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  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    It was a beautiful day today and we had fun taking our granddaughter out to pick her birthday present like we did our grandson earlier in the week. She was very wise in her choices and was 75 cents below what we had told her to spend. She is a happy-go-lucky child and I thought she would be quick to make decisions but she did great thinking through the whole thing. She will be 9 years old.

    We had a very inspiring service at the church for "Good Friday". Our minister talked about needing to look up to the cross and not down on ourselves when we listen to Satans lies about not being good enough, smart enough, strong enough, unlovable, unworthy, etc. God says that he loves us with an everlasting love. Satan is the father of lies and not to be trusted. As he talked he had two big logs that he was shaping with an axe into a cross. He pounded huge nails in the cross bar and the main long log and had it lifted up with a pulley to hang from the ceiling so we could look up to the cross. It was a very beautiful service.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Marilyn, I so appreciate your quote on having a right attitude and to stay calm and at peace, after my appointment yesterday I was left hanging about a lot of things, mainly the attitude of my surgeon, yes I was struggling but coming here reading your quote has helped me to be calm and at peace, bottom line no matter what God has all things under control and He is watching over me! Praise God!

    Susan, hope you enjoyed your services today and the fellowship you had after! I’m sure everyone enjoyed the cupcakes!

    Hope you all had a Blessed Good Friday! Were you able to attend a Good Friday service?

    Our Church is Live Streaming all our Easter Services. I watched and joined the Worship read along with the Scripture and took Communion with our Pastor and Congregation! A Blessed Day
    for me! God’s Blessings on your Easter Weekend with your Families! ✝️🙏
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    I say a hearty Amen to your Quote Marilyn: the Key is; that we each accept responsibility for how we are all to live, living a Life Well Pleasing to the Lord Jesus Christ! Thank you for posting these quotes Marilyn. 😊🤗

    Easter Weekend Blessings Everyone! Enjoy your Easter Services remembering that Jesus is Alive, He Rose from the Grave and One Day He is Coming Back for His Children to take us to our Heavenly Home! What day that will be when we See Jesus Face to Face and be with Him for All Eternity! God Bless you my dear friend’s! ❤️✝️
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    edited April 2023
    Amen, Judith! Amen, Marilyn, and amen Linda!

    Our Easter Sunday service wasnin person and was about Philippians 3:10-12. How Jesus, Who existed before His human birth, Who created all things, Who puts the spark of life in every man, was willing to sacrifice Himself to redeem us, His creation, from sin. Amazing love! And how we need to keep studying to know Him on deeper and deeper levels, like Paul.

    Our evening service will be.on YouTube.

    There was no Good Friday service.


  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    The morning was spent in an interesting zoom teaching on getting closer to God. I really enjoyed the class on being honest with God. We are used to saying praise and praying for others but we are not always honest with God about our honest feelings like David did in the Psalms. She taught us to be honest and then to resolve our hurts and feelings by seeing things from God's view. He knows all things and there are reasons for our situation. In Romans 3:3-5 Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverence, perseverence, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us because God has poured our his love into our hearts by the Holy Spriit, whom he has given us.

    After these classes, we went to lunch with friends and then for the evening we had our early Easter celebration along with an early birthday party for me and for my granddaughter. Our birthdays are next week but we will not be here then so we celebrated early. We have lots of leftovers to use for tomorrow's lunch.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Happy Resurection Day to Every one! ✝ We had an inspiring lesson given by four people who did their testamonies about how Jesus had changed their lives. Some of them were very moving and showed a how triumphant we can be if God is with us. We can go from the depts of dispair to heavenly joy. Heavenly joy does not mean always "happy" but peace and contentment no matter the circumstances.

    I forgot to tell you our thankful story of getting safely homelast night. After the party we were driving on the interstate about 65 mph when someone wearing black ran out in front of us accross the road to the other side. I don't know if they had lost something that was accross the road or not but we had to make a big swerve to miss hitting him with is pretty hard when you are going fast. There were several other cars traveling just as fast that were in the two lanes next to us. It is a miracle that he did not get hit and killed. As we got closer to our house on the regular streets, we met a man on a scooter coming the wrong way of the street toward us. He was on the road not on the shoulder of the road. We had to swerve again to keep from hitting him. God was protecting us many times that night.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Oh no, Linda! That would have caused lots of adrenaline surges!! I am thankful no one was hurt, including you and your husband! Glad you had the testimonies from church to think back on!

    Marilyn, that's lovely advice.

    Judith, bet you are tired from your Easter celebrations. Hugs and prayers coming your way.

    It's Easter Monday here already but the Uke and singing groups are still running today. We had lovely two church services yesterday and felt blessed.
    Tomorrow morning Col's shoulder surgery happens. We're focused on that today....
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Linda, first of all I am so sorry 😞 I missed wishing you a Happy Birthday 🥳 on FaceBook, my humble apologies! So in keeping with the thought, Happy Birthday 🎂 to you and your granddaughter, hope you had an awesome celebration 🎉
    I am thanking God for your protection on the road as the Lord watched over you that you weren’t hit or the person running across highway dressed in black and the one in a scooter you had to swerve away again. I am thankful none of you were hurt! Wow the Lord was watching over you and your husband! Praise God! Your Services sounded so blessed!

    Susan Happy Easter Monday, it’s still Easter Sunday here but it’s 10:00pm. So happy you enjoyed your Sunday services. Yes, I am sure you and Colin are focused on the surgery for Colin’s surgery Tuesday morning. Trusting his shoulder surgery will be successful. Praying for Colin throughout tomorrow and will pray for a speedy recovery and full recovery. My prayers are with you Susan!

