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  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    How beautiful, Marilyn.

    Am up early today, nervous about driving in freeway traffic to go pick Colin up. I have an hour's drive ahead of me to do that, in peak hour, I think. Am waiting for his call to confirm he can come home this morning. I woke at 4:15 am and it is 5:47 am now.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Susan - I am glad the hospital kept Colin for another day if he is needing oxygen with his therapy. I also hope he will not be doing too much although pain will limit what he can do. When our dog had surgery, they only gave him a pain patch for the first two days because they said that animals do not understand the consequences of surgery and if they are not having pain, they will not rest the part that had surgery. By not giving him heavy pain medication, it limited how much he would attempt to do which in our dogs case was a good thing. He had back surgery and we did not want him to reinjure his spinal cord.

    Praying for you all - you are a blessing to me. 💟

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    edited April 2023
    Hello Everyone, I was able to post in all the forums and when I tried to share a devotion in the Daily Devotions I was blocked, not sure why?? I went back to try one more time and I got it posted. Wow, not sure what happened as this was a 4th time trying to post and finally was accepted! 😊

    Susan, my prayers continue for Colin, hope he is doing better and is home now. Keep us posted. Tell Colin we are all praying for his recovery!

    Thank you Marilyn for sharing such a great quote!

    Blessings all..Have a good night rest, be back tomorrow. 🙏🤗
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Good Morning, 🌅

    Susan, you were up so early but can understand why with an hour drive in to the hospital. I read you were waiting on a call to see if Colin was coming home today. My prayers are with you for safe travels for both trips. It was good they kept Colin in for another day. Trust today finds him much better. Please keep us posted on how everything is, and tell Colin we all here are praying for a speedy and full recovery with no complications.

    Thank you Linda for your prayers for us all here. And as you said: we are a blessing to you we all agree and say, Linda you are a Blessing to us.

    Marilyn, as always thank you for the inspirational quotes you have shared. You are a blessing to us all.

    In closing, may you all have a day filled with God’s Blessings. 😊🙏
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Good morning to you Judith and Marilyn and I hope you are having pleasant dreams at 3AM Susan where you live.

    I am getting my piano tuned today and the man doing it is doing it all by ear. We had our lawn company come to mow the lawn unfortunately as he was working. He had to stop until then were over so he could hear the notes better. I am amazed at how talented he is to be able to do it like he does.

    We have a busy afternoon today. We are getting together with several people to train them for a workshop we are doing on Saturday and we are also visiting my S-I-L. We need to pick up the photographic slides that belonged to my M-I-L so we can look at them with all the family and decide who wants what pictures. She took a huge amount of pictures while they were sheepherding in the mountains as the kids grew up so it should be interesting to look at them. We need to find a time when we are all not busy to look at them but at least we will have them at our house when the time comes. We have nice white walls to shine the pictures on.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Good morning to you all.

    Colin is home and he has a chest cold to go with the pain of recovery. The drive in and out was a little hair raising for me but we are home safe. Thank you for praying.

    Am going out to pick up some things we need so will maybe spend more time here tomorrow. Col needs antibiotics for his chest do the Dr is considering that via telehealth right now. Col needs to stay put. He is not to lift anything for 6 weeks and has 6 months of rehab ahead of him. He can already move his shoulder better though. Praise God!

    Thank you for praying, dear friends.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Susan - I am so glad Colin's shoulder is better already - even without exercise. I pray that it will continue to improve as time goes on and his pain level is not too bad. I agree, you need to stay close by him in case he needs something. Having pneumonia is common after surgery and with a chest cold on top of it, I am glad the doctor is being careful with him and prescribing antibiotics.

    Judith - I pray you are able to maintain your 97#. I saw one "opps" but you got right back up. I will be trying your chowder tonight.

    We need to pick up our car today from the repair shop. It was shaking as we were driving and smelled like rotten eggs in the exhaust. We thought it was the catalytic converter but they found a small coil that was ot working right. It will cost us $600 but at least it will smell better! Maintaining a vehicle can get expensive.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Col finally got antibiotics today. Our GP didn't get back to us so we found another online GP service and a Dr from there rang and prescribed antibiotics. I have been out to get the script filled. His shoulder is feeling better (he has had some physio in hospital and had exercises to do already). I am trying to find things he feels like eating. Soup is a success. Not much else is.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    I am praising God with you that Colin’s shoulder is doing better already and that’s without exercise. God is so good! I will continue to pray for the chest cold and that the antibiotics will help the pneumonia so that all traces of infection be gone.

    Linda, can’t imagine the smell of the car you were describing but happy you got it fixed, yes, car repairs are so expensive. So glad you have a great piano tuner who tunes it by ear, amazing. So glad you are getting the pictures your dear MIL took and you can share them with the family. It will be nice to have those memories. Thank you Linda for the comments about my weight, I am happy I have kept it up to 97 pounds pretty much all week. Just one day I went down to 96 pounds but adjusted my smoothies Boost supplement and was able to bring it back up.

    Thank you Marilyn for the great quotes you shared!

