Chat Cafe



  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    The trip over the mountain was good. It was snowing as we went over the highest peak but the roads were only wet. My suitcase is unpacked but not my husband's, which is surprising. He says he is resting from the long weekend and he will get to it. He does deserve a rest time! He says he does not know what to do because he does not have any big assignments to do. I told him I had plenty of cleaning he could do if he was bored but he was not excited about those possibilities. Of course, I was joking with him.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    edited November 2022
    Today we are getting a gas insert put in our fireplace to help keep the house warm. I do love the sound of crackling logs in a fireplace but I do not like the smell and the smoke that came from using the real fireplace. We smelled like we had been camping near a roaring fire which does not impress the outside work world. 🔥

    The leaves are mostly off the trees. Some trees are still holding on. Our Maple tree in front of the house last year did not loose all of it's leaves until the new growth started in the spring. It was a very odd situtation to see.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    edited November 2022
    Hello everyone. It seems MyFitnessPal is playing up for me today. I was unable to post in another thread but it is allowing me to do voice-to-text in this thread. We'll see how long I get away with it.

    I couldn't even edit what I had posted in another group!

    All is well here. I have been missing because we have been super busy. We had our caravan appraised and the appraiser found some wood rot. We have been working with the insurer to try to get that fixed before we sell it. I've had an Opthalmic surgeon appointment and the good news is no surgery is necessary. I will have another appointment next year for a check up. We've been investigating adjustable beds as Colin is really uncomfortable in a normal bed. We did find one that we like and they have it all in place by the middle of December. It will be lovely to have a solution for him at last. I have been at rehearsals for our concerts coming up. Church kept me busy on Sunday. We have had visitors, other appointments and commitments. I have been thinking of you all though.

    Judith I am so glad the Lord comforted you with the message you heard on the weekend. He knows what we need, doesn't He? I could tell you could understand about my daughter and not serving. Yes, it was very harsh on our son. I think he has been marked permanently by his experiences. Fortunately, he is out of the army now after serving for 10 years. He has a new baby and is concentrating on renovating their house. We are always concerned about him, but it is better when he is busy.

    Linda, you have been busy too. Glad your trip over the mountains was uneventful. The word picture you painted about the trees was good to read. I hope your husband is feeling better day-by-day.

    Marilyn, as always, I appreciate what you post. I am also praying that your kidney function is improving.

    We have prayer meeting tonight and I need to get dinner ready before then. Know that I care about you all and you are all in my prayers.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    edited November 2022
    Thank you Susan for sharing and thanks for your prayers for us all. You mentioned about buying a adjustable bed, they are wonderful, I have had one for years and they do help with everything. It helps keep the fluid retention down in my legs and body and helps get me in better position when pain is over the top. I hope you are successful in getting one for Colin. You would even like it, you can get all sizes, twin extra long Queen and king size. Let me know how it goes.

    Linda, so glad you got over the mountain safely and you are now home. It will be nice having a gas insert.. be so comfortable to stay cozy and warm.

    Marilyn, thanks again for the great quote you shared.

    Blessings on your night and day ahead. Started my text before midnight and it was still Tuesday; now it’s Wednesday! Happy Wednesday, now it’s time for bed for me at 12:03am. Good Nite and God Bless 😴❤️
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Susan - it is probably voice to text problem but what is a "salmac surgeon"? You probably said something else but I can not translate it in my brain. I am glad that you can get a new bed for Colon to be more comfortable. My FIL had the legs on the head of his bed up on wooden stumps to elevate his head for his gastric reflux. It worked but it was easy to slip down in the bed since it was at that angle. An adjustable bed would have been so much better for him.

    We are toasty warm today with our new gas insert in the fireplace. We do not need to run the furnace today because the insert warms the main part of the house. It was pretty smelly last night as the newness of the insert was being burnt off. We had to have the windows open even with the really cold weather outside and I had a headache from the smell. It has no odor now so that is much better.

