Chat Cafe



  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    edited December 2022
    Hello my friends. It has been cooler here but not as cold as it is where you live. We do occasionally get and Antarctic breezes but they are not freezing ones at this time of the year. Last night was a case in point. We had an outdoor caroling activity in the village. It was very cool in the evening so most of us brought light sweaters etc. It was a very nice evening though and we sang a lot of hymns. I think we might be dressed a LOT lighter than you folk in the northern hemisphere right now! This was the choir assembling:


    Stay warm, all of you.

    Judith, thank you for your prayers for Colin. He seems to be in less pain today but is still having to be careful. I am glad he is getting some pain relief. I hope you are too. 🙏💕

    Marilyn, I hope if you need encouragement right now, you are receiving it from those around you. 🙏💕

    Linda, congratulations on the group leadership role. I do hope your daughter stays safe if she chooses to drive in the snow.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Good Morning All

    Yes to answer your comment Linda: We are under a Severe Snow Weather Alert: We have been hit with mega Snow, YVR Main Airport in Vancouver is closed: where I am 45 minutes ago at 7:00am we had 25CM of snow and it’s still snowing! My yard is covered, can’t even see over fence line, trees are laden with snow. Temps are freezing: right now it is minus 10 degrees.

    How exciting Linda, for you both to be co-leading a group with providing leadership for those aged 50 and over. You will be a great blessing to those in your group. My prayers will be with you. I like it that your Church is forming leadership to cover and watch over all these groups, the people will be well cared for.

    Blessings to all, for those who are living in this arctic outflow please be careful and safe. ❤️🙏
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    edited December 2022
    I started a batch of yogurt in the instapot last night before I went to bed. I am not sure how t will turn out because I messed up the recipe. It is usually my daughter who makes it and I love it because it is not as tangy as what is sold in the stores. I knew I was to get ultrapasturized but I bought the wrong milk in the first place. I bought lactose free by mistake then I measured improperly. I thought I needed a whole bottle but I was making half a recipe so I had way too much milk and 1/2 and 1/2. I took some out and put extra seed yogurt in it hoping that would help. When I took it out of the instapot to put into the refrigerator for 8 hours, it looked nicely solid so I hope it tastes good. Even if it does not taste like yogurt I will still use it and pretend it is cottage cheese or sour cream depending on what the end result will be. I would think after all the years of cooking, I would have read the recipe right in the first place! 😊

    The weather report on my phone says that it is sunny today but they must be looking out a different window than I am. It is very overcast but light colored clouds so no moisture in them. The weatherman yesterday said that those of us in the foothills will not get much snow tomorrow but there will be a lot in the mountains. We will get the cold temperatures but no snow. In Denver, they are supposed to get to a high of -1F on Thursday when my daughter is planning on traveling over here.

    I am so glad that Colin is feeling less pain today. I hope it stays that way so he can enjoy all the festivities of the season.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Today it was a beautiful sunny day although it was chilly. We told our daughter to not try to come over the mountain tomorrow. The temperature is below zero F with strong wind gusts that make the wind chill very low. I heard one weather person say it could be -50F in some areas. We will really miss having them here but we will see if we can find someone who has no place to go and get with them. I have in mind a young homeless man who has been coming to church but am not sure how to contact him. He is an artist who will be taking classes at the university here starting in the Winter semester.

    Today is the first day of Winter. It sounds like "Mother Nature" is giving a lot of people a strong reminder of what winter will be. Please take it easy outside those of you who are feeling the cold. I am glad, Marilyn that you were able to move your kidney appointment to next week. (I saw that on another team.)
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Linda and Judith, it sure seems like temperatures are very cold where you all are. Meanwhile we have had a very mild start to our summer, with temps pretty pleasant so far, except for a few days of scorching heat. Do stay warm wherever you all are.

    Marilyn, I am appreciating your posts.

    Today Colin had a shoulder ultrasound. We hopefully get his results with our Dr on Teleconference tomorrow afternoon.

