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  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Wow, Linda, just as well you are flexible with your travel plans. Take care.

    Thank you for that reminder, Marilyn.

    Judith, glad you are getting a second opinion and hopeful of some good news for you one day soon. Thank you for praying for everyone.

    It's a busy day here (in a good way) so I shall spend longer here next time.

    Blessings to you all.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Good Morning 🌷

    Linda, So sorry about all the accidents causing the canyon and roads to be closed. So sorry you have had such a long trip. Hope you can get a place to stay overnight and get a good rest. Here’s hoping tomorrow will be better with the Canyon open to traffic so you can get home in good time. Praying for your safety.

    Marilyn, thank you for the great quotes you have posted.

    God Bless your day, have a great weekend ahead. 🤗
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Well we persisted and waited until the canyon was open to go on home. Vail pass that we had just crossed was also closed due to weather so we could not go back to Denver either. The wait was 3 hours go through the canyon and by the time we got there it was dark. My husband does not like to drive in the dark especially on curvy roads with snow pack and other drivers not keeping a safe distance between us and them in case they start to slide. By the time we got home we had spend 10 1/2 hours on the road so we were very tired! The last hour was not bad weather so that was better also. Today both of us are taking things slow and resting. I have a crock pot filled with pinto beans and ham for supper so that is taken care of.

    In our 5% weight loss group we are traveling to Sydney, Australia. We are learning about what it is like to live where you do Susan. I had not thought about it but you are the first to celebrate New Years day compared to the rest of us. How far are you away from Sydney? The pictures are gorgeous of the beaches and the city.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    edited January 2023
    Linda, glad you got home but what a day! We used to drive for that long once but can't do it anymore. About Sydney, it is a 10 hour drive south of us, 958 KMs or 595 miles. We're close to the Queensland capital of Brisbane but live 50 KMS (32 miles) north of the central business district there. Glad you are enjoying learning more about Australia. Yes, we start the world's day over here.

    Marilyn, those little things are so important, aren't they.

    Judith, we must have posted at the same time. 🤗 I hope your day is going well and send you God's blessings and my prayers for you.

    We just finished morning church. I made simple cheese omelettes for lunch. Colin has a lot of grabby back pain so we are going to have a Nanna and Poppy nap.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Good Morning 🌷

    Linda, so glad you got home safely. 10-1/2 hours on the road is so gruelling especially when you had to wait 3 hours to even get on the road to drive through the canyon not to mention when it’s dark outside. Such a long day travelling. Yes today please take it easy and get plenty of rest breaks today. Good idea having your crock pot filled with pinto beans and ham for your dinner. Your weight loss challenge group sounds interesting especially learning about the different places, so nice you are learning about Australia, such a beautiful place that Susan lives. My
    friends daughter moved there to attend

    Susan, yes looking back it does look like we posted at same time. Hope you had a great Morning Service at your church. I look forward to my Live Stream service later this morning at 10:30am is when it starts with Praise and Worship, this Sunday is Communion Sunday. We continue to study along with Pastor’s Sermon series in the Book of Philippians!

    Marilyn, another great quote, and yes, Smiles, Hugs, Love and Compliments are all the things
    that impact our lives in a positive way!

    Sunday Blessings All, enjoy your Sunday services and time with Family and friends! ❤️
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    What difference in temperature the mountains make in our state. Our children, who are in Denver say it is a high of 4 degrees F but here in Grand Junction it is 42 degrees and sunny. The birds are chirping outside and enjoying a snack from the berries on the vines that are climbing up our wooden fence. I do like the snow in it's beauty but I also love this warmer weather and the ability to walk outside for exercise.

    Since I am still quarantining, I will be listening to the Denver sermon as well as the Grand Junction sermon since they meet at different times. We are having a potluck here in Grand Junction so my husband will attend that so I do not have to cook for him. I am sending drinks and bought a dessert for people to eat. I did not make anything so as to not spread any of my germs.

    Susan - thanks for sharing about where you live in Australia. That helps me visualize more where you are.

    Judith - For some reason, I am more tired today but feel better physically so I am taking it easy again. I feel a lot of empathy for you on these days knowing that you that you struggle with these feeling/pain every day. You are such an example of faithfulness and joy in tribulation. Your reward will be great in the kingdom of heaven.

    Marilyn - your quotes encourage my heart so much. Thanks
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    edited January 2023
    I do agree, Marilyn. I love my coffee in the morning!

    Linda, you are welcome for the information about my part of Australia. It's a huge continent, the same size as mainland USA. When I learned about the world in primary school, maps were always drawn to show the US was bigger than any other country. It was only later in life that I realised things were shown out of proportion! (Aussies did the same thing, showing Australia as bigger than it was!) How lovely the weather sounds there now.

    Judith, yes, our two services yesterday were great. We studied Acts 16 in the morning then went through more of Psalm 119 in the evening. Our Pastor is starting us off in Philippians next week! I wonder if our Pastors are comparing notes? Sounds like they should be! Lol!

