Chat Cafe



  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    I am really tired after the drive over the mountain today. My husband was a little anxious with keeping the trailer that was hauling my car on the road so we did not interact much. I did not want to disturb his train of thought. The trailer was wider than the truck so he had to be sure he had room on both sides of it as he went around corners, mountain passes and dealt with traffic. I am sure he is much more tired than I am though. It was nice to travel slower than usual and be able to take in the scenery.

    I still need to wash the windows of the car and get all the paperwork in place and we will deliver it to my friend. She is making us dinner so I am looking forward to that. She is like a gourmet cook and always has wonderful meals for us. She lives alone so she is glad to have company and we are glad to eat her food so it is a win-win for both of us.

    When I was packing this morning, I overlooked bringing my computer cord with me to charge my computer battery. My daughter has the same brand of computer so I can borrow hers when she is not using her computer. I may not be able to post as much if she is in need of the cord some of the days we are here.

    We will be brinking back my piano on our trip back to Grand Junction on Saturday and I am very excited. We found 5 strong college age boys who are willing to help us move it into the truck. I hope we can also find strong college boys to help us take it off the truck once we have it in Grand Junction.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    That's wise, Marilyn 💕 Thinking of you.

    We are parked up in a beautiful RV Park (Caravan Park) that was originally created for veterans. Now they let everyone come and stay. They have created a beautiful small van with memorials around it, and the grounds are like botanical gardens. There is a lot of Wildlife here. We saw a fox last night racing away from our van. There are lots of birds as well. I believe kangaroos and Wallabies are around here too, and lizards and insects. There are many flowers in bloom. It's a lovely, peaceful place, just right for spending the last day of our holiday on the road. Today I have taken out my good camera instead of using my phone for photographs. That means I will have to download them at home before I can share them with you, but it is overcast and might rain heavily, so I am going to take advantage of the time without rain as much as possible. Between looking out for photo opportunities and walking the two dogs, it will be a pleasant and active day for us.

    I do have a couple of pictures for you from my phone.

    Our rig in the park - no near neighbours at all:

    The Memorial Dam (we are facing it at our campsite)

    The Dam at night:

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    edited October 2022
    We have a plumber coming tomorrow morning to look at a dripping faucet in our bathroom. The back of the bathtub where the pipes are is in a closet in our guest room. That meant that I had to declutter the closet of lots of stored blankets and pillows so the plumber can get to the pipes if necessary. The room looks much better now but took a lot of my day.

    We took my car to my friend today. She was so happy to get it she started to cry. She also took us out to dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant. I am glad we are done working on the car getting it ready for her.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Thank you Susan for checking in with us. Trust your journey home is going well, continue to pray for safe travels.

    Linda, continue to pray for safe travels for you also. Trust you are both doing well.

    Marilyn, todays quote was so right on, I agree, the last line of your quote really stood out! “Life is too big and Time is too short to get caught up in empty drama”

    Blessings on your day ❤️🙏
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    The plumber just left and said that he estimates that it would cost $500+ to fix the faucet . He will come back next week to do it so my daughter will come over and be at the house when he comes since we will be going back to Grand Junction on Saturday. She is the one that suggested we call this man and said he does a great job. $500+ is quite a lot of money for us on a fixed income but it does need to be done. We are loosing a lot of water with the dripping. This is an older house and things do break and wear out just like our old bodies.

    My knee is feeling better so I will try to go to the gym to exercise today. Even though when I start my joints do not like it, by the time I get done, my joints are much more limber and walking is easier. The hard part is getting myself motivated to go.

    Susan - I hope you continue to have safe travels. The pictures you posted yesterday were so pretty. It does look so peaceful expecially when you do not have dogs or people close by to disturbe the quiet.

    Prayers for all of us no matter our situation, God is watching out for us.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    God is indeed watching over us, Linda. So sorry about the faucet expense but hope it will be fixed soon. How lovely about your car! You must feel good that the lady appreciates it so much? And good on you for working through the protesting joints to feel more limber and increase your ability to walk.

    Judith, thank you for praying. Am praying for you as well. Today the heavier rain is here which will make our trip home interesting. We had plans to completely strip out the van in preparation for selling it today but the rain may have a say in the timing of that.

