Chat Cafe



  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    edited December 2022
    Linda, I like order too so the net lights would be great! We had bought one of those rotating projector lights to throw images on the garage door but someone accidentally broke it with their car yesterday so we are back to a few solar light trees in our little front garden.


    It's not much but they are Christmas lights! Lol!

    Your pumpkin soup sounds nice. I use a butternut pumpkin too. I melt butter, add tumeric, coriander, cumin and pepper and fry till their flavour is released, then stir in chunks of pumpkin, then barely cover the pumpkin with chicken stock, then cook till the pumpkin is done, salt to taste and whizz it up in a blender. I add heavy pouring cream in a spiral to the bowls as I serve them then sprinkle with dried or fresh parsley or basil. You could use nutmeg, ginger and allspice instead of the curry spices if you wanted that flavour instead. (If you can tolerate onion and garlic, fry them with the spices you choose as well.)

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Susan - you have very cute Christmas trees in your yard. Do you have decorations inside your house? The weather reporter said last night we will be having more snow this week but it does not look like we will have any snow the week of Christmas. "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas" as the song says will be only dreaming for us.

    We have our Family group Bible study at our house tomorrow night so I will be getting groceries today to make some Christmas crafts for them. I am using a sugar ice cream cone (the ones shaped like a cone not the flat bottom ones) and filling it with small candies then gluing it upside down to a flat cookie with icing. I will ice the outside with green icing and put sprinkles or colored candies on the outside to look like a Christmas tree. If I can get it done and I can figure out how to put pictures on here, I will show you what they look like after I make them.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Thank you all, I am just dropping by to say hi and Good Nite, a long day as I had my appointment with my Surgeon today. A long day at the hospital and a lot to take in, will be back in the morning. I will update you tomorrow and reply to your messages left. Thanks for your prayers! 😇🙏
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Judith, I knew you had your appointment today. Will look for your update tomorrow. Sweet dreams tonight, my friend. 🙏💕

    Marilyn, that's a good quote from Spark! Nice to see you saved some.

    Linda, I'd love to see your cone trees. They sound like they will be cute. To post a picture, have the photo on the device you use to see our posts. Click on the picture icon above your post and search for the picture you want. Click it, then click Select. It will upload as a link. Post your post and the picture should appear.

    Yes, I have done a tiny bit of decorating inside. We got this little white tree for the table today:


    I'll take a few more pictures for you soon, if you like 😊🎄

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    I would love to see more pictures Susan. We have a 4 foot tree that we put on a table next to the fireplace. We do not have room for much more so the bigger presents go on the floor and the smaller ones on the table next to the tree. Your white tree is very cute. I love the poinsettia on the top in place of a star. Thanks for the info on how to put pictures on here. I am using a laptop so I will need to download all the pictures I have in my phone and see what I can do.

    Judith - we look forward to an update on your appointments. It sounds like a very long day at the hospital. I hope you got some rest last night and feel refreshed today.

    I have to finish cleaning, putting up the last of the outside lights, making the "trees", exercise, a phone appointment and get the soup made today so I am pretty busy. I hope everyone is having a good day.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    edited December 2022
    Here are my Christmas trees. Obviously my husband and I are not professionals but our group enjoyed getting them and the thought behind them. The cones are filled with the chocolate candies M&M's. They can also eat the icecream cone as well as the sugar cookie the cone is resting on.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Linda, you did it! I am glad you could post your candy trees! They sure look cute 😊💕
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    A designer series paper wreath I made.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Thank-you Susan. Your wreath is gorgeous. It looks like it was made of dainty flowers.

    We went to exercise yesterday and accidently locked ourselves out of the house and the car. My husband had changed into his exercise clothes and forgot to transfer his keys out of his jeans into his sweat pants. We do have a garage opener in the car but could not even get into it. Fortunately, since the church uses our house, several members have a key to it so we had to make multiple calls to different ones to see if they could bring their key over to open out house. It was sunny outside so our wait for someone to come rescue up was not too cold. Our minister was in a meeting with a campus student but he was able to come over with the student so they could continue their talk in the car. We made a decision that we will have an extra key hidden outside from now on so we do not do this again!

    This afternoon we are going to a craft fair sponsored by a grade school that one of our families children attend. Their 3rd grader made knitted hats so we will be sure to check them out.

    We are going to dinner with friends and then to watch the Christmas parade in a neighboring town. It is a pretty small town so I do not expect the parade to last long. It will be 39 degrees so I will be taking my heavy winter coat to stand along the street to watch the parade.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Thank you, Linda. My wreath is scalloped circles rolled into cones and hot glued close together. I needed over 100 cones to make it.

    Oh my word, isn't getting locked out of your house awful! Glad your minister could help! We always take our own sets of keys with us when we go out together so we have two sets. I don't blame you for wanting to leave a key outside and you can get some pretty natural looking key lockers disguised as rocks? Or maybe a neighbour would keep a key for you? The rest of your day sounds much more enjoyable. I hope you are warm enough

    We had a great visit at our son's yesterday but today Col doesn't feel so well. He just got dressed for church though so I better shake a leg. I thought he may want to stay home. Guess not, which is kind of a good sign.

