Chat Cafe



  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    It's a new year and a new week to look for opportunities to love and serve God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength. I am so grateful that we do not need a new year to start changing our character though. We can make decisions everyday of the year that will change our characters for the better. I do not make resolutions because they are easy to say and to keep up for a week or month, but it will be hard work and become a list to check off each day. If I do things in God's strength, there are so many wonderful things that can happen that I can not even imagine. He has great plans for us. Let's all put our hearts into His plan and see what He has for us.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Wise words from you all.

    May the Lord bless and keep you.

    I always set a goal to read through the Bible every year. This year I am reading it in chronological order, from the oldest book to the newest. I started it about the second week in December so started in Genesis and jumped to Job which is now complete, then back to Genesis. I haven't used chronology as a Bible reading plan before.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

    Numbers 6:24-26
    The Lord bless you and keep you;
    the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;
    the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace


  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    edited January 2023
    Good Morning all

    Thank you for sharing Marilyn, Linda and Susan

    Marilyn, thank you for the last 2 quotes. I love the quote you shared from Spark People, one I really like and have posted often when on Spark People. Nice to see we can still access it!

    Linda, yes, New Year brings so many possibilities in the Lord, it’s exciting to serve the Lord these days and one can find many ways to serve Him and Shine our Light wherever we go touching lives for His Kingdom!

    Susan, good plan with reading tofu the Bible in the Chronological plan! Enjoy my friend!

    I am reading through the Bible and started in Genesis, read chapters 1 to 4 yesterday and today it’s chapters 5 to 8.

    God’s Blessings all, have a day filled with God’s Love Joy and Peace! 🙏
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    I have been reading through Genesis also and trying to feel what God feels as he sees things going on with his children. He knew everything that would happen but he was willing to go through this just to have a relationship with us. As I read about Cain killing Abel, I thought about how it hurts God's heart to see his children not loving each other as He loves them. I know I also hurt when my children make what I think are "wrong" choices but I still love them and pray for them. I do not have the same unconditional love that God has and I am praying that I will develop this for all those around me. I do not have the strength to do this, it will only be through the Holy Spirit that I will be able to love as He does and then never on the same level as he does until heaven.

    It is a quiet day here at the house. My husband is in bed today resting from being up during the night with intestinal issues. I was in hopes that it was over but today it is back. We have been trying to figure out what is causing it but we do not see any pattern. Maybe this virus is just hanging on and time will take care of things. One thing I have on my list to do it take down the Christmas decorations. Last year we were not here very long and the tree did not get taken down until the end of the month. I do not want to wait that long this year.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Hello everyone. I am a bit later checking in today but have been thinking of you all.

    It was a quiet day here but it was hot so I mainly stayed in, except for a brief spell in the garden cutting down spent orchid canes. I put my Christmas decorations away yesterday. I noticed a few things that needed washing in the house so took care of that. A friend came over for a quick coffee. I crafted awhile, developing the next class items. See? A peaceful, quiet day!

    The Lord bless you all. Xx

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Afternoon Hello All

    I was here this morning and posted in my usual places but realized I hadn’t posted here, so here goes now. 😊

    Thank you for sharing Linda about you reading Genesis too, I have felt a lot of the same things you have shared. About your intestinal issues, so sorry you are still having issues, my prayers are with you that healing and a quick recovery will happen quickly, in Jesus Name! About Christmas Decorations, I usually take mine down after the European Christmas! This year it takes place on
    January 6th so after that I take my decorations down, I do this as I have Cousins who are in Europe and Celebrate Christmas then. As for me it’s always been December 25th to Celebrate Jesus!

    Susan, always nice to get the decorations down and clean areas that didn’t get done due to the corners of our places filled with decorations. Hope you enjoyed your visit over coffee with your friend and the rest of your day being quiet.

    Blessings all, will be signing in late tomorrow and Thursday as I have Specialist appointments at Cancer Clinic and VGH following up with the issues I have with face mouth and lips. Would appreciate your prayers as all areas have worsened and are painful! Thanks all and God Bless your day abundantly! ❤️🙏✝️
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Yea Judith! I see you are maintaining your weight this week. I pray you will continue or gain in this year. Prayers for your two doctor visits this week.

    We took our Christmas decorations down yesterday. The tree lights are no longer working correctly so we bought another one for our daughter when there was a reduced price. It is a four foot one that will be put on a table in from of the window. It will be easier to store and will require less decorating. We are looking for ways to downsize now so when we will be selling this house in two years, there will not be as much to pack.

    I have a new student to put into the system for the school that will be taking our Spanish Master's degree in Biblical Studies. We have an assistant who speaks Spanish that puts in the admission paperwork for me so it is not so difficult for me to decipher what they are saying. Once it is translated, I can take over. I would love to be able to speak Spanish but they did not offer it in my high school or college. I did take French and German but am not fluent in either of these since I do not use them very often. Do any of you speak different languages?
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Lol, Marilyn!

    Linda, I do French, Spanish and Arabic every day on a free app called Duolingo. I find I can read those languages better than I can speak them or listen and comprehend, but it sure helps me these days when watching foreign movies! Lol! I have only watched French and Spanish movies, not Arabic ones. I took French at school for under two years but loved it so have looked for ways to keep up with it throughout my life. I do speak a couple of words of Mandarin and Teo Chiu as well as I had friends from China and couldn't help picking up some common sayings.

