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  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    We had big plans to put up the Christmas tree yesterday but my daughter pulled a muscle in her back and was not able to do any decorating after that. They did go to the zoo with my other daughter and family in the day but the walking exacerbated her pain and today she is in bed with a heating pad on her back. We wanted her to get to do it with us but we may have to put up the tree without her since we are leaving to go back to GJ next week.

    There is a cold front coming in with snow tonight and Tuesday so my husband is out cutting down rose bushes and other plants in the flower bed. It is lovely weather right now but in a matter of time it will be cold again.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    That's true, Marilyn.

    Concerts are done. 85 people performed to 200+ in the evening. It was a lot of fun!

    The rain has arrived here this afternoon. It's quite heavy and we may get hail.

    Hoping all of you are doing well! Happy Lord's Day.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Thank you Susan for sharing the picture, so happy the matinee went well and I’m sure your evening one did too. It’s wonderful you can be a part of the Orchestra. Good Job my friend.

    Thank Marilyn for another great quote.

    Today for me was a really rough day, guess I overdid things with getting ready for Advent! I should of split up the time and days of putting the delivery gifts away. My heart is there and wants to do what I used to do but the body hasn’t caught up with my heart! One day it will.

    We have a wind storm so I best sign off before the storm does it for me. Love you all. ❤️🙏
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    edited November 2022
    Afternoon All

    Wishing you all a Blessed Advent Sunday
    Today we lit the First Advent Candle 🕯
    The Prophecy Candle, the Candle 🕯 of Hope!

    I guess I am posting before you all. Will let you read my above message I left. However, wanted to wish you all a Blessed Advent ahead.

    Good news, no wind storms today and we didn’t lose any power, and it’s also sunny sunny skies for us, chilly but clear skies. They have called for snow this week so we will see.

    Know I have you all close to my heart and in my prayers. Watch for my announcement about new Team Goals Coming for December! I left an update (new update) on our Prayer Request
    forum. Thanks for all your prayers!

    God’s Blessings! ✝️🙏📖❤️
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Judith - I am sorry you had a rough day. I hope this week is better.

    Susan - So glad things went well for the concert.

    We finally got our tree up today after church. Some of the lights are not working on our old tree so we had to go get some string lights to put on the tree like we used to do before we got the prelit tree. We are not decorating as much this year since we will be having Christmas as out Grand Junction house with our daughter coming over to be with us. We will need to put up our little 3 foot tree over there and do a little decorating. The house is small so it does not take very much to fill it up.

    I went to a movie this evening with my two daughters and one granddaughter. It was a romantic comedy staring some older actors. We enjoyed out time together but with the price of tickets going up, we do not go to many movies.

    We had planned on a Christmas party with my Bible study group this week but with the snow predicted on Tuesday we decided to cancel it. We will be staying several extra days here in Denver until the snow on the roads clears off before we go over the mountain.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    edited November 2022
    Judith and Linda, the evening show was even better than the matinee. We're still getting nice feedback from it, so it was a success. I was so tired after 7 hours of it though! Colin had a bad back so couldn't attend the matinee like he wanted to but came to the evening show. He was so exhausted and in pain afterwards, he slept all through Sunday. I went to church on my own. That always feels strange.

    Today we had friends arrive. Sharon and Barry live 8 hours north of us but have come here for medical appointments. They are staying till Friday so I shall be looking after them and Colin till then. Oh and the dogs too! It's ok. Glad to do it.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Susan - I am sorry that Colin's back is hurting. It was nice that he was able to come see you perform for one time at least. I hope you do not overdo helping with him as well as guests. It is so nice that you can give them a place to stay when they need it though.

    It was a lovely 57F this morning but the temperatures are "plummeting" later today as the snow comes in. I am not looking forward to it but we got things done outside that needed to be done so we can stay in and have a cozy fire while it is so cold outside.

    There is a car alarm going off outside right now. I hope our neighbor shuts it off soon because it is annoying. I guess if someone is trying to get into your car that is what you want to happen but their alarm seems to be extra sensitive. It can go off if a heavy truck goes by and the car feels the tremor. It does not happen a lot but has two times in two days.

    I hear the dog barking to get in. She had been sick so we put her outside while we cleaned up after her. I hope she gets over it soon and it is just something she ate that she gets over quickly.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Brrr, hope you have a nice warm time by the fire, Linda. Your poor doggie. I hope it's nothing serious. I have had to clean up after both of mine this week also. They just do that sometimes, then act as if everything is normal! The sensitive car alarm would be annoying alright.

    Colin makes such an effort when visitors are here. This morning he cooked us all bacon and eggs and tomatoes while I made toast, coffee and tea. He overcomes his pain but has to pay for it later. He's a good man. My friends are also generous and able, so I won't have to do too much. 😊 I just feel responsible is all. Everyone pitches in!

    Marilyn, that is a beautiful background for your quote today. It's hard to ask for help but sometimes we all need to do that,they.

    I have a card class to give today and must go finish setting up. My friend Sharon will also join in the class. It's going to be fun. I plan to burn my new cinnamon and nutmeg candle when people arrive. It'll be Christmassy! 🎄🎄🎄

    I made cards yesterday, quite a few of this design:

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    edited November 2022
    Evening Hello,

    Marilyn, I so agree with tonight’s quote, yes sometimes it is hard to ask for help. I have learned through this journey to ask and not feel bad about it.

    Linda, sorry about your Doggies getting sick, can identify with that as my Kitty has a sensitive tummy and throws up from time to time, hope he gets over it soon. Yes car alarms are annoying when they go off like that. We have a car in our community that goes off just like this care you are mentioning, some alarms don’t take much to go off. Wise decision to cancel your get together with Bible Study due to snow and wise you are waiting before travelling to your home you are spending Christmas at. Safe journey my friend. Enjoy the time spent with your daughter and grandkids.