    Take care my friends, calling it a night and heading to bed 🛌 now. God Bless you 😴
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    edited April 2023
    All my husband's hard work culminated in a really informative workshop this morning. It was about making connections with people and with God. Superficial connections do not allow a person to have strong relationships. There were 20 people who came which is abut 1/2 the church so we thought that was good. It seems a lot of people had other obligations for today so we filmed it so they can hear it later. The letters for the points were FLAN (Feelings - share them, Listen - without interrupting, Atune - have empathy and try to feel what they feel and Needs - how can we help). We had one of our members who is starting up her baking business make us a FLAN custard for everyone to try. It was delicious so now I am trying to make one that is sugarfree for my husband. It is a lot more work than just making a simple pudding or cake.

    Judith - the chowder was delicious. We did not have any leftovers to use today like we usually have the day after. With the ham and bullion for broth, I have some water weight on today but it was worth it to be able to eat it.

    We had thunder last night that was really loud. I heard that there was a lightening strike not far from us. I know that I jumped when I heard the sound so it must have been pretty powerful. Today we are having clear sky but not the nice warm weather we had a few days ago. In Denver they had snow but not much accumulated because the grass and roads are too warm for it to stick.

    Continuing to pray for Colin to avoid getting pneumonia and to get stronger every day.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Amen, Marilyn.

    Linda and Judith, thank you for praying. We still need it. He is no better today. I will take him to a Dr if he doesn't improve in the next few days or if he gets worse. It's the lung infection, not the shoulder. Given he had Sepsis after surgery done time ago, I am watching his wounds and his temperature.

    Linda, love the FLAN acronym and what it stands for. I hope your baked flan turns out well. Maybe you could make a crust with his favourite sugar free cookies? Or ground nuts, spice and butter?

    Judith, glad to hear you are maintaining your weight. Praying for you to keep being successful with it. Stay strong!

    God bless all of you.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Evening Hello

    Marilyn, I say a hearty Amen to your John 3:16 post! Praise the Lord for the Gift of Salvation!

    Linda, so happy you enjoyed the chowder. I can hardly wait for the days when I can eat the chowder’s and chill I’d and the Flan you made.I am sure everyone loved it. Your hubby’s class sounded so good, wish I could of been a part of it: I too like Susan liked the FLAN acronym. The suggestion of making a crust with your hubby’s favorite sugar free cookie. Sounds delicious to me. Linda, can you share your Flan recipe on our Recipe forum please? Thank you. Hope your weather improves, glad your daughters latest snowfall didn’t last!

    Susan, so sorry to hear that Colin is not improving and the lung infection is still a concern. Will continue to keep Colin in much prayer that all signs and symptoms of infection will be gone in our precious Lord and Savior’s Name to the Glory of God! Happy you are keeping watch over Colin’s shoulder wounds and taking his temperature regularly. Appreciate you cheering me on in my weight, I am encouraged that overall I was able to finish strong for Week 2.

    It’s now 11:45pm so this gal is calling it a night and heading to bed 🛌. So it’s Good Night Sweet Dreams and God Bless! 😴😊🙏
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Forgiveness is essential, hey Marilyn. If the Lord forgives us when we ask, how can we keep condemning ourselves over His judgement?

    Judith, thank you for praying. Colin's condition has not changed. He too is losing weight ,(not a goal for him) and continuing to cough painfully. Our Dr can't even do a Telehealth appointment till Friday. We are trying to find another Dr close by who can check his lungs for pneumonia.

    Judith, glad you are continuing to tweak your smoothies and are maintaining. It's so important! Prayers continue for you. 🙏💕

    Linda, thinking of you.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Tonight we had a "1st century" church service. Instead of having a sermon, we all got together in the fellowship hall to eat together and to have an open mic to share things. Some people shared songs, scriptures, thanksgiving, prayers, etc. We also talked together at our tables about things that were important to us. Our paper plates had numbers on the bottom of them to tell us which table we would sit at so we were not sitting with people we knew well. I was sitting with a single mother whose husband is in jail. (She is a relative of a couple in the church) and a college student that I have not talked with much. It was interesting to hear what people said on the microphone as well as learning more about the people who were sitting with us. We also took communtion together.

    My husband is having some intestinal bleeding today so he sent a message to his doctor and was told what to do and to come in to see him when we go back to Denver. It is not enough blood to make him anemic but concerning. I pray that the medication the doctor told him to use as well as dietary changes will stop the bleeding. It has been a hard year for him physically with both knees needing steroid injections, his heart issue when we were in Florida and now bleeding. He will be turning 70 in May so maybe starting a new decade will be a better beginning of his life. He hopes that his social security payments will start next month which will help us a lot financially.

    Susan - I am so sorry that Colin is having lung issues and weight problems. I certainly pray that you can find a doctor who can listen to his lungs and take necessary measures to help him feel better.

    Judith - I pray that you will continue to maintain your weight or even gain some.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Today was a beautiful day to celebrate my birthday. We went to see the movie "His Only Son" about the story of Abraham and a comparison to God who also gave "his only son". They portrayed the agony of Abraham as he was struggling with killing Isaac and then had flashbacks of the beginning of Aabraham's story and how long it took for God to fulfill his promise. It also showed Sarah and her agony of being barren. It was very emotional. We then went shopping so my husband could get me some gifts that I did not get on my list I had given my family. After shopping, we went out to dinner. I had a coupon from a steak house for a free appetizer. We came home and rested the remainder of the day.

    Susan - thanks for your Facebook greetings. To me it was early so I could celebrate more than one day. It was wonderful as long as I did not age two years by celebrating two days. I hope Colin is doing better.

    Judith - prayers continue
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member