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  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    That's right, Marilyn.

    Linda, good call to stay home and do quiet things since you are still recovering. That was good to hear that your daughter is going to be ok. Scary about the icy roads. I went up a mountain once with a friend near Vancouver and he judged it safe without chains, but the car slipped and we plowed into the mountain side. I was just thankful we didn't slide off the mountain...

    I have a busy day of practice - Uke and choir. The Uke group had a Happy New Year morning tea with our partners, then Col and I got our hair cut. The choir is singing for Australia Day this Thursday so I will shortly get ready for that. We did the washing and it is drying in the heat on lines outside while we have the air con running inside.

    Judith, hope you are continuing to feel better each day.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Marilyn, Thankyou for your quotes, they are always so inspiring, keep them coming!

    Susan, good to hear you are home safely, yes you will miss your family but so nice you spent the time with them making some awesome memories. That was such a nice welcome by your puppies and Colin making a lovely Roast for you, such a caring and considerate husband you have. I am sure he is so glad to have you home now. Have a great week ahead.

    Linda, sorry to hear about the scare with your daughter but thankful the Doctors say she will be alright with the aspirin a day and cholesterol meds. So thankful you and your hubby were able to travel over the mountain to be with your daughter to help her thru the tests and help explain the medical terms she didn’t know. Happy your daughter sees this as a wake up call to start eating healthier and lose some weight. I will keep her in prayer. So sorry about your cough and sniffles, praying you begin to feel better soon. It’s wonderful we can watch our serves via Live Stream when we can’t be there in person.

    Today I was quiet as wasn’t feeling on top, a lot of pain and discomfort in mouth face and lips so rested. Then watched my Home Church service online and spent a lot of time in God’s Word. I also watched 3 anointed video’s from anointed Men of God and was blessed greatly.

    Have a blessed week ahead… see you all tomorrow! 🤗📖🙏
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    I just tested positive for co-vid. I though it was just a bad cold but after 4 negative tests, this one was positive. I am going to take it easy for a little while. We had planned to go back to Grand Junction but we will be staying for longer now. My daughter is still feeing anxious about still having a numb spot on her cheek but the doctor said as long as it was not on the whole side like it was, he is not concerned. She has a tendency to be very aware of her body and when something like this happens, every little ache or pain or numbness can cause her problems. We continue to reinforce what we know as well as pray for/with her to increase her faith.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Linda, I am so sorry to hear this, please be so careful and take it very slow, get plenty of rest and sleep too. Yes I think it’s wise to stay put and allow your body to heal. My prayers are with you for a speedy healing and recovery with no complications my dear friend. I will continue to pray for your daughter that all symptoms will not cause her any problems and the small numb area on her cheek will be gone in Jesus Name! Praying your daughter will be at peace and be filled with God’s Strength. I am praying that you both have a speedy and full recovery and healing!

    Thank you Marilyn for sharing this timely quote. May you all have a good evening and sleep well!

    Love and God Bless you all…🙏❤️🤗
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Judith, glad you are resting also, as the requirements on your body during this healing time have been tremendous. Yes, I am blessed with a good husband and sweet dogs. And I talked with my granddaughters last night after their first day back at school. I miss them!

    Linda, I am so sorry for the positive test result, but am glad it gives you a chance to rest and heal. I am praying for you and your daughter.

    Marilyn, so much of life is choice and determination, isn't it.

    We had a busy day with friends and appointments. This whole week is a busy one.

    Take care, all of you, and look for God's blessings always.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Good Morning🌷

    Susan, so happy you were able to talk to your granddaughters last night. With heading back to school after having a holiday break I’m praying your granddaughters have a great rest of the year with a good report of finishing well. Hope the rest of your busy week with the remaining appointments go well. Hope you had a great day with your friends.

    Linda, I continue to keep you in much prayer. Hope today is better for you. Also praying for your daughter.

    Thank you Marilyn for sharing all the inspiring quotes.

    Thursday I see my Surgeon for follow up regarding the infection I haven’t recovered from as yet. At the appointment we will discuss what the next steps will be, discuss the injections and or surgery. Would appreciate your prayers for God’s Wisdom and His Direction on what is best for me with moving forward to complete recovery and healing.

    God’s Blessings on your day! 🤗🙏
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Thank-you for all of the prayers. We are feeling it here today. I am not coughing and my congestion is less today so that is great. I have enough energy to mop the floor that has needed it for a long time. That will be my "big project" for the day. A friend brought over dinner last night but I had already cooked so it will be for tonight.

    Judith - I pray that your surgeon will have another treatment for your infection that will work and alleviate your pain. The injections sound better than further surgery but as you always say you are trusting in God for all your answers.