    Bless you all.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    I am having problems with MFP accepting my login on my laptop. I am glad I can do this on my phone at least. I feel like I am back to "normal" today so I will be going to the gym to exercise today. My husband is complaining about being tired today so it seems we are trading energy levels. ☺️.

    Marilyn I do like the smell of coffee but can not drink it because the caffeine does not agree with me. If I were able to drink it I would need to add lots of cream and sugar to get rid of the bitter taste which would add lots of extra calories. I will be satisfied with my herbal teas.

    The students are back to start Spring classes so our church had a lot of new campus visitors yesterday. The minister talked about the theme for the year which is "Thrive" and had an Italian potluck after the service. My husband said it was a very encouraging.

    We had a few flakes of snow this morning but that is probably all we will get. It was -5F in Denver so my daughter said the schools had a two hour delay in starting.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Yes, MFP gives me trouble too at times, Linda. Glad you are feeling better. I hope your husband starts feeling better soon too. The campus day sounded good.

    We had church ladies lunch today and there were 10 of us, which is a pretty normal number. It was nice. Then I got a rare chance to go shopping on my own and enjoyed that. A friend came by for coffee also so it's been a pretty social day.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Good Morning All

    Catching up here with all your news you have shared. Thanks for sharing.

    Linda, so glad you are feeling better today and hopefully your husband will too. Our weather is much like yours, except we woke to quite a bit of snow and freezing temps. Our temps are not as cold as Denver but we have -2 degrees today. Nice that the students are back to start Spring classes. I’m sure its nice to see the campus
    buzzing with visitors milling around!

    Susan, you made me chuckle reading about your Pastor starting a series of sermons in Philippians just like our Pastor is doing now, the part about “maybe they are sharing notes” really gave me a chuckle 🤭 So nice you had a Ladies Church luncheon, I sure miss all the time our ladies church would gather for luncheons. Such enriching times of sharing and blessing one another. Hope you enjoyed your coffee and visit with your friend!

    Marilyn, great quotes you have shared. Thank you!

    Blessings on your last day of January! 🤗💕

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    We had almost 2 inches of snow last night but it is melting off now. We like the slow melt for the trees rather than lots of rain and flooding that runs off into Indian Wash (drainage ditch) behind our house. The sky is a beautiful blue with no clouds today. The band of snow has gone and things are warming up a little.

    I cooked a turkey breast in the oven yesterday and it smelled like Thanksgiving in the house. Every day should be thanksgiving but I need to remind myself of that. Now we have lots of turkey left for other meals. I boiled the bones so have lots of broth that is full of good nutrients too.

    We brought quite a lot of my husbands books over to Grand Junction when we came here over the weekend. It will take up one whole wall and part of another when he is done. Most of them are reference books or books that he used in his education or when he teaches classes. With so many books and opportunities on the internet, hard back books are loosing their popularity. When our kids have to deal with our estate hopefully many years from now, I wonder who will even want/need all of his books? I do like the feel of a book in my hand to read though.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    edited January 2023
    Where's our Marilyn today? I hope all is well.

    Linda, I hear you on the books. Mine are like old friends and I have a lot of them. I wonder the same thing about my stuff. I think our kids will just hire a garbage truck to deal with everything sometimes! None of them are very sentimental and only one daughter-in-law appreciates 'vintage' things but even there, our tastes are different. Oh well. I will enjoy my things while I can.

    Judith, glad my joke made you chuckle 🤗 It's amazing how often our Pastors seem to choose to study the same books of the Bible though!

    It's already February 1st here. My little dog Jasper is a year old today. He is so much a.part of our family now. It's hard to imagine life before him, yet it's only a year ago he was born!

    Here's a sleepy picture of him this morning.


    Blessings on your days, everyone. 🙏💕
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

    @LosinSusan - I am here - just late in posting. Love the picture of your pooch - aren't they they best friends - always so loyal.

    Today was my weigh in - it was not good - I have had an overall gain for the month - and not an amount that I am at all proud of. So took some time to pray about it and think of what needs to be changed. I came to the knowledge from my food journal that I have consumed far to much bread over this month - so starting tomorrow - February 1 - I will work on having no bread ( no flour ) for the next 7 days. I know I can do it as I have done it before just need to get my mind back to where it should be.

    I have been a member of a Marco Polo group and another Facebook group for a couple of years for a plan that I was a member of - but the cost for that program just got to much and I was not making much progress. So I did not renew my membership in November - and today I found out they have deleted me from the Marco Polo group and the facebook group - how am I feeling about that - very very sad as I had made some friends but now have now way to contact them. Thankfully I have been in contact with one of them for the last 12 months and I talked to her this afternoon - and she said no matter what I still have her so that is a help - just disappointed that it comes to 'money' to belong to a group for support.

