Chat Cafe



  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Judith - I hope you had a restful sleep and are feeling better today.

    Susan - safe travels in your van for the next few days

    It is sunny but getting cooler again. This is typical for our Spring - one day we are excited about the warmer temperatures and then the weather spirals down back to colder times. There are so many green leaves (tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, etc) coming up announcing Spring is here. We usually do not get much snow to hurt these hardy plants.

    Two evening in a row I have not had to cook dinner! I feel like I am on vacation. A friend invited us out to eat with her after our Bible study group. She is lonely as a widow and eating out is her outreach to others. I can relate to a lot of her life so it was a good time.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Amen Marilyn to your quote above, this is my journey and one thing I know God is with me and walks with me every step of the way. And Yes, with God’s Help I keep going forward and Never Ever Give Up! Praise God!

    Linda, so glad you could encourage this single young women and point her closer to the Lord. One thing for sure you are an encourager and a blessing to all who come in contact with you. Love the way your hubby reacted to you having window open when it was so chilly out but sure can identify about being warm after exerting yourself. As for me I can be “warm” not even doing anything 😳, right, “Hot Flashes” 😵‍💫

    Susan, hope you enjoy your time away in your caravan. Look forward to hearing all about your trip! Safe travels!

    Blessings all, enjoy your weekend!

    Happy St Patrick’s Day! 🤗
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Marilyn - as I have gotten a little shorter with age I can agree with your posting. I keep a little step ladder near so I can reach what I need without bothering my husband if he is busy.

    Judith - I am praying that your weight will not go lower than it has. I see you fluctuating between 97 and 96. Know that we are your cheerleaders following you through this journey into wellness. 👩‍❤️‍👩 (all of us in unity praying for you NOT a gay couple that I think this means but this was as close to a cheerleader as I could find)

    I am a day late to celebrate St Patrick's day. We went to the grocery store yesterday and found some corned beef that did not have sugar in it. I already had dinner planned so we are pretending that today is yesterday and we are having corned beef, potatoes, carrots, onions and cabbage in the crock pot today. I have been told that I do have some Irish blood in me but I have not taken the test to check to see if this is true. My husband was told he was 25% Canadian Indian by his grandmother but when his cousin took the test to see what her background was, there was not any Indian indicated. He was very dissapointed because he had told many people that he had Indian blood. I am not sure how accurate these tests are anyway. Maybe his grandmother lived with the Indians but was another nationality.

    I hope all of you have a good weekend and find some time to take some self-care.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Cute Quote Marilyn, you gave me a smile.

    Linda, thank you for cheering me on, yes it’s concerning fluctuating between 96 and 97 pounds but thankful it’s not any lower. You made me smile in some of your comments which I sure needed and thanks! 👏👍 today I have felt better than the last few, enjoying my trees shrubbery kitty and outdoor birds and seeing the odd person walk past back fence with their puppy. We have beautiful sunny skies here today, don’t know the temps here but is is chilly. A good weekend here for me. Your cabbage corned beef brings me back to when my Grandparents made it “Newfie” style, so scrumptious, my Great-Grandmother and her family line and my Aunt and Grandfather were born in Newfoundland Canada. I grew up with heaps of family stories of homeland and this corned beef recipe you speak about my grandmother always made it. Yummy 😋 a lot of my family were either born in England, Ireland
    Canada USA and Newfoundland. Yes a rich

    Have a great weekend all, Susan hope you are enjoying your Caravan trip, stay safe…🤗🙏❤️
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Hello friends. Love the quotes, Marilyn, and do relate to the Baby Yoda one. I can't count the number of times I have asked for help reaching something high up in a supermarket!! I am 5' 1" high now. I used to be an inch taller.

    Judith and Linda, we didn't actually stay in the caravan as the men were working on it, but we stayed at our friends' house. I must have been confusing. It was a fun time for us and our dogs. My friend Lyn has a little Maltese female. The three dogs especially my Archie were jealous of each other but still got along pretty well. The humans had a good time too. Colin and Greg swapped out hit h to one that will not roll the car if the caravan ever rolls. It feels much safer to have the new hitch.

