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  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Marilyn - so true!

    Well we have our tax information sorted and labeled and they are with the people who will put together all our information. We are hoping to get a refund but with my MIL's inheritance we recieved, I do not know what will happen. We did contribute quite a bit of it to the school and church which is considered a charitable contribution. Do you all have income taxes to do in Canada and Australia? I'm not sure how the government is set up for you.

    Along with the midwife book I am reading, I just finished a book written about how to get your A1C down as well as get over insulin resistance. There are foods to avoid but also he suggested intermittant fasting to give your pancreas a rest and time to reset so it does not have to put out so much insulin. He suggests not eating for 23 hours and only have one meal 3 times a weel then eat healthy on the other days. I have also heard to eat a few healthy meals over a short time of the day then fasting for the rest of the day. I find that easier to do than fasting for 23 hours. I am trying to do this and see what happens. I am eating two meals over a 6 hour period then fasting for the rest of the day. Of course water is encouraged at all times.

    My computer seems to be working today so maybe the error I got was just a fluke. I am watching it closely to make sure it does not overheat if the error was correct.

    Blessings and prayers for all of you! 🙏💞

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,648 Member
    edited March 2023
    Yes the “old time stars” reminds me when we had good clean wholesome shows on TV not the things we have today! We sure can see we are living closer to the time of our Lord’s return. Thanks for the quotes shared Marilyn.

    Linda, sorry about your fan on your computer not working, hope you can get it repaired soon. One thing for sure you don’t need your system to overheat. Hope you don’t get anymore snow and it warms up in your part of the world.

    Susan, going to the local Showgrounds for your Maiden Voyage sounds so awesome. Good way to test out all your devices and equipment to see if it is running properly. Good plan to be close to everything in case your Caravan needs servicing. Good to get all the “kinks” sorted out before going on a long journey! Like you I love being out amongst nature, it is so calming and healing. I might not be able to travel but where I live, my complex is right in the middle of towering trees that have been here for over a hundred years. I hear and see woodpeckers have wild finches in my yard living in my trees and have a friendly crow who visits regularly to my yard and drinks and bath’s in our birdbath. Hummingbirds who come and feed off my hanging floral baskets. Have wild flowers all through my garden and out front and my garden I plant every summer and spring. Yes, God’s Nature and Creation is right in front and all around me. God is Good! 😊❤️

    Susan, love the picture of you and your puppy. So Precious! ❤️
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Linda, I hope your computer continues to work. You might find there is dust inside that could be blown away with a can of compressed air? Taxes - Australia taxes its working citizens about 30%+ then adds 10% Goods and Services tax for most transactions in stores/ with tradespeople. We also have compulsory superannuation deductions. We're a highly taxed society. Now I am retired, my income falls below taxable levels which is a relief in some ways and a challenge in others. We have to be creative to make our income stretch. We get a combination of pensions and superannuation benefits now.

    I do AF as well with my keto way of eating. I do low carb, high fat & moderate protein, and have an 8 hour eating window when I am doing things right.

    Marilyn I bso agree with you about the old time actors!!

    We're our shakedown trip in the van today.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Today it is sunshine with a few think clouds. Another winter storm is coming to the mountains tomorrow so we will need to adjust our time for traveling over to Denver. We had planned to leave tomorrow but with the snow storm coming, we will leave early Saturday and hope we can get to our granddaughter's birthday party in time on Saturday evening. It will be a very short trip since we need to be back to lead our Bible study group on Thursday. We will be watching the weather reports closely to pick the right day to come back. Also on this trip we are taking 100# of ground beef back to our son. My BIL raises beef and we can buy really lean ground beef from him when he has some available. I like to buy from him because we know it has been fed really well with no extra antibiotics given to them.

    I have been reading in Romans lately about how important faith is in our lives. Abraham had great faith that he would have a son even though "his body was as good as dead". We all have our times that we need to have faith even if it looks humanly impossible. The comentary I was reading along with the Bible said that some people think this passage means that we need to have huge faith or God will not work. What really is true is that the strength of our faith has nothing to do with the strength of his promises. He will always come through with the promise. Each of us has to have faith but it is not necessary to compare ours with anyone elses. Deep faith is cultivated with maturity and difficulties sometimes. I am glad that God always does what he promises. Judith, you are an example of deep faith for all of us.