    I have dinner in the crock pot so my meals are done for the day. Today I am getting all the summer clothes and sheets put away and the warm clothes all out and ready to wear. I do not assume we will have any more warm weather this year.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Judith, I hope you were able to sleep after your late night. I couldn't sleep till 1:30am! Maybe changes in season affected me. It wasn't pain like I suspect kept you awake. Yes, it took us 2 1/2 hours to choose just the right beds for Colin and I. We are short people but still wound up with twin King Singles. My mattress will be softer than Colin's. Yay! I am glad to hear you already have a comfortable adjustable bed. 💕

    Linda, sorry about the typos. I went back and corrected a few from yesterday's post. I meant to type 'Opthalmic' surgeon. I have a cataract in my left eye that is being monitored. My right eye had one that was corrected a few years ago. Glad you had the crock pot all organised for yesterday! I am cooking air fried chicken tonight. It's so easy ☺️

    Marilyn, yes, attitude sure matters!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    edited November 2022
    Amen Marilyn on your both quotes shared, Attitude is sure one we all need as it does matter to have the right attitude; I like the above quote in the heart about good day ending, yes, right on! 😊👍

    Linda, sorry about your headache with the odour from new gas insert but glad it has worn off and no further smell. I am sure it’s so nice to gather in front of the gas fireplace to be toasty warm. It’s so nice having a crock pot to prepare and have your dinner already for the day, I have 2 sizes and use my small one for putting my pureed and prepared soup I have made and to keep hot for the day of
    meals I have. Sorting thru and Putting your summer clothes away and bringing out your winter clothes is something I need to do. Thanks for the reminder as I read your post, better than sorting thru whole closet searching for something warmer to wear, I’m really behind this year in putting summer clothes away and searching for my warm blankets that were put away after they were washed and stored away all summer. Time to get cracking! 😊

    Susan, yes a automatic bed really helps for all your needs. So happy you got new beds and comfy mattresses for each bed. King Singles sound like such a great choice! You will love them! My bed has a Beauty Mattress extra thick and is softer and comfy, I have the extra long and 3/4 size mattress which is a little wider than a Twin and some smaller than a Queen size. You mentioned taking about 2 hours choosing your beds, I hear you as I took that long also. A big decision to make and with paying thousands of dollars you want to be sure it’s the right one for you. About your eye/cataract that is being monitored for sure my prayers are with you. Glad your other eye has been looked after.

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    In Closing:

    In our November Team Monthly Goals I left a note for you all; look forward to reading your feedback you leave for me! 😊
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Susan I am glad you were able to find a bed for each of you. I know when I was in the hospital after surgeries, their adjustable bed was perfect to finding the right position to get comfortable. Having separate mattresses that match what you like is wonderful also. I like a firmer bed and my husband likes softer. My daughter has a sleep number bed that makes it easier to find the correct softness for each person but she has had problems with the motor that puts the pressure in each mattress and also there is a crease in the middle of the bed that makes people roll to the middle if the two mattresses are not similar in softness.

    Judith - the crock pot for your soups sounds wonderful. They are not expensive to run and you have hot soup when ever you need it.

    Marilyn - I am enjoying your posts. The one about the eraser was very appropriate for me. I do not like to make mistakes but it is through the mistakes I learn a lot.

    They are expecting 7-10 inches of snow in Denver my daughter said. I am glad we are here in the desert where we do not get much snow. When I was younger, the snow was not a problem but as I am older my body does not like the cold weather.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    It's lovely to be anticipating receiving our new beds. I really want Colin to be comfortable.

    With the cooler weather I can imagine how comforting hot meals in the crock pot will be!

    Marilyn, thank you for today's quote.

    Am sleepy this afternoon so have decided it is nap time...
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    We went to see Session 1-2 of Series 3 of the "Chosen" today. I don't know if you have seen any of them but it is on the life of Jesus as it might have been. It was 2 hours long but really good. It focused on the background of the disciples and their lives and the Sermon on the Mount. So far there is not anything that is against what we have in the Bible that we have seen.