    Judith, we're all keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. I also hope you don't lose any more weight. Linda, I found a cheerleader picture for us!

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Hugs back, Marilyn. 🤗

    Busy day with music and dogs here. I hope everyone is going well.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Susan - I wish I looked like that cheerleader you posted. Since no one has seen me, I will just pretend it is me and you can be impressed with my flexibility and slim body.

    It was a busy day for me today. It is going on 11pm and I am just now getting to sit at my desk and post. I got up and listened to the Denver church online, then had to get food ready for the pot luck after church. It was "breakfast for dinner" so I made biscuits and sausage gravy. There was not much left when I got home so they must have liked it. I had made communion bread yesterday but when I checked it, it was soggy and a little tough so I had to make more today too. I guess it really needs to be fresh to work well. Our minister challenged us to make a goal for ourselves to do this week and to tell someone else so they can keep us accountable. He said there is an app called the "lazy jar" where you tell it what fitness goals you have for the week, and then you have to tell it if you did it. If you do not, it charges you a fee that you have to pay. Having a person keep me accountable will be much cheaper than the app!

    Marilyn - thanks for the big hug you sent! Hugs are welcome anytime for me. 💖

    Judith - I am glad you are having a good weekend. I pray this continues for the rest of the week.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    It has not been very long since since I posted last night but I wanted to get back on my schedule of posting in the morning. Other than having breakfast and a little hand washing, I have not accomplished much today. We have exercise, then get with the tax advisor to do our taxes, then having the YAMS (Yound Adult Ministry) over in the evening so the rest of the day will be busy. It is very cloudy this morning but no rain yet. It is supposed to start at 1pm and go until 1am when it might be combined with some snow.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Thank you Marilyn for the Big Hug, Big Hugs back to you, 🤗 and I agree about the shortcuts, thanks for sharing.

    Susan, love the cheerleader picture. Sorry I got it mixed up with thinking you were staying in the caravan, glad you had a friends place to stay in where the men worked on the caravan with making a better hitch. Hope it all finished now and will be safer for you! Cute how you described Archie being jealous of other dogs but on the whole got along pretty good! You said Sunday was busy with dogs and music. Are you planning for new music for an upcoming concert?

    Linda your biscuits and gravy sounded so scrumptious that you made for the potluck after church, if I were there I would of gobbled them all
    up. You commenting on Taxes reminds me I need to get mine done. How did your YAM group go, do you have a Bible Study or do you have a fellowship evening with each other? Hope your weather was better that what was predicted, rain and snow. Our weather forecast is rain for 2 days, 70% today and 40% Tuesday.

    Have a great evening, been following Linda and Lori on our March Goal Challenges and want you to know you are doing great completing your daily goals for both Goal Challenges #1 and #2. Keep up the great work! Let’s Finish Strong!

    God Bless you all 👍👏🤗
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Judith, yes, we're going to sing on Anzac Day (April 25th). It's a day for Veterans but commemorates a sacrificial battle: "ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. The soldiers in those forces became known as ANZACs. Anzac Day is a commemoration of the anniversary of the landing of Australian and New Zealand troops at Gallipoli, Turkey on 25 April in 1915." Yes, the hitch has been installed and we're going away for a few days in the van tomorrow.

    Marilyn, sometimes I go places I love in my mind. Lol!

    Linda, lol about the cheerleader picture! I don't look like her either! Interesting about that app. I think I would rather not start using it! Lol!

    Had a busy domestic day and need to cook dinner now. 🙏💕

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Marilyn - that is so true about missing people. Some days, I really want to tell my Mom something but she has been gone for 16 years. Gone but never forgotten!

    Today is World Down Syndrome Day. I am so grateful for the Down Syndrome people that I know. They are so kind and loving. One of the girls in the YAM group is high functioning and she had some really good things to add to our discussion about feelings - both ours and other peoples and how to atune to them. She also loves to play with children and animals and has the most wonderful smile and laugh.

    Susan - I hope you have good travels in the van starting tomorrow (or maybe today our time). You should be safer with the new hitch. Archie will not have any extra dogs to compete with this trip.

