Chat Cafe



  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Susan - we had more than just cereal for our meal. We had biscuits and gravy, hashbrowns, sausage, orange juice, fruit salad, and crepes. All comfort foods but not necessarily healthy. I ate well for the two meals during the day though. I did not eat the crepes because of the sugar and chocolate content.

    Judith - I also loved the post of the flowers in your garden. The hot weather does not seem to have affected them too much. I assume you have to water them quite a lot. It is nice you have birds to keep you company also. We have a hummingbird feeder ourside our back door but they come and go so quickly we can hardly see them. Our doves coo a lot but they are high up in the tree or on our chimney. We have a huge dead tree in the ravine behind our house that birds like to gather in. They can get quite noisy in the Fall and Spring. Our hope is that the tree does not fall down someday. It would not cause damage to our house but our fence would bear a lot of damage if it fell toward us. The city owns the ravine so they are in charge of cutting it down if they want to.

    We are missing Marilyn in the group that she leads also. It has been a week since we heard from her which is strange since she was posting daily. My prayers are with her for whatever situation she may be in.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    edited September 2022
    I agree, Linda. I am praying for Marilyn too. It's not usual for her to be away from the group for a week.

    Thank you for telling me more about your breakfast dinner. It sounds amazing. I hope you all had a good time as well. I miss biscuits and gravy sometimes. They don't have them in Australia but I remember them from my California and Washington days.

    Church day today. It's also Father's Day. Col was given chocolates and a lovely Bible verse. I then got him to say what his favourite takeaway lunch was and got him that on the way home. He chose a meat pie and sausage role! Now he's napping before friends come by for coffee, then we'll go to night church.

    Colin's lunch!


    The Bible verse:

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Susan - I am so glad that Colin had a good Father's day. I love the scripture they gave out at church to him. It is so comforting to think of God as a food father to his children. Growing up I needed to feel that since my own father was very impatient with the whole world it seemed.

    We are having a BBQ after church today. I am taking smoked sausages and putting them in the crockpot to stay warm until after the service. I hope they do not get to hot and split before we eat them. I hate it when they do that! This is the first potluck since the college kids have come back to school. We need to have a lot of food because they eat a lot.
  • fancyqtr
    fancyqtr Posts: 183 Member
    Well, today my brain isn't working too well. I couldn't follow our service this morning. We were doing an introduction to Ephesians and I wrote down what I could get, but it just didn't make any sense. I think if I am going to understand I will have to go online and try again.

    Stopped at the Farmers Market today to get more peaches. I cannot handle the store bought ones. I just hope I can get these to finish their ripening correctly. I have never had so much trouble getting Forte's peaches to ripen properly, so I know I am doing something wrong because they have the best peaches that come to Denver.

    Got a salad on the way home and what I couldn't eat Annie really enjoyed. I hope it didn't bother her stomach, because she has gone outside twice since she ate it. It wasn't that much that was left.

    Linda, would you keep some of the heat on your side of the Divide. It's too hot over here. I wish I could get one of those swings, but I'm not sure my back porch could handle the weight. Maybe one that sits on the ground would work, though. It will be nice for you to enjoy that.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Darlene, sometimes scripture is hard to understand! Glad you have the option of going back to hear it again. What kind of dog is Annie? I have a Maltipoochon and a Cavapoochon. Here's a picture from Saturday when they got groomed:


    Linda, it was such a lovely sermon on Psalm 103, about the Father nature of God and how we can try to be like Him. Like you, I look to the Lord for comfort as a Father. I loved my Dad but he wasn't perfect either. I guess no human being can be perfect. I hope you had a great potluck! I love that your church has regular fun occasions like that.

    Having a musical day, playing Ukelele in a group this morning then playing flute for choir this afternoon. 🎶🎼 Have a good day, everyone.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    We spent the day up in the mountains with friends and had a wonderful time. We showed them our property and the cabin that we stay in with family. It was 20 degrees cooler up there - about 82 but when we came home it was over 100 again. Darlene - I promise I am not sending the heat over to you. We are keeping the heat here the same as you. We will be coming over to Denver on Wednesday to stay for 2 weeks so it sounds like we will not escape the heat on your side of the mountain either.

    I am going to can pears again tomorrow. A lot of the pears my husband picked on Sunday are still pretty green but some are really ripe and need to be processed really quickly. We will be taking some back to Denver to hopefully ripen a little then I can can them there or the family will eat them.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Sounds like a nice day, Linda.

