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  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Thank you Marilyn for sharing, and I agree with the above quote about the 4 important words in your life! 👍

    Linda, so happy you got the gas insert repaired and you were not charged!
    The books your friend gave you about an Amish family sound so interesting! Happy you found the first book in the series to give you a good grasp of the story line. Your weather is much like ours has been, tomorrow we have a forecast that says 100% rain showers and colder temps too!

    Susan, so glad you are enjoying the grounds where you parked your caravan, sounds like a beautiful setting. Happy you will get to see your family later this evening when they are home from work and school! How is Archie, is he jealous of your families dog? Your weather with rain is like mine and Linda’s, amazing, we all live in different parts of our world and we all have same weather!

    Blessings on your night and day tomorrow, thanks for your prayers love and support! ❤️🤗🙏
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Susan - I am glad you had a safe trip to the Showgrounds and are enjoying the birds talking in the trees. I miss hearing the birds in the winter when a lot of them have gone South to warmer climate. Now that Fall is here for you, I hope your weather is less humid and a more comfortable temperature.

    This morning I washed laundry, made dinner rolls and put dinner in the crock pot then this afternoon we had our Bible study at the house. Fortunately, I still had a clean house from when the YAMS were here so did not have to do a lot of cleaning. I just had to do a little straightening up. In our Bible study we talked about "overwhelm". Many people do not realize when they overwhelm other people with their expectations, talking too much, invading someone's personal space, body language and facial expressions. If we overwhelm people, we can not help them because they do not feel safe. As an older group, we need to be aware of not pushing our ideas on the younger ppeople but also need to figure out how to espress our thoughts of what we learned to help them avoid making mistakes we have made. It is a delicate balance on both sides.

    The rolls I made this morning were shared with the group then I saved a dozen to give to our new neighbors. I met them this past weekend and thought we would give them a "welcome to the neighborhood" present. She seemed grateful but I also know that people can be nervous about accepting food from strangers not knowing what might be included inside. I hope she trusts us enough to eat the rolls without any doubts.

    We have not had any rain for 24 hours although the sky is still partly cloudy and the clouds are dark at times. I see quite a few earthworms that crawled to safety on our driveway during the rain but perished when the sun shone on them before they could get back into the ground.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Aww, sad about the Earthworms, Linda. But how nice of you to bake for your new neighbours. I also echoed your thoughts about older/younger generations and exchanging ideas. My daughter-in-law and I had a similar discussion yesterday afternoon! I was relieved that she volunteered that I share ideas but she doesn't feel I push her. What a lovely thing to hear! We have not always had an easy relationship but she has grown up so much since she married our son and had three children. Now two of the kids are in their teen years she is finding it challenging. So we talked. The weather is still humid but not as bad inland as it is near the coast where we usually live.

    Marilyn, I like the grateful/graceful comparison. It's a lovely way to look at high and low moods.

    Judith, thinking of you. 🙏💕

    Tonight is our granddaughter's dance concert. Yesterday we saw the two younger ones dance. They have such energy, grace and flexibility compared to their grandparents!!

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Thank you all for sharing, yesterday I did not post, a friend came by bringing me a beautiful tulip plant, she heard about my needing more surgery and came to support. We shared scripture together and shared happy times we have had over the years talking about the blessings of grandchildren! It was a day of reflection. I rested after she left, just wasn’t up to posting yesterday but today I have enjoyed catching up here!

    Susan, glad you enjoyed your granddaughters dance and being with family.

    Linda, sounds like a good Bible Study with your YAM group.

    I so understand about you sharing about not overwhelming others with our ideas and opinions, yes we all need to be careful as I speak to myself first. one thing I appreciate is you all stand by everyone and show love and kindness without over bearing your ideas on others. You are the best ladies!

    God Bless your day! Love and Hugs ❤️🤗
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Marilyn - this quote is so true. Once you tell something that is not true, then you have to remember what you said so you will not be caught in your lie. It is so much easier to tell the truth in the first place.

