Chat Cafe



  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Good morning everyone. Just a quick check-in today. I'm already running late for my busy day. Take care everyone and may the Lord bless and keep you all.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Susan - I like the outside of the caravan you bought. I imagine that it was cheaper than a new one you were building. We want a tour of it when you get it all customized like you want it. Our travel trailer is old but sturdy. Now that we got the heater fixed, we should be able to travel in May rather than waiting for the weather to warm up some in June. Thanks for sharing the picture of the Starlight singers. What part do you sing? I like to do alto or tenor best. I was in a traveling trio that sang when I was in college. I sang second soprano in that group.

    We went to lunch with friends today. I saved half of my chef's salad to eat for dinner so that is an easy meal. We had a good time discussing how times have changed and how we are having trouble changing with it. 🙄

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Linda, I will attach a couple of pictures on of the inside of the van. The things we are getting won't make much difference to the appearance inside. We want an extra lithium battery, solar panel, grey water tank and a couple of interior fans. We also want it ceramic RV protection coated. We heard today that we can pick it up the end of next week! Yes, you are right, it was cheaper than a new one, and it exists so isn't something we hope will happen. We would have lost a year of travel at the very least had we waited for the build, and neither of us is getting any younger or fitter. I stood in the middle of the van to take these pics:



    The Starlight Singers sing in unison, but I am in the alto section. I used to sing soprano when young and even held top A over the whole cast once for many bars when I was Patience the Milkmaid, but not now!! I have always sung in bands/ groups and played instruments, since I was 8 years old. Wouldn't it be nice for us to sing together!

    I had Uke this morning, a friend here for several hours, have done washing of clothes/towels/linen, remade the bed, am waiting on grocery delivery and tonight we have a church meeting. I think it will be cheese omelettes for dinner as they are light and easy.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    So true Marilyn, I agree with everything this quote said, indeed, we are responsible for the choices and decisions we make.

    Today was a quiet day but good, this afternoon the sunshine came out which was so nice and bonus, no rain showers. My friend dropped by this morning and picked up my laundry. So thankful for this blessing. Texted with my son earlier, he is so excited as they are finally going to have chickens on their land. He has made the chicken coop and ordered his chickens. They want the chickens for laying eggs. Nothing like farm fresh eggs.

    They have a large average and have several gardens. They grow their own veggies and also provide for the Food bank in town all summer right into mid Autumn. Every 2 weeks Brenda picks a variety of veggies including tomatoes off the vine and they deliver them to the Food bank for the people who are in need.

    They are starting to grow some fruit trees so I can see them providing fruit for the food bank too.

    Another friend knows I really enjoy David Jeremiah and has given me 3 DVD sets of different teachings of this great preacher.

    So today has been a blessing seeing and receiving the Blessings of God!

    Hope you all have a wonderful evening and rest of your week! God Bless … 🤗🙏
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Judith - I am so glad your son it able to get his chickens and that he is so generous with his food for the food bank. It shows you trained him well to share his bounty with those in need. I am glad you have having a quiet day and you have friends who also share your load with you. No only your "load" of laundry but load of concerns, joys and life in general.

    Susan - your trailer inside looks a lot like ours but many years younger. I like that trailers are small but manage to have lots of space to allow for storage. I am sure you will have many hours of enjoyment in it. It was nice to see Colin in one of the pictures and one of you taking the picture in the mirror also.

    I finally got my husband's pajamas resized last night that he got for Christmas. It is a good think that was not the only pair of warm pajamas he owns or he would be very cold trying to sleep in his summer ones. I also got some other repair work done so I am glad to have that completed.

    Marilyn - good thought. I tend to embrace the past which is comfortable but keeps me from enjoying today or tomorrow.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Linda, glad you enjoyed the pictures of the van. That was me in the mirror. Those mirrors open out and have little shelves behind them. Yes, it's amazing how much you can fit in a small space! This van seems to have lots of shallow cupboards and because it has a full oven, it doesn't have a large pot drawer like our last van. I have been thinking about what I can do instead, but the day we move in will be the final clincher.

    It's nice to have sewing jobs done, isn't it. I am always taking Col's pants up.

    Marilyn, powerful thoughts today.

    Judith, I loved reading about your son and daughter-in-law's farm and their generosity. Glad you have had a blessed day! I hope your pain management today is good, too. 🙏🙏🙏

    I made up another batch of apple cider vinegar for me and applesauce for Col this morning. It's so easy to do - the peels
    and cores are for the vinegar and the apples are for the applesauce. I have also been catching up on some Internet things. This afternoon I go to the Sun Dr to check for skin cancers. It's usually just routine, nothing I have concerns about. It's a much nicer day than yesterday as I don't feel pressured by too much activity so can work at my own pace. Last night's Bible study was about Micah in the book of Judges and how he didn't reject his faith in God but added other gods to his life, and didn't find out how to do things God's way. Lots of lessons in that!
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    edited February 2023
    Susan, I missed your post earlier with the pictures of your new caravan but scrolled up and saw them, so awesome to see, your bedroom part looks really comfy, great picture of Colin, he looked like he was deep in thought! Nice to see you even though it was through the mirror. You will enjoy using a full sized oven. I am sure you will solve the issue of finding where to put your pots and pans. Thanks again for sharing your pictures. The omelette sounds so yummy 😋 Hope you both enjoyed.

    Linda, yes when my son lived at home we often gave food and clothing to others, he always has had a tender heart and so does his wife. This year they said they plan to make a larger produce garden so they have more to put away for them but plan to also give their homemade canning products and fresh fruits and veggies to 2 food banks in town. They usually make me butternut squash soup and a yam, carrot and potato soup, they put in jars so I can freeze and take out when needed. I am enjoying my new DVD’s and got my clean laundry back. I am so blessed with having my laundry 🧺 needs taken care of!

