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  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Good Morning

    Sorry for being absent the last few days. Thank you all for sharing. And thank you for my Birthday and Thanksgiving wishes and greetings.

    Thank you for all your posts you shared.

    Susan, thank you for sharing the pictures of wild Turkey and ocean view from your van park. You sure have a variety of poisonous critters in your area but looking past that you have a beautiful country to live in.

    Linda, sounds lovely going up to Grand Mesa to see the Fall colors. I’m sure it was a lovely trip. Hope you enjoyed your Bible Study.

    Marilyn, thank you for your post on being grateful. Yes indeed, we have much to be thankful and grateful for.

    God Bless your day…🙏😊
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    It is a beautiful day with bright blue sky and plenty of sunshine. I am going to the library to pick up some books on quilting so I can get going on the quilt I will make of the denim squares we found among my M-I-L things after she died. I have asked my friends to save their old denim clothes that are worn out for me to use also. The squares are 6" so it wil take quite a few to make a whole queen size quilt. It should be nice and thick and warm for winter when I get it done.

    Beautiful thoughts posted today Marilyn. What more to do we need besides what God has provided. It seems the more we have, the less grateful we become.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Linda, what a great project to start! I love the idea of making a denim quilt and your mil would love that you are sewing up her squares. It will be a special quilt.

    Marilyn, sorry you are missing someone. I am sending virtual hugs. 💕

    We're planning a social day, going to first my sil's then to my niece's for coffee/tea.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Marilyn, the last two posts you shared touched my heart. Thank you, Big Hugs to you, thank you all that we can lean on each other and most of all, pray for each other and love with the Love of Jesus! ❤️🙏

    Linda, the denim quilt sounds so nice, your MIL would be so proud that you are making a quilt with the denim squares she left behind after she passed. Look forward to seeing a picture when it’s done. Enjoy your sunny day…

    Susan, sounds like a lovely Social day spending time and visiting your SIL and your Niece over Coffee/Tea and good conversation..

    Blessings on your day! 🤗
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Today was a fun day. A friend and I went to a U-pick farm and picked peppers and tomatoes and also bought butternut squash, spaghetti squash and cantelope. Food is always so fresh right out of the field. I also go some exercise getting the produce. I picked parsley yesterday to put in the dehydrater our of our pots on the patio. My house should be smelling really nice with the parsley smell.

    We are having our Bible Study group at our house again on Friday. We are having a salad bar and I will be making bread sticks. I found a recipe that is supposed to be like the bread sticks at my favorite Italian restraunt - Olive Garden. I hope they turn out as good as theirs are. They probably will not be as pretty shaped but taste is what is most important.

    My grandson was still having abdominal pain on Monday so my daughter took him again to be seen by the doctor. They did an ultrasound and still could not figure out what is causing it. They put him on a medication for nausea thinking that maybe he was having nausea that feels like pain to him. They also want him to go to a GI doctor for a consult. So far he is feeling better so we are very relieved.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    edited October 2022
    Linda, your fun day sounded so enjoyable with picking your own fruits and veggies at the farm. My mouth was watering as you mentioned some of my favorites, I look forward to the day when I can eat those fruits and veggies not pureed like I have to eat them now.

    Your Bible Study at your home sounds like a great time of fellowship studying God’s Word and eating scrumptious food; you mentioned the Olive Garden and the Bread Sticks they serve, I had them years back, so good! 😋 The recipe you found, are you able to share the recipe with us? I am sure the bread sticks you make will be a hit with your Group eating them all up. 😋

    So sorry about your Grandson still having abdominal pain, my prayers are with him and with the Medical Staff that they have much wisdom and be able to find out what’s causing all the pain. Glad he is being referred to a GI Specialist. Trust the medication they put him on for nausea continues to help him. So glad he is feeling better. Please keep us posted on how your grandson is doing and when he gets the appointment with the GI Specialist and what you all learned from the consult.

    God’s Blessings all… 🤗🙏💗
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    My husband loved the trial breadsticks that I made yesterday. They were not perfectly formed but still were delicious. I am making another batch this morning so I have enough for tonight before my husband eats them all. I will put the recipe on the recipe thread later today. We are getting with another older couple for lunch and I am in a time crunch this morning trying to get the bread sticks done before we meet them.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Hi everyone. Sorry, have been slack about posting today. All is well, we're just winding up our visiting as we leave in a few days. Will post more tomorrow.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    I had a disaster canning tomatoes today that we picked a few days ago. All seemed to be going fine until I put the jiggler on and there was a loud sound and steam came from under the lid in profuse amounts. I'm not sure what happened but I will not be canning for a while. I had some problems getting the lid on in the first place so I think I need to get a new gasket. For now I will be freezing my tomatoes until I get that. (I was able to can the pears earlier with no problem.) It is an old canner tht belonged to my Mom so I guess it is getting tired.
    Later - I tried to get the lid off the canner but it would not come off. My husband had to use a rubber hammer to hit the lid to get it off. When we got it off, I thought the cans might have broken from all the movement in the canner but they seem to be fine Actually, they are all sealed but I am not sure I can trust them to keep all winter without actually having pressure to make them seal. We will use them up quickly to make sure they are safe to eat.

    On a happier note, we have an application for someone to take over my husband's directorship of the school. The resume looks really good and we are aquainted with this person. He was a minister at our church many years ago. If this works out, our prayers that my husband can retire and live with less responsibility will be answered!
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Wow, Linda, that would have been frustrating and a bit scary about the canning. Glad no one got hurt. I hope you find a good replacement for the faulty appliance. Oh how wonderful that you might have someone to take over for your husband! Retirement will be an amazing change for you both. God bless!

