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  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    I'm sorry I sounded so "woe is me" yesterday. Today I have no headache or fever but still a sore throat which is better. I did not go to my belated "Christmas party" so the present for the white elephant game is mine. It is something I would like so it works out. My husband also decided that it will be better to go over the mountain on Thursday when there is a break in the weather. That gives me a little more time to rest and hopefully get rid of what ever I have. I am still negative for co-vid so maybe I will just have to wait it out to get better.

    Susan - it is fun to hear all the things you are doing with your granddaughters. I am sure they are loving having you there.

    I have kept record of all the homonyms we have used over this time and it is amazing how much my list has grown with having words from other countries added. I am getting a wonderful education. I have over 100 just counting the A, B and C words. That does not count the ones that have more than two words with the same sound.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Thank you Marilyn for the cute quote, you made me chuckle!

    Susan, so nice to spend time with your granddaughters, your activities you did sounded like such fun: and doing facials, wow, that is such a great activity to do together! I am sure you all enjoyed celebrating their Dad’s Birthday! What did you have for dinner! Sorry it’s raining, hope it’s a better day for you all tomorrow.

    Linda, so sorry you are sick and had to postpone your plans to travel over the mountains! And so sorry to hear about your sore throat swollen glands and your headache. Hope you recover quickly and don’t miss out on the belated Christmas Party!

    I shared an update on my appointment today on our Prayer Request page. Would really appreciate your prayers. It’s late so it’s Good Nite and God Bless you all, be back in the morning! 😴
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Judith, I will check the prayer page soon. Am in the middle of cooking dinner so have to dash! Xx
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    It is a winter wonderland at our house. Four inches of snow and it is still snowing. I love that the snow sticks to the evergreen trees and gives them a white coating looking like icing on them. We do need to be careful that too much snow does not accumulate though to break the branches.

    My throat is feeling better. I have been gargling salt water which was my mother's all time remedy when I had strep throat as a child. I don't think this is strep but the salt water can't hurt trying.

    Eggs are getting more and more expensive. We like to go to COSTCO to get them in bulk and freeze them to use later if the price is good. For the last several days, my husband has been calling them to see if they got a delivery in. Today was the day but they said to hurry in because they go fast. He bought two boxes of 5 dozen eggs each so I will have quite a bit of freezing to do today. The price of the eggs are $10/5 dozen cheaper than at the other stores.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Wow, Linda, that's a good strategy with the eggs. I am glad to hear you are feeling better too. Keep that up! Yes, salt water throat gargles often do the trick for me too.

    Marilyn, that's va lovely one today.

    Was praying for you all this morning.

    Today is going to be another busy one - visit from sis and bro-in-law, making muffins with the girls, prepping dinner and babysitting till bed time as the girls' parents are having a date night.

    Take care all, stay warm and safe.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Marilyn, todays quote sure has come at a good time, thank you.

    Linda, glad you are feeling better, never thought about freezing eggs before and didn’t know one could do that? What preparation do you do before freezing your eggs? And the salt water for gargling and rinsing your mouth my grandmother and mother did that and passed the technique down to me, I used to do it for years for any infection or sore throat and it helped.

    Susan, sounds like a busy day with your grandkids. Hope you enjoyed your visit with your family and making muffins with your grandkids. What kind did you make? What did you make for dinner? And thanks for praying for us all.

    Today has been quiet. Still not feeling up to much, I shared more in my thanks to you 3 Ladies who commented on our Prayer Forum but forgot to say I have had a lot of weakness and nausea. Took gravol and rested this afternoon. God’s Blessings all, love you all and keep you in my prayers also. Be back in the morning! ❤️🙏🤗
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Judith, you are brave and faithful. You are inspiring. You never give up, and the Lord is blessing you. You are going through very tough times and I am here for you. Praying your day may be a better one. Hugs.

