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  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Marilyn I so agree, as Christians we should leave our footprints of Love and Kindness on every of our journey; to be God’s Hands Extended! ❤️✝️

    I will let you read my post from last night, April 28th as I replied to Susan’s post and answered question from Linda!

    Blessings all, have a Jesus Filled Weekend! ❤️
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    It's Sunday afternoon now and I am home from church. It was about Philippians ch 4 - be careful for NOTHING and pray about EVERYTHING. It was a great sermon. Colin stayed home as he is still easily exhausted.

    Judith, your train journey to your Dad's sounded so nice. Our train was a passenger train for local travel only. It's amazing how they open them so you can pass between cars without opening and closing doors now. There is no dining car or sleepers on these trains, but I did a two day journey once in a long distance train back in 1987. It wasn't very comfortable! I think the new trains would be better long distance.

    Inside the train we took:

    Marilyn, love the thoughts about kindness 💕

    Thinking of you Linda and hoping you are having a lovely weekend.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Today we took a trip with two other friends to visit a friend in the mountains who comes to our church. She works at the Aspen hospital and does not get to attend our services very often because the trip is almost two hours one way. It was especially hard during the winter when it gets dark so quickly and the roads as not safe with the snow. Our church service is at 4pm so it can be getting dark when she starts home. She tries to come as much as she can with the weather getting better. We had a lovely time with her just talking and having lunch. I had not traveled much in her area so it was so nice to see new scenery and different mouintain peaks. Traveling so much to Denver does not give much variety in our scenery since we have seen it so much. Today was a really nice day and the weather was wonderful.

    My husband is going to teach a lesson to a church in Michigan tomorrow morning via Zoom. They start at 8:30am their time which is 6:30am our time. He tried to go to bed early so he can get good sleep since he has to get up so early. An article that he wrote was in a book a friend published and the minister wanted my husband to present about what he wrote and to have a question and answer time with the congregattion during their Sunday School time. Since it is after midnight and I am still wide awake, I will not be getting up with him to hear what he has to say. When I was younger I worked the 6am-3:30pm shift but I am not sure how I did it. I am so much more awake later in the day.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    It seemed like it was a busy day but I can't think of anything exciting that we did. 😊 We listened to a morning sermon from the Denver church. He talked about how important that we have community around us to support us and to have that same relationship with God using the parable of the prodical son. the evening service we spent in prayer for our mission projects. We were divied up into four groups and we moved from space to space praying for our churches in Colorado, the Rocky Mountain area, the Asian churches we support and then for the world and all it's hunger, wars, droughts, illnesses, etc. It was a unifiying time for all of us.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Linda, your prayer service sounds like ones we have praying for Missionary’s Pastors, world situations, praying for all the people and all the churches we support around the world and praying for our Country and others, much what you prayed for! I so enjoy these services as we pray one for the other and for our communities. Yes we come together in unity and love! 🙏😊

    Susan, Thank you for sharing about your train and the picture of the train you took. Yes I agree the trains these days are really comfortable. The passenger trains we have went through a major upgrade so the cars were all spectacular. The Dome car was really nice to see the mountains and countryside! I’d love to do the trip again. In closing my prayers continue for Colin! 😊🙏

    Marilyn, been thinking of you and prayer if for you. 😊🙏
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Judith, you are welcome for the picture. I actually found the double seats on the train very tight when two people tried to sit in them. Lol! That's not a problem you would have, I am sure. Thank you for continuing to pray for Colin. Am praying for you as well.

    Linda, how wonderful about the opportunities for learning and service you and your husband are having. It's heart warming. You seem to be part of a beautiful community too.

    Marilyn, now I am wondering, are you left handed?? I am right handed but I was thinking of left handed people I have known while reading your quote!

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    My brother, late grandmother and my granddaughter are all lefthanded. They say it is hard living in a right handed world like trying to open appliance doors is difficult. They are all very creative and have large plans/goals to do.

    Besides getting our little grape vine some sunshine yesterday, we also put out the patio furnature. It is so nice to have our meals outside during the warm (not hot) times. My husband loves to sit in the swing in the early morning hours to pray and watch the sunrise and clouds. Me, on the other hand, like the evenings when it is getting cooler and I can watch the birds and see the sunset. I hope to be able to do this more now that we are getting warmer weather.