    Judith, I look forward to hearing how your Doctor appointments go. It is not good that you are having more pain and slowed healing. I pray for a turnaround for you, my friend. I know you trust in the Lord and am so thankful you do. Sending gentle hugs. Glad you are maintaining your weight. That has to help.

    Another quiet day for me. I'm in Genesis too with my Bible reading.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    edited January 2023
    Susan - I have heard that learning languages helps you brain stay active. You brain must be running a marathon with all the words it thinks. 😄 I think Arabic would be hard since it has a different alphabet. It almost looks like the shorthand we learned when in high school.

    Judith and Marilyn - I am praying for your physical issues and that God will give you the strength to go through what ever happens. I too am interested in what happened in your doctor's appointments (Marilyn your kidney doctor and Judith your cancer clinic and doctor appointments).

    I am reading through Hebrews this month and I realize how much I am like those people the author is speaking to. It is so easy to be distracted by old habits. I am working on growing in my my faith and confidence instead of being fearful in new situations. Fear was my go to emotion in the past but I want to get rid of that and to know with certainly that God is with me and has much more power over the
    situation that I ever could. He will give me the strength I need, I do not need to try to do it on my own (which is impossible).
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Sending hugs, Marilyn, Judith and Linda. We all need God's strength and love to go through our trials, and I know you all have plenty of those. Hold fast to your faith. The Lord will never let any of us go. I was reading about Joseph's life today in Genesis and thinking of how the Lord protected and sustained him to the end. God loves His children. Hallelujah!

    Another quiet day here. I love days like this. Colin is out and about again, which is what he loves. I am creating a seaside card today for my class next week. In between playing with my two dogs.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Hello Everyone, it was a long day and I still have another appointment to attend in the morning, I have a lot to deal with right now and a lot of pain so not staying on here but would really appreciate your prayers and ask you to continue. Thank you!

    The specialist I saw is very concerned so will have an appointment with the Surgeon for a second opinion, the jaw and mouth opening is severe and the pooling and bubbling of skin on lips and face, my mouth is in severe condition.

    it also appears I could have a severe infection all in the areas of last surgery where I haven’t yet recovered from and that are causing a lot of issues. The specialist does agree with the injections that my Surgeon said he would consider doing some time in the new year to promote healing and recovery.

    I may know in tomorrows appointment what my Surgeon will do and what type of infection I have if it is, guess more tests to be done again and the Surgeon may prescribe different meds to help the healing and recovery and what type of infection it is and what medication he will use to treat the infection and disease.

    I will let you know what takes place after I see my Surgeon in the morning! Good Night and God Bless! 😴🤗🙏Know I love you all! ❤️🤗
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Judith - My prayers are that your surgeon has some way to help you heal from your infection. I am so sorry that you are having more complications. Big but gentle hugs to you today. ❣

    I am working on a sewing project today. I started it last night but got too tired to finish. I believe that I have told you before that I am planning to make a quilt from some squares I found in my MIL's sewing box. I have asked others to donate their denim clothing so I can cut squares from it to have enough to complete the quilt. Some of the pants people have donated to me are a stretch material. I am doubting that they will lay properly in a quilt so I am making a lined tote bag out of them to see how it looks. I will use it for groceries since our state is now saying we can not use plastic bags but need to bring our own re-usable bags to the store. I am making the cloth in 6 inch squares and quilting it with a zig-zag stitch so it will have a little stretch in it.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,454 Member
    Oh Judith, the news about your face is definitely not good, but it is a blessing that they now know they are dealing with an infection. Is there talk of you going into hospital on a drip for awhile? Intravenous antibiotics might be needed? I am praying for you as always. May the Lord give you comfort and peace and may the Surgeons receive great wisdom in treating you. Adding more gentle hugs to Linda's and hoping you can feel them somehow. 💕

    Marilyn, I agree, we don't want too find our lost weight. It can stay lost!

    Linda, I agree with you about using stretch denim in your quilt. Unless it has a really strong memory, the pieces might sag and bag. Good idea to make a shopping bag as an experiment. We have had to take our own shopping bags with us for years
    now. They have weak, recyclable plastic and paper bags available to buy, but they are really unreliable. I bought some cloth ones with plastic inserts in their base and they are washable. They are a much better option. Would love to see your denim projects when you are done. They will be strong!

    It's a beautiful day here so we are going to go look at some Caravans. We'll be outside that way. Have good days, everyone. God loves you.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Evening Hello, Thank you for your prayers. Have a antibiotic ointment with 3 properties of different antibiotics, will be applying 4 times a day for 2 weeks with one week off and then back to Surgeon for follow up! Thank you for your prayers! With 2 days of intense appointments I am exhausted and will rest up now and catch up with you all in the morning 🤗

    You asked about whether I will be admitted to hospital? Not now. Going to treat with the antibiotic ointment first. After I get to the place of recovery there is talk of 1 more additional surgery and then the injections which they feel should bring complete healing. Yes this is what I hope for. It is a process to get there so need your prayers which I thank God for!

    Love you all my friends! ❤️🤗
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