    I had a pretty slow day today. I had groceries delivered, received a couple of packages, tried to desensitise the dogs from barking at the door, got a crock pot meal ready, went in search of an air purifier (without success) for removing dust and mould spores from the air. Will try again tomorrow.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Today I have to process the rest of the ripe pears and get ready for the trip to Denver. We will be there for a little over 2 weeks. We have meetings, time with friends, some repair work on the house, canning more pears, etc. It is always a busy time when we are there.

    This morning I was listening to a podcast about being our authentic self using Colossians chapter 3: 9-14. Society, family, and friends all have ideas about who we should be but God created us to be a specific person for a plan He has for us. It is important we listen to Him to be our best for Him.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Good Morning 🌷

    Thank you all for asking after me and for your prayers. It has been a long recovery from surgery with few issues surfacing. I leave it all with God, He has all things under control.

    Linda, your outdoor get togethers sound great and eating outside when it cools down will be nice for you and those who are your guests. Like the idea of breakfast foods for dinner, sounds fun and yummy. Enjoy your time you have together. Canning pears sounds great, I used to love watching and helping my grandma with what she canned. I don’t can now but blanch my tomatoes take skin off and freeze them for cooking later for stews and chilli.

    Susan, hope you enjoyed your time with having your friend over for fellowship and coffee. Anymore card making or classes to teach? Thank you for comments on my garden; I am really enjoying watching my flowers grow and my tomatoes, have given a lot away, wished you and others lived closer as I’d give you some too.

    Darlene, sorry to hear about your knee, hope the meds and physio have helped you and your knee is doing better.

    Marilyn, continue to keep you in prayer, just want you to know you are missed and are being kept in prayer.

    Blessings on your day all 🙏❤️
  • fancyqtr
    fancyqtr Posts: 183 Member
    Susan, Annie is an Australian Cattle Dog mix. Don't really know what she is mixed with. People seeing her photo will say Pittie (they say that for almost all ACD mixes), but in person people donn't see that in her at all though it is kind of what I thought when I got her. Vets and techs havent thought Pittie, though.

    Linda, you might get out of the heat coming here after all. Wednesday is still supposed to be upper 90s, but then it drops to 70s, 50s (Saturday) and maybe 80 on Sunday. That will be nice, though 50s might be a little cold.

    Had breakfast with a friend today. A bit much for me to eat, so I have quite a bit leftover. Then had PT after that was added in the end of last week. I was supposed to be doing some of the exercises at home, but didn't know it. I did try to do some here, though, and will try moving to a different place so that they will work. I got a ball for hip adductions the other day, but got the wrong one, so today got 2 that will work for those. One is pretty firm and the other softer. I've got some resistance bands to try to find a place to work with, too.

    Judith, praying that you will be doing better soon. Marilyn, thinking about you, too.

  • fancyqtr
    fancyqtr Posts: 183 Member
    I guess looking at that picture of Annie she does look part Pittie. Maybe will try a better picture. Here she is with a ball she chose at Petco.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Darlene, Annie looks like the bestest girl! Thank you for her pictures. She looks part Cattle Dog to me? As well as ACD. She has beautiful eyes 🥰 I was glad to hear you got to go out, and that you have a good idea if the types of exercises that will help you now.

    Judith, nice that you were able to pop in 💕 I am am be sorry the physical challenges keep coming for you. I hope things start to improve soon. Hugs. As for my classes, I run by them once a month towards the end of the month. I also have a Craft Fair to prepare for which is happening in early November. I have a couple of craft run for friends in their homes coming up. It pays for my own craft supplies to do these things 😊✂️

    Linda, glad you are getting to the end of the pears! The Bible study sounds great too. Enjoy your time in Denver.

    Marilyn, thinking of you. 💕

    Must cook dinner then go to prayer meeting tonight. You all stay safe and well. Bless you
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Afternoon Hello

    Darlene, I love your dog, Annie, such a beautiful girl! Great to hear you are going out and now have a better idea of what exercises are best for you. Take care my friend, thank you for always thinking about me and for your valued prayers.

    Susan, thanks for letting me know about your classes you run once a month I’m sure it’s so enjoyable reaching your classes and seeing the cards that are made during those sessions. I love Craft Fairs, it’s been a long time since I’ve been able to go to one. I am sure it will be so enjoyable preparing for it in November and attending it. I guess you make cards and other things so they can be sold, the craft gatherings you do for friends in their homes is a great way to earn enough funds that also pay for more supplies for you to buy card stock and all your supplies you
    need for teaching your classes. Appreciate your prayers and always thinking about me.

    Linda, hope you are enjoying your time in Denver, my thoughts and prayers are always with you!

