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  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    The grandkids go home tomorrow so we have several projects that we need to have their help on. Early this Summer I had some potatoes that had started to sprout so they planted them in the planter out on the patio. They dug up the potatoes today and had an impressive amount of little potatoes. They also helped Gpa change out the mail box that had been on the to do list for a long time. We will miss them when they go back home.

    Fancyqtr - That is a beautiful shawl! it would be nice to have on a chilly night. I would love to do something like that but when I try, I can not seem to get the stiches even. Maybe it comes with practice but I want instant results. 😁 That is not true in life. We all need to "practice" to get better.

  • fancyqtr
    fancyqtr Posts: 183 Member
    I have a lot of trouble with my crochet with missing stitches and such. You don't know how many I have messed up in those shawls. I can never make anything without a ton of mistakes and some of them I had to pull out a couple rows because they were so bad. Usually I do something to make it look right.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Linda, that's so good to hear hubby is improving enough to take part in church. May the healing continue! Yes, Colin had a lovely birthday. He said he really enjoyed being out near the ocean with friends. How fun to be gardening and pottering with the grandchildren 🤗💕

    Fancyqtr nice to see you checking in. Sorry you were sick. Most of us over here have had Covid too. I have not been truly well for a year now due to catching lots of respiratory things and not being able to get on top of asthma. Your shawl looks beautiful.

    Marilyn, thank you for posting your quotes. They are often so applicable to what is going on!

    Judith, thinking of you and praying for progress with your treatment and healing. Hugs.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Good Morning All

    Thank you so much for everyone’s thoughts concerns and prayers. Yes the past few weeks have been intense with my recovery from the last 2 surgeries but I am trusting God to turn things around and bring complete healing to God’s Glory. I am believing that at the end of my recovery from all these surgeries (5 in all) and the following cancer treatment I will be cancer free to the Glory of God, God is Good!

    Susan. So sorry you have come down with a cold, hope you feel better soon. My prayers are with you.

    Linda, so glad you are back from the cabin and had a good time in spite of the rainy weather. It’s good to hear your husband is feeling better and was able to sit through the church service.

    Marilyn, thank you for the inspiring quotes you share, hope you are feeling better and the kidney stones have all passed with no complications.

    Fancyqtr; good to see you here posting, so sorry about your cough and fever that landed you in hospital. So sorry you had Covid but happy you are recovered now, take good care my friend.

    Thank you for sharing the picture of your shawl, it’s so pretty, love the color and pattern. Hiking are so gifted. Hope you get the shawl you mentioned you were working on before Covid completed soon. The art classes you mentioned sound great. Keep us posted on all the shawls and classes you take and please share more
    pictures of your work.

    Take care all, blessings on your day and week ahead! 🙏❤️🤗
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Good to hear from you Judith and to get an update. You mentioned "following cancer treatment". Is that the mouth stretching and related things?

    I am praying all of you that have been sick with Covid and respiratory issues will improve quickly. I also pray for Marilyn with kidney and pain issues and Kay with your foot pain. We have had some allergies but nothing of any consequence. A lot of people around us have had colds but so far we have not gotten any. This morning I was sneezing but it was because I was filling my pepper shaker I am pretty sure. 🤣

    Our weather remains in the 90's so we stay inside during the hottest part of the day. Our swamp cooler does a great joy keeping the house cool.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • fancyqtr
    fancyqtr Posts: 183 Member
    Linda, are you in Grand Junction now? Or am I mixing people up? Just wondering because of the weather.

