Chat Cafe



  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    We left for church at 10:15am and got home at 4:30pm so it was a long day. We had a three hour meeting with friends we have worked with but do not see very often since our church is broken up by regions and we meet separately. It was good to catch up with what they are doing and what we might be able to do again in our regions. We are part of a prayer ministry that has seen many people able to strengthen their prayer lives and prayers answerered.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Sounds wonderful and so worthwhile, Linda.

    We're having medical appointments today for Col. Just routine checks.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    The past 24 hours has been a bit crazy for the family. Although it did not happen to me, it did involve my daughter so we are emotionally involved. Yesterday she took her husband's grandma to a live Rogers and Hamerstein music show that my SIL helped produce. The grandma was so excited to go my daughter actually flew her from Kansas to see it. As they were going to the building to see the show, our daughter was pushing grandma in a wheelchair and hit a high spot in the crack of the sidwalk and grandma fell out of the chair and had to go to the ER. After many exams, she only needed stitches in her head where she hit the sidewalk. At the same time that they were coming home, my SIL was driving home from the show and got in an accident. He was rear ended in a turn lane. He was not hurt but the truck would not start so my daughter had to go get him and will need to replace the battery. This morning my daughter felt stuffy and congested so she did an in home covid test and it was positive. Now 80+ year old grandma from Kansas has been exposed so we do not know when she will go back to Kansas - expecially since she is also hurting from the fall. She will also have to miss going to a women's retreat she was looking forward to going to on Friday. Prayers for peace are needed in this situation. My daughter feels so bad that grandma got hurt and that she has exposed so many people to covid.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Afternoon everyone,

    Linda, The wedding sounded lovely in spite of the cooler temps later in day. Yes, it’s wonderful to see a young couple start their lives together with God at the centre of their lives.

    Susan, your Sunday was blessed, I love the Book of Hebrews and the sermon on the Ascension Tasks of Christ sounded like such an inspirational message to hear.

    I too had a Blessed Sunday, quiet but all good as I listened to my Sermon via live stream entitled Requirements of a Godly Influence; Scripture texts were taken from Matthew 16; Daniel 3, Daniel 2; Hebrews 13.

    Thank you Marilyn for the inspirational quotes you have shared, it’s so good to see you back posting again, you were missed, praying for you for complete healing and a speedy recovery that each day will get better for you.

    I had a heavy week with appointments treatments procedures and scan. It’s taking longer to recover from last surgeries and the disease needs to get under control with body responding better. My Oncologist said due to me in the recovery process and reacting to the graphs and flaps he can’t do a head, face or full body scan as the reading would be inaccurate. So it’s put off till the new year. It’s ok as God is Good and He is Watching over me! ❤️😊✝️
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Judith, the New Year is when your healing reaches six or seven months, right? I hope it is. I also hope and pray your treatments help you wonderfully and you have far less pain. 🙏🙏🙏 Glad you had a blessed Sunday. I think you and Linda cross posted!

    Linda, what a terrible day your family had! I'll pray as you ask. I hope Grandma will be alright, as will your daughter and all who were exposed. You sound like you need extra hugs too with all the procedures you have had them family stress on top of that. 🙏🙏🙏

    We had a big day too but on a good way. Long distance friends were here for lunch and after that a crafty friend came by. Col had regular telehealth and in person appointments to attend so sandwiched them in between our visitors.

    Thinking of you and 🙏🙏🙏 for you too, Marilyn and Darlene.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    My daughter is feeling better but now 82 year old Grandma is having symptoms of covid so we are concerned for her. She also had congestive heart failure and other co-morbidities.

    I had a good and encouraging time with my Tuesday morning Bible study group. We all have issues in our lives that we support one another through. I feel like they are family to me and I trust them so much.

    Marilyn - I am wondering how you are doing and how your appointment went yesterday.

    Susan - I am glad that you were able to connect with long distance friends. It is good to connect electronically or via mail but face to face is so much better!

    Judith - I am sorry you need to wait until the first of the year for the scans but it is understandable that he would want to wait until your grafts/flaps are healed better. For sure you want to get accurate results when it is done.

    Darlene - I too would love to hear from you.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Good Morning

    Susan, you are correct, I read a previous post from Linda and missed the part about her dear Grandma and Daughter, thanks for heads up as I went to read what Linda shared. To answer your question: yes, it takes 6 to 7 months for me to recover from the last surgeries I had. I am also having treatment and face more. In New Year is when the Surgeon looks at big picture and will tell me what he needs to do to complete the procedures he has done, I could be facing more surgery, hopefully not.