    We have quite a few robins in our back yard today. Some are fat and sassy while others are smaller and trim. I don't know if it is age that makes the different sizes or dietary intake. The large male bird is protecting his territory and running off the other birds. He may have his eye on a single female that I see flitting around once in a while.

    I continue to pray for Colin (healing) and Marilyn (kidney numbers and upcoming surgery) and Judith (weight maintenance or gain and upcoming surgery) and for you Susan as you care for Colin and teach your classes. It is a new month with new blessings coming our way.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    My brother, late grandmother and my granddaughter are all lefthanded. They say it is hard living in a right handed world like trying to open appliance doors is difficult. They are all very creative and have large plans/goals to do.

    Besides getting our little grape vine some sunshine yesterday, we also put out the patio furnature. It is so nice to have our meals outside during the warm (not hot) times. My husband loves to sit in the swing in the early morning hours to pray and watch the sunrise and clouds. Me, on the other hand, like the evenings when it is getting cooler and I can watch the birds and see the sunset. I hope to be able to do this more now that we are getting warmer weather.

    We have quite a few robins in our back yard today. Some are fat and sassy while others are smaller and trim. I don't know if it is age that makes the different sizes or dietary intake. The large male bird is protecting his territory and running off the other birds. He may have his eye on a single female that I see flitting around once in a while.

    I continue to pray for Colin (healing) and Marilyn (kidney numbers and upcoming surgery) and Judith (weight maintenance or gain and upcoming surgery) and for you Susan as you care for Colin and teach your classes. It is a new month with new blessings coming our way.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    @LosinSusin - yes I am left handed - I notice there seems to be a lot more of us now then every before

    Re my kidney function. Had blood work done on Thursday and today was told that the number has not changed - it is still at 16 (5 months now) so that is good though it would be better if it was higher but it is good that it is holding the same which we are praying it will do for a few years anyway.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Yes Marilyn let our Smiles change the world, thanks for sharing an awesome quote: I just read your update on your Kidney Function; I agree with you that “it’s good” that the numbers have not changed, yes it’s better they are stable and haven’t gone down, yes I agree with you that it would be better if the numbers were higher but hope the numbers that were reported stay like they are now for a few more years. Yes Lord, thank you for keeping our dear sister and friend strong and continue to Heal Her Kidney’s. 🙏❤️

    Susan, you made me chuckle 🤭 about me not having trouble fitting in those narrow train seats. You are welcome, I am happy to pray for you and Colin. Thank you for your prayers. Hope your Card Making classes are going well. Are you practicing new music for your choir? And any concerts planned for both Singing and playing your Ukulele? Enjoy my friend. This is one thing I miss is singing in special choirs like at Christmas and Easter and on our Worship Team at my
    Home Church!

    Linda, I didn’t know you had members of your family that were left handed. Yes I feel for those who are especially living in a predominantly right hand world. Hadn’t thought about how difficult it would be opening doors and appliance doors and handles that are set up for right handed people. You gave me a lot to think about. So glad you are having such nice weather enjoying your yard set up with your patio furniture. And watching the robins. So beautiful they are. I love robins, we had a lot back East in our backyards. I can almost see the setting of the swing and your hubby sitting there early morning watching the sunrise. Sounds like such a beautiful place to have
    devotions and prayer.

    Tomorrow I am at Cancer Clinic for follow up regarding my treatment this month and my upcoming surgery will be discussed. Thank you for your prayers! Will update you when I can! 🤗
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    edited May 2023
    Judith, may all go well at the cancer clinic. Praying for a way forward for you. Yes, we are practicing new music. We sing at a Cancer Council fundraiser on Monday. There is a Biggest Morning Tea event in our clubhouse so we can fundraise. It should be fun as well. I am just playing Ukelele in our Uke group for fun at this stage. We should take part in the Christmas concert towards the end of the year.

    Marilyn, I thought you might be left-handed. 😊 That's great that you are holding your own with your kidney function. I count that good news! I hope and pray you stay stable or improve over time.

    Linda, that's interesting about some of your family being left-handed. How lovely too that the seasons have changed to allow you and your husband some pleasant pastimes and prayer spots. That was funny about the robins! Thank you for continuing to pray for us all. I pray for you too.

