Chat Cafe



  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Oh Judith, I am sorry the infection isn't going away yet. I suspect you have had it awhile. Did they'd a pathology test to make sure they were giving you Maythe right antibiotics? It will be wonderful when you start to heal. Hugs, my friend, and continued prayer.

    Marilyn, I look forward to seeing what you have posted. Thank you for doing that.

    Linda, glad everyone is starting to feel better. May you all be completely healed.

    Thank you for your concern for Colin and I. We had a good day today. It will take time for Colin to help but it is a relief to us both that he will.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Well, my granddaughter is now positive for Covid. She and her mother have managed to not get it until now - which I think is remarkable. My daughter will be going back to work tomorrow but we would appreciate prayers for my granddaughter since she has asthma and Covid is a risk for her. I think it should be fine but she is worried.

    It is warming up again today. I hope this warmer weather will melt the hard ice ruts we have in the streets. Our street did not get plowed for a while after the big snowstorm so ice formed which is really bumpy on the car tires to drive.

    Judith - I am so glad you got to spend time with your family as they picked up supplies. I hope the antibiotic starts working on your infection or as Susan said, maybe it needs to be changed. I am so glad your surgeon is so careful and watchful over you. You also have the information and experience to be able to advocate for yourself.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    I was full of typos yesterday. I said 'it will take time for Colin to help' when I meant 'it will take time for Colin to heal'. In another forum I typed that I was 'running Carcass' when I meant I was 'running a card class' 😂🤣😂 At least it makes for a surprise laugh

    Thank you for that beautiful quote, Marilyn.

    Linda, so sorry about your granddaughter being sick and with Asthma too. I will pray. 🙏💕 I know how Asthma complicates things. 😢 Take care on those icy, slushy roads.

    Judith, thinking of you and praying for you. 🙏💕

    I have 48 hours to go before I fly out to babysit two granddaughters for 6 days while their folks take on extra work. Colin is staying home with our dogs and I will be in daily phone/video contact with him. Friends will check in on him too. He flew up on his own last time so it's my turn this time.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Evening Hello All

    Linda, so sorry about your granddaughter having Covid, will be praying for her that her asthma won’t be affected and she heal quickly with no side affects.

    Susan, safe travels as you go to help out with the 2 granddaughters. Praying it will also be a great bonding time for you as you spend time with the girls. Glad you have friends to check in on Colin while you are away. Your typos made me chuckle!

    Marilyn, so loved the Scripture quote you shared from Psalm 5:3. Keep them coming as they are such a blessing.

    Thanks all for your prayers regarding my infection. The upper lip is showing some improvement but everything else remains the same! I see my pathologist on Tuesday the 17th and will see what is said then!

    Our weather is quite stormy, we are under a Rainfall Warning:

    Environment Canada says in part on their website the following! Additional rainfall amounts of 10 to 30 mm by Friday morning for most areas.

    Heavy downpours can cause flash floods and water pooling on roads. Localized flooding in low-lying areas is possible.

    Please continue to monitor alerts and forecasts issued by Environment Canada. Thanks for your prayers for us all here! 🤗🙏❤️
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Marilyn - Love your quote. It is so important to rephrase what we tell ourselves.

    Susan - It is so exciting that you can take care of the grandchildren. What are their ages? If you are having so much fun with them and forget to write here, we will understand. 🥰

    Judith - I'm so glad that you are seeing some improvement with the ointment on your upper lip. I pray the rest of the areas will start to heal.

    My daughter went back to work today but still sounds congested. She is wearing a mask to protect the rest of the staff. The doctor gave my granddaughter some antiviral medications to keep the covid from getting worse and also some steroids to help her asthma. She starts the drugs today so hopefully she will feel better soon. I have a doctor appointment (for medication refills) so tested today and continue to be negative. We are trying to stay in different parts of the house but that is difficult when we share a kitchen together.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Afternoon Hello Everyone,

    Thank you all for your kind comments and for your prayers. Of course my prayers are with you too! I so appreciate your valued friendship! I thank God our paths first crossed way back when we all were Spark People Members and continue here on MFP and FaceBook! You are more than friends, you are my Family! Hallelujah! ❤️🤗

    Linda, thanks for sharing on what’s happening with your household, dear daughter and granddaughters. Thankful your granddaughter is being given the medication she needs to keep the Covid will not get worse and the meds that will help her asthma. Praying for a speedy and full recovery. My prayers also continue for your daughter that all congestion will be gone and she will feel better soon and have a full recovery. Thankful you continue to test negative for Covid. Please continue to stay as safe as you can. I hear you about you all staying in different areas of the house to keep safe but you all still have to share the same kitchen.

    Susan, so happy you are able to look after your grandkids. Enjoy your time and have heaps of fun my friend. Glad friends are checking in on Colin. My prayers are with you all.

    Marilyn, love todays inspirational quote, thank you for sharing. And please keep them coming! How are you doing these days, haven’t heard any updates lately on your kidney health and function?? Trust is all well. My prayers are always with you.

    Appreciate you all who join me here on Chat Cafe, work on our Monthly Goals and play the Fun. games on here. I so enjoy all the fellowship and support here on our Team. God Bless. 🤗🙏
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    edited January 2023
    Hi everyone.