    Susan, so sorry about Colin’s back, will keep him in prayer. So glad your concert is receiving such good reviews. Hope you enjoy your friends who are staying with you as they attend medical appointments.Colin is such a sweet man making that scrumptious breakfast for everyone. I am sure it was so yummy. It will be nice to have your card class and your friend attending. Your cards are so beautiful. Love the added touches and colors you have chosen. Wish I could join you and help you when you hold your classes, I could get so many more ideas from you, as you are so creative my friend. And speaking of the cards you show here; I have the same Stamp and embossing set to make my cards, have a Big Shot machine and use it often. Do you have a Circuit or Big Shot? I wish I had a Circuit but thankful for my Big Shot!

    Take care all, we have icy weather with mega snow coming. So glad I got my Tree up and all my outdoor lights are good to go! See you all tomorrow! God Bless! ❤️🙏🤗
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    We got 3 inches of snow so far but snow is predicted again tonight. Our dog is feeling frisky today and running circles in the snow as well as sticking her nose down in it and eating the snow. What ever happened to her tummy is over quickly as you all said would happen. In the past, our dogs would eat grass when they felt unwell but I do not think I have ever seen her do that.

    We had a lovely Bible study and have rescheduled our party to January when I am back on this side of the mountain. I hope the weather is better than today.

    Susan, it is wonderful that Colin helped you with breakfast in spite of his pain. I hope he gets over his pain soon. My husband comes in the kitchen as I am cooking sometimes and offers to help. I am not about to turn down an offer like that!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Amen Marilyn, such an excellent quote you shared, time for a happy dance!

    Linda, you got 3 inches and we got 7 inches of snow and we have high wind gusts. We are under Snowfall Warning for next few days. Hope you don’t get too much snow tonight!

    You made me smile telling us about your dog being frisky, it’s amazing how quick they recover.

    The dog we had few years ago was about the same, he would be sick one day and then the next would be running around playing, and when we had snow, he sure got frisky as he loved the snow, he would run around in circles jumping up and down and leap through it having the time of his life.

    So glad you enjoyed your Bible Study, it’s nice you have rescheduled your time when you are
    back on the other side of the mountain. You will enjoy your time.

    Blessings on your evening all, take care and stay safe my friends! 🙏🤗
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Judith, I smiled when I read about your dog (and Linda's!) frisking in the snow. I am glad you likedy card and wouldn't it be nice to get to craft together? I do have a Big Shot and I also have a Janome Artistic Edge. It's similar to a Cricut but I have never learned how to use it! I know my Big Shot very well though. We used it in yesterday's class, inking up an embossing folder to create depth. The ladies at the class loved the folder we used so much, they each ordered one! It was the fern one inside this card:


    It really was nice having my friend here for the class! 😊

    Linda, I am really glad your dog is alright. I agree with Judith about you being wise to postpone meetings when the snow is so heavy. Tonight we're having YouTube church as it is raining heavily again and flash flooding is possible. No sense making people drive in dangerous conditions.

    Marilyn, what a cute image to go with today's wide words! Thank you again.

    I have to go make some more Christmas cards. Take care, everyone.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    It is a little warmer today. At least we are one degree above freezing. In the next few days we will be in the 40's. I am taking the day off from working on school auditing. I still have some to do but I need to give my brain a rest. Right now I am making a list to check with the contents of the hard copy file.

    We are getting together with a friend from church tonight for dinner. She loves to cook and we love to eat her "gourmet" meals so it is a win-win situation. 😊
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Sounds like a good day, Linda. Marilyn, that quote is still cute 😊

    Rainy and cool here but feeling blessed. My cactus blooms in the rain


    And today our new bed was delivered! Yay!
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Good Morning All

    Thank you Marilyn for these quotes you share, all so good and inspiring!

    Linda, glad your temps are warmer and you are taking the day off, it’s good to relax refresh and renew, enjoy your day and hope you enjoy the gourmet food your friend is preparing. You will have to tell us what she prepared for you. I’m sure it was so delicious! 😋 I look forward to the day I can eat gourmet food! Yum Yum 😋

    Susan, your embossing folder is so nice, I love it, have many folders but not this one. Have another Tree folder and a Tree punch. Love the card shown and love your cactus bloom that is being watered in the rain showers, looks so healthy and “happy”

    Have appointment today with Cardiologist at VGH. Will be back later and let you know how it all went. We are dealing with icy cold 🥶 weather. Temps -6 with wind chill of -10 degrees. So chilly 🥶
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Judith - I am sorry you have to get out for the cardiologist appointment in such cold weather. Do you still have a lot of lingering snow? Please be careful as you navigate outside.

    Susan - I am so happy that you have your new beds. I pray for peaceful, restful and content sleep for you tonight. It does take a little while to get used to a new bed though but it should be really nice for Colin and his back problems.

    The meal was delicious and the conversation was encouraging last night. We had ham, sweet potatoes, green beans seasoned with garlic and bacon (can't imagine how high the calories were in in that one) Caesar salad and pumpkin pie. We had planned on coming home between 8 and 9 but we stayed until 10:15. My husband went to bed as soon as we got home but I still had energy so I stayed up reading until 1:15am. Of course that meant that I was tired this morning so I slept later. I really need to get my sleep schedule like "normal" people. My daughter and I stay up watching food competition TV shows sometimes but she had to get up early so I can not say it was because of her that I was up late. When we get back to Grand Junction I can get my schedule a little better.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
