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  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    That's true, Marilyn.

    Linda, it was a little hard to fall asleep last night but when I did, I slept hard and didn't want to get up! It'll all work out.

    Judith, it sounds way too cold to be going out, but I know you need to. I trust everything went well for you today, hon.

    Last night with our friends. I am cooking us dinner.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Today my granddaughter had her big toenail removed because she gets ingrown toenails frequently. They have removed part of both her big toenails but total removal is the best route now. She is watching TV with her foot up but is still numb so I assume she will be in pain quite a bit today. We will try to keep up with the pain medications to make it as comfortable as possible.

    It is windy this morning but not enough to be dangerous. A few years ago, while I was at work we had wind gales so strong we watched a large tree being uprooted. Our wind today is nowhere that strong.

    Susan - I am glad that you had a good rest once you got used to the bed. It may take a little while before it is totally comfortable. Going between houses takes a little bit to get used to different mattresses for us. I like the firm supportive kind but as they age, they get less supportive.

    Judith - I am anxious to hear about your cardiology appointment. I hope you have some encouraging news.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Marilyn, this last quote is so true, it does take some action and commitment from us if we want to see change. Thank you for sharing.

    Linda. I was so thankful that yesterday morning my in person appointment was cancelled and changed to a telephone appointment. My cardiologist is changing and adding some meds as a result from last Lab tests which included some heart tests too and has ordered new Lab Tests to be done. The new meds will be started once the pharmacy delivers them to me.
    I have to confess that I too at times up late, reading and I enjoy HGTV programs. I do try and control how much I watch. Your dinner you had sounded so scrumptious. Yes probably heaps of calories.

    Susan, so happy you have your new beds. As Linda said it might take a little while to adjust to new ones but expect you will be pleasantly surprised how comfy they are. Praying it helps Colin’s back. I know with all my pain body and face having an adjustable bed makes a huge difference. This is what I am hoping to hear from Colin that the new bed is helping him tremendously.

    Blessings all, have a Blessed Weekend! 🙏🤗
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    I am doing last minute cleaning and packing as I can so we can go over the mountain tomorrow. Today is much calmer than it was yesterday with all the wind. We went grocery shopping yesterday and the wind made the cold seem even colder. It was in the 40's when we went inside but by the time we were packing things in the car it was below freezing.

    We have a Christmas party to attend tonight. We will be bringing a $10 white elephant gift. It is always interesting what people bring. I hope someone likes my neck massager that I bought. It looks like a kitten and fits around your neck with different vibrations for massage.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Aww, the kitten neck massager sounds cute and practical, Linda! Have fun at the Christmas party. I am gradually getting used to my new bed. It has a mattress with a 10 year guarantee, so if it sags we get completely new ones in that time period. Glad the wind has died back especially in if you have we to trav we l.

    Judith, we hat as blessing that you didn't need to go out in the cold for your appointment! I was so glad to hear that. Colin is still battling in pain. His left shoulder has frozen again so I apply medicated cream to it to h we lp take to he edge off of his pain. His tailbone is always sore so he has to stand at events a lot, which puts pressure on his spinal curvature... then there is arthritic and osteoporotic pain and residual pain from his spinal fractures. I hope like Linda does that the new bed will help him a little, but it really is a matter of managing the pain with physio, pain killers, heat and cold packs, using a walking cane/frame when it's just too hard...

    Marilyn, thank you for your wise quotes. Thinking of you. 🙏
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Thank you Marilyn for todays quotes, as always, so inspiring! You are a blessing to us all here. My prayers are with you and everyone else here as all yours are for me. Blessings on your weekend my friend!

    Linda, I too like the gift you got for whoever receives it at the white elephant Christmas party, I love cats and can almost see that cute kitty, someone will love that neck massager. Safe journey as you travel over the mountain my friend. You are having some really cold weather like us here, try and stay warm as you travel! Prayers go with you.

    Susan, so sorry to hear about Colin being in so much pain, he has so much he is dealing with, my heart goes out to him and of course my prayers are with him, trusting all the medicated cream you put on him and the physio, medication and of course the bed will give him some better relief! Please tell Colin he is being kept in prayer daily by us all here.

