Chat Cafe



  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    I know this is crazy with as much as I complain about the high temperatures in Grand Junction but today I am wishing for that higher temperature again. It will be barely 51 degress as our high. If I were in Grand Junction it is a sunny 73 degrees. I certainly am not wanting the 100 degrees but 73 sounds wonderful. I am grateful for the rain we did get here last night and without a temperature change we would not be grateful for the variety we have. The cooler weather will help us have a wonderful display of Fall colors in the trees.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    That's quite a temperature drop, Linda. I hope you had something warm with you.

    Just a quiet day here. Church this morning, nap time in the afternoon, church in the evening. Jasper is keeping me company while hubby and Archie dog sleep.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Thank you all for sharing here, it’s always a blessing reading what you share.

    Yes, Susan it was a shock when the news broke that Queen Elizabeth II passed, I identify with you Linda about seeing the Queen getting frailer and not ready to see her go, she was our Queen for pretty much of my life, she was Queen before I was born so all through my life till now she was the only Queen I knew. And about change that you both mentioned, sometimes it’s good but in this case I am concerned, however I was encouraged with his speech that King Charles III said he promised to live his life serving the people
    like his Mother did.

    Linda glad you were able to meet with the ladies after Bible Study over lunch.

    Susan, your cards are beautiful thank you for sharing the pictures.

    Darlene, my prayers are with you, trusting the physio will help you and you soon will be well and strong enjoying going out and being in the community as you desire to do. I am sure you will.

    Blessings on your day..😊❤️🙏
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Today was very cool when I got up but warmed up nicely by the time we went to church. The grass is so green with the rain we had yesterday. After church we at some snacks that we brought then had a 2 hour elder's meeting (and wives are encouraged to attend also). We have been discussing divorce and remarriage. My usband has been researching this to see what it meant in the time of the Moses, Jesus and Paul. Our times are not like theirs but there are certain Biblical truths that do not change. It has been an interesting study and very appropriate for this time in the world where committment to marriage is not held strongly by some people.

    Tomorrow I will can pears again and then go visit our son and have dinner with him and his family. We do not get to see him as often as we do our daughters since he lives further away. We have presents we bought for them when we were in Disney World a month ago. I am looking forwarad to seeing them.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    edited September 2022
    Linda, so glad you enjoyed your Sunday service and you were able to do more of your canning of pears. You said you were visiting your son later and have dinner with the family. Hope you have a great visit, I am sure they will enjoy the gifts you got for them from Disneyland. Blessings on your week.

    I was here few hours ago and answered quite a few messages as I read the posts from you Susan and Darlene. Just couldn’t sleep so up and thought I’d post for today as I know what I have planned.

    Have a full week with medical appointments and today I am visiting online via Zoom with several of my friends.

    Blessings all, have a good day, my prayers are with you all and thank you for yours. 😊
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Judith, sorry you couldn't sleep but it's understandable with medical appointments ahead and pain from your surgeries. I hope you get a better sleep tonight. Still praying for you. Glad you can spend time with friends on Zoom.

    Linda, those sound like good studies. We're working through Genesis and Hebrews at the moment with our Pastor. There are gems throughout the Bible, aren't there. I hope you get all the pears processed. They will be a boon to you.

    Thinking of you, Marilyn and Darlene.

    I had a musical day here (ukelele, flute) and went out to dinner with friends.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Just quickly checking in for today to let you know I am praying for you all.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    We did have a great visit with my son and his family. My DIL is cleaning out her closets and gave me some beautiful comforters. She tries to keep her house unclutters and when she does a deep clean, she finds things to give away. Fortunately, I am on the recipient end of her cleaning sometimes. Then I have to go through my things and give things away too so I do not get too cluttered. It helps both of us.

    Tonight my daughter and family will come over to help with some things that need to be repaired in the house. In turn I will be getting dinner for them which is fun. Tomorrow my daughter will be coming over to can some more pears. They are getting really ripe so we need to process them quickly. I can mine in water but she will be using light syrup for hers. I think the pears are plenty sweet but our taste buds are not accustomed to eating sweet things anytime.

    Thursday my granddaughter is having all 4 of her wisdom teeth removed. At that same time, my grandson is having braces put on his teeth and my husband is having his cardiology appointment. It is a busy medical day.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    edited September 2022
    Sounds like a good arrangement with your DIL, Linda. I like that it is good for you both. Glad someone is helping you with the ripe pears. Enjoy chatting and canning! And I hope all goes well on your medical day.

    Music this morning, had a friend over for lunch, then washing, cleaning and dog grooming in the afternoon. We're off to prayer meeting tonight so I will be praying for you all.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    We canned all the ripe pears but still have a few that are not quite ripe for a later day. It is fun to work together with my daughter. We can talk and work at the same time.

    I did hear from Marilyn on another team I am on. She said she was in the hospital for 7 days with kidney failure and multiple infections. She is now at home and very weak. I praise God she was able to recover this serious situation.

    Judith I am thinking about your medical appointments this week. I'm praying that they are all informative and do not tire you our too much.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Thank you Susan and Linda for thinking of me and for your prayers.