    We have some repairmen coming today to look at our brand new gas insert for the fireplace. It has not worked properly since we bought it. It seems to have a mind of it's own and will turn itself off and on if we have the switch on. This morning it would not come on at all. My husband spends many hours sitting in front of the file warming his back. I told him he reminds me of a snake enjoying the warmth of the sun on a rock. I hope that do not charge us for the repair since it has done this from the beginning so it should be under waranty.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Oh wow, Linda. The gas insert is pretty important, hey, especially in the cold you have been having. I hope they honour the warranty. Lol about Archie. He will be jealous of our son's dog I'm afraid as we are visiting them for our oldest granddaughter 's dance concert.

    Marilyn, hugs. I miss my mother too and often want to call her. She died in 2018.

    We're off on our trip in the rain today. Have good days, everyone.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    edited March 2023
    Susan, thank you so much for sharing the history of Anzac Day! Your Remembrance of this day sounds like ours here in Canada that we call “Remembrace Day on November 11th. We remember World War 1 and World War 2 and the Soldiers who fought in those wars and the Families who lost loved ones in those wars. There is more to share about this Remembrance/Memorial Day but will another time. It’s good to pause reflect and remember our Soldiers from today and from the past!

    So glad you got your new hitch on, safe and enjoyable travels my friend. So glad you continue to sing with the choir.

    Marilyn, thank you for your above quote that has brought back so many of those times I am brought back to thinking about those who are not with us like my dear Mom who went to be with Jesus in November 2001 and my Dad in July of 2015 and my dear Grandpa April 1983 and Grandma August 1994: I have such loving happy memories and wish they were here to give them a BIG HUG!!! 🤗🤗🤗❤️❤️❤️

    Linda, yes just like Marilyn’s quote brought you back to the place of reminiscing about your dear Mom, you mentioned that today was “World Down Syndrome Day” and you have a young lady who has Down Syndrome in your YAM group, I so agree about the precious men and women being so loving and having such beautiful Smiles! I can so identify with these precious people; in my early days as a Nurse I worked at a Private Hospital called Dr Rygiel’s Home for Children; it was an old Insurance Building converted over to a private hospital by a husband and wife, Doctors from Germany who moved to Hamilton Ontario Canada, they were Wendell and Wanda Rygiel. The hospital housed Special Needs Children from Infant to age 18 when at that point were transferred to the Hospital in Oralia Ontario who looked after Special Needs Adults who needed long term care. I was a Nurse there and looked after some High Function who I taught and some that were in Critical Care, some died in my arms! 😢 I am sure you get such happy times with your special friend! They bring such a blessing wherever they are.

    In closing hope you get your gas insert switch fixed Linda. Have a great rest of your day! God Bless 🤗🙏❤️

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Yea! Our gas instert is working so far and they did not charge us anything to do the repair work. It is so nice to turn it on and has it warm up the living room when we are sitting reading or watching TV.

    It rained most of the morning but this afternoon it is white puffy clouds in the sky. We went out to lunch with friends who have been gone on vacation celebrating their 47th wedding anniversary. They had lots of stories to tell about their trip to Arizona as well as to the Grand Canyon. As we were eating, the wind started blowing really hard and we could hear noises from the ceiling that we assumed was something being blown about on the roof. When we left, I expected to see parts of the roofing laying on the ground but we did not see anything like that.

    A friend had given me some books she was through reading but some of the books were part of a series but not all the books were there. I was able to pick up the first book in the series at the library so I am looking forward to reading it in the correct sequence so I have a good story line. It is about an Amish family and all their adventures. It is fun to read about another way of living and their dedication to their rich heritage.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Linda, you must have been so startled by the noise in the roof! Glad it wasn't anything serious. How wonderful to celebrate such a long marriage. Also glad you got your gas insert fixed!

    Marilyn, lots of wisdom there about things that really matter.

    Judith, glad you liked the info about Anzac Day! We have Memorial Day in November too, for the same reasons. 😃 I enjoyed hearing about your nursing days.

    We're parked up in the Showgrounds, enjoying the sound of Blue Mountain Lorikeets in the trees. Family is tied up with work and school today but we should see them tonight.