    We are having our Bible study group over tonight. It will be a small group due to folks traveling and some illness. We are having "Creative Nachos". I made Mexican slaw, have 2 kinds of salsa, scallions, chips and hot peppers. Others are bringing chicken, cheese, etc to put on the chips. My husband does not like hot things so I tried to keep things on the milder side spice wise so he would be able to enjoy what we have.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Thank you for that review of The Chosen, Linda. I will give it a go if I see it advertised somewhere. Enjoy your creative nacho night!

    I ate something that didn't agree with me yesterday, most probably garlic and onion, even though I picked out the visible onion. Tummy is letting me know about it today so I am thinking broth for lunch might be safe.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Amen Marilyn this quote really spoke and I sure identified with it all, sure liked the line: and remember how dark it gets, the sun will rise again. Yes indeed!

    Susan, yes with colder weather the crock pot is perfect for having hot nourishing soup for me all day!

    So happy you are getting your beds soon. Great you have the mattresses that will help the areas the most.

    Linda, sure like the Creative nacho Nite! Sounds you get great choices and can find something for everyone. like a great choices.

    7 to 10 inches of snow where your daughter is, reminds me of the snow my son and family just had. I know what you mean when I was younger snow didn’t bother me but now all the freezing temps and snow makes my body ache all the more. You mentioned watching the Film The Chosen, I’ve heard of it but never have seen it.

    It’s late now so this gal is heading to bed. Good Nite Blessings all. 😴
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    edited November 2022

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Just to clarify - "The Chosen" is a series that has been broadcast over the television over the past several years. What we saw yesterday was the first two sessions that will start season three. To understand what is going on, you would need to see season one and two because each one builds on the prior one. They are a very small production company that does not get any money from sponsors but it is all funded by the public. They do not start a season until they have the money they need to do it. They have also produced other very inspiring Christian based films.

    The Bible Study group last night was very fun. We had lots of toppings and could try different things. One man brought shrimp because he thought I said "scallops" rather than "shallots" but that was something very different to try.

    We have a youth and family gathering tonight to make lap blankets for the Veterans Hospice as well as cards and door hangers for a nursing home. It is fun to see the young people get involved in the older generation and bring both of them joy.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Oh how lovely being involved in cheering the Veterans, Linda. Lol about the scallops! That's very creative for Nachos but I think they would taste good! Thank you for explaining about the Chosen series.

    Marilyn, thank you for the quotes. They do hit home.

    Judith, I hope you had a nice sleep and stayed warm all night. It sure sounds cold over there! We sure are looking forward to our new beds. They should be here by Christmas. We found someone who would like our current bed, which is another part of the puzzle figured out.

    It's the Lord's Day here and we're finishing up Hebrews tonight. It has been great working through the whole book.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Afternoon all

    Marilyn, thank you for another great quote. You sure have a great site to choose some really good inspirational quotes from! 👍

    Linda, you made me chuckle 🤭 with the man thinking you said scallops, I am sure the shrimp tasted good anyway. It’s wonderful that you had a family and youth night to your place to make Lap Blankets for the Veterans. I am sure they will appreciate receiving them. Thank you for sharing what The Chosen series is about, I’m sure you enjoyed the first 2 Seasons and will be ready for Season 3 now.

    Susan, to answer your question, yes a better sleep and for sure was warmer as I put a warm blanket on my bed, could hardly get it on as my kitty kept jumping up on bed and starting kneading it and promptly laid down. I picked her up 2x and laid her on the chair and she jumped back up each time. Dear me, she is a rascal at times, I finally got it on but sure took me longer. So glad you are getting your new beds by Christmas. That makes a nice Christmas gift for you both. It’s the Lords day here also. You mentioned you have been studying the Book of Hebrews and finishing up with it. I so love the Book! 📖

    Have a Blessed Sunday Everyone! ⛪️📖🙏😊