    As for the food yesterday, my oldest granddaughter (9) was able to mix her triple chocolate chip muffins with minimal help. I supervised but she was so good at knowing what to do. They tell me the muffins tasted great! I didn't partake as they were based on gluten flour. For dinner I made spaghetti with gluten free
    pasta. The girls said they enjoyed it.

    Today is my last day here. This time tomorrow I will be on a plane going home. It's a poignant day. I will enjoy it. I am going to miss my girls....
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Judith - when I freeze eggs I put them in the blender first then freeze them flat in freezer zip lock bags. That way they lay flat and are easy to store or to take on a trip. I have heard some say they freeze the eggs in ice cube trays but I have not done that because I think the yolk of the egg changes consistency when that is done.

    We made the trip over the mountain safely today. The roads were mostly dry with a few wet spots. The next snow storm is coming tomorrow so today was a good day to come home. The temperatures will be warmer here and less snow. Because of my sore throat, my ears are feeling "clogged". Going up and down with different altitudes was hard because my L ear would not pop to equalize the pressure change. My ear just popped as I sat down to this computer so I now feel much better. It did take a long time to do it though. We got back three hours ago.

    Our guests, who stayed in our house while we were gone, forgot to take their kitchen trash out before they left. I am sure they were in a hurry to get out so I do not blame them. It was rather smelly though when we got inside. They had been gone since the 6th. We did open the windows and sprayed with disinfectant spray so the house smells much better. They did leave us a very generous donation to help pay for their use of the house.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Thank you Susan for your kind comments and always having a word of encouragement for me.
    Sounds like a fun day with your granddaughter, that’s wonderful she did her own mixing and was so comfortable with working in the kitchen. That’s very impressive for a 9 year old. Your dinner sounded delicious. I have made gluten free pasta as I have a friend that is super sensitive to gluten so when she came to my home for dinner I always had something that she could eat. I am sure you will miss the girls when you leave for home but I know you will cherish all the memories you made with your granddaughters!

    Linda, sorry about your plugged up ear from all the changes in the different altitudes is not a comfortable feeling to have with a ear plugged. So happy it finally popped and it was released, I’m sure you felt such a relief. Sorry about the garbage your house guests forgot to take out. I agree they were probably rushing to get ready to leave and ended up leaving it. Open windows and a spray would really help to remove the odour in the house. Thanks for letting me know about how you freeze eggs.

    Marilyn, thank you again for another great quote.
    Keep them coming my friend!

    Will say Good Night and God Bless. I am feeling much better tonight, most of the day was a challenge but am thankful no more nausea. Will see you all tomorrow. Blessings all. 😴
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Good Morning All

    I posted last night late and now back. I am early and I see no one has posted on our group page except JC Willow and myself.

    This is whatI posted late last night:

    Thank you Susan for your kind comments and always having a word of encouragement for me.
    Sounds like a fun day with your granddaughter, that’s wonderful she did her own mixing and was so comfortable with working in the kitchen. That’s very impressive for a 9 year old. Your dinner sounded delicious. I have made gluten free pasta as I have a friend that is super sensitive to gluten so when she came to my home for dinner I always had something that she could eat. I am sure you will miss the girls when you leave for home but I know you will cherish all the memories you made with your granddaughters!

    Linda, sorry about your plugged up ear from all the changes in the different altitudes is not a comfortable feeling to have with a ear plugged. So happy it finally popped and it was released, I’m sure you felt such a relief. Sorry about the garbage your house guests forgot to take out. I agree they were probably rushing to get ready to leave and ended up leaving it. Open windows and a spray would really help to remove the odour in the house. Thanks for letting me know about how you freeze eggs.

    Marilyn, thank you again for another great quote.
    Keep them coming my friend!

