where it is hard to be grateful. You are usually grateful! None of us is perfect. You sure sound like today was a better day, so I am relieved.for you.

    Judith, thinking of you and praying you are alright.

    The church ladies got together for lunch today which was lovely. We celebrated an 87th birthday with one. Now we are going to collect the van from storage to get it ready for our first trip! 😊
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Good Morning All,

    Thank you for your kind comments, not too worry I will get thru this and move on with what treatment is recommended.

    Sorry I missed posting last night, I was here but guess I was so tired I fell asleep at table 🙃 so logged out and went to bed 🛌

    Thank you Marilyn for your last 2 quotes, yes, good reminder for helping hands and like others I needed that Hug too! Thank you 🙂

    Linda, so sorry about all the delays and mechanical probs with your planes. So happy that you got home safely in spite of the unexpected stay over in Denver and not getting to your Sunday service your hubby was to preach at. Great today is much better for you, my prayers are with you both.. 🤗

    Susan, so nice you sang with the group on Sunday Service and Colin is doing better. Great the interventions and treatment helped Colin!

    It’s snowing here, temps have dropped and my yard is filling with snow! Will go and check my Weather news and post my Weather for Todaya little later. Be back to post our new March Goals! Hope you will join me again! God Bless 🤗❤️🙏
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    We had a snow squall this morning that covered the ground but it is gone now. I will not be able to stay on very long today. I am getting an error message that my fan is not working and my computer is getting hot. I will try to post using my phone but that is not as convenient as this is.

    Susan - where are you going on your maiden voyage with your new caravan?
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Hello everyone. It's the afternoon here and it is a hot day. I have been to a fashion show at the Village and bought an outfit I liked. Now I am thinking of last minute things to put in the van, but one of the dogs wants a cuddle since I was out all morning so I am taking a little break to write to you. Here he is on my lap!


    Judith, your attitude is so amazing and admirable. Praying for your strength and fortitude to continue as you trust God for your healing.

    Linda, we are going to a local Showgrounds for our maiden voyage. It is set up so we can park in a big field and have power and water, but we'll be away from home so rely completely on the van while we are there. We want to try out the air conditioning, fans, fridge, washing machine, lights, tv, oven, stovetop, microwave, hot water, etc etc. Now is the time to find out if anything doesn't work, before we go on a long trip. We'll be close enough to the repairer's if anything goes wrong in the next few days. I don't know what internet reception will so if I don't get to come back and post, we will return on Sunday.

    Marilyn, I do find being in nature wonderful. It's no one of the reasons I love to go away in the van. We spend a lot of time outside when we travel.

    God bless you all.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member