    Susan - I am glad you were able to connect with your grandchildren on the phone. They're are missing you a lot also I am sure.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Good Morning

    Linda, so glad to hear you are not coughing and the congestion is better. I am rejoicing that things are improving and you are feeling all our prayers from this end. For sure prayers continue for you and your daughter. So thoughtful of your friend bringing dinner for you and your hubby. Hope you enjoy it! Will let you know what the Surgeon says about the infection and what next step will be.

    Marilyn, a great thought today and yes in Jesus we can live “Happily Ever After” never too late when Jesus is in our lives!

    Susan, thinking of you today, hope you have a great day!

    Blessings all, my thoughts and prayers are never far from you all! God Bless…
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    We had a little snow during the night and now it has started snowing again but I don't know if it will accumulate much.

    My daughter went to see her regular doctor and she said that the TIA could have been caused but lots of things so she is referring her to several doctors - cardiologist (we have heart problems in our family), arthritis doctor (she has painful joints and loose ligament syndrome) and a bariatric doctor to see if she can loose some weight. She had lap band surgery 5 years ago but it did not work for her and she did not like the bedside manner of the doctor. I hope it works this time if they try the lap band again. She also is making dietary changes to eat healthier. She eats healthy when I am here cooking but when it is just she and my granddaughter who is a very picky eater, she has a hard time cooking for just herself.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    edited January 2023
    I think I forgot to check in here yesterday. I am all caught up with your posts now. Yesterday was just a very busy day, with us being out on medical check up errands and getting things ready for an Australia Day event today, and having church last night.

    Judith, I read your prayer update and am most concerned for you. I lift you up to the Lord and will keep you close in mind, heart and prayers. May His mighty hand work in your life and give wisdom to the medical team. Sending much love. 💕🙏

    Linda, I am glad to read you feel better. Please do take it easy for awhile longer. Thank you for updating us about your daughter too. Lifting you both up in my prayers. The Lord is good.

    Marilyn, thank you for the beautiful quotes. Praying for you, too.

    It seems frivolous to talk of the nice day we had with Villagers. I sang Aussie songs with the singers (choir) and had a meal with everyone ( there were about 140 people at our event today) and we all raised the flag, played some games and stayed as cool as we could. It's one of the hottest days of summer here today. Later today I learned a little more about the dark side of Australia Day, so maybe next year I won't celebrate it the same way as I did today.

    My little granddaughters enjoyed their first day back at school. Our school year starts in January and ends in Nov/Dec so they each started a new grade, with new teachers and classmates. They are so precious to me. 💗💗

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Happy Australia Day Susan. Our country has some not so encouraging times in it's history also. Even now with all the political fighting in the congress, it can be embarrassing to watch.

    I was reading Hebrews 11 today and see how the people of Bible times lived with hope but never saw the fruition of it in their lifetimes. We see so much more but still have faith in what is so much better awaiting us. Someday all of us, both historical and now days and future will all meet at the throne together to celebrate and know our faith was not in vain.

    Judith - praying for your surgeon appointment today. I agree with Susan that we lift you up in prayer for strength and wisdom of the surgeon as he makes decisions regarding next steps.

    Marilyn - I hope you are doing well and I pray that your kidney function does not decrease any more but improves.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    You are right, Linda, all of us have some terrible things in our histories. Yes, one day we shall meet at the Throne of Grace! We'll finally find one another and all the terrible things will be over. I do think about how OT people didn't even have the Bible, let alone fulfillment of God's promises. Even now we wait for Jesus's return....

    Marilyn, that's right!

    Judith, I hope your day is going well and that you are able to rest. You are much on my mind.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    edited January 2023
    Praise the Lord, reading Hebrews chapter 11 is so encouraging even though so sad that these dear ones died, but Hallelujah, they didn’t die in vain, but rather kept the faith and in the end received their reward as they stood before the God they loved and stayed faithful even to death

    Glory to God one day we will gather around the Throne Room of God’s Grace along with these dear saints of old and see Jesus face to face the One who died for us and saved our souls! What a day that will be!

    Thank you Susan, Linda and Marilyn for sharing here, you all have blessed me much.

    Thursday was a big day, met with my Surgeon had blood work and had my 4th full dose of The Covid vaccine.

    Due to the issues he observed and the seriousness of the issues of my face mouth and lips he has put in a referral to another specialist/ Surgical-Dermatology. He said he needs a second opinion to be sure he hasn’t missed anything. Hopefully my referral won’t take long.

    I will post the full update on the Prayer Request page for you so you know what is going on with me.

    Today is a rest day for me! One thing for sure as you are praying for me,I am praying for you all my dear friends! You are so appreciated 🤗🙏❤️
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    We started out going over the mountain at 10:30am but it is now 4pm and we are only a little over 1/2 to Grand Junction. The canyon is closed due to multiple car accidents and we have no idea when it will be open. We stopped at a COSTCO store and walked for an hour so we got exercise. We may have to get a place to sleep and try again tomorrow. On a good day it takes 4 1/2 hours for the whole trip.