    I crafted today as it was the last day I could do that on the road. Tomorrow we'll be packing up ready for the road the next day. Then we'll be travelling for three days. Home on Friday.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    I put the bread stick recipe in the recipe thread. Although mine were not as pretty as those in the restaurant, they were very tasty. I put real garlic in the butter rather than garlic powder and put that on 1/2 of them and just melted butter on the rest since we were having children eat also and I did not know if they would like the garlic. As I thought, they ate quite a bit of the regular buttered ones.

    I finally finished washing all the windows in the house. We do not have a lot but it required spraying them on the outside to clean the screens and the channels they move on then taking the windows out of the frames to clean both sides. I needed my husband to help me get the windows out. Once I got his help, I just did all of them in case he did not have time to help me later. I can see outside so much better now. ☺ I know that windows are usually done for spring cleaning but at least once a year they need done so I put it with the Fall cleaning.

    Susan, I pray for safe travels for you. I like to travel but sometimes, after a while I just want to go home and have some routines to do. We will be leaving from Grand Junction on Tuesday going to Denver to deliver my car and coming back Saturday this week. The car really looks nice inside although we still have to work on the hole in the carpet on the driver's side. There is a lot of foot movement since it is not an automatic car so the friction of our feel has worn out the carpet. I certainly got my exercise scrubbing the seats to get rid of old stains. It seemed the more I cleaned off, the more I could see. Oh well, she knows she is getting a very old car so some stains will just be there for the rest of it's life.

    I hope all of you are having a blessed weekend. Prayers for all of you! 🙏🧡
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Linda, sorry about the canning but glad you found the tomatoes ok with containers not broken, good idea to eat them up quickly just in case the sealing wasn’t secure. Too bad the canner is tired but sounds like you have had a lot of good use with it. So glad your breadsticks were yummy! Thanks for posting the recipe on the recipe thread. You have been busy with canning and cleaning windows and cleaning the inside of car ready to give to new owner and getting ready for travelling home. So happy to hear you likely have someone to take over your Husbands Directorship at the school, retirement will be a change but a nice one for you both.

    Susan, glad you were able to have another day of crafting before you head home. Glad you have been able to get in your visiting with those you hoped before heading back on the road for home. My prayers are with you for a safe journey.

    Marilyn, thank you for sharing the quotes.

    Our weather here has been so summer like with warm temps which is so nice for my garden, still picking tomatoes off my vines and my garden is thriving. It’s hard to believe we are in the Autumn season. I enjoyed sunny skies and enjoyed my Church’s Live Stream service. Blessings on your week ahead! ❤️🙏🤗
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Linda, I am at the point where being home would be wonderful. It is supposed to rain a lot over the next few days and may even turn into flooding rain. I would rather be home before the rains but it looks like we will be travelling through them instead. Glad we can go slowly. It would be better for the dogs if we were home, too. The puppy especially gets very antsy at times, not being free to run and play when he wants to. All the best with the car! I agree, no one should expect perfection in this case. I am sure you made it as clean as it can be.

    Judith, the time of year where you are sounds so lovely. It's nice that you are still getting ripe tomatoes from your garden! I hope you make some tomato soup with some. Blessings to you also for the coming week.

    We're leaving in the morning so I should be getting some sleep now. Take care, all of you.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    The evenings are getting cooler so we may be needed to light up the fire pit so we can be comfortable on the patio in the evening. In Denver, they are having frost warnings so my daughter will need to be gathering the vegetables from the garden soon. We will be there tomorrow so we can help her. The vegetables in the ground will be OK but the tomatoes are very fragile when it comes to frost. The leaves are beginning to fall off the trees but fortunately our lawn service takes care of removing the leaves for us.

    I am going to a canning class tonight that a friend invited me to. We will be making sauerkraut and tomatillo salsa. I have not made this type of salsa so it should be interesting to see how it is done. We get to take home some of the items we make which is nice.

    I'm off to the library to get a book I had on hold that just came in on quilting.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    edited October 2022
    Today reality has set in regarding our weather, I looked out my patio door and the leaves on. Some of the trees are partly turned red, and some have orange leaves. We have had such hot sunny weather all October and no rain; the temps have dropped over 10 degrees just from the past 2 days, so fast, I will have to pick the green tomatoes off the vine so I don’t lose them. Will freeze the ripe tomatoes and green ones so I can use them in recipes when I can eat them.

    Thanks Susan, good idea to make some tomato soup. A good plan, so sorry about the rains coming and possibly turning into flooding rain. That’s tough especially with you heading out with travelling home in the Van and having your dogs that can’t roam freely outside. I feel for you. Please be careful, safe travels my friend. My prayers go with you.

    Linda, your recipe for sauerkraut and tomatillo salsa, yummy, would love the recipe. Your canning class sounds like you will do enjoy, a great plus with you able to take home what you make. Look forward hearing all about the items you make. Yes we too here in the evenings and mornings are having cooler weather. I agree with picking the tomatoes off the vines quickly as the frost will not be good for them. Sounds so cozy lighting up the fire pit to keep warm as you sit out on your deck in the evenings. Sounds like it’s getting quite chilly in Denver especially with frost warnings. Do you have a lot of vegetables in your garden that you will now need to harvest? Sounds great you getting the book from your library on quilting. Enjoy getting more ideas for your future quilting projects. Safe travels as you head out to Denver tomorrow. My prayers go with
    you. Blessings on your evening all. 🤗😇🍂🍁
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Just a quick check in when I have signal. We are travelling today. All is well! 💕🙏
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member