    Susan - I pray that you have an uneventful trial with your caravan and you get some rest and relaxation while you are gone.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,648 Member
    Thank you Marilyn for all these quotes, enjoying each one! 👍

    Susan, I understand about the pensions you are talking about, we too here get some breaks as a Senior, with Senior supplements, however the cost of living here is so high, Food Costs have increased. One thing I have learned is to get creative in all this to cut costs. This year I am going to plant my tomatoes as usual but will add some herbs and maybe carrots and another veggie. I can purée them and make soups or
    purée veggies.

    I see you are going on your Maiden Voyage in your Caravan. Hope you have a wonderful trip and enjoy the great outdoors. My prayers go with you both! 🤗🙏

    Linda, I love the Book of Romans! Thank you for sharing. Each time I read and study Romans I learn so much more.

    I am humbled with the comment you made about my “deep faith” one thing for sure thru all this God has blessed me and provided me with so many precious friends like you all here who come alongside me with your kindness, encouragement, love and support and many
    prayers. I thank God for each one of you!

    Hope you had a wonderful day and your evening is blessed! Good Nite all, be back in the morning! 😴🤗🙏
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Marilyn - I could put my face in your quote today and it would be true. Actually with warmer weather coming, I hope to be feeling better in my lnee and hip joint. I have a 3 year appointment with my ortho doctor to check my revised hip which is great. I am going to ask him about my knee and hip. I don't know if the knee is causing my hip to hurt or my hip is causing my knee to hurt.

    I spent the morning working on audits for the school. If I keep up with it like every other month, it is much easier than if I let it go for longer. We have a new computer system that we are using now which is so much better than the old one. It will actually run the audits for you and then I just have to double check some things. In the past I have had to go through all the files manually and keep a document that needs to be updated with each new students information.

    The mountains sure look like there are a lot of storm going on up there. I am glad that we decided to wait to go over them tomorrow. By that time the snow plows will have been out and the roads should be pretty clear. With the low humidity that we have, the snow on the dark pavement melts pretty quickly.

    Love and prayers to you all. I need to get busy doing laundry and packing.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,648 Member
    So frustrating, lost what I typed here 3x with my computer crashing and loosing everything, not sure why!

    Anyway, Thank you Marilyn for the quotes, the last one made me chuckle…

    Linda, sorry about the pain you are having, hope your ortho appointment can find out what’s causing the pain and can look after it. I like your new computer that looks after the audit for you. Much easier that you manually sorting the files and entering the data. What new system are you working with? I have Microsoft Office and work with Excel, Spread-sheets, Word and Power
    Point. You said you are heading over the mountains tomorrow. Hope the weather is favorable and you don’t have much snow. My prayers are with you, safe travels my friend.

    It’s late and now it’s bedtime for me, Love and Hugs all! ❤️🤗🙏
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    It is traveling day today. There is a lot of snow along the sides of the road and the mountain sides but the roads are dry.
    Traffic is not bad since it is Saturday. Friday traffic and Sunday are the worst days. We try to avoid those days.

    The computer system I am using is called Kintone. It is especially made for colleges and universities to track classes and write transcripts. I enter the admission paperwork, assign student numbers then the administrator takes over from there.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,648 Member
    Amen Amen Marilyn on your above quote, thank you for sharing! 👍

    Linda, safe travels my friend, trusting the mountain passes will be safe for you and all vehicles on the roads over the mountain passes. With me living amongst the mountains here in Western Canada I know how treacherous the passes and roads can be. I am praying for your safety. Once you are at your home I trust you will have a wonderful time with your family.enjoy your grand babies my friend.

    Thank you for sharing the computer system you are using, Kintone, never heard of it. It sounds like a great system to work with. In all the years I have worked with the Church and Ministries, we have used Microsoft Word, Excel Spreadsheets and Power Point.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful evening and your Sunday is blessed abundantly! ✝️🙏📖
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    I really would like to learn Excel spreadsheets. I can continue the information once someone sets it up.

