Chat Cafe



  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Not much more to say as I commented from everyone’s post yesterday and today it’s going to be mostly a quiet day. Have recycle to get out and garbage other than that I have my place all clean and tidy and got caught up here with you all. Blessings on your day, thank you so much for your valued friendship support and prayers. God Bless you…😊🤗
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    It is another cold and drizzly day. I do appreciate the moisture since we were in such a drought for so long. This gives the trees a good drink before their winter hibernation. They have worked so hard and now is their time for rest. I used to feel that winter was a sad time seeing all the trees bare but have changed my thoughts to being grateful that they have a rest time and not seeing it as a negative.

    A friend of mine is wanting to do more canning so I need to get a new gasket so I can use my canner too so I can help her. The bottom is so worn off of my canner it is hard to read the numbers on the bottom to know what size to get. I will take it in to the hardware store to see if they can help me know the number to get. The canner says it was made in 1974 so it has been used well. My Mom canned hundreds of jars each year with it when she was able to do it.

    We have invited the campus students to join our Bible study group tonight. We are having tacos so it should be a fun night. They bring an energy to the group that we need to embrace.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Hello all. Am working on getting ready for a concert, card classes, a craft market and so on. I thought I posted yesterday but must not have. The temps are increasing, storms are still happening but not floods.

    Thank you for your prayers and friendship, all.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    It was raining when we went to bed but woke up to snow covering the grass. It melted pretty quickly but I love that the snow covers all the inperfections with a bright soft coat. It reminds me of what Jesus does to our sins. Nature has so many lessons for us to learn if we just think about them.

    We are scheduled to get our third Covid booster today. We have not had any reactions to any of the other shots so I do not expect any problems. I'm not sure how many more boosters the CDC will suggest we get or if it will become just as common as getting a flu shot every year.

    Susan - will you be playing your flute in the concert or your ukulele? Are you playing in a large group?
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Linda, I will be playing both flute and Uke and singing! The flute gets used for the 48 voice choir. The Uke is when I am with a group of 7. It's making me nervous already!!

    Marilyn, a lovely focus for us again today. Thank you.

    I am just quickly checking in. I have three ladies arriving for a card class any minute now. I am prepping for another class this afternoon and then we are going out to dinner.

    Tomorrow is a big day too - dogs get groomed in the morning then In as m running a card making session for 7 ladies. We'll be making a total of 42 cards, 50 if I get to craft. There will be a new-to-craft lady there so I will probably be helping her a lot. So if I don't check in, you'll know it's just the busyness of the day.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Hello Ladies, thank you for sharing.
    Susan, will keep you in prayer for the concert, wish I were there to hear you play and sing. I am sure the choir and your singing will be such a blessing. I am excited for you with your card classes you are leading and the wonderful cards you will make. If you can, please share the pictures of them you take. Take care and be safe especially with all that you are doing and please don’t overdo things, get as much rest in between your music and concert and card leading and in creating all your cards my friend!

    Linda, hope you enjoy your Bible Study. I am
    Sure the Campus Students will bring their enthusiasm to your group. I love it when young people join in with us “older” folks. I am sure you all will enjoy your Taco night! Yummy 😋 What are you studying? Are you and your husband leading the Study? I hope you can get the new gasket for your canner. You mentioned you were getting your 3rd Covid booster, I trust you will be just fine and don’t have any reactions. Blessings
    on your night my friend.

    Marilyn, thank you for todays focus. So enjoy these quotes you share.

    Today has been really stormy, heavy rain and high winds. We have been warned that we could lose power so I boiled water and filled up my thermos and extra containers. Have my emergency flashlight ready and candles too just in case! Love you all and God Bless.. ❤️🙏
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member


  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    I did get my booster yesterday and my arm is sore but that is about all the problems I am having. I will be getting my flu shot shot on Saturday so I will have two sore arms to contend with. 🤔

    My husband did not lead the study on Wednesday. It was just a fun group to get aquainted with the campus kids. Tonight we are having our regular Bible study and having a Ramen bowl night. I had not idea what that is but it seems to be popular among they others in the group. They are all in their 30's. I am bringing steak and shredded carrots and rice ramen noodles for me to avoid gluten. We are studying the book "You and Me Forever" by Francis Chan and his wife. He is talking about how important to a marriage it is to have a good relationship with God before working on your marriage. When both have a good relationship with God, both will be loving one another, serving one another, and wanting the best for each other. Most marriage books talk about working on yourself to make the marriage better but I like this focus Francis has.

    Marilyn - thanks for the virtual hug! We all need them. I am praying for your kidney function to improve.

    Judith - I pray for your safety with the storms and that you will not loose power.

    Susan - I hope your concert went well. Judith and I would have been there in the front row if possible.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    edited October 2022
    I say a hearty Amen and agree with Linda, for sure the front row enjoying and cheering you on Susan!

    As I mentioned in Weather thread, we didn’t lose power thankfully, after a stormy day and night of rain and high winds, this afternoon we got a nice surprise of lovely sunny skies, forecast says the storms coming back tonight, hope they are wrong. Love your theme for your Bible Study and agree with you on how Frances Chan teaches the study. Your dinner sounds yummy, wish I could eat yummy steak 😋 I also like the idea of having the other night as getting acquainted with the Campus Kids: I am sure they feel loved by you both and all the group as you make the effort to really get to know them.

    Marilyn, My prayers join Linda in hoping your kidney function improves. Hope you feel better soon. Thank you for the wonderful quotes you
    share with us.