    Marilyn, another great quote, thank you!

    It’s 12:30am Thursday morning just wanted to let you know I’m ok; just went to bed earlier in the evening as my busy day proved too much. I got back up at 11:30pm Wednesday night and logged in just in time to keep up my 54 day streak so now its’s Thursday so it’s now 55 days of logging in straight, yay me! 👍😊
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    My daughter and kids got in safely late last night from Denver. There was some slippery places from snow but she does not mind driving in the snow so it was OK. I on the other hand do not like snow so I am glad to stay inside or let someone else who is braver drive in the snow.

    Judith - I was wondering why you were playing games and had three words done before I got there this morning. Now I see you are doing it at different times. Congratulations on figuring out how to get your streak going by doing things over midnight. I try to do that sometimes too.

    I may not be able to do much while having company but I will do my best to keep my streak going by getting on for short times each day.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    edited February 2023
    Yes, attitude determines your altitude, Marilyn. Mindset is very powerful!

    Judith, congratulations on your 55 day streak! So glad you enjoyed the caravan pictures. I took them when we were still deciding if we wanted that van, so Colin probably WAS deep in thought. Lol! Your son and his wife are true blessings to their community and to you. 💕 The Lord bless and keep you all.

    Linda, enjoy your visitors. Checking in however briefly will maintain your streak, even if you don't post!

    Hubby and a neighbour are installing screen doors for us and for some other neighbours today. What kind men! Our screen door is going between the garage and our hallway inside. Particularly useful as we know there are snakes, mice and so on about (as well as flies) so we would never leave that door open. The dogs also would get out through the open door so after today, a few little problems will be solved!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Today we are dealing with a sick granddaughter. She woke up with a fever of 101.8 and feeling pretty sick. Now she is doing better with the use of medication and wants to play with her friends but we are taking precautions because she probably is feeling better because the medication is keeping her fever down. She is not happy that her monther told her she needs to be fever free for 24 hours.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Linda, it's be so tough to get children to understand the need for healing rest. Glad she is feeling a little better, though.

    Marilyn, amen!

    Feeling a little like I need more sleep today. The day is pretty free so I am going to take it easy. Neither Col not I are getting a lot of sleep due to various painful joints we each have. Such is life. We're still very blessed!
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Linda, yes sometimes I log in late so that is how I get the games in and sign in and keep my streak going. I’m on Pacific Time here in British Columbia and am 3 hours ahead of some of my friends. Not sure what Time period you are on?

    Sorry about your granddaughters fever but happy the fever has come down with meds and prayer. Yes it’s hard for children to understand about not being able to play with their friends when they are feeling better, we can be thankful for meds that work along with prayer.

    Marilyn, like Susan I say Amen for the quote you shared from John Hagee!

    Susan, your husband is so kind and the other man who put the screens in for you and other neighbor to keep you and the pets safe from the snakes and mice. Almost makes me shudder when you talk about snakes, I can deal with mice as long as they don’t get too close. This reminds me of my dear grandma and mice. My grandmother was way too funny, they had a cottage in the North part of Ontario and every season when opening up the cottage a couple of mice would run across floor, my grandmother would grab a broom and jump up on a chair screaming and shaking the broom at the mice, a
    sight to be seen, still makes me chuckle 🤭 So sorry you are not getting a lot of sleep with sore joints. My prayers will be with you and Colin.

    May you all have a great weekend. Thanks for your prayers during our storm. God Bless!
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    My graddaughter is sleeping in this morning (it's 10am) so I am not sure how she feels but she was better list night with only a small fever. Children seem to recover much faster than we older ones do.

    Judith - I am in Mountain time so I am one hour earlier than you.

    Susan - I can empathize with sore joints and sleeping poorly some nights. I have to keep turning from side to side to help my hip from hurting too badly. I may have to have my left hip replaced at some time. My right one is so much better since my replacement two year ago. I also have a hard time thinking what I would do if a snake came in my door from the outside. I would be on a chair screeming for help if that happened like your grandma Judith. My SIL said that since my MIL passed away in April, the mice have invaded her house since it is empty. They have made a home in the front closet where the bird seed was kept. I am sure they enjoyed the delicious seeds and felt they were being welcomed into the home. As for me, we are going there to get some things our of her home today, I will be washing my hands frequently and my clothes will come off and put in the laundry when I get home. Mice may be cute but I have not desire to pick one up and make it my friend!!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Great Quote Marilyn, thank you.

    Thank you for letting me know what time zone you are in, that explains how sometimes I get here before you even when it’s pushing midnight.
    I will remember now that you are in the Mountain time zone, Marilyn and I are both in Pacific time zones as we both live in Western Canada! So that leaves JC Willow and Susan, when you can please let us know what time zone you are in. Thanks. Linda, happy your granddaughter is sleeping well, and yes they seem to bounce back quicker then we older folks do! I hear you about your achy joints and not sleeping well due to your hip and being so painful, so sorry to hear this, will keep you in prayer. I too have trouble sleeping due to nerve pain and cancer pain. I look forward to the day when Jesus comes back and takes us home and when we are totally free from all pain! Praise God!

    Have a blessed weekend and enjoy your Sunday services. ✝️🙏📖⛪️
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    I had a nice reply all typed up but MyFitnessPal lost it before I could post it.

    It is already Sunday afternoon here and we are in the Australian eastern time zone. I think it is 14 hours ahead of Pacific Time.

    I'm sorry for not staying longer today but I need to get a couple of things done. I will try to spend more time here tomorrow. I just wanted you all to know I am thinking of you, 🙏
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