    Marilyn, another wonderful quote to meditate on. Thanks for sharing. Thinking of you and my prayers are with you!

    Easter Blessings my friend’s, so happy you all had such a Blessed Easter and enjoyed your Easter Services on Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

    I was so blessed with my Church’s Live Stream Good Friday Candlelight Communion Service and today our Easter Sunday services. We focused on Christ’s Resurrection. Indeed He is Risen just as He said! We serve a Risen Saviour who is coming back for His Children. Soon and very soon We Shall see the King. What a day that will be when we see Jesus!

    God’s Blessings Everyone…🙏🤗
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Marilyn, such an excellent quote, we sure need to be mindful in how we treat others so we are building up and not tearing down. That we will be the Lord’s Hands extended.

    Linda, thinking of you, think we are missing each other in posting as we are living in different time zones. Sometimes it works out that we see each other’s post as soon as they come. Just know my thoughts and prayers are always with you! 🙏🤗

    Susan, realize it’s my Monday but it’s your Tuesday and Colin has had surgery this morning. I am continuing to keep Colin in prayer. Trust the surgery has been successful and his shoulder recovers well and of course he is completely healed. My thoughts and prayers are with you both. When you can please let us know how Colin is doing. 🙏🤗

    May the Lord Bless you all and may your day and week be blessed!
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Judith, thank you souch for praying for Colin. He might be in surgery this minute. I dropped him off at the hospital this morning at 5:30am, staying till they wouldn't let me stay any more. Now I am waiting for news. I will surely let you know what happens.

    Marilyn, I like that quote too.

    Linda, thinking of you. I hope you had a really nice birthday. 🎈🎂🎉
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    edited April 2023
    Update: Colin has come through his shoulder surgery and is in recovery. It went well according to his Dr, and he has about six months of follow up treatment ahead. Thank you all for praying. Please continue to pray for healing and recovery without complications. He will be in the hospital another couple of days.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Susan - I am praying for Colin's recovery from surgery and the flexibility that he will have once the area is healed. It is amazing what doctors can do now to help correct abnormalities in our bodies. Our forefathers did not have this available to them and had to live as best they could. I am praying for you too as you serve him and help him get around once he is home. Being a caregiver can be a joy but it takes a lot of patience sometimes.

    Judith - you did not miss my birthday. Because all the family is so busy, since Easter is usually close to my birthday, we just celebrate both of them together. My actual birthday is next Monday the 17th.

    We came over the mountain today back to Grand Junction. It was a really pleasant trip with no mishaps like we had over the weekend as we came back from my son's house. The temperature was 75F (23.8C) degrees as we were driving and needed to have the air conditioning on to cool down my husband who was driving with the sun on his arm. It was cooler in Grand Junction with clear sky.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    So true Marilyn! Those are indeed wonderful places.

    When we got home yesterday there was a plastic bag with chocolate chip cookies in it on our front porch. There was no name on it so we are not sure who put it there or how long it was there since we were gone for a week. In our driveway was an invitation to Easter Services from our new neighbors so we think it may have been them that put the cookies on the porch. We will need to go over there to see if it was them and thank them.

    Susan - praying for Colin and his recovery. Will you need to make any changes in your house to accomodate him? I was talking to a friend today that has a broken shoulder and she said it is amazing how difficult it can be to do normal activites when you only have one arm to work with. We do not realize how much we depend on having two arms to do things.

    Judith - thanks for the delicious sounding recipe. I have extra ham from Easter so I may try it this week. I will need to buy corn before I can make it.

    I was amazed at how much my outside flower plants have grown in just a week. Having warm weather really speeds their growth. Some of the trees are beginning to have a light green cast on them with the new buds beginning to start growing. All signs that Spring is really on it's way.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Marilyn thank you for this last quote, and I say a hearty Amen, yes it’s wonderful to be in someone’s thoughts prayers and in our hearts. And each one of us here on this team are in one of our members thoughts prayers and hearts!

    Susan, thank you for the updates on Colin’s surgery. My prayers are with Colin for a speedy and complete recovery without any complications. Praying he have a good range of motion in his shoulder and trusting for a good report from the Surgeon in all the follow up appointments Colin has. Praying for God’s strength for you as you help care for Colin as he returns back home!

    Linda, thankful you had a good trip home across the mountains. So glad you were with family over Easter and got yo celebrate your birthday with them and your granddaughter that shares a Birthday with you. So special. When Mom was alive and when Thanksgiving fell the same weekend as my birthday on October 5th my Dad on the 6th and my Grandfather on the 4th we celebrated Thanksgiving and Birthdays same time along with my maternal grandfather who was on the 22nd of October. Yes, October was a month Birthday Blessings! I have made note your
    birthday being April 17th. So nice someone leaving the cookies on your porch and leave an invitation on your driveway to invite you to Easter services, so kind!

    Glad you liked the sound of the recipe I posted. Please let me know how you enjoyed it!

    God Bless your night and your week! 😊
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    edited April 2023
    Hello all of you beautiful people 💗

    Thank you for praying for Colin's recovery. He is staying another night in hospital as he is still not well enough to come home yet. They worked him pretty hard with physio today so that he even needed oxygen. I was amazed at that but I'm glad he was in hospital where he could receive it. We are blessed with the medical care we can receive today.

    Linda, I'm not sure if we will need to modify anything in the house for Colin. That will become clear when he comes home. I expect he will need help dressing, showering, and doing a lot of things. I can do that. He will also need a driver and I can do that. The hard part will be stopping him from doing things he feels he can do but shouldn't yet.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