    Waving to all reading. 👋👋👋 Am praying for you all. 🙏🙏🙏
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Linda, I say a hearty Amen, yes our God is watching over us and sets His Angels charge over us. So sorry for the expense of paying $500 for the leaky faucet. It is a lot of money to pay when living on a fixed income. You are doing so good Linda with pushing thru your painful knee and walking more and your knee getting better. God is Good! My prayers are with you my friend.

    Susan, thank you for your prayers; so sorry about the heavier rains that will make your trip home interesting tonight as you said but I am sure challenging too, my prayers are with you for a safe journey as you navigate through the heavy rain for homeward bound. So sorry your plans to clean out your van getting it ready for selling has been put on hold due to the heavy rains. Hope you are able to find a better day so you can get the van cleaned out.

    Have a great rest of your day and weekend ahead. As always my prayers are with you all.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    It's still raining here and we're on flood watch. I am so glad we came home when we did. The area we were staying has been inundated.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Rain, rain, rain.

    I not sure if I can get to church today with all the rivers rising...
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    I just spent 45 minutes undoing a silly mistake I did this /morning. My husband was mowing the lawn in the front of the house and the dog wanted to go out in the back. I did not know if my husband had closed the gate he goes through to get to the front lawn. I quickly hurried ourside to check the gate without my shoes on but on the way back I noticed that I had stepped on one of the burrowing seed plants and had it stuck on my support hoes. It is the kind, Susan, we were talking about getting into the dogs fur. As I walked I could feel it burrowing into my stocking and was prickling my foot. I had to use tweezers to get all of those tiny little stickers our of my stocking. They are like tiny pieces of thread that have a hook on the end so do not want to be displaced. Next time, I will slip on some shoes before I go outside by the gate.

    I have a few errands to do this afternoon then we are going to eat with some friends for dinner. We have been trying to get with them for a long time so it will be good to catch up.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    THIS IS TODAY 11/22
    We were up early (for me) to get things ready for the college kids to come to help us move our piano into our truck. We were expecting 8 to show up but only four came which was fine. Since the piano was a spinet, two of the boys were able to carry it the short way to the truck. They all worked on tying it down and padding it with foam pads to prevent scratching, etc. There was a forcast for strong winds in the mountains and snow to start this afternoon so we left as soon as we could to avoid the weather. Unfortunately, the wind that was predicted was so strong that the only place we did not have tied down was lifted by the wind and broken. It was the top lid of the piano that the tuner uses to get into the insides of the piano to work on to tune it. Itwas torn off and fortunately landed on the side of the road but in several pieces. We stopped the truck and walked quite a ways to where the lid and the side pieces laid on the gound. It looked like it had bounced on the sandy side of the road because it has lots of scratches and the edge where the lid was attached to the piano was ripped apart with the hinge staying with the piano. I am so disappointed but I am so glad it was not worse. It could have blown off when someone was close behind us and broken their windshield or caused an accident. I don't know if God wants me to learn that physical possessions are not to be valued as much as I do a relationship with him or if He was protecting us from something ahead of us so stopped us so we would not be involved in what ever was ahead. We will see if we can either glue it together, find someone who can help us get a new piece of wood for the lid or learn to crochet and make a long doily to go on the top to cover up all the scratches. I am not sure how many people have doilies now so that is probably not going to work. I am grateful that we did miss the snow storm that will be coming. It is predicted that we will have rain tonight here. The dark clouds are gathering and the wind is blowing so the forecast may be true.

    Susan, I am glad that you made it home before all the flooding. I pray that you will be safe during this time.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    The weather sure has changed over night. Our high today is what our low was a few days ago. So far we are only getting rain but at our mountain property there is 5 inches of snow and still coming down. My nephew is up there checking on the cows and send us a picture. I am glad the cows have tough and waterproof hides since they will be there for a few more weeks before bringing them down to the ranch for the winter. We are expecting a frost tonight so we brought in all the tomatoes that will ripen on my island. Our irrigation water was shut off last week so we do not need to worry about that.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    edited October 2022
    Marilyn, our attitude does determine our altitude! Good choice!

    Linda, I was so sorry to hear about the piano being damaged!! You have the right take on it though. God knows what needed to happen. Instead of a doiley I immediately thought of making a quilted runner! You could have seasonal ones that way too. Ouch about those pesky burrs. That's why we threw Colin's shirt away as it was encrusted with those little thready ones. It would have been impossible to get them all out, there were so many.