    We did have a good trip. We stopped to deliver the ground beef at our son's house and they invited us to lunch. We stayed for a while then came to our house to get ready for our granddaughter's party. It was downtown so we rode with our daughter. It cost $25 to park which was pretty expensive. I ordered a chopped salad but most people ordered deep dish pizza which took 45 minutes to bake. It was late when we got home and our bed felt so wonderful to snuggle in when we went to bed.

    Today we had service in the morning and an elder's meeting in the afternoon. I spent the rest of the day sorting papers to throw away or to shred. The shredder got hot and I had to stop for a while for it to cool down then oiled it in case it was getting hot from lack of lubricant.

    I hope you all had a good weekend and will have a blessed new week to come
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    We're back! The van was great and everything works. Will spend more time here tomorrow. I have to be somewhere in 15 minutes but wanted you all to know we're fine. 😃🙏💕
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,648 Member
    Just wanted you to know I am ok and will be back in morning and respond to all your posts, love you all, see you tomorrow ❤️🙏
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    i'm so glad the van worked well for you and you will be able to have lots of adventures in the future, Susan.

    I am still cleaning out a bedroom for my granddaughter to use as a study. This will be nice for her and nice for us to not have her computer and books all scattered over the dining room table when we get ready to eat. We had hoped to be able to take the old mattress over to our old house so we could dispose of it in the "Spring cleanup" each spring. You can put anything out that you want to get rid of and it sits for a week while other people look over things and take what they want. I works out for everyone so it is nice. What is left over, the city comes by and takes it to the disposal area. I do not think that they were thinking about people taking things when they first started this but it has evolved to a free garage sale for most people. ☺

    We are going to a friend's house to eat dinner tonight. She loves to have us come over because she is a young widow and is lonely but also she likes to ply my husband with questions to get his opinion on things. I am not a big talker so I just sit and eat while they do all the talking. She also does not like leftovers so she gives them to me so it works out for all of us.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Linda, thank you. We're excited about spending more time in the van. What a great arrangement with the 'free' garage sale. It kind of happens like that here too. And I am glad you have a solution for your granddaughter's study room and will be enjoying your friend's company tonight.

    Judith, I hope you are working through the news from your Doctors and are getting information about your next steps. The weather sounds so cold where you are. Stay warm, cozy and enjoy some hot soup. 🤗

    Marilyn, thank you for all the wisdom in the past few days. It was appreciated!

    It's a quiet day here for me so I am going to reach out to some new card class ladies and get a class ready for next week. I have planned the menu around here for the day so don't have to make any decisions. Ooh, I like that 😊

    God bless your days, everyone.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,648 Member
    Afternoon All, I was here last night but was so tired, earlier in day I wasn’t my best but later felt a lot better. I began to read all your posts but became so sleepy I signed off and went to bed.

    Marilyn, I sure have enjoyed the last two posts, thank you for sharing, one line stood out in the last quote; you are worth it, You are loved, Thank you for being you…

    And one thing for sure, everyone here are so Worth it, You are loved and I Thank you for Being

    Susan, I am so thrilled your new Caravan worked out well on your Maiden Voyage, sounds like you had a splendid time. It’s always nice that you can be away enjoying your new vacation van and have everything working well. I am excited for you to spend more time in it and hear about new places you explore. You asked about how my doctors appointments: I see Surgeon and Oncology on Thursday and Friday: I should know about their thoughts on treatment and surgery. I start treatment for jaw in April. The concerning part is Pathology told my Family Doctor that they didn’t know how much could be done to reverse the damage from Cancer and Surgery. I am trusting God for a complete restoration of the jaw.
    Hope you connected with some ladies to get a new card class arranged for next week.

    Linda, I like the Garage sale you plan for the Spring, few years back we planned a Community Garage sale and often got some nice things for me and was able to clear things on here. So nice to have the bedroom cleaned out and organized for a nice study for your granddaughter to have her computer and books. Hope you enjoy your dinner out at your friends house. I know she will be so blessed to have both your company. Sounds like a win win for you all. Always nice when we can take left overs home, personally I like the taste of the food the next day almost better.

    Have a great rest of the day. God Bless 🤗🥰🙏
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member