    Sounds like a great music day for you Susan with playing the ukulele and flute. Hope you enjoyed dinner out with your friends, where did you go and what did you eat. I am sure it was scrumptious! 😋

    Linda, I like that you and your DIL can share things with each other as you both de-clutter your closets. Glad you got your pears canned, it’s always nice when you have your daughter with you so you can do the canning together with great conversation which helps the time go by

    Glad you connected with Marilyn, I have left her some messages but hadn’t heard from her so glad you got to talk and find out about her. She sure has been going through so much of late with her kidneys. Please let her know I said hi and am praying for her. Thank you! 🙏

    Take care all will be back on the weekend after I have recovered from 2 big appointments with travelling to Vancouver to see Oncologist and Surgeon. God Bless you all. 😊❤️🙏🤗
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Oh wow, so glad to have an update about Marilyn but what a terrible thing to happen to her. I too am glad she has recovered enough to go home. Thank you for the message, Linda.

    Judith, still thinking of you and praying your Drs know the best things to do for you. I know you will let us know what happens in due course. Dinner was with a group of crafting friends. I had a Caesar Salad with chicken. It was good. Col came along too and had fish and chips. He enjoyed it.

    Darlene, hope you are doing well and can check in soon.

    I spent a lot of today making cards for orders. It was pleasantly busy and fun.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Today was a busy medical day. My granddaughter is having all four wisdom teeth taken out, my grandson got new braces and my husband had a cardiology appointment. I took my grandson to his appointment because his mom was not available to take him. He was so scared he was crying. It would have been better to have him Mom with him but the dentist was able to calm him down and and accomplish it after a while. After it was over, he was much happier and calm. He will need to eat only soft foods for two days while his teeth get used to the new positioning.

    My husband's cardiology appointment went well. They said his heart looks good but will have him wear a Holter monitor for a week to see why he is having irregular heartbeats at times. It will be good to get a specific diagnosis for this skipped beats. He has an appointment to have the monitor placed next week.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Marilyn, welcome back! Have been praying for you and hope the Drs were able to help you. I know your condition is serious and wish I could help. Take care my friend.

    Oh Linda, what a stressful day for you all. Glad you had an understanding and wise dentist who could help your grandson get through his ordeal. Glad they are helping your husband by monitoring his heart. I hope they put your granddaughter out for her wisdom teeth extraction. It will possibly be an awful day for her if they don't. Poor thing! It sounds like you are the comforter and supporter this week. Take care of YOU

    We're going out for lunch with friends today. My gf has breast cancer surgery on Monday then many weeks of chemo and radiation. She is making light of it all but I think she is in for a bit of a rough ride. We wanted one last 'normal' lunch before her surgery. She is a Christian so we will all be praying with her for healing if that is the Lord's will.

    We also have a retired Pastor friend in hospital because of heart/chest pain. His wife cannot drive so Col has been helping her out while the Drs diagnose her husband. Both are in their 80s. We're hoping and praying for a good outcome for him, whatever the Lord thinks is best.

    Take care, everyone. You are all on my mind and in my heart and prayers.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    My Grandson is doing well with his braces. We ate with them last night and he was able to eat regular food. He did have a few "pokey" plalces that were irritating his mouth but wax really seems to help. My Granddaughter is doing OK. Her cheeks are very swollen and she is complaining of pain but is up and eating soft foods today. The doctor said that the wisdom teeth were impacted and they had to cut the bone to get them out. It was a longer procedure than they expected. I am so grateful she was sedated and did not feel anything.

    Judith - I am praying for your appointments. May God's peace and strength envelope you today and always.

    Marilyn - good to see you posting again!

    Susan - so good you were able to get with your friend who has upcoming surgery. It sounds like she has a lot of medical care in her future. It is so good she has you as a friend to help her through this tough time. I am glad Col is able to help your retired pastor's wife. What a scary time while waiting for a diagnosis. I will add them to my prayer list also along with your friend with cancer.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    edited September 2022
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Marilyn, I am glad you are posting too. I hope you feel some energy returning.

    Linda, thank you for praying for my friends. Pastor Joe got to come home today. He didn't have heart trouble after all, but had pulled some muscles in his chest! Praise the Lord for it not being as serious as it could have been. My friend Lyn has been updated. She has surgery Monday and they will see what they find. She may only need radiation in 8 weeks as they will give her that time to heal. We're hoping and praying they can get it all out. Glad your grands got through their dental work. Will pray your granddaughter heals quickly and well.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    We went to an outdoor wedding last night. It was fairly warm when it started but got colder by the minute as the sun went down. I had a shawl but when the wind blew, it was still cold. The meal was wonderful but in a tent with flaps that although were down, did move with the wind. It came through the cracks in the flaps. The groomsmen were glad for the breeze since they were wearing suits with vests but the rest of us older people were not hot for sure. It was a beautiful wedding and we are so happy for the young couple starting out their lives together with God as the center.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Brrr! Glad you rejoiced at the wedding even though it was cold, Linda!

    Church day today. We had a wonderful sermon on Hebrews 8 this morning. Pastor spoke of the Ascension tasks of Christ. It was a blessing.