    Blessings on all of your days, everyone.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    edited December 2022
    Thank you all for sharing your photo’s. Loved the Candy ChristmasTree Linda and Susan your Wreath and Tree are so pretty.
    Thank you Marilyn for sharing the quotes, always appreciated.

    You all asked about my latest appointment; a lot of swelling and the pooling and bubbling of skin continues. Surgeon instructed me to use the ointment and when I see him in 4 weeks, just after Christmas he would examine my face and both upper and lower lips. He said I am reacting to the surgery that was done. I am not healing like he was hoping. He also said it was way too early to begin the injections as with the ongoing issues and the face reacting the injections would compromise everything so have to wait a little longer. It’s somewhat frustrating!

    All I am going to do is trust the Lord and believe for complete healing! Praise the Lord!
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Judith - I was just reading this morning about the persistent widow who kept pestering the judge to help her and he finally did it to just get rid of her. Jesus contrasted this to how his Father does not get tired to hearing from us and our requests. He will respond when it is time in his own loving way. We keep petitioning God for your healing but he will do it in his own time. I am so glad that he does not tire of our prayers. I am also glad that he knows the perfect time to answer. I am sorry that the injections can not be started but it seems the doctor's reason is sound. We do not want them to compromise what has already been done. When you said the skin was "reacting" to the surgery, that does not sound like "rejecting" the total surgery so that is good.

    Susan - I hope Colon is feeling better after feeling unwell from the visit to your son.

    The craft show was really fun. I was able to get a nice knitted hat to wear when we went to watch the Christmas Parade of Lights later. My head was the warmest part of me. I had worn double socks but my feet were still really cold. It was good to get in the car with a good heater to get them warmed up.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Marilyn, that's a good way to live.

    Judith, I too am.sorry to hear the surgeon needs to wait for more healing. I hear your frustrations and am also glad to see you are trusting the Lord in all this. I think I would have less patience but to what avail. Hon, you know you have our prayers and supplications and the Spirit pleads for you. Sending much love to you as well

    Linda, glad you got a cute warm hat. It sounds like it was a good night except for the cold. I haven't done a lot more decorating but look what I found at our Clubhouse today:

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Susan - thanks for all the recipes. My daughter has done keto and I have several friends who also have lost a lot of weight on it. I have heard of Keto Fathead rolls but I have not made any. I have heard that they are delicious.

    We had a lot of wind last night blowing in a new cold front today. It was so loud outside my bedroom window I was thinking it was going to keep me awake but it did not. Snow is predicted again today so it is very overcast. The weather people can not seem to agree on how much it will be depending on the TV station. What comes will come is all I have to say. 😏

    We are changing our e-mail provider so I have been busy changing my correspondence over to another e-mail. I did not realize how many user names I have that need to be changed. I also went through and unsubscribed to quite a few things so I will get less on the new e-mail. I deleted a lot of e-mails too which is really not necessary but I wanted to make sure I did not miss anyone so I deleted them as I changed the e-mail or unsubscribed. It was tedious but I enjoyed decluttering them. I am not done but have only a few more to go.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    That's a tedious process with emails and usernames, Linda, but hopefully worthwhile. You are welcome for the recipes. I meant to post them long ago but MFP didn't allow the post. Sometimes it doesn't post but keeps your typed up words in the pre-post box. I didn't notice it did that for the Keto recipes.

    Wise words, Marilyn.

    We're at the Dr's office today seeing what they can do for Colin.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Thank you girls for your prayers and encouragement. Appreciate all your posts. Enjoyed the Christmas pictures Susan’

    I am so tired so calling it a Nite! Blessings all! 😴🛌🤗
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    A little bit of snow this morning but not what was predicted. I know weather is an inexact science so they have to guess what might happen. The mountains did get a lot more snow than we did but we do have the cold weather.

    Since I have my piano and it is tuned, I am trying to learn how to play cords instead of just written notes. Many of the songs they sing at church are the more modern ones that are not written down but are just guitar cords. My brain is having problems with learning this way but I do need to use my brain to keep it from getting lazy. Yesterday I was about to give up but today I am feeling better about it. I am learning minor, major, diminished, and augmented cords. I am taking lots of notes but I think it will fall into place eventually (at least I hope that will happen).

    Susan - I hope that Colin's doctor visit was informative and he found some help.

    Prayers continue for all who are struggling with health issues. The elementary school where my grand nephews go may close early for the Christmas season since so many are sick.. My grand nephew who is in first grade was running a 104 fever yesterday and my 1 year old grandnephew was taken to the ER for dehydration due to his vomiting and diarrhea. Hopefully they will all feel better so they can celebrate Christmas. In the mean time, we are staying away from family members in that part of the state.