    The rain has finally stopped today and there is sun. There was some local flooding but we stayed safe. The rain has moved south and is flooding properties that have already been inundated twice this year. It's heartbreaking for those people. One of my friends' house went completely under water months ago. They cannot get the insurance company to say whether the house is condemned or not, but they are not allowed to live in it. They have a caravan instead, and have no power or water connected to the property anymore. I feel for them so much and have sent a few things to help them out, but it really is so little compared to what they need. Many others are living the same way. We feel blessed in our own circumstances.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Susan - that is a great idea to make a runner for each season for the piano. Our friend said he thinks he can fix it but we will see what he has in mind. I have a number to call today to get my piano tuned. He also does repair work but I don't know if that means repair things inside of the piano or if it means also working on the cabinent. Although the piano needs to be tuned, I still can play it so that is good.

    Last night the temperature got down to 32 degrees but nothing looks like it was hurt. The tomatoe plants are close to the house so they must have been protected. Where my S-I-L lives, they got a dusting of snow but we only got rain. We can see snow on the mountains in the higher altitude parts from our house.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    That's true, Marilyn. One always has to be willing to forgive and not hate.

    Linda, I do hope the repair can be made for your piano! Wow, it must be cooling down quickly there now. Meanwhile, I had the air conditioning on for part of today here...

    It's later than my usual check in time as it has been a social day and I have also been prepping card classes, but all is well!

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    I am so glad we have a space heater in the bedroom to warm it up as we get ready for bed. Next month we will be getting a gas insert for the fireplace so it will keep the rest of the house warm. We do have a good furnace but it still feels cooler than when you can sit in front of a heat source and let it warm your whole body. I understand why cats like to sit in the sunshine to get warm now.

    Nothing exciting going on here today. I am anxious to taste the saurkraut we made last week. It is sitting on my counter bubbling and changing color so I assume it will be ready soon. Right now it just tastes like wilted salty cabbage. 😄
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Linda, good plan about the heater! And making your own sauerkraut is a lot of work. I'm sure it will taste amazing!

    I have a musical day ahead. Uke practice this morning, and flute and uke rehearsal this afternoon. I have to sandwich in a telehealth appointment with the Dietitian and we have church tonight. I need to cut more card kits for my Friday and Saturday card classes too. Better wiggle!
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    edited October 2022
    Today I am having a quiet day catching up with everyone here on MFP. Also had several deliveries and getting my prescriptions and clean laundry my friend dropped off. Was given surprises, a music tape, Boost supplement drink and the gauze bandages I use, thank you Jesus for awesome blessings and for meeting the needs. Praise God! ❤️

    Marilyn your last two posts have been really good: I do agree as having the right attitude does make a huge difference in our lives and yes, I choose Forgiveness as without it we will never have Peace: you are sharing such aww inspiring quotes that give us all much Food for Thought and are Convicting for sure! Keep them coming Marilyn! 😊❤️

    Linda, so sorry about your piano getting damaged in the wind storm. Using a doily or runner is a great idea to cover top of piano. But hopefully you can find someone who can replace the top or repair it. The good thing is you can still play it. Your weather is like mine here, the only place where there is snow is high up in our mountains. Here it has been cloudy overcast damp and cold, however, we got rain this afternoon when forecast said it was clearing. Daytime temps have been 32 degrees and night time under 20 degrees, brrr it’s chilly for sure. Glad you got the tomatoes in, glad the sheltered area kept them safe from frost. Let us know how you like your sauerkraut, I’m sure it’s yummy. Those burrs sound nasty and painful to get in your feet, hope your feet were not hurt too severely.

    Susan, your weather sounds so severe with the rain and being on flood watch. Your friends who live in the area where the floods are, so sorry to hear their house went under water from the land flooding. I so feel for them, it’s unbelievable the Insurance company isn’t helping them. They should get the assessment and get compensated for loosing their home. And the conditions they are living in now with no heat or running water in their caravan is so sad. I have no words to express how I feel, my heart goes out to them and of course I’m praying for them. I am so glad you got home and are safe where you are. I am praying for your protection that your area will be free from flood waters. So glad to hear in your last post all was well and you were preparing for card classes and having a social day. Enjoy! ❤️