    I had my eye appoinntment today for possible glaucoma. My pressures aren't indicitive of glaucoma, but internal views of my eyes are. My one eye that had the hole in the macula has a very thin optic nerve. So she has prescribed the drops for glaucoma to lower the pressure some more to keep that eye from getting worse. I guess to keep the other eye from getting worse, but it isn't looking bad now. I couldn't get the prescription today because they were paving the streets and I couldn't get my truck out and my friend had already dropped me off and left so I had no ride to get it. I hope the streets around here will be opened up by tomorrow. They had every side street in the neighborhood completely closed. Well, I have decided they renamed all the streets around here to "Road Work Ahead."
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Susan, When I was here earlier I missed wishing Colin a Happy Birthday 🎂 so here goes; Birthday Blessings Colin, hope your day was abundantly blessed as you and Susan celebrated your special day together! God’s Blessings 😃🎂

    Fancyqtr I am so sorry about your eye but am happy your Doctor has a plan in place with the meds to help. Wow, having your whole street closed off to traffic is a tough one. Here’s hoping it’s open tomorrow so you can get your truck out of the driveway and able to get to your pharmacy for your much needed medication. My prayers 🙏 are with you that both eyes will be restored and healed! 😇

    Evening Blessings all, hope you enjoy your evening, be back in the morning, God Bless! 😇
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Good evening.

    Judith, good to see you here. That always makes me think your day isn't going too badly! Just read your update in the prayer request thread. Thank you for that and always for your prayers. Colin and I had a nice day on his birthday. We didn't do too much - went to the shore of the ocean and had fish and chips for lunch. It's what he wanted to do. My respiratory problems have continued for a year next month. I just cannot seem to get over asthma, sinus, bronchitis etc. We think we had Covid in July. This round I had sore throat and headaches as well, almost like allergies. It's nothing compared to what you are going through, my friend. 💕

    Marilyn, I hope you are recovering well too. Thank you for your quote.

    Linda, glad you have not been too sick. Thank you also for praying for all of us. It's good to know you are staying cool in the heat I know is happening.

    Fancyqtr what a great thing NOT to have Glaucoma, but you sure have some challenges with your eyes. I hope you can get your meds soon!

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    I have been going through my M-I-L sewing things to add to my stash. She kept a lot of zippers she has cut out of clothing that was worn out but the zipper was still good. I found the zipper that had been used in my S-I-L's dress she wore as my maid of honor for our wedding. It brought back lots of memories to go through these things.

    There are so many health issues we all are facing at this time. I am so grateful we can all support one another with prayer. Our requests go to the "Great Physican" who made us and knows how to heal us. I pray for improvment in Marilyn's kidney function, Susan's asthma and lung issues, Fancyqtr for the dropps to get your eye pressure down and healing of your eyes, Judith - for lessoning of pain, recovery from your multiple surgeries and follow up treatments and my husband to be able to control his reactions to stress and I have patience with him during this time.

    Fancyqtr - yes we are in Grand Junction right now. It has been a hard few weeks to figure out where I am especially during the night. We were in Florida for 11 days, Denver for 3 days, Grand Junction for 3 days, at the cabin for 5 days and now back to Grand Junction. We will be here until September 8th so it is a nice long stretch for us.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Afternoon All,

    Linda, I agree, it’s wonderful we can support one another in prayer taking the requests to the Throne Room of Grace giving it over to Jesus, the Great Physician who watches over us and meets our every need. God is Good, we serve a Mighty God!

    Reading your reply to Fancyqtr made me smile but at the same time almost made me tired 🥱 with all the travel with staying in so many places stopping off for 3 days there and a few in another location then back to where you first started. 😃

    So happy you can travel and be with your family. It is good your husband is doing much better with handling his stress.

    Wonderful you got to reminisce as you went through your MIL sewing things and found the zipper that was used in your SIL dress she wore as your maid of honor, such precious memories!

    Marilyn keep the quotes coming, you are blessing me and I’m sure the others as we all read them!

    Susan so happy you had a nice day celebrating Colin’s Birthday; and thank you for your kind comments and for your prayers.