    Tonight we are singing carols again. It's almost Christmas.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Good Morning this cold winter day! Here in BC Canada we have had an arctic flow with mega snow storms! We are snowed in with bittery cold weather, the wind chill makes it colder🥶 our temps today are minus 12 degrees now just after 8:00am Thursday morning, more snow is in forecast! Please be safe and stay warm this first day of winter! ❄️

    Linda, you are having much the same weather as I am having here, please stay safe and warm. Praying your daughter has a safe trip over the mountains. How did your yogurt turn out. I am sure it was yummy even if you got the ingredients mixed up, you said it looked good when you took it out of instapot so hopefully you are now
    enjoying it!

    Susan, praying the ultrasound for Colin’s shoulder brings a good report! Continue to pray that pain will be less and Colin will be stronger and feeling better and enjoy all the activities over Christmas. Enjoy your Carol sing tonight!

    Marilyn, read on Linda’s post you were able to move your kidney appointment to next week. Praying you have a good appointment and you get some answers in how to care for your kidney issues, praying for less pain and of course for your healing. Thank you again for sharing all these encouraging quotes!

    God’s blessings all, have a day of God’s Peace Love and Grace! 🙏❤️🤗
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    I am glad my family is safe at home in the Denver area but the temperature is -17F with a wind chill of around -50F. Most of the businesses and schools are shut down and everyone has been told to stay off the roads unless absolutely necessary. There is a varying amount of snow with much more in the mountains. We have no snow and a warm 35F at our house on the Western slope. the Rocky Mountains divide the state and the cold air and snow are funneled down from Canada into the Eastern side. They get a lot more snow in the winter and rain in the summer. On our side (the Western slope) we have much warmer and dryer weather. I like the lack of much snow in the winter but the dryness of the Summer is hard on the yards and gardens. I pray that everyone who is experiencing the cold and snow will be safe both in Canada and the States.

    Susan - I am glad that Colin had the ultrasound of his shoulder and hopefully you will find out if there is a treatment to make his pain less. Constant pain, whether it is severe or mild can wear down a person's energy level as well as it is a big emotional burden for them as well as their loved ones. I am praying for both of you during this time.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    That's true, Marilyn, and changing habits can take a lot of maintenance.

    Linda and Judith, now that is COLD WEATHER you are having. 🥶 Please stay safe and warm! I know you know how to cope with it, but still. It's extreme. Meanwhile, summer is just getting warmed up over here.

    Colin heard from his Dr about the CT scan today. They showed nothing much. There is some compression of the vertebrae joints. They didn't have the ultrasound results so we wait till Wednesday next week to hear about that.

    Carols last night were lovy. Today was a cooking day. I made pumpkin pie, Wombok salad, green beans with bacon, cut up chicken and ham, made a fridge platter, sorted out a cheese platter, all in preparation for a family lunch tomorrow.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Good Morning All

    Linda, your weather is much the same as ours except we have mega snow here and cold temps, so happy you and your family are safe in the Denver area. Reading your accounts I have learned how much BC is a lot like Denver as far as weather is described. Hadn’t realized that before. Here in BC our temps have ranged from minus 12 to minus 8 degrees Fahrenheit daily with much colder temps with the wind chill. We got snow last night and are expected more thru to Christmas Day then our weather is expected to change for the better, here’s hoping it does. I agree with you Linda, praying for everyone’s safety here in Canada and in the USA. 🙏❤️

    Susan, I continue to keep Colin in my prayers, sorry about the compression in the shoulder joints, yes a painful condition, trusting the report that comes back from the ultrasound will bring some answers to help this and more important that pain will be reduced or even better gone altogether. Praying for Colin’s healing to the Glory of God! So glad your Carol sing last night was “so lovey” as you said! Your cooking makes my mouth water, pumpkin pie was always one of my favorites, your salads and platters sound so delicious. Your family will so enjoy. 😋❤️

    Marilyn, please let us know how your appointment goes regarding your kidneys. My prayers continue for you. Thank you for sharing todays quote. Especially todays which Ibb NBC so BC agree with, yes one needs to change their daily lifestyle habits by creating a permanent lifestyle shift if change is going to happen!