    May you all have a good night sleep and a Blessed Sunday as you attend your Sundays services and have your family time together! 🤗
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Thank you, Judith. I have told him you pray for him before but will tell him again. He has probably forgotten by now! Because he has Type 1 Diabetes, today is the day we change his weekly Blood Sugar Monitor. He has a needle one in his arm and his insulin pump has a canula into his belly. He changes that one himself every three days but cannot reach to do the arm one, so that is my job. It only takes a couple of minutes to do.

    I hope all of you in cold country are staying warm enough!

    Today I am staying home, writing/making Christmas cards, organising little surprises for our church lady's group that meets tomorrow, and just resting. The activity level has been high for me lately!! I kinda need a rest day.

    Sending virtual hugs to you all.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    We left early (for us) to go over the mountain, were home long enough to get unpacked, went to church then stayed late to talk to friends. I will start decorating this house for Christmas tomorrow.

    The weather was great for travel with only wet roads on the passes. Snow is forecast for the next three days so today was the best travel day.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    edited December 2022
    Thank you Susan for letting Colin know. Yes it sure has been cold here but good news we haven’t had further snow, at least in this area, I know other do have snow and of course always up in the mountains, snow pretty much all the time, I have managed to stay warm, the other day I turned my thermostat up higher and that seemed to do the job with keeping the place warmer. Hope you enjoyed your quiet relaxing day making cards, and making surprises for your ladies group. Hope you have a good week.

    Linda, glad you made good time and got over the mountain safely. Glad you got home in time to unpack and go to church and visit after with some friends. Hope you enjoy decorating your house tomorrow. Glad the weather was good for you espevv CCC ially with the forecast saying snow next 3 days. You probably won’t mind staying in decorating your house and doing other things as you prepare for Christmas.

    Today was quiet for me. Watched our Live Tream service, lit my Week 2 Advent candle, the Candle of Peace. Visited with my daughter and texted with friends. So it was a quiet day but all good! Tomorrow I am starting my Family cards I make and write up other cards I send out in community and beyond. I’m late getting the cards out so getting most tomorrow and get them in our mail box we have here, the mail is picked up at our buildings mailbox every morning Monday thru Friday at 8:00am. So helpful for us who can’t get out to Post Office. Blessings on your night, see you tomorrow. Sending you my Love and Hugs! ❤️🤗
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Marilyn I laughed at your quote today. It is so true. We can choose what we want to tolerate as our life circumstances and change what we do not want. It takes effort but it is worth the work.

    I have pinto beans cooking in the crock pot for dinner and now I need to get busy getting the Christmas stuff out of the garage. I will probably not finish today but will at least get started. We bought a small tree for this house so it will not take much to decorate it. My husband loves to turn off all the house lights and just have the tree lights blinking. It is restful for him he says. He needs to relax so maybe we should have the tree lit all year. 😊 He is actually doing much better with delegating things he used to do. He gave away the responsibilities to the deans of the college to deal with student issues and concerns today. I am glad he can pass these things off gradually so it is not such a big change for him.

    Susan - I did not realize that Colin was a Type 1 diabetic. I am so glad that he can have a pump to help control his blood sugars. They are really made a lot of changes in diabetic care since I started nursing. I remember we tested a Type 2 diabetic person's urine to see how much insulin they needed. That was the best we cold do at the time but not very precise.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    edited December 2022
    Linda, you brought back memories of my early nursing days as we did the same thing testing the urine to see where the levels were to know how much insulin to administer. My how times have changed.

    My Dad was Diagnosed with Diabetes when he was in his late 30’s but that was after years of passing out with my Mom finding Dad wrapped around the toilet and Dad feeling not well and would pull over to side of road passing out with police finding him unconscious in car, it was years later they finally diagnosed him. So thankful that medical technology has advanced to the place it is now.

    So happy you are getting your place decorated, you mentioned your hubby loves the lights turned out with just Tree lights on, happy he says it’s restful. I love the lights too. Your pinto beans sound yummy. Can you share your recipe, it might be something I can eat in time. Thank you Linda.

    Marilyn, this last quote sure spoke, good one, thank you for sharing.

    Blessings all on your evening! 🤗
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Hi friends. Judith, glad you are able to punch that thermostat up. I like to think of you staying warm! So sorry about your Dad being a Diabetic in the days before they could treat him well. I hadn't realised you and Linda were both nurses! Another point you have in common. (I was not a nurse 😊)

    Marilyn, lol! Good quote!