    Blessings on the rest of your day and evening everyone. God Bless you my friends. ❤️🙏
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Judith, I can now just imagine you and Linda cheering in the front row when the concert happens! It will be on November 26th 😊

    I, too, pray for your kidney function to improve, Marilyn. 💕

    The card class went well but was long. I got there at 12:30 and couldn't leave till 6:30 as everyone needed that time to finish their cards! It was a fun way to spend five hours!!

    Here is one of the card designs. They made two of each and there were three designs:

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    edited October 2022
    Susan: yes you can count on Linda and I who will be cheering you on November 26th. I know it will be an awesome concert for you all.
    Your Card making day was long but I am sure it was all good for everyone attending. Card making is such fun and such a great feeling of accomplishment when you see the finished project.

    Thank you for posting your beautiful cards that were created during the day. Such Beautiful Handiwork Susan. Thank you for sharing. 🤗🥰

    Blessings on your day everyone! ❤️🙏
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Another overcast day but in the 50'sF. I went shopping with a friend for some elastic because she wanted to make bowl covers. It turns out that I misunderstood her and instead of getting elastic, she also wants me to make the covers. It will not be hard work but I was surprised when she asked me to look at her bowls. I should have asked more questions! She gave a a dozen fresh eggs from her chickens so I am being paid well for my work.

    Susan - I am sorry that I got ahead of your date for your concert. Maybe since it is just a month away, I can figure a way to get there in person. 😏 I would love to have that be a possibility but alas, I am only joking. My arthritis has limited me to how long I can sit on an airplane for traveling. When we travel to Denver and back, we always stop halfway for me to get able to get out and walk to get my knee and hip joint moving again. Your cards are gorgeous. Whom ever gets them for Christmas will certainly be blessed.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    edited October 2022
    Judith and Linda, thank you for your support! How marvellous it would be to go collect you both from the airport for the concert! One day we'll be singing together in heaven 💞 That will keep me going!

    The cards I osted were my kits but my class made them 😊 They made two cards of three designs. I will show you the next design now:


    Everyone made this card a little differently, like these ones:


    I was really happy that they all liked their cards and had fun. 😁

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Linda, happy you had a nice outing shopping with your friend. I am sure the bowl covers you make for your friend will be so nice, Receiving a dozen fresh eggs from your friends chickens is a wonderful payment to receive for making her bowl covers. if you can please take a picture so we can see your handy work. So sorry you are having such difficulty with your arthritis. I will pray for God’s strength and for His Healing Hand upon your body.

    Susan, yes I sure would love for you to be picking us both up from the airport, yes, what we can look forward to is meeting up with each other in Glory, just to think one day we will be in Heaven with Jesus for all of eternity having blessed times with our loved ones and with all of our friends. The cards your group made are so beautiful, thank you for sharing the pictures of the cards with us.

    In closing may you have a Blessed day enjoying your Sunday services and Family time together.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    I will we cooking my saurkraut that I made in the canning class today with some ring sausage. I am looking forward to eating it but not to the weight gain that will come with it. I will drink a lot of water to get the salt out of my system. I do rinse the kraut before I cook it so the salt is reduced somewhat.

    Today we will be saying good-bye to a family that is moving to Texas soon. They have 2 daughters. One is 1 1/2 year old and the other one is 2 weeks old. daughter. He husband has to go early to start a new job so her mother is coming to help her with the girls as well as to help pack. this sounds a bit overwhelming to me but she is also in her 30's so has a lot more energy than I do. Her mother is also younger than I am so she can do a lot more heavy work than I.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Judith, our Sunday services were a blessing. I hope yours were too. I agree, heaven is sure something I am looking forward to! I am sure going to enjoy meeting you all 🥰 Aww, thank you for saying that about our cards! 🙏💕

    Linda, the bowl covers do sound nice. So does the sauerkraut! How sad to have to say goodbye to friends. I agree, doing so much packing and moving would be exhausting. I used to do it as I have had many moves in my life, but each one was a big challenge! I hope your friend gets away smoothly with no problems.

    Here's the last Stamp-A-Stack card my students made at the workshop:



  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Susan - do your cards come as a kit or are they all handmade? It would be a lot more work to have to cut out all those intricate details that make them so beautiful. Do they cost extra postage since they are heavier?

    I don't think I told you that we bought a new canner for me last week. We tried to get another gasket but it was so old, they do not make the gasket anymore and the one that was supposed to be a replacement was just slightly too small. We found a similar canner with a brand I do trust on sale so we bought it. It is near the end of the season so I assume that is why it was on sale. Next year I will be well prepared. I may do a little more canning of tomatoes that I froze when I did not have a working canner. I like canned tomatoes so much better than frozen ones. It is just my personal preference.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    edited October 2022
    Linda, if you can, please share your canning recipe for Sauerkraut with Sausage, sounds so delicious. Happy you got it made and great you were able to buy a new canner. It sure will be nice for you next season to can all your tomatoes, and fruits and veggies. I can almost see all the new recipes being posted on our recipe thread. So sorry you are saying goodbye to the family, so glad this young Mom has her Mother to help with packing especially with an 18 month old baby and newborn. Can’t imagine moving long distance away with such a young family.

    Susan, yes, Heaven is something wonderful to look forward to. And us 3 Gals meeting up with each other. Your Class made such beautiful cards the details and added embellishments really make the card, It’s fun working with punches, cut and emboss machine and a variety of embellishments to make and create your designed cards. Thank you for sharing the cards your class created.

    Have a great rest of your day.. 😊🤗