    Susan - I am glad you are able to have good converstions with your daughter-in-law. I also have a daughter-in-law that was challenging to talk to in the beginning. Her growing up years were very difficult and she did not trust people to really care for her, Fortunately, over the years and several grandchildren later, we are able to talk and appreciate one another. She gets tired of her clothes and loves to shop so I am the recipient of her cast off clothes which I love. She is very good with keeping within her budget and loves to find bargins. We both win in this scenario.

    Judith - I am so glad you were able to visit with your friend and that she brought you a plant. It sounds like you have some really precious friendships. I hope you are able to rest as much as you need. On days you are not able to post, we totally understand. We want you to keep up your strength in preparation for your upcoming medical treatments/surgery.

    Have a great day everyone. 🥰🌼
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Today we left our campsite at 5:30am to get back in time for our youngest granddaughter's first birthday party. We were on time for the 10am start. It was a lovely morning.

    Linda, how wonderful that you have been able to develop such a relationship with your daughter-in-law. I am really happy for you both! The daughter-in-law that we visited today is also good at relating with us. We love our son-in-law too but you know, all those relationships had to be nurtured and grown. It was always rocky in the beginning, with each one.

    Marilyn, that's right, we need to be truth tellers.

    Judith, your friend sounds so lovely. I am so glad you had a good time together. Linda is right, we do understand when you are too spent to gather your thoughts for a post. Glad you were able to visit with us today!

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Thank you Linda and Susan for your love and kindness.. you both are such a blessing to me.

    Linda, I am so glad you have a good relationship with your daughter in law. I too can join with you as I have such a loving and caring daughter in law, she calls me “Momsy” cute eh. It’s wonderful how God turns things around and gives us such a beautiful relationship full of love and blessings. And yes, God has blessed me much with good friends. God is Good!

    Susan, welcome back, glad you had a good vacation and enjoyed time with your family! It was good you saw your granddaughters dance recitals. And happy you too have a wonderful relationship with your daughter in law and how God turned it around and gave you both a great communication with each other. Please wish your granddaughter a Happy Birthday, that is so awesome you made it home for the first Birthday party.

    Thanks again Marilyn for the great quotes, always a blessing!

    Have a great weekend all I send my Love and Big Hugs 🤗❤️🙏

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    I said we had not had any snow then yesterday afternoon we had a surprise snow shower followed with a hail storm with thunder. Today we had snow showers again but not much accumulating. It is not going to even get up to 40 degrees today.

    Today is going to be a quiet day. We have been busy all week with things to do each evening so today we have nothing planned after 10am this morning. We go see a movie that our friends said is really good. It is called "The Jesus Revolution" which is supposed to be a true story about two men as they take part in the Jesus Revolution in the 1960's in California.

    Susan - it sounds like you had a good trip visiting family for recitals and birthdays. How did not dogs do?
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Linda, hope the movie is good. The dogs love being in the van. They especially love being in new environments where they can sniff new things out. Our son has a large back yard that they loved being off leash in. They tore around like maniacs! Lol!

    Marilyn, I love love love that umbrella and faith analogy. Thank you.

    Judith yes, we do feel blessed to have overcome lots of difficulties with family when we were all just starting to get to know each other. Our relationships aren't perfect but they have deepened and become more trusting. How sweet about your own daughter-in-law calling you Momsy! And you are a blessing to me too!

    Church today so I am off to get ready 💒

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    edited March 2023
    I just have a few minutes before we watch the Denver service but wanted to at least say Hi before I get to busy to get back here.

    The movie was good. I lived during this time that the movie was made so it brought back lots of memories. I was not a "hippy" at all but I do remember hearing about the huge gatherings of young people in California searching for something but yet not knowing what it was. Of course, we know that it was Jesus and many discovered Him during that time. About that time there was a large gathering in Texas called the "Jesus Explosion" put on by Campus Crusade. It that was set up to talk to those who were searching. I have fond memories of attending this gathering and discovering that the boy I was interested in was interested in me too. (He is my husband now.) 😊
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    What a lovely story, Linda! I love it that you and your husband met like that. I was at university during those times too and you remember the reports about some of those youth gatherings. It was the time of some musicals like Godspell as well. I would probably enjoy seeing that movie. I hope you enjoyed your Sunday service.