    Today I held a card class for four ladies. We had fun and everyone made two cards. It always takes me all day to set up, teach, then put away as the classes are held in my dining room/kitchen/lounge room (it's one big room). I move furniture to accommodate everyone. It's always a good day though.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    I had a fun time this afternoon sitting on the swing while I ate my lunch. There seems to always be something going on outside. We are now watching the preying mantis egg pods that we found when we were cutting down the vines on Sunday. We have found 3 so far. We gave one to our grandkids to watch hatch and now we have two to watch ourselves. the babies are so small but long. They look like blades of grass when they hatch. It will be a little longer before these hatch though. It takes about 6 weeks after the cold weather goes away to hatch. There is not a lot of food for them to eat if they hatch now.

    Praying for your visit at the Cancer Clinic today Judith. it will be good to get some more information about what/when you next treatment starts. I hope you do not get too tired from your trip.

    Susan - I am glad that you had a good card making class. It is good to stretch our minds being creative. I am sure that your cards were beautiful. Are you able to play your Ukelele now or are you still limited in what you can do with your wrist?

    Marilyn - I rejoice with you that your kidney function is stable. Iron pills can be hard on your stomach and digestive system. I hope you do not have to take them very long because I know you had problems with them before.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    I saw, how wonderful to watch the praying mantis eggs hatch! I guess the little guys come out fully formed. They would be so cute. I have been taking it easier on the Ukelele playing but they need my voice for singing, so I try to gently strum while singing. My hand/wrist is still a problem. Treatment starts next week.

    Judith, thinking of you too. I hope you are alright and just sleeping after your big appointment. 🙏❤️

    Marilyn, hugs. 🙏❤️

    MFP is glitchy today. I have lost my posts, my place, even the Groups. I can get all but the posts I was typing back but it's aggravating to have to keep doing that. You are all worth it, though!

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Thank you all for your prayers. Will give you an update tomorrow. A very intense day, a lot to take in. Just came to share my Team Goals Devotion and the Scriptures God gave me as I went through a very difficult day! Know I care about you all and thank God g do or you all! 🙏❤️
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,585 Member
    Thanks Marilyn for the thought for today. It is so true that when you are cared about and loved, it is a very special place.

    Judith - I hope you were able to get some rest last night so you can have more energy today. Your doctor visits sound very long and intense.

    Susan - it sounds so wonderful to be in your singing group. We finally got my piano over here to GJ but when I try to play songs, I need to have music in front of me. Many of the songs the church sings are more contemporary that only use chords. I need to step things up and learn how to play chords if I want to help with the music ministry in the church.

    I would appreciate prayers for my 2 year old granddaughter. She has developed absence seizures like her brother. He really got behind in school with his because they did not realize he had them but we are hoping that if they start treatment with my granddaughter sooner, she will have less trouble in school. In case you do not know what absence seizures are they are seizures of only a few seconds that act like static to the brain. My grandson might only hear parts of words or instructions given so he had a hard time understanding what the teacher is saying in school. He actually is very smart but did not get the whole message. He was not aware of the seizure but it confused his brain. It is not the same as petite mal seizures that last a few seconds but the person is aware they are happening and can hear but can't respond.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Linda, I just prayed for your little granddaughter and for all our team members. The Lord is good. I am glad the family found out about your granddaughter's seizures in time to help her but it must be a concern to you all. About music, it is good to be able to read it. You are doing well in offering all your talents in the Lord's service.

    Marilyn, what a good place to be. 💕

    Judith, I pray you are recuperating and regaining your strength. May God bless you.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,651 Member
    Marilyn, thank you for todays quote, yes, an awesome place to be, I feel the love and all your thoughts and everyone else here, such a blessing! 😊

    Susan, thank you for your thoughts and prayers! I just posted an update in our Prayer forum regarding my appointment yesterday! I continue to keep Colin and you in my thoughts and prayers. When you have time, what music are you practicing and are you planning for an upcoming concert? In one of your posts you mentioned that your Pastor was doing a Sermon series in the Book of Philippians. We are doing the same in our Church, we were in chapter 2.

    Linda, I am so sorry to hear about your dear Granddaughter’s seizures but glad they found this early so she can get the treatment she needs. I will keep your granddaughter in much prayer. Please keep us updated as you are able.
    I will keep you in prayer as you learn how to play chords. It would be nice if you can be a part of the music ministry. I could sense your excitement having your piano now in Grand Junction.

    Thank you all for your continued prayers and your kindness and support! Have a good nights rest, be back tomorrow! 🙏😊