    Linda, Col has a few more health issues on top of his Type 1 Diabetes and skeletal issues. He is a wonder the way he acts like nothing is wrong. He's got cardio vascular disease, epilepsy, no hearing in his left ear, very little vision in his right eye, he has had a hiatus hernia repair but needs further investigation, he has asthma, has had one knee replacement and needs another...I am probably forgetting something.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Judith - my bean soup was not something I would want to repeat! I actually did not have a recipe but put together several recipes and replaced what I did not have. I put diced tomatoes with peppers in it but it was too hot so I added more vegetables and it called for rice so I put in cauliflower rice to not have high carbohydrates. Although my gracious husband said it was OK, I will not be doing that again. I really wanted a nice ham bone to put in with the beans and to make cornbread but decided to be adventurous. Next time I will stick with what I know works well.

    Susan - Colin does seem to do well with all he has to deal with physically. I am glad he has you to encourage him and help him if he ever needs it. You make a very cute couple in your picture you shared.

    It rained last night but it is drying off today. It is cloudy with a little blue sky showing through. A second band of weather is coming tonight with maybe a little snow. Time will tell on that one. Sometimes it rains here in the desert but it dries up before it can hit the ground.

    I got my piano tuned today and it sounds so much better. The man does the tuning by ear rather than by machine so we had to be very quiet as he worked. He said that even me running water would distract him. He also was a big talker so it took longer for him to get done. He would occasionally stop and turn around on the piano stool and ask questions about us or make comments on our house.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    edited December 2022
    Yes Susan your husband is amazing in all that he deals with and you are such a blessing and encourager to Colin and everyone you come in contact with. thank you Susan, I finally have the thermostat up to a place I can keep my place warm. Was looking at your weather you are having, wow, such a contrast to what we are having here with our weather, so happy you have AC in your home and car. Please stay safe and as cool as you can.

    So glad you got your piano tunes.I can almost heat Christmas Carol's and Hymns coming from it. Thank you Linda for letting me know about your soup, sounds interesting but know what you mean, sometimes preparing recipes we know is probably best. I love the idea of corn bread and putting the ham bone in the soup, yummy, one thing for sure when I can eat better I will be munching on cornbread!

    Thank you Marilyn for all the great quotes you share, yes I like this last one especially as it reminds me that I- We all need to learn to rest when we are tired instead of keeping on when we should stop pause and rest!

    Sorry I am getting to you all late and early, I began at 11:30pm and now it’s 12:15am on Wednesday!

    My Tuesday was super busy with deliveries and a gal stopping by to pick up a couple gifts I had for them as a thank you for helping me this past year.

    They leave for Spain next Thursday and are spending Christmas and New Years there with family! The Lord bless you all, now I am calling it a day and signing off and heading to bed! Nite All!😴🤗
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    It's always lovely to hear from all of you.

    Judith, how nice to be able to thank your friends that way. 😊 I do hope more variety comes your way soon with your diet. I was just wondering, have you ever made pumpkin soup? It's a lovely savoury soup that can be (and usually is) blended, so maybe you could have some. I can tell you how I made it if it sounds like something you would like to try.

    Linda, how good to have your piano tuned, but it quite a process!

    Thank you both for your kind words about Colin and I. I do fail at times in being totally supportive, but on the whole we do well together.

    Marilyn, that is a wise quote today. Thank you.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    edited December 2022
    We had a little snow early this morning but it was huge flakes and melted when it hit the ground. We will take all the moisture we can get here, even a few snow flakes. There is a bigger storm coming through tonight so maybe we will get some measurable snow.

    We have the inside of the house all decorated for Christmas but still have the outside. We bought "net lights" to go over the shrubs in the front since that is easier to put on then to try to get a strand of lights to look right. They are all placed in nice even rows to cover everything. I like symmetrical order and this works well. We also ordered a lot of presents online yesterday for the family but have a few more to buy or make.

    Susan - I like the idea of pumpkin soup. I have had butternut soup so I assume it would be similar. My SIL makes a soup that is put inside of a pumpkin shell and baked. When you get the soup out, you also get some pumpkin from the side of the shell to give it more flavor. I can't recall now what type of soup was inside in the first place. She made it one Halloween night but it has been a while ago.

    Judith - your weight is on the way up! One more tenth of a pound and you will be at 98. I hope this is a trend for you. We are cheering you on as you maintain or gain a bit of weight.