    Will say Good Night and God Bless. I am feeling much better tonight, most of the day was a challenge but am thankful no more nausea. Will see you all tomorrow. Blessings all. 😴

    Hope you all have a good day! Thank you for your prayers. This morning is the first day since Tuesday I have felt stronger, Praise God! 😊
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Judith - I am so glad you are feeling stronger. I hope you are able to get your weight back up a little as you are better able to get nutrition with no nausea. My prayers are with you during this waiting time. I was praying this morning and a thought came to me that during times of hardship, it can help us grow nearer to Jesus or farther away. In the times when we do not have a choice in what is happening, we still have a choice to believe God is in control. This is not a new thought but you came to mind as I was thinking this. You are a wonderful example of drawing closer to Him and encouraging the rest of us with your faith. We all hold you up with virtual hugs during this time.

    It is odd to look outside and not see snow. We have had three weeks in Denver looking out at some snow - some deeper than others, but today as I am in Grand Junction I see only a little snow but mostly dead grass. I actually like it over here because it is so much easier to drive on dry roads. When I need to see snow, I can go to Denver and let others drive for me.

    Susan - I hope you had a safe flight home and are settling in again. I am sure you have wonderful memories to last a long time.

    Marilyn - thanks for the wisdom you share with us.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    I'm home safely. It was a wonderful week away with my daughter, son-in-law and two granddaughters. We were all sad to say goodbye today, but it was time to return to Colin and our two dogs. What a welcome I got from the pups. And hubby cooked a roast dinner in my honour! I am spoilt.

    Judith, thank you for your encouragement. I am glad to hear you are feeling better, so very glad! I am praying you will keep improving and growing stronger. The Lord be with you.

    Linda, a popping ear is so uncomfortable! Glad it decided to behave after a time. Yes, it would have been unpleasant to come home to that smell. Glad it was an easy fix. I had not heard how to freeze eggs either. Thank you for that.

    Marilyn you found us some beautiful and uplifting quotes. Thank you.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    We had a scare yesterday with my oldest daughter that just recovered from co-vid. She was in the hospital overnight be cause she was having tingling/numbness in the left side of her body. All the tests were negative so they concluded that she had a TIA (small stroke that leaves no residual damage) probably from the damage co-vid did to her body. She is now on a daily aspirin and started on on a cholesterol drug to prevent any further stroke chances.

    Susan - I am so glad you got home safely and the dogs gave you a wonderful welcome. I am sure that your enjoyed the roast that Colin made for you too. How long was the plane ride?

    I took down all my Christmas decorations last night. I am not going to put them away for a day or so in case I find something I forgot to put in later. I usually forget something every year so this year I am going to wait to see if I spy anything out that still needs to be put away.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Linda, how scary about your daughter! I hope and pray she will be alright. I can only imagine how you felt. Hugs.

    About my flight, it was a 1700 km (1056.331 miles) flight that normally takes 2.5hrs but we had a tailwind so yesterday it only took 2 hrs. Good idea to leave the boxes down awhile. I always seem to not see Christmas decorations too when I am putting them away!

    Thank you for your quote today, Marilyn.

    Judith 🙏💕

    It's church day today and it feels muggy and hot, even though the humidity is lower. I am running the air con at home and it feels much nicer now.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    We made an unexpected trip over the mountain yesterday. It took 2 extra hours due to slow traffic with the snow on the passes. There is supposed to be a chain law for trucks during the winter so they have good traction but many of the trucks did not have their chains on and were sliding and spinning their wheels. There were cars too that were having problems. I am glad we have 4 wheel drive and got new tires this past Fall. We are over in Denver because our daughter did not feel safe being by herself after her hospitalization. We were able to talk her through all the test results and see that the scans were all negative so it is assumed that this was co-vid related and not a health issue. She seems to be calmer and we hope we can go back over the mountain by Wednesday. She says it was a wake up call and she sees that she needs to loose weight and eat healthier which is great! When a person does not have medical knowledge, health issues can be very confusing. I am glad we are able to drive over when needed to help any of our children.

    I did not make it to church but did watch online. I am still coughing and have a lot of nasal drainage which would be distracting in a church service. Our grandkids are coming over this afternoon which their parents have meetings. I think we will have quiet playing while they are here. I do not feel like I have much energy today.