    Linda, I missed your post about your dear family going through so much. So sorry about Grandma falling out of her chair and needing stitches but thankfully was not injured more seriously. So sorry your daughter tested positive for Covid but glad she is starting to feel better. So sorry to hear Grandma is showing signs of Covid and will miss the retreat she had plans for. Yes I understand your daughter would feel bad with exposing others to Covid. My prayers are with your Daughter and with Grandma for a complete recovery and healing, trusting all is well with you and your hubby. So glad you had a good Bible Study on Tuesday, it’s wonderful that you all can support each other in prayer.

    Marilyn and Darlene my thoughts and prayers are with you both.

    Thank you all for your prayers & support. 🙏😊
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    We had a big drop in temperature today. It was a high of 89 yesterday and now it is a high of 64 degrees and cloudy. We are expecting rain this afternoon. I am going to try to get a walk in before the rain starts.

    Please excuse any misstyping I may do today. I am typing with one finger with my left hand. I am noticing symptoms of "trigger finger" in my left ring finger and the treatment is to rest the joint so I have a splint on my finger. I did not realize how ofter I use that finger untill I can not use it for now. It is just an irritation to me and nothing like what some of you are going through so I am not complaining.

    thinking of you all and praying for you!
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    edited September 2022
    Linda, that's not good about Grandma. Maybe she will only have a mild case of Covid. I pray she will be alright. Your poor daughter, feeling guilty about it all, but she couldn't have known! I do hope resting your finger will help. My middle finger on the left hand triggers when I play Uke. I've had several fingers do that, had a cortisone injection for the first one and rested it, but in my case it takes 1 - 2 years for the trigger to work itself out. I hope you are different!

    Judith, thank you for the news about your treatments. I'll pray it won't be necessary for you to have more surgery. Glad to have alerted you to Linda's post about what was happening for her. I know we all want to be there for each other 💕

    Speaking of which, I am praying for you all, Marilyn, Darlene, Judith and Linda. 🙏
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    I am packing today to go to leave tomorrow for a women's retreat up in the mountains this weekend. When I came to this house, it was hot so I brought clothing for hot weather. Unfortunately, over the past week, we have had colder weather but I do not have my warm clothes here. Up at the retreat, it is supposed to be a low of 31 at night so I went to a second hand store and bought some long sleeved blouses to wear. I did not want to spend a lot of money on clothes when I have lots at the other house. I hope we do not have snow up there like we did last year. I am looking forward to fellowship and fun we will have.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Linda, that was wise and practical of you. I hope you enjoy the Retreat and stay warm!

    We had a day out at a van show where we decided to upgrade our current van. It will take till June next year to get what we have ordered, plenty of time to clean up our van and sell it. We can even do a couple of little trips before then so will make that happen. It was a fun day 🤗
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Susan - that is exciting that you can upgrate your van. It seems like a long time to wait to get it though but as you said it gives you time to clean and go on short trips. At the end of the summer, we had some things repaired and upgraded in our trailer so I am looking forward to having a more comfortable time next summer in it.

    Since I will be at the retreat I probably will not be on here this weekend. I will try to at least check in so I can keep my streak of days but may be so busy I will not post. Have a great weekend everyone! 💖
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Linda, we're going from a 16' van to a 22' van with a slide out. It will make such a difference to our travels. The manufacturing time takes an age since Covid. Col wants to go on a long trip when we get the new van, as long as his health holds up. He's not feeling too great today. He has indigestion/chest tightness and won't go to a Dr. I'm hovering over him. I will insist or get an ambulance if he starts feeling worse.

    Enjoy your retreat. I think you will be too busy to post, too!

    Thinking of you all. 🙏💕
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    edited September 2022

    Am slowly gaining back strength but doctor has told me that because the kidney function is still really low (it is working at 17%) that I will tire easily so I need to learn to live with this - they don't know now how much it will improve - am hoping to get it up to 35 - 40 but kidney doctors say they would be overjoyed it if got to 20% but that would mean a lot of changes for me as to just what I can do as just a very short walk and I am exhausted. Good note though is they have revised all my meds (was on 8 prescribed ones) and they now have me on 3 so that is really good. Also because of this the weight is coming off. In just over 2 weeks I have lost 5 pounds and every 2nd day I am down a little more - so that is making me happy - but honestly I am not eating much - breakfast goes down ok as does soup for lunch but when dinner comes along I seem to get a feeling of sick to my stomach for a couple of hours and have a hard time eating dinner. Get a few mouthfuls in - but in its place I am having fresh fruit- apples, oranges, bananas and blueberries and must say i am enjoying that. Doctor is monitoring everything and says it is just my body working on getting better - and as the kidney function is so low and I am not all that active as am still rather week that I am getting enough nutrition - just need to plugg along, walking a bit more every day (right now 10 minutes 3x a day and then eating nutritional food that will aid to improving my healthy without harming the kidneys. Have had to give up a number of foods (such as all red meat and poultry is limited to 2 oz a day) so am looking at ways to get in the protein through beans (these can be hard on the kidneys), lentils and vegetables. They keep taking blood every 2 weeks to check things over even checking things like magnesium, potassium, iron, and so on

    Take care everyone
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Good Morning All

    Marilyn, great to see you on here posting, how are you doing? My prayers continue for you trusting your kidney’s are much better. So enjoyed this latest post “To Do List” you shared today. A hearty Amen to all that was on the list.