    At any rate years ago I did a program called First Place For Health - I have the program and a number of the Bible Studies - so I have reconnected with the office to see if they will let me do the free 3 week course - it is Biblically based and I was successful with it in the past - so am waiting to hear from theme - the next online session is not till April but it will give me time to go over some of the material I have - they follow an exchange program for food but as I am under the care of my doctor re my kidney function I will be following the food program they had adjusted for me - and I am looking forward to seeing good results - this program works on the mental, physical and spiritual, and food issues - I know it works and am glad that I have decided to get to do a program that is based on Scripture - it has been around since 1981 so it is trust worthy.

    Praying for all of you wonderful ladies - and ask that you pray for me as I step out in faith to obedience to my Lord as to Bible study, proper eating, motivation to move and that I might take what I learn and share it with others as an outreach to anyone that wants to walk more closely with the Lord each day.


  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    edited February 2023
    Good Morning Everyone,

    ¸.•*¨) ✫ ¸.•*¨)✫
    (¸.•´ .•´ (¸.•´¸¸.•¨¯`•.✫
    ¸.•*¨) ✫ ¸.•*¨)✫ Dropping by to say Hi...👋
    (¸.•´ .•´ (¸.•´¸¸.•¨¯`•.
    To Welcome the New Month of February
    And Wish you a Blessed Day and Week
    Let's Raise the Bar to our Personal Best and Have a Successful Month ahead 👍👏

    Came back to let you know I just read your blogs here and will come back and reply to each one after I have posted February’s Devotion and February’s Team Goals. Love you all! ❤️🤗🙏
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    edited February 2023
    Susan Happy Birthday to Jasper 🎈🎉! He is so cute. How old is your other furry family member? Dogs definitely can steal our hearts with their unconditional love. I like to think that "dog" spelled backwards is "God" who also has unconditional love for us.

    Marilyn I will be praying for your life choices, serving with obedience to God and sharing with others. I am sorry that the support group dropped you because you are not a paying member of the group. I get a lot of support and ideas through the Facebook groups that have encouragement and recipes. I change the recipes to fit what works for me which you would also need to do for your kidney health.

    My orchid is getting buds and will be blooming soon to I am feeling like Spring is coming. I know that we still have several months to go but at least my plant is giving me hope that better weather is on the way. It is another sunny day that will get one degree above freezing today.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    I’m back again!

    Linda, I read both blogs you shared here, thank you; like you we got snow too and temps are much like yours, except I think you are warmer than I am today! About your hubbies books, I hear you, I have books from Bible College Nursing, Women’s Ministry and Bible Study notes and studies I taught and continue to teach, also all my Prayer Ministry material. I have hardcover books from pretty much every subject going for both personal and Ministry sources, right now I have 2 bookcases, file cabinet, large shelf in double closet and shelf in front of cupboard filled with books. Books in my TV Storage Stand and Books in my Computer Bookshelf table. Like you I love having my Books and Bible in my hands. Awesome Linda your orchid is budding, I can hardly wait for Spring, such a pretty time of the year.

    Susan. Yes it is amazing how all our Pastors end up by teaching and Preaching the same subjects.

    Your Jasper is such a sweet boy. And it’s his Birthday today, Happy Happy Birthday, Jasper, 1 years old! 🥳 I believe you have another fur baby, what is he or she name and how old? As

    This month do you and Colin have any plans for travel or what about card making classes?Anything new happening in your community?

    Marilyn, so sorry to hear your support group dropped you, my heart goes out to you. So tough to have a group remove you just because you are not a paid member. Glad you still have the friend that told you she wasn’t leaving and was your friend! I will be praying for you as you make these life changing choices. I know you can do this, you are strong and have a great faith that is steadfast in the Lord! You will be a great blessing to those you meet and share the words God teaches you and puts on your hear you bring to others. Thank you for all the inspiring quotes you bring to us each day! Be encouraged my friend, God Bless!

    Have a wonderful day in the Lord! ❤️🙏🤗
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Hello all. Yes, I do have another dog whose name is Archie. He is 3 years old. He's so sweet! The two dogs get along well. I got them groomed today and thought you might like to see both of their pictures:



    Judith, nice to see you popping in twice today. Yes, the Village is a busy place. I am still in the Ukelele group, the Starlight Singers and know quite a few crafty ladies here now. I have three ladies who come to my house for a class once a month, a friend who has a card class at her house once a month (I teach it), and the craft ladies in the Village now want me to do a monthly class for them. We have regular dinners, musical shows and events here. There are over 30 interest groups in the Village that are active so lots is always happening here. We don't take part in everything but we stay busy. We're active in our church too of course and keep up with friends and family. Sometimes we do too much! Lol! Yes, we have travel plans but not until we get our new van.

    Marilyn, so nice to see you chatting here and I was relieved to know you have a good plan to follow to maximise your health. Sorry to hear about the Facebook group though. Praying for you. And I love that you post sayings and snippets for us. They often strike home. That's wonderful about the Bible study course!

    Linda, how lovely to have orchid buds! I love it when my two bloom. It's amazing how they are getting ready to bloom even though it is still pretty cold where you are.

    We have friends staying with us till Sunday now so I will try to check in each day, but please don't worry if I miss out on a check in. It's just a busy few days here.

    God bless you all.