    In this winter stormy conditions please be safe and stay warm my friends! My prayers are with you all. 🙏🤗
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Susan- knowing you have opened up a whole new world to me. I had never heard of Womboc Salad. I looked it up and it is a national favorite for Summer B-B-Q in Australia. It sounds delicious as well as all the other things you are making. Since we are alone we are having a simple meal of roasted vegetables, baked potatoes and steak. We have left a message for our homeless friend but he has not gotten back to us if he could come.

    The virus has hit our house. My husband (and his family) still have intestinal issues and I have a upper respiratory virus. So far I am not coughing but am congested with some nasal drainage. Three of the grandkids also have it so I am in good company. Mine seems to be less severe because some of them are also running fevers which I am not.

    Judith - the yogurt tastes fine but has a more grainy texture. I think that is from the lactose free milk I used by mistake. I am still eating it and enjoying it with fruit and nuts for breakfast.

    After living here part time for the last five years we are finally getting my husband's study finished. We put up the metal strips for the book shelves last night. We moved the desk to another location so we could put up the strips and I was amazed how clean the carpet was where the desk was sitting compared to where he put his feet under the desk and where his chair was. I was glad no one outside the house could see it and think I was a bad housekeeper. I did scrub it with a foam carpet cleaner and it looks better but we will need to bring our carpet shampooer over to really get it clean.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    edited December 2022
    Judith, knowing you have a snug house and supplies is easing my mind a little bit you must feel like you are in deep freeze! May the extreme weather pass soon. Thank you for your prayers for Colin. He is finding it hard to stand for too long and is still in pain. He is excited today though as our son and his wife and daughter are on the road to our house for our Christmas Eve meal.

    Linda, glad you looked up Wombok Salad! Do you have Wombok there? It is also called Chinese Cabbage. The dressing recipe is on the fried noodle package so if you want to try it and need the dressing recipe, let me know.

    Marilyn, have a great day, hon.

    I need to go get dressed and finish prepping for our meal! Have a lovely, lovey (lol!) Christmas week day. ⛪🎄🎁💕🙏
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    I am moving slowly today - not much energy. I slept poorly with having to blow my nose frequently and try to breathe with my CPAP on. I am very congested but no fever and only one sneeze today. My husband is also struggling with his intestinal issues. We would appreciate prayers that we feel better soon. We will not be having company tomorrow for sure and will watch the Christmas Eve service from our comfy recliners on TV tonight.

    There are so many blessing that we have, I should not complain. The weather is turning warmer, we have a warm house and plenty of food, I have faithful friends who will listen to me whine (LOL) and Jesus was born to take away our sins and to give us a home in heaven. That is the best Christmas gift of all.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    edited December 2022
    Oh Linda, so sorry about you both feeling poorly. Do you have a full CPAP face mask somewhere? I keep meaning to get one for those congested times. It would be hard for you to sleep right now from r sure, which makes healing slower. It's a viscious circle. 🙏💕

    Marilyn, to everything there is a season...

    It's Christmas Day here and we had a lovely church service this morning. The gospel was clearly preached and we sang some traditional Christmas carols - Once in Royal David's City, Joy to the World, I Come All Ye Faithful to mention some. Then we went to friends' for lunch, each of us contributing part of our meal. We were in phone contact with all the kids too. It's been a lovely day.

    Thinking of you all and wishing you a Merry Christmas. Stay safe and warm.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Today is a much better day health wise I told my daughter who has the same thing along with my two grandchildren, that I feel more human than slug. I no longer have the severe headache and the tiredness. I am not 100% but thanks to your prayers, I am improving.

    I am making granola today. My husband likes to eat it for a snack while watching TV. I make it with honey which he can eat. Almost all the granola's I see in the store has sugar or syrup of some sort.

    We had a pre-recorded service for church with beautiful Christmas songs and an inspiring sermon. This afternoon we are going to zoom celebrate with the rest of the family.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    I am so glad to hear you are feeling better, Linda. Funny about the honey granola. I look for no sweetener or Stevia as a sweetener now as honey is almost pure fructose! Glad you can make something hubby can have. Does he feel any better? 🙏

    We're having a relaxing day after the busyness of getting ready for Christmas. It feels good.