    Marilyn, nice reminder today. A lot of us beat ourselves up when we are actually doing her best. We're all learning from life.

    Judith, I have a feeling you may have some answers about the next steps in your treatment plan in the next few days. I hope there is a clear way forward and that it will all make a big difference for you. I hope you are resting as much as possible in preparation for the marathon. I'm sure you enjoyed your services today too.

    It is Monday here so I have been to ukulele. I have been having trouble with my right wrist so got an x-ray and ultrasound on it. I suspect inflamed tendons. This afternoon I am singing and tonight we have dog obedience so it is a busy day. The singing is the only thing that won't hurt my wrist! Lol! I think the doctor will probably make me rest it for a while. That will put a crimp in my style! Lol! But it's nice to know that that is probably the problem and it can be fixed.

    Blessings on your days.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    We had a very nice sermon yesterday. It was about encouraging each other and how to "check-in" with each other to know what is really happening in our lives. We can not tell everyone everything but we can have a few friends who really know what we are struggling with or rejoicing about and we know this about them. I feel like this group is one that I can be honest with about what is going one with me. Thanks for making me feel safe to share. 💕

    I was up early preparing lunch for a friend this morning. I had two things that needed oven time but different temperatures. I got it done but I had to write down a schedule to know when I should start and finish each thing. I made whole wheat rolls and chicken pot pie in the oven then had a salad. She stayed and talked for over an hour.

    We had snow again last night - enough to make things white then melt by afternoon. Today is still cold but Tuesday and Thursday are supposed to warm up to 50's -60's. I will be glad to have warmer weather to travel. We will be leaving Wednesday for Denver for an Elder's conference this weekend then the next weekend we will celebrate Easter and my and my granddaughter's birthdays together. Our birthdays are just one day apart.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Linda thank you for sharing those stories, nice you could identify with the Movie and how Special, to meet your Husband during that time. God is Awesome, He brings the right person into our lives. Praise God! I feel the same as you do, our group is a safe place to be, I feel so comfortable to share my heart here and so appreciate you all here. We are Family! Thank you Jesus! Your sermon sounded so good, indeed you were blessed! It’s hard to believe that Easter is just around the corner, it will be so special to Celebrate Easter and celebrate your granddaughters birthdays! So special in your birthdays being 1 day apart.

    Susan, so sorry about the wrist causing you so much pain. Trust that when your Doctor sees the results from the ultrasound and ex-rays the right treatment will be found, maybe some rest, I know as you said, “having to rest will likely put a crimp in my style”. Good news the rest will at least resolve the problem, maybe some physio?? One thing for sure I will pray for you. Glad you enjoyed playing your ukulele, wish we could hear you play and sing in your choir. That would be so nice. You mentioned about my upcoming appointment with my Surgeon, last time I saw him he said he would go over the procedures of the surgery and treatment. Will keep you posted.

    I rested over the weekend as much as I could. Our weather has been freezing yesterday and today 0 degrees for morning and we had snow showers, that was after the burst of sunshine!

    Have a great evening and day tomorrow. Love and God Bless…be back tomorrow! 🤗🙏
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    You're right, Judith. I do want my wrist to be better so will probably follow Dr's advice. I will spend more time reading, perhaps. Glad your consult is coming up. 💕🙏

    Linda and Judith, it's lovely to know you feel safe here. I do too. Connection is so very important.

    Linda, your plans sound so nice. Happy birthday in advance! Safe travels too. Your study group is so practical and valuable.

    Marilyn, thank you for your food choice reminder. Our minds really do determine what goes into our mouths.

    Have good days, everyone.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member