    Judith, I was so glad to hear there has been some improvement in your battle against infection. Praise God! Praying for more healing. And thank YOU for starting up our Spark People groups all those years ago. We would never have come to know each other if you hadn't. Blessings my friend. Stay warm and dry in your challenging weather.

    Marilyn, a good reframe makes such a difference. It can energise and redirect you away from negativity. There's always a few ways to look at something. I especially like the 'what did I learn' approach. That applies in every situation. I too am thinking of you and praying about your health.

    Linda, I was glad to hear your daughter has improved. I wish she could have rested longer before returning to work. My Dr warned me not to move back into regular activities too fast. He said that's a mistake often made in recovering from Covid. Praying she will be alright, and that your granddaughter responds well to the meds. It will be tough trying to stay away from each other in the same house. 🙏💕

    My granddaughters are 9 and 7 years old. They are both craft lovers so I have been saving cute projects up for them to try. They love walks, swimming and being outside too. And I am sure we will watch a new Disney movie or two. They will help with cooking, and will play games they like. Their dog is an American Staffordshire dog who is very loving but built like a tank. She will join in on some of the fun. I leave early in the morning so will probably check in quite late tomorrow, unless I find space before then!

    Have good days everyone, and rejoice, for this is the day that the Lord hath made.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Good Morning All

    Susan, I too am so glad I joined Spark and started up the groups as if I hadn’t I wouldn’t of met you Marilyn or Linda and so many of the team who are here on this team. I am so grateful for all your friendship. Really, we have become family.

    Thank you Susan for sharing all about your family. Your granddaughters are at just the age where they like doing all the things you said, it will be fun cooking and doing fun craft projects together. Sounds like you have had some great times together. You will miss them when you
    leave for home. Safe travels home my friend.

    Linda, thinking about you and continue to keep you and your family in much prayer.

    Marilyn, thank you for all the inspirational quotes you share with us daily. They are so appreciated and welcomes.

    Blessings all, have a wonderful weekend! 🤗
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Just a quick note as I am at the boarding gate at the airport ready to fly up to see my granddaughters. Thank you Judith for your kind words. Thank you Marilyn for your lovely quote. Congratulations Linda on your weight loss!

    Will chat again soon.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Safe travels Susan through all the storms. It sounds like your granddaughters will have so much fun with you.

    I attended the Renewal Workshop today via zoom. My head is now full of new ideas which I need to put in order of importance so I do not feel overwhelmed with all the things I heard. It was basically about Spiritual Formation and how to implement it in our lives. I could not attend all of the sessions so I went to "Practicing Meditation" (not the Buddhist kind but meditating on God's word), Spiritual Self care with mindfulness and acceptance (taught by one of our professors of the school), the use of a Sabbath rest in our lives, and Presenceing and discernment as we listen to people who have needs and hurts and help them through their emotions and point them to God.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    My liver enzymes were elevated when I had my lab work done on Friday. I am going to have to research what causes this and get my next blood test back to normal. The doctor said the top three things that cause this is drinking alcohol, taking Tylenol and taking Ibuprofin. I do not drink alcohol and I have only taken Tylenol one time in the last 3 months so I don't think that is the problem. It could also be something that I ate during the holidays that was different. He said to try to loose a little more weight so I am working on that. It is surely coming off slowly but at least is it going down.

    There was a basket at church today from a group that used our church for their school while they were looking for another place to meet. It was full of 1 1/2 inch quilt blocks with this note attached: "This 'Pocket Prayer Quilt' was made especially for you to slip into your pocket or purse. Throughout the day, when your fingers touch the cross inside of the quilt, be mindful of God's love and grace for you. Keep it as a tangible symbol of God's peace". They were made of a variety of different colors. I really appreciate their thoughtfulness.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Nice quote, Marilyn.

    Linda I will pray about your liver. 🙏 What a beautiful idea about the prayer quilts!

    I am looking after my 7yo granddaughter today. 🤗💖
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    edited January 2023
    Linda, I am so sorry about your liver enzyme test results being elevated, will keep you in prayer. And I too love the Pocket Prayer Quilts. What a neat idea and so thoughtful and ever so kind.

    Susan, what fun looking after your 7 year old granddaughter, enjoy all the activities you do.

    Marilyn, another great quote, thank you.

    A quiet day for me, I’m so tired so calling it a night and going to bed early! 🤗😴
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    We have had a change of plans of leaving for our trip over the mountains due to the weather report. We had planned to leave on Wednesday but a storm is coming in tomorrow so we need to get ahead of it and leave early. This really put a lot of things I had planned to do later on the "to Do List" for today. I have two more loads of clothes to wash, dry, fold and pack as well as other last minute things to do. On top of that, I have a belated Christmas party I am supposed to go to tomorrow but I have a sore throat, swollen throat glands and a headache but still testing negative for co-vid at this point. I do not know if I will make it to the party tomorrow or not.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Oh no, Linda. Getting sick is no fun at any time! I hope it is a short-lived thing.

    Marilyn, lol!

    Judith, I hope you get a good night's sleep. Today I had both the 7 and 9 yo granddaughters. We did a lot of craft, did 'facials', they swam, we had a tea party, it was their Dad's birthday so we went out for dinner, I did the family laundry (, it's a daily thing with three adults and two children in the house) etc.

    Now it is teeming with rain as we get ready for bed.