    Have a great rest of your day everyone! 😊❤️
  • fancyqtr
    fancyqtr Posts: 183 Member
    Susan, ACD and cattle dog are the same breed. I didn't know when I got my first that a Blue Heeler was an Australian Cattle Dog. Saw an ad in a magazine and that dog just looked like a Blue Heeler, so that is how I found out. I got that 1st one in 1980 and have only been without one for one year since then. Annie is sweet though is a little wilder than my others were, I think. Of course, it's probably more a case of her nails are always rougher so she is always cutting my arm or hand, rather than her being wilder.

    What type of craft/art classes do you do? I have been watching the ones they have online at Michaels and also on Let's Paint With Plaid on Facebook. I do okay with the crochet ones, but the art classes I am afraid to get out and work on because I have done so bad with them the last several years. I've always loved to draw and paint, but now I am afraid to. I need to try, especially since I have so many supplies for that.

    The things I have had going on for so long have me depressed and I just really realized it. I really need to get over that. Hope that the PT I am doing will get me back out in the world.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    It is so good to hear what is going on in your lives. Annie is beautiful. I know all about getting scratches from rough nails. As I have gotten older, my skin seems to be more fragile so it does not take much pressure to cause a scratch, cut or bruise.

    It took us 9 hours to travel over to Denver. We had to stop at our mountain property to secure the gate. When we went with our friends to see the property on Monday, we noticed that someone had gotten through our locked gate and had driven up to the corral with a big trailer. We did not see any damage done but it was shocking to know that someone could go through our locked gate. We surmise that they took the gate off the hinges so they did not have to unlock the lock. We got long chains and two more locks to put on the gate so they can not get in there again. If they had asked to use the corral, we would have gladly let them use it but it is only polite that they ask first! We also had a longer trip because on of the main roads that we travel was closed and we had a detour to go around. I had not slept well last night so by the time we got to our house, I was ready for bed but the grandkids were at the house and wanted to see us and they had prepared dinner for us. I am sure I will sleep well and long tonight. 😴🥱

    Tomorrow night is our son-in-laws last night to work. The company he was working for is moving to Texas so his job is discontinued here. They offered him to move to Texas but he did not want to do that. Please pray that he is able to get another job soon. He has had an interview with another company that looks promising so that is good.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    I feel so much more rested today! I slept until 10AM. Of course now I am late doing my daily chores but I have so much more energy than yesterday it is OK. I have been to the doctor's office to have blood drawn, gotten groceries for a meeting we have tonigh, will have a weekly scheduled phone call in a few minutes then will go exercise.

    It looks like the weather is going to cool down this week. That will be a welcome relief although if we were in Grand Junction it does not look like it will cool down any time soon.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Hi everyone. Thank you Judith and Darlene for your interest in my crafts. I am a papercrafter, a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator since 2006. I have a website at if you want to see some of my work. If you go to I usually update there every month. I was making cards today so will post a couple of pictures for you here.



    Darlene, lol about me not realising you meant Annie was an Australian Cattle Dog. We just say Cattle Dog here, no acronyms! Lol! I had it in my head she might be meant to be an Australian Shepherd?? I have no idea why. It was just me getting mixed up.

    Linda, glad you feel more rested now. That was a lovely welcome you received though. So sorry someone broke into your property!! It was so wrong. I will pray for your son.

    I have felt a little disorientated today as Queen Elizabeth II died. She was Queen my whole life. I didn't realise how much of a pillar she was in my life. She was a servant leader and was so well respected. She said she believed in the Lord Jesus too. I hope she is in His presence right now. King Charles II will be very different as a leader, I feel sure. That's something I wonder about now, with some feelings of concern. I do know the Lord is in control though, and He keeps His children fast in His hands.

    God bless all of you, my friends.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    I believe everyone was shocked with the passing of the Queen. It was obvious that she was getting frailer but I was not ready to say "Good-bye". It should be interesting to see how the new King changes things. Change is good sometimes but it can be difficult.

    Today I had lunch with some friends in our Bible study. Some I had not seen face to face since COVID since we meet on zoom. We had a lot of catching up and laughing. I am still smiling with the memories. I was careful to eat just a wrap with broccoli as a side.

    Today I was wearing a sweatshirt when I went outside because we had a cold front move in overnight. It is going to be 60F as our high today and rain tomorrow. I will enjoy it while I can because I know it will get hotter again before Fall really arrives.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Yes, you are right about change being a challenge at times, Linda. I am just going to take each day as it comes. Glad you had a lovely catch up with friends! I did that too, today 😊