    Blessings on your evening! 😊🙏
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Linda, I think you summarised everyone's health needs well. How lovely to have memories brought up as you go through your Mil's sewing things. I know memories can hurt too. It's nice to have that special one you mentioned though. 💕

    Judith, yes, the day with Colin was lovely, one to keep in mind. You are always welcome for my comments and prayers.

    Marilyn, that quote you found for today is beautiful. Thank you. 🦋

    Quiet day for me, trying to feel better.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Our neighbor gave us a big box of bartlet pears yesterday so they are outside getting sunshine to ripen a bit. She did not use any spray on them for insects but they are amazingly free of blemishes. I will be dehydrating them for the winter. I prefer not to can them since we can not use syrup on them and the texture changes when frozen. Dehydrated I can use them for cooking as well as snacks.

    It is a cloudy day with the tempertures only in the high 80's. If we were in another state I might expect rain but here in the dessert, if it rains, it usually evaporates before it hits the ground. I always appreciate it when there is a hard rain and it waters the plants but it does not happen often.

    I am seeing ants on my floors since the grandkids were here. They must have left some crumbs around that the ants love. I will mop the floors well today to see if I can get up the rest of the miniscule crumbs they are finding.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    What a boon for you, Linda. Glad you have a way to use so many pears. Since I have a Fructose Intolerance, I couldn't use them, sadly. I used to love pears. Do you have a big dehydrator or do you dry them in the oven? I liked dehydrating fruit before and hubby still loves dried mango. Maybe I'll do some for him when summer comes. 🍐🍐🍐

    Marilyn, there's lots to think about in today's quote, isn't there. You described the person I want to be. 💕

    Hubby went beach fishing at 4am and returned at 10:30am. He caught nothing but loves spending time with his friends. We seem to have a water leak from our bathroom so we were just testing and observing if we can find out it is happening for sure. Later I might cook some snack food for us. Feeling marginally better today so am trying not to do too much while still getting things done. I have learned that if I use up all my energy in a day I have a relapse with my lungs the next day ...

    Have a good day, everyone 🙏💕

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Great thoughts Marilyn. Anything helps no matter how small. I get overwhelmed easily with a big project but it does help to break it down into smaller segments.

    Today I was awakened by pounding on the outside of the wall of the house and a roaring noise. It took a little while to figure out that the lawn people were here to trim our shubbery outside of our house. They get overgrown quickly so that I can not see over the top of them outside of my window. They have great big power saws that get the work done quickly. Everything now looks nice and tidy for the rest of the year.

    I have some sewing projects to work on today. When we were up at the cabin, we discovered that the zipper in one of the sleeping bags had become unsewed and left a gap in the side for cold air to come in. The weather was pretty nice so it was not really cold so we managed but I do not want to discover it again next year because I forgot to repair it this time. I am also organizing my quilting material so I can see what I have.
  • fancyqtr
    fancyqtr Posts: 183 Member
    Linda It's nice that you have all those zippers your MIL saved. I keep trying to save the jackets and coats that the zippers don't work on. I even have a pair of jeans that are practically brand new and the zipper won't work. I need to just throw them out. But my good coat and jacket I want the zipper replaced.

    My problem with my eyes is actually glaucoma, just shows up weird. I guess the higher pressure comes once in a while, but not when it is tested.

    Today I had PT for my hips and back. A little harder for me than last week. It's not as hard on me that it is on others, though. I just can't understand what it is doing or supposed to do. I hope it will get it so I can walk more than a couple house distance. I know that Annie would like to go out on walks.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Good thoughts, Marilyn. It's true that doing something I'd better than doing nothing.

    Linda, it would have been a shock for a second to wake up to that noise! I am glad you found that sleeping bag leak. You have reminded me to sort my sewing supplies too one day. I think not knowing where everything is stops me sewing.

    Fancyqtr so sorry to hear you actually do have Glaucoma. I do hope and pray the treatments keep it under control. And that the PT works!

    My day was a little better than the last few. I felt able to work on the computer and craft awhile. I'll cook dinner soon.