    Susan, that’s great you have upgraded your van from a 16 inch to a 22 inch with a slide out. It sure will make your travelling vacations so much nicer for you. Even though you have to wait for a length of time you can make good use of getting your van tidied up ready to sell by the time your new one arrives. That is great that Colin is already planning for trips he wants to take in the new one. Trusting he will be feeling healthy and strong enough to do this. And speaking about his health so sorry today is not that good for Colin with not feeling well, my prayers are with him that he will feel better soon. It’s good you are keeping a close
    eye on him. Take good care my friend.

    Linda, it’s wonderful that you are attending the retreat this weekend. Sorry the weather has turned cold, good idea about buying some clothes from the second hand store to get through the weekend. It’s amazing what nice blouses you can buy there, I’m sure you got some nice ones. The weekend will be wonderful as you fellowship with all the ladies and enjoy all the special speakers with the messages that are shared. Look forward to hearing all about your retreat. Yes you will be busy, please don’t worry about posting on here just enjoy your retreat my friend.

    Darlene, been thinking of you, hope all is well with you? It’s been a while since you were on here. Take care my friend and God Bless…

    Have a great and Blessed weekend all! 😊🙏🤗
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    We made it back from the retreat this afternoon. It was much different than the usual ones I have been to. There was a special speaker but most of the time was planned to do things like fellowship, play games, take hikes, rest, good devotionals, etc. I did not feel rushed at all which was really good. It was time to sit back and enjoy nature and God's blessings. One of my roomates was an early riser who was so excited about getting up to a frosty morning (low 30's). I had to let her have this time of joy while I stayed in bed and got some more sleep. As you know, I am not an early riser! Once the sun came up, the frost melted quickly and the temperature got up to 70 which was more to my liking.

    Susan - I too am praying for Colin. Having chest tightness is something to watch closely. I am glad you are keeping an eye on him and will call for help if necessary. Your van sounds like a great adventure vehicle. I hope you two will have many hours of fun in it. I would love to see a picture of it when it is delivered.

    Marilyn - so great to see you posting again. I pray that your kidney function will improve with time and you will have more energy. Your body has gone through some hard times and will take a while to heal it's self. Take care of yourself!
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    edited September 2022
    Hello everyone. I wound up getting an ambulance to come for Col. Thankfully it wasn't his heart but he needs his hiatus hernia reviewed. We thought it was fixed by his last surgery but it is getting worse again. He was ready to be picked up at the hospital by midnight so we were pretty tired yesterday at church. He didn't feel well yesterday but today was a bit better for him.

    We're still going away this week. I hope he manages alright. We're going short distances and stopping so hopefully he will be alright with that. He's determined to go.

    Marilyn, thank you for your update. You have been through a lot. Will pray your kidney function improves and so does your energy level. Are you allowed to eat eggs?

    Judith, good to see you checking in and you too, Linda.

    I have too much to do over the next couple of days so will check in briefly when I can. 😊
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Good Morning

    Linda, welcome back. So glad you enjoyed your retreat, sounds like a lovely relaxed time in the presence of the Lord.

    Susan, it’s good you were keeping an eye on Colin and called the ambulance for him to go to hospital emergency. so sorry Colin is having problems with his hiatus hernia but glad it wasn’t his heart, so sorry they have to review the hernia issues especially when you thought it was taken care of in last surgery. Take good care and be safe in your travels this week.

    Marilyn and Darlene, my prayers continue for you both. Take good care, God Bless 🙏
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    We watched the grandkids while my daughter took Grandma-I-L (the one that fell out of the wheelchair and then got Covid) to the airport to fly back to Kansas. The airlines had someone there to take her to the gate in a wheelchair but my daughter got a call from her saying that they were putting her on standby and would not be allowed to board the plane until 3 hours later. After some frantic phone calls by my daughter, they said it was an error on someones part but she still could not get on the plane since it was full. G-I-L had no money since she was expecting to eat when she got home so she was hungry and tired but I just heard that she made it safely to Kansas and all is well. She did say she had a wonderful fine watching the shows my S-I-L was in so there were good parts along with the not so good ones on this trip.

    I am grateful that with eating the food at the retreat that I actually lost 2# over the weekend. I tried to just eat meat and vegetables so it must have worked. It was also that I had to walk long distances between three different buildings to get to the dining hall